
C81- The Septen War (1)

Half a week after meeting with the Emperor, during a normal day at the Institute, Noah approached Corvin, who was waiting for him with Clair and Amy to eat lunch.

"Noah, you finally came. We were waiting for you-"

"Corvin, come with me for a second."


Noah pulled Corvin off the bench and walked away from the girls.

"What happened Noah?"

"Do you know what today is?"


"Today is Amy's birthday."

"...-Huh? Why didn't you say it before?"

"I forgot to tell you even though Clair told me to tell you many times, I'm sorry."

"Why didn't she tell me herself?"

"She just likes ordering people around, don't mind it."

"No, what do you mean don't mind it?! What am I gonna do?"

"Clair already prepared a small birthday party, so don't worry about that. You just have to meet me before the sun goes down."

"That's not much time! How am I going to prepare a gift?!"


"...What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You are bad at acting, you now that right?"

"What now?"

"I know you bought her something at Celati back then. You still didn't give that to her, did you?"

"Wh-What are you talk-"

"Don't try to fool me."

"...Sigh~, Y-You know, I've been really busy these days so I couldn't find a proper time to give it to her..."

"Hah~, I really don't understand your hesitation about this but... You better give it to her tonight, or I will steal it and gift it to Clair."

"What?! That thing was kind of expensive for a kid like me, you know?!"

"I don't care, you are technically a merchant acknowledged by the Emperor himself. If you aren't going to use it, I will just take it from you. That was quite a pretty necklace..."

"Ugh... You saw it?"

Noah shrugged his shoulders and headed to the bench back with Corvin following him. After the lunch and the afternoon classes, Corvin walked over to Noah's dorm as the sun started to hide behind the horizon. Noah and Corvin went to Clair's dorm, and after that came surprising Amy and celebrating her birthday.

After eating some cake, Clair pulled out a present and gave it to Amy. Her present was an earring she made herself. The earring was made out of a dark blue metal in a small "S" shape with a white jewel at the tip. At first, Amy didn't want to accept it because it looked expensive.

"Don't worry about the cost, it is special because this is the first gift I gave you. If it wasn't, I would have bought something cheaper."

After being told that, Amy took the earrings and tried them on. The dark blue metal complimented her bright blonde hair.

After that, Noah gave her his present. It was small a painting of her working on something.

"It's actually made with magic, so if you activate it, it will strengthen your mind and body a bit when it is around. The small you also starts working on medicine when you activate it, see?"

Noah injected mana into the painting. The small Amy on the canvas started moving around and making something. As the painting activated, everyone's body relaxed a little bit because of it's effects.

Amy thanked Noah and placed the painting next to her bag. When she turned back, she saw Corvin holding a small box.

"Uhm... I bought this for you... Happy birthday."

Amy opened the box, and inside the box was a silver necklace with a golden rose on it. She took out the necklace, inspecting the detailed petals of the rose on it. Just then, Clair snatched the necklace from her hands and gave it to Corvin.


"Put the necklace on her yourself."

"What? Why?"

"You bought a necklace as a gift."


"AAH! Just do it! Amy! Come here!"

Amy flinched and walked in front of Corvin with a little confusion.

"Now, you, put the necklace on her!"


Following the orders reflexively, Corvin unhooked the necklace, lifted Amy's hair and passed his hand in front of her neck. His hands shaking as he tried to pull his hands back without touching her skin, he tried to hook the necklace without touching as well. But his hand touched her nape, causing Amy to flinch and her ears getting red. He quickly hooked the necklace and stepped back. Amy turned back to Corvin and thanked for the present. After a bit of chatting, they decided to disperse for today. Noah wanted to stay for a bit longer and spend time with Clair, so Amy and Corvin were the only ones who left.

"Oh... Umm Corvin."


"C-Can you help me carry this painting to my dorm?"


Corvin used his magic to float the painting and they headed to Amy's dorm. In front of the door, Amy asked Corvin to wait for a bit. Coming back with something in her hands, she gave Corvin the gift she bought for him back in Celati.

"Uh... I bought this for you but couldn't find a time to give it. This is for your new sword, I thought the red and the black suited you..."

Corvin looked at the black leather strap with red and golden details on it and smiled.

"Thank you, it looks good. I will wear it on my sword right away."

"Th-Then, good night..."

"Yeah, good night."

Closing the door to her dorm, Amy sighed.

"Sigh~, I finally gave it to him..."

Walking back to her bedroom, she walked in front of her mirror and stared at herself. Slowly taking the earrings off, she placed them into the box Clair gave to store them in and put the box in her drawer. Then, she took off the necklace Corvin gave her with an unconscious smile on her face. Carefully placing the necklace inside it's box and then next to the earrings in the drawer, she then changed her clothes and headed to bed.

Reaching her hands into the ceiling as she laid down, she muttered to herself.

"...It was my first birthday without my parents..."

By bad luck, she lost her place to live and by chance she found a new one. She was slowly getting used to her new life without her parents as she had no other choice. Time flew by no matter how much she wished for it to stop, all she could do was to accept the changes it brought.

"Sniff~, Don't cry... Sniff~, I-I already cried enough, didn't I? Sniff~, What's the use of crying after all that time?"

Wiping the tears that refused to stop, she finally gave up and continued crying. After some time, her crying subsided as tiredness won over emotions.

"Mom... Dad... Thank you for everything... I will be okay now, so you don't have to worry..."

Muttering that, she fell asleep with damp eyes.