
What is this a zoo?

The three days went by in a flash with rumi and sabaku hardly leaving the room. The others had such a harsh hangover they couldn't move for two days and on the final day rumi's stamina gave out. The crocodile bested the rabbit though he may have lost a little weight over it due to lack of fluids.

They boarded their place later that night to leave back to japan, mission accomplished and the governments were satisfied. The pay cheque for the work was also something that made sabaku truly appreciate international work. He got to meet some unique people, go skydiving, fight some tough opponents, party a bit, spend some alone time with a beautiful woman, explore an amazing country and receive lots of cash for it.

His career path may be decided after today, first become a pro then get himself on the rankings to secure a backing. Then take off for the international work where they handle the big jobs. If his time at UA has shown anything it's that he can handle the big jobs. Germany, America, Africa, Mexico, China and many other countries would welcome him with open arms after today.

But enough about the future back to the present sabaku is sitting on the plane with a smile on his face and lust in his eyes. He just received a message from Mina about what happened on their island and how she handled herself. She managed to take some of his advice and worked on acid constructs like walls and weapons as she had got the solidifying aspect mastered.

After they survived that incident and captured the villains while rescuing the kid who boosts quirks or something she received the several hour long videos. She got a bit..... grabby would be how she described it so she paid her new sister ryuko a visit at her apartment. They ended up watching the videos together and ordering some take out to her place.

Then Mina decided to make her own video to make her little crocky want to come home. Ryuko was happy to help but soon regretted it after she realised what Mina's quirk could do. She can change the chemicals in the acid which took her years to do so now she can produce her own aphrodisiac, second she can make it function as lube and now she could solidify it into rock hard objects. Some of which can take some shapes that the two girls are very intimate with.

Mina has also got superhuman stamina from years of training similar to sabaku. Though not on his level it's nothing to scoff at. Ryuko who is a pro hero who trained for stamina so she could use her quirk for long periods of time tapped out after around 5 hours. She realised why sabaku was so good, he was experienced in dealing with an animal.

He chuckled to himself reading through the texts and watching the videos on the plane ride over with his ear phone in. Rumi picked up on the scent he was releasing so decided to check what he was watching. She couldn't believe it. "Nee? Sabaku who are those girls?" He turned to her "your new sisters rumi, they got a bit jealous after watching us go at it so decided to entertain themselves". Rumi stood their and watched for a few minutes before another sexy smirk adorned her face and her red eyes glowed hungrily.

"When we get back introduce me, I want us to have a very intimate relationship" she said wrapping her hands around sabaku's neck. "I wouldn't have it any other way" was what he spoke but inwardly he was bursting with excitement because three of the most beautiful women in this universe are willing to share him and be with each other. He is going to have so much fun.

After landing a few hours later they reported to the local authorities about how the mission went then returned to their respective homes to rest and change. After that they all went to Ryuko's address for the meet up. Sabaku packed all the things he needs for tonight.

Sexy underwear that they both like? Check

Mints and water? Check

Cash? Check

Gifts from Canada? Check

Maple syrup? Check

I'm sure you can guess what these are all for. Mina herself was packing similarly while Rumi was buying alcohol for the night. She thought to herself as she was choosing which lingerie to wear "a rabbit, a raccoon and a lizard are shacking up with a crocodile. Is this a zoo?" She chuckled to herself realising the absurdity though it isn't the strangest thing that she heard. Most pros end up doing something shady in their private lives that most people wouldn't approve of openly.

She went outside and found sabaku and a pink haired girl waiting for her. She smiled and led them to her car as she couldn't wait to get this night started.