
Chapter 10: Farewell

Extra chapter for exceeding the 100 collections.

Thanks for those who read and those who have commented on my mistakes or suggestions.

I know I'm not good at writing and I appreciate your comment.

Does anyone know a spellchecker? I know I'm terrible at writing, so does anyone know one to check for errors?

That would save me time trying to correct future chapters.

Chapter 10: Farewell

The dawn was just beginning to color the sky with orange brushstrokes when Kaito and Kushina left the cabin, entering the heart of the forest.

The island, with its peace and tranquility, felt like a haven of serenity after the chaos and violence they had left behind. 

As they walked in silence, the sounds of the forest surrounded them: the rustle of the wind through the trees, the rustling of leaves under their feet, and the occasional chirp of a bird hidden among the branches.

It was a profound contrast to the hustle and bustle and constant tension they had become accustomed to. 

Finally, they came to a clearing where sunlight filtered timidly through the treetops, casting dancing shadows on the moss-covered ground.

It was the perfect place to train, away from any interruptions, and Kushina watched with a mix of determination and some nervousness.

"It'll be fine here," Kaito murmured, breaking the silence as he took a few steps forward, surveying the area.

Kushina nodded, her hands curling into fists as she mentally prepared herself.

He knew he needed this training, that he had to get stronger so he wouldn't be a burden again.

The recent battle had made it clear that he still had a long way to go.

Kaito watched her for a moment, recognizing the tension in her posture.

He decided to start immediately, without wasting time on unnecessary words.

"First, relax," he said, approaching her.

The tension in your body will only make you slower. You need to be in control, but not rigid.

Kushina nodded, exhaling slowly as she tried to follow his instructions.

Kaito moved behind her, positioning himself to guide her movements.

"Close your eyes," he ordered, his voice low but firm. Feel the ground under your feet, the wind on your skin, listen to every sound around you.

Don't just focus on what you see.

There is more to a battle than what your eyes can grasp.

She obeyed, letting her other senses take control.

The weight of Kaito's hands on her shoulders was a constant reminder of his presence, a guide that kept her centered.

With each breath, Kushina tried to empty her mind of the doubts and fears that had haunted her since the destruction of her home.

-Good. "Now, follow my movements," Kaito instructed, moving slowly so she could imitate him.

With patience, he taught him to channel his strength more effectively, to find the balance between power and speed. Kaito noticed the determination in Kushina's every move, the way she absorbed each lesson.

Hours passed in that clearing, the sun slowly rising in the sky, until they were both drenched in sweat, but still practicing. Kushina fell and got up, her hands scraped, but she never complained, not even when fatigue began to take its toll on her body. Kaito felt proud, although a shadow of sadness clouded that pride. I wanted to give him more time, but I knew that wasn't possible.

Finally, as the sunlight began to wane, Kaito decided it was enough for the day. They both plopped down on the grass, breathing heavily, their bodies worn out by physical training.

"You did a great job today," Kaito commented, his voice cracking with effort.

Kushina looked at him, her eyes shining with the reflection of the setting sun.

"Thank you... Kaito," he responded, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with gratitude and something else he didn't dare put into words.

Kaito simply nodded, not knowing how to respond. There was a comfortable silence between them, broken only by the rustle of the wind through the leaves.

After a few minutes, Kaito stood up and extended his hand towards Kushina. She took it, and together they began to walk back to the town, leaving behind the clearing that now held the echoes of their training.

The walk back was smooth, and when they finally reached the village, the villagers greeted them with smiles and friendly greetings, as always. But something in the atmosphere had changed for Kaito. I knew that goodbye was approaching, and every moment, every smile, felt like a reminder of how fleeting everything was.

The moon was rising over the island as Kaito and Kushina returned to the cabin. The fatigue from training had settled into his muscles, but there was something in the air, a feeling of imminence that Kaito couldn't shake. Kushina, oblivious to her thoughts, fell onto the bed with a contented sigh.

"Today was a good day," she said, smiling with her eyes closed. I feel stronger, Kaito. Thanks for everything.

Kaito sat on the edge of the bed, watching her. Her heart tightened as she thought of what was about to happen, of the goodbye that was approaching without her knowing it. He wanted to tell her so many things, but the words were stuck in his throat.

"Kushina..." he began, but his voice broke, and he quickly looked out the window, where the stars were twinkling in the darkness. I'm glad you feel that way. It is important that you be strong, this is not a peaceful world.

Kushina opened her eyes, noticing the seriousness in his tone.

-Are you OK? —she asked, worried.

Kaito gave him a small smile, one that didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm just thinking about the future," he answered softly. The future is uncertain, Kushina. There are things that one can prevent, the future is not written yet and it is up to one to write it.

She frowned, sitting up in bed.

—What are you talking about, Kaito? Is there something you're not telling me?

Kaito took a deep breath, searching for the right words, but before he could respond, a glow surprised Kaito, the system making its usual presence.

Remaining time: 12 hours. Preparations for the return trip begun.

The message floated in front of Kaito, shining in the air like an inescapable sentence. Kushina unaware, full of confusion and worry that Kaito remained silent.

—Kaito, are you okay? he asked, his voice shaking slightly. 

Kaito nodded, feeling the weight of his response fall on him.

"Sorry Kushina, I didn't want to worry you," he said, his voice barely a whisper. 

Kushina looked at him, unable to hide the mix of emotions stirring inside her. 

 But Kaito decided to be honest with her since he didn't know when she would return or if she could come back, he wanted to be as honest as he could with her. 

Kushina listen to me tomorrow I will leave the island 

Ehhh Kushina was surprised not by saying that she would leave the Island but that in her words she could understand something 

He didn't plan to take her with him. 

"Then I'll go with you too," Kushina replied. 

"You can't leave like this, Kaito," she said, approaching. Not after everything we've been through together. Not after you've helped me so much.

Kaito reached out to take her hand, feeling the warmth of her skin against his.

"I know," he whispered. But to the place I'm going I don't think I can take you with me. 

Kaito thought: The system has its own rules, which I still don't fully understand, and although I've tried to find a way to extend my time here, I haven't found anything. 

Unfortunately this system only works however it wants, without an explanation of how it works correctly.

But this is not a final goodbye, Kushina. I promise I will do my best to return as soon as possible. Kaito responded. 

Kushina squeezed his hand tightly, refusing to accept the reality that was thrust upon her.

—And if you can't? —she whispered, her eyes shining with tears that fought not to fall—. What if you never come back?

Kaito didn't have an answer for that. He could promise her that he would do it, that he would find a way, but he knew that they would just be empty words at that moment. Instead, he pulled her close, holding her tightly, as if he could record every second of that moment, every detail of their closeness, in his memory.

"No matter what happens, I promise to return," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion. I will never forget you, Kushina.

She clung to him, allowing the tears to flow freely now, her body shaking from the intensity of the sadness that overcame her.

"I won't forget you either, Kaito," she responded between sobs. But I don't want you to go.

Kaito closed his eyes, wishing he could stop time, make those remaining hours stretch indefinitely. But I knew I couldn't. With every second that passed, the moment of goodbye grew closer and closer, and the only thing he could do was make sure that when it came, he would leave nothing unsaid, no regrets.

Since he was reincarnated, his life had been training and the loneliness of that lonely mansion without friends and only focusing on his future travels, but since he met Kushina he felt a strange attachment to her, perhaps the fact that they were both alone made them closer than ever. what I expected.

Kaito knew that since he was reincarnated, his mind was older than one appears, but currently his body is still that of a 12-year-old boy. Childish instincts occasionally won out over his own reasoning, wanting to establish a relationship with someone and that someone was Kushina.

The remaining hours they had were spent together, in silence, speaking only when words seemed necessary. Dusk came too quickly, bringing with it the inevitable separation they both feared.

They both returned to the cabin. 

Both lying as always in bed 

Kaito waited for the system to take him back.

Kushina was about to sleep, she only said a few last words.

Please return safely, I will be waiting for you.

As he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.

Kaito responded while she was sleeping. 

Of course I will return.

Feeling how his body began to fade.

"I will, Kushina." I promise.

And with those words, Kaito disappeared, leaving behind the small cabin, the forest, the island, in the hope that one day they would meet again.

This is the end of chapter 10.

I will be posting the chapters twice a week.

If you like it, leave a comment or add it to your library to read it when you have more chapters.