

I had never felt so at peace. I was floating, weightless, and all around me was the soothing sound of waves lapping gently against the shore.

It was a rhythmic, almost hypnotic melody that seemed to cradle my very soul. My body felt light, free of the usual aches and tension from training.

The cool air brushed against my skin like a gentle caress, and I sighed, sinking deeper into the softness beneath me.

My mind drifted, lulled by the sound of the waves, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I was utterly calm.

The distant sound of seagulls cawing reached my ears, but it didn't bother me. Instead, I imagined them soaring over a vast ocean, their wings slicing through the cool breeze as they called to one another.

I couldn't remember the last time I had such a vivid dream. Usually, my nights were plagued with anxiety or training thoughts. But this? This was something else something perfect.

It was as if all my worries had melted away, and nothing but the sound of the waves remained.

I shifted slightly, feeling the smooth surface beneath me rise and fall. It was strange, but I didn't care. I was too comfortable, too blissfully lost in this serene moment. My eyelids were heavy, but a faint smile tugged at my lips as I let myself drift further into this peaceful haze.

And then splash.

Suddenly, freezing cold water drenched me, jolting me out of my dream. I gasped, sitting up abruptly and blinking in confusion.

My once serene world had been rudely interrupted by the sensation of water dripping down my face, soaking through my clothes.

"What the…?" I mumbled, wiping my face with my sleeve and looking around in bewilderment.

That's when I noticed. I wasn't in my bed. I wasn't even indoors. I was… on a boat?

I blinked again, my brain struggling to catch up with my surroundings. The boat was small but sleek, clearly built for speed, with an elegant design and smooth wood that gleamed in the sunlight.

The water around us was a deep, endless blue, stretching out in every direction, the horizon barely visible.

And the waves they weren't peaceful anymore. No, they were crashing against the boat as it sped through the water at a pace that made my stomach churn.

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry. "Oh no," I muttered under my breath, gripping the edge of the boat as it swayed. "Oh no, oh no, this isn't happening."

I turned my head slowly, already dreading what I'd see and there, sitting calmly at the helm, was Elira. Of course.

"Elira?!" I spluttered, my voice cracking as the boat lurched again, sending another spray of salty water over me. "What—what the hell is going on?!"

Elira, looking as unbothered as ever, glanced over her shoulder at me with an amused smile. Her dark hair was tied back in a braid, and she looked perfectly composed despite the chaotic movement of the boat.

"Oh, you're awake," she said casually, her voice carrying easily over the roar of the wind and water. "Good timing. We're making great progress."

"Great progress?!" I repeated, my knuckles white as I gripped the side of the boat. "Where are we going? And why am I soaking wet?!"

Elira raised an eyebrow at me, as if the answer was obvious. "We're going to the island, of course."

"Island?" My head was spinning now, both from the speed of the boat and the sheer confusion of the situation. "What island? And why am I on a boat?!"

With a chuckle, Elira leaned back against the helm, steering effortlessly despite the boat's insane speed. "It's part of your training, Ren. We left this morning. Didn't want to wake you because you looked so peaceful, but we couldn't wait around forever."

I stared at her, my mind reeling. "Wait you just took me out of bed, threw me on a boat, and decided to sail to some random island for training?! Without telling me?!"

Elira shrugged. "Pretty much."

I groaned, my stomach doing another unpleasant flip as the boat surged forward, bouncing over a particularly large wave. "This is insane," I muttered, clinging for dear life. "I'm going to die. This boat is going to kill me."

"You're not going to die, Ren," Elira said with a roll of her eyes. "You'll be fine. It's just a little rough at the moment because of the speed. It'll calm down when we reach the island."

I wasn't convinced. The boat was moving impossibly fast, like it was being propelled by something other than just the wind. I squinted at the base of the boat, trying to see if there was some kind of magic at work here.

"Is this… Is this boat enchanted or something?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the nausea building in my gut.

Elira's smile widened slightly. "Smart girl. Yes, it's a magic boat. It's designed to get us to the island quickly. We'd be here all day otherwise."

I let out a weak laugh, feeling another wave of nausea. "Great. So not only am I stuck on a boat, but it's a *magic* boat. Fantastic."

"Stop whining," Elira said with a smirk. "You'll be thanking me once we arrive. This island is special. Perfect for your next stage of training."

"Right," I said, swallowing hard. "Special. Perfect. If I don't throw up first."

I tried to take a deep breath and steady myself, but the boat wasn't making it easy. Every jolt sent me lurching forward, and the sound of the wind whipping past my ears only added to my disorientation.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the boat began to slow. I cautiously opened my eyes, blinking against the sun's glare. In the distance, I could make out the dark silhouette of an island rising up from the water.

As we drew closer, details began to emerge towering cliffs that jutted out over the sea, thick forests that seemed to crawl with movement, and jagged rocks lining the shore like teeth. The whole place looked… dangerous.

"We're here," Elira announced, steering the boat towards a small, rocky inlet.

The island loomed before us, wild and untamed. The air around it felt different charged, almost as if the island itself was alive and brimming with unseen power.

The trees swayed in the wind, their branches gnarled and twisted, and strange sounds echoed from deep within the forest. It wasn't exactly the kind of place that screamed "relaxing vacation."

"Welcome to your new home for the next two months," Elira said cheerfully as she brought the boat to a stop near the shore.

"Two months?!" I gasped, nearly falling out of the boat as I scrambled to stand up. "Wait, you're leaving me here?!"

Elira hopped out of the boat with an effortless grace, landing lightly on the rocky shore. She reached back into the boat, grabbed a small bag and a rolled-up piece of parchment, and tossed them to me. I barely caught them in time, fumbling as I stared at her in disbelief.

"Here," she said, dusting off her hands. "Your supplies. There's a map in there too."

I looked from the bag to the map and back to Elira. "You can't be serious. You're really going to leave me here? Alone?"

She crossed her arms and gave me a level look. "You'll be fine, Ren. Consider this your final test before school. Survive the island, hone your skills, and I'll be back to pick you up in two months."

"But… what if I get lost? Or—"

"Figure it out," Elira said, cutting me off. "This is part of your training. You need to learn how to rely on yourself."

I opened my mouth to argue, but before I could, Elira turned back towards the boat, her expression unreadable.

"Two months, Ren," she said, her voice calm but firm. "I'll see you then."

With that, she climbed back into the boat, leaving me standing on the shore, clutching the bag and map. I watched in stunned silence as the magic boat sped off into the distance, disappearing over the horizon.

I was alone.

On a dangerous island.

For two months.

"Great," I muttered under my breath. "Just great."