
CSM: A simple letter of hate

What would you do if you lost everything you once had, and instead, its been replaced with unfamiliar faces, strange places, and even stranger situations. That's what our protagonist has to go through now. Finding himself in time before apes picked up sticks, how will he deal with beings that can, and will murder him on a whim.

OrdealOfMc · 漫画同人
9 Chs

I guess she never miss, huh...

Edrien looked upon the monster he spent the last several years creating, feeding, and taking care of. It's been many years since he fed Kaleth to it, and from that point, he fed the monster many more times with all kinds of devils. His eyes swept up the towering torso upon which many dark veins stood out among the white porcelain skin. Thick tree trunk legs slowly walked up to him, making the very ground shake. Hands the size of his arms reached out and grabbed, hoisting him away from the floor. The gaze of the monster shone in bright blue light, seemingly illuminating several surrounding monsters.

"I guess you can't be Johny now that you look like that." Edrien remarked, head being smashed in between two mountainous breasts, his voice coming out muffled.

A/N: Johnny, or monster.

"Mmmm, master. I missed you so much!!! Why didn't you visit me earlier." Said the monster, several tentacles like limbs waving behind her, for it definitely was a her.

"Had some business to attend to. You know how it goes, there's always a devil that thinks it's the smartest or strongest in the room. Nevermind that. How have you been? Did you like the snack I gave you?" Edrien asked, now looking up into those bright blue eyes.

"Ehhh, it was so-so. I would like to spend some extra time with you, master, instead." She adopted a sly look, that which didn't have a chance to escape Edrien's notice, "Heyyyyy, how about I show you something."

Edrien was let down on the ground only to be dragged by hand to the dark halls beneath the main complex of his residence.

Johny, with sparkling eyes full of mischief, smiled as she pulled him along.

'Well, Johny doesn't really suit her now that she adapted that form...' Edrien thought, his own eyes glowing in the dark.

After a couple of minutes of travelling, they stopped in front of a huge indent in the stone floor, its surface cracked and crusted with dried blood and innards.

"Well, here we are master. Behold!!! My creation." Johny said, her tentacles tangling up in the air.

Edrien looked at the bottom of the indentation of the hole, his eyes narrowing. A wiggling mass of thorny spines was surrounding a blob made out of blood, which itself was slowly trying to get out of the hole.

Edrien sighing raised his hands, and blasted the ugly thing with a ray of darkness, erasing it so that not even a speck remained.

"Johny, I remember I told you that no pets are allowed here, did I? Why did you make that...thing."

Johny, wringing her hands, whispered, "I just thought that if I could show you that I'm usefull, we could...you know....spend more time together."

Edrien looked at Johny, and seeing her so nervous, allowed a smile to stretch his lips. "Johny, listen. You don't need to create these things to prove that you're usefull. You continuing to live is proof enough that you're not useless. So stop creating these things. They are a waste of resources. Instead, tell me how you feel now that you've assumed your final form." Edrien said.

Johnny starts to ramble, talking about how she feels, to how everything looks strange not that she has only two eyes. Ediren looks on fondly, remembering all the effort he put into this lifeform. Countless failed experiments, many exhausting years, and constant headaches which all bote fruit eventually. Finally, Edrien created something truly his. All the previous iterations were inevitable tied down to either dimension, Hell or Overworld. But not this time.

He finnaly created a being that can freely travel between both. Of course, Edrien himself could travel freely between Hell and Overworld, but not because of his nature, instead it was the overwhelming power gap that lets him do that.

Johnny instead was not obstructed by the dimensional walls in place by the slightest. Instead it was her nature as a fusion between creatures from both worlds, and something extra Edrien added, that lets her do that.

Edrien was pulled out of his musing when he felt two arms wrap around him. He looked at Johny and seeing her expression, said "Did you ask something? Sorry, I must have missed it."

"Oh, uhhhmm. I asked if I could...maybe...possibly...in some way...visit the overworld?" She asked, looking hopefully. "I mean, now that I'm strong and can defend myself, there should be no problem right?"

Edrien sighed, afraid of this happening. He was about to refuse, citing the dangers present in both worlds, as he always does. But once he cought the tiny tears in the corners of her eyes, he had a though that made him reevaluate his his priorities. 'Whats the point of being careful to the point I can't even Enjoy my time with her.'

"You know what? Sure. We can go...But there will be rules, ok?" Edrien said, seeing Johny's eyes brightening up in real time.

______In Overworld._____

"You need a new name..." Edrien said, walking behind Johny, the thick tree canopy casting shadows on their bodies.

"Hmm...why? You gave me this one..." Johny replied, glancing behind her.

"It's just...weird...I guess. How about Eva? Short, simple, and beautiful." Edrien replied, his eyes glancing at the ass Infront of him.

"I guess...but I'm not short, why my name should be short?" She replied, looking around her surrounding, every thing being new to her.

"Evangelica, then. That should suit you, yes? And it has certain connotations fitting you."

Finnaly they broke through the thick underbrush of the forest they were traveling in. A crystal clear river was Infront of them, and unending plains stretching the horizon beyond that.

"What's connotations? Can I eat them?" Evangelica replied.

"No, you can't eat them. It means that the word can be used to mean different things, in the most simple use. And Eva, or Eve I guess, was the first woman created by god, as humans believe. You were my first creation, too. So it fits, somewhat, as Evangelica can be shortened to Eva, and then it's just a step away from Eve." Edrien said, breathing in the clear air of untouched nature.

"Ah, I see. And does the god that created Eve liked her?" Evangelica muttered, glancing behind her.

Edrien looked Eva in the eyes, and nodded to himself, "Yes he did. She was his most prized possession. But he had to get rid of her, because she didn't listen to her god." A small smirk developed on Edrien's face.

"Oh? Well...you don't need to worry, I'll always listen to you, master." A chipper voice anwered his subtle warning.

"Right...well, I smell something, probably humans to my left. C'mon, I want to see if they are still savages that don't know what dogs are." Edrien said, his eyes tracking the white clouds in the sky.

"Alright, I also want to meet them. I still remember stories you told me of them, of how advanced they will be eventually. I want to see where did that advancement originated from." Eva said, happy with the though of finnaly meating the apes her Master talked about.

"Oh really, I didn't realize you would have memories from when you were so young. Hell, I didn't know you had such awareness back then." Edrien said, satisfied with the capabilities of his creation. "Although we might need to assume different forms. We don't want to scare the natives, do we?"

Eva slowly retracted her tentacles back into her skin, which itself gained a healthy tanned sheen. Her bright eyes that almost shone in the dark dimmed to something that could be called humanish. The dark veins that previously marked her body were too hidden.

(AI generated images here)

Edrien himself erased the shadow cloaking him, showing healthy pale skin underneath. Dark hair decorated his scalp, eyes that previously were giving everything the sense of being stalked by a predator turned dark brown, an outfit consisting of proccesed fur and leather appeared around him.

Eva gave him an appreciative glance, shooting looks at the biceps she could see.

They both walked along the river, slowly making their way to place from which the scent of human odor originated.

_____ In a village not far away ____

(A/N: Tu'Chanka here)

Tu'Chaka was intently gazing into the river, its crystal clear waters and slow flow letting his gaze penetrate all the way to bottom of the waters. His hands was holding a spear of sharpened wood lightly, fingers loosely gripping the shaft. His whole body was coiled with hidden strength, ready for the action his village demanded from him.

Suddenly, his arm struck, the spear flying into the waters making a small but noticable splash in the river. Tu'Chaka grinned, showing yellow teeth, excited at his catch.

A rope tied to the end of the spear was slowly pulled, dragging the tool itself in its wake. A fish, with scales the colour of rainbow, was still struggling at the end of the spear.

Tu'Chaka relled in his prey, already imagining the praises and thanks he will get once he brings it back to the village. He tossed the fish into the basket, next to other five of its brethren, all similarly pierced by a spear.

Tu'Chaka was ready to go home, only for him to hear the crunching of grass. Tu'Chaka frowned, his keen ears easily differentiating the steps taken by two unknows from other sounds.

This was not the sound of a deer walking, nor of tiger stalking. This was not even a sound the children would make, what with being tough to step lightly and silent from the moment they could walk.

Tu'Chaka grabbed his spear and basket, and quickly hid inside the thick underbrush of the forest next to the river, nervous about the unknown. The unknown was always a danger in the jungle.

Eventually the sound of steps got closer and closer, revealing that there was to of them. Tu'Chaka was skilled enough to find a difference between two twolegged creatures, and one four legged.

The shining sun, beginning its descent, slowly revealed two humans, although weird ones.

Tu'Chaka was freaked out about how pale the male was, thinking that maybe he was sickly, or so weak that even the sun gods wouldn't aknowledge him. He wondered how he survived until now, with the distain of gods following the male's every step, making his body white as ash.

The female...

'Well,' Tu'Chaka mused, 'it should be easy to defeat the male and claim it's parther as his own.'

And what partner it was. Glistening skin the colour of murky waters, rippling muscles peeking behind furs and leather, which artistically adorned her body. Biggest pair of breasts Tu'Chanka ever seen bouncing with every step. He was salivating just by thinking of putting his head in between those. Thighs thicker with muscles than his, showing off the strength of the female. A tent instantly popped in between his legs.

The two humans stopped, and Tu'Chanka's breath hitched when the male turned his eyes straight to him, even though he was sure he was hidden beneath the leaves and branches well enough.

He heard the male speaking, his hand extended, motioning for him to come out of the hiding.

Tu'Chanka though thing through, and realized that even if they were a threat, he wouldn't know it. Of course, the goddess looking woman standing behind the man with a soft smile influenced his decision.

He slowly crept out of underbrush, his spear ready to defend or attack, eyes never leaving the two strangers.

He was about to speak and demand information when the man seemingly teleported Infront of him, grabbed Tu'Chanka's head with a grip so strong he couldn't even budge, and said some strange words he couldn't understand.

Darkness was what greeted him when he tried and failed to pry the hand holding his head.