
Cultivating to immortality with modernity

In a world of cultivation weapons are a must, even as short as the first, to as long as the spear anything can used as a weapon. So what happens if someone from the modern era travels to the cultivation era?

West_walker · 玄幻
4 Chs

A, cultivation world...

I'm sitting on a fire cooking a fish i got from fishing, in the middle of the night, my clothes are wet as i contemplate life... As a gift they gave me a makrov 1911, but they gave me 13.95 mm bullets!

I barely survived a fish that could've swallowed me whole after swimming as fast as i can...

But in the end it got swallowed by another fish 10x it's size... And then the said fish swam off, and then got eaten by another fish twice the size of the London bridge!

Then that fish got hooked up by a person fishing on a hillside, and he thanked me for it! And then gave me his old equipment and some parts of the fish, and his fishing rod.

Specifically a scale the size of a house, apparently i can see a window screen which can identify things of this world.

"xiyu fish scale: a scale from a very rare fish called xiyu, known for their strength being on par with 6th class cultivators."

Apparently the cultivators of this world have 10 classes, from 1 the weakest, to 10 the strongest. There aren't 11th class cultivators yet and there had only been 1 cultivator who achieved the 10th class.

As for the monsters there are 15 classes, the 11th to 15th ascend so they don't destroy the entire universe.

However it is said that if someone found a 15th class monster soul, even by a tiny tiny amount the size of an ant. The planet will have deformations.

But as for my weapon... "makrov 1911: a gun created with divine magic any type of ammunition can be used as long is it fits in the ammunition slot. It has great quality spring which allows for better penetration and reach."

Well that explains why the bullets look like they were made for snipers, now all i need is a sniper scope, suppressor, stock, and a full automatic trigger.

Then I'll be playing call of duty all over again! After the fish was done cooking i ate it, and the window popped up.

"last skill selection created, here are your new skills!


Pain reflex

Danger alert

Swimming like hell

Monster eating.

I wish you luck on these new skills! :)"

I closed my eyes and smiled, then nodded "Hm! Hm! Is it possible for me to change these?" and i got no response...

I sighed and said to myself "i guess i should check out these skills..."

"skydiving: your reflexes will know immediately the safest way to land.

Pain reflex: when hitting an obstacle the body will either relax or stress itself to reduce incoming damage

Danger alert: a sense of incoming danger will fall on you once it is within range of 100 miles

Swimming like hell: you swim as fast as you run on land

Monster eating: you can gain a miniscule amount of attributes from monsters that you eat, eating monsters will also make you immune to the poison, paralysis, hallucination, etc. Effect from the same type of monster after consumption."

According to this much detail on the last skill I'm 100% certain this should be my main skill...

Actually now that i look at it i have guns in my system inventory, and shop but i have no ability that let's me use these weapons properly...

There's also a log on what type of monster i ate.

"+1 strength +1 agility + 5 skill exp (49,999,995 until level up)"

I only felt a tiny difference, if i upgrade this skill, maybe... I'll get all of the effects! Hehehehe