
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · 漫画同人
55 Chs

C-rank : Samurai and shinobi !

Later, in Naruto's room, the young ninja sat on his bed, rubbing his head as he contemplated what to bring for the escort mission. Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Naruto opened it to find Iruka holding a bowl of ramen, a warm smile on his face.

"Hey, Naruto! Mind if I come in? I brought some ramen for us."

Naruto's face lit up, and he eagerly invited Iruka inside. The two sat down, enjoying a simple dinner of ramen together. As they finished, Iruka, preparing tea, shifted the conversation to the upcoming mission.

"So, Naruto, tomorrow's your first mission outside the village. I thought I'd drop by to help you prepare. Knowing you, you might be a bit confused about what to take."

Naruto, grinning sheepishly, scratched the back of his head: "Well, I guess you got me there. I'm not exactly sure what I need."

Iruka chuckled and started imparting some wisdom to his former student. He showed Naruto the essential tools to take on an escort mission, emphasizing practicality and preparedness. To add a touch of excitement, Iruka handed Naruto some explosive tags and shinobi wire.

Naruto, eyes widening with curiosity: "Explosive tags, huh? That look cool! Thanks, Iruka-sensei!"

"These might come in handy. Just remember to not waste them all right ? Use them wisely "

As they continued their conversation, Iruka shared anecdotes from his own early missions and offered encouragement to Naruto. The mentor-student bond between them flourished, providing a moment of camaraderie and support before Naruto's first significant mission outside the village.

The next morning, under the rising sun, Team 7 assembled at the village gate. A convoy of finely adorned carriages awaited them, and Lady Kaguya Matsumoto, dressed in elegant attire,a beautiful fan on her hand,greeted them with a gracious smile.

Lady Kaguya's butler, a distinguished figure with an air of formality, approached Kakashi with a polite bow as the team assembled at the village gate.

"Hatake-san, it is truly an honor to have someone of your renown leading Lady Kaguya's escort to the capital. Your reputation precedes you."

Kakashi, responding with a casual salute, acknowledged the butler's words: "I appreciate the kind words. Our priority is Lady Kaguya's safety and a smooth journey."

"To whom i'm speaking ? " 

"My apologies.Im lady kaguya butler,Kageyoshi Sawada, a retainer of the matsumoto family."

Kakashi, ever nonchalant, simply nodded. Lady Kaguya, elegantly approaching the group, expressed her gratitude.

"Hatake-san, I've heard tales of your exploits. It's an honor to be escorted by a renowned ninja like yourself."

Kakashi, with a slight smile: "The honor is mine, Lady Kaguya. We'll ensure your journey is safe and comfortable."

The butler, seemingly dismissive of the other members of Team 7, continued his conversation with Kakashi.

"I must admit, I didn't expect the last Uchiha to be part of this escort. It adds another layer of assurance, doesn't it?"

Sasuke, overhearing the comment, crossed his arms and remained silent. Naruto, however, couldn't ignore the disregard.

"Hey, we're a team here! Don't just ignore us! "

The butler, maintaining an air of superiority, responded: "Ah, my apologies,young man. I suppose Lady Kaguya and I are more accustomed to the fame that precedes some members of your team."

Sakura, biting back her irritation,and pulling back Naruto by his jumpsuit,diplomatically added: "My name is Haruno sakura.We're here to ensure Lady Kaguya's safety as a team."

hitting naruto to his side,she whispered at him to greet the clients,at which he did,showing a sour expression 

"Uzumaki Naruto " 

The butler, still fixated on Kakashi and Sasuke, offered a courteous but dismissive smile. Lady Kaguya, sensing the tension, intervened.

"Thank you, Team 7, for your dedication. Let us embark on our journey with the assurance that we are in capable hands."

As the convoy set forth, the undercurrent of tension lingered among Team 7. Naruto's displeasure was evident, but the mission demanded professionalism, and Lady Kaguya's safety remained their primary concern.

As the convoy prepared to leave the village, Naruto's face lit up with excitement, finally getting a chance to venture beyond the familiar confines of Konoha. Lady Kaguya's butler, however, wore a disdained expression at Naruto's apparent enthusiasm. He approached the young ninja, his demeanor carrying an air of superiority.

"You seem overly excited, Uzumaki-san. Have you never ventured outside the village before?"

Naruto, grinning ear to ear "Nah, never had the chance. This is gonna be awesome! I wonder if we'll run into bandits or maybe even other ninja on the road."

The butler gave a snort of disdain, dismissing Naruto's expectations.

"Highly unlikely. The road to the capital is one of the most secure routes in the Land of Fire. Even the most audacious bandits wouldn't dare halt a noble's convoy. The presence of samurai and shinobi along the route ensures the safety of the nobility."

Naruto, undeterred by the butler's skepticism, continued with his inquiries.

"Really? So, it's a heavily guarded highway. That's kinda cool, I guess."

The man, condescendingly nodded "Indeed. The security measures are in place to maintain the safety of the nobility and their retinue. It's not an adventure; it's a duty."

As the convoy set forth, Naruto couldn't help but imagine the journey as a grand adventure, brimming with possibilities. The butler, on the other hand, remained focused on the responsibilities of safeguarding Lady Kaguya, seemingly unimpressed by Naruto's eagerness. 

The mention of samurai piqued Sakura's curiosity. She turned to Kakashi, her green eyes reflecting genuine interest.

"Kakashi-sensei, they mentioned samurai guarding the road. What are samurai, and why are they involved in escorting nobles?"

Kakashi, with his usual calm demeanor, responded: "Samurai are warriors who serve the daimyo and uphold the law. In the Land of Fire, they play a crucial role in maintaining order and protecting important individuals, like Lady Kaguya. They're skilled in both martial arts and traditional values."

Sakura, absorbing the information, nodded thoughtfully.

"So, they work alongside shinobi for the safety of the country. It's like a joint effort."

Kakashi, acknowledging her observation: "Exactly. The collaboration between shinobi and samurai ensures a comprehensive defense, combining the strengths of both."

Sakura, intrigued by the coexistence of samurai and shinobi, turned to Kakashi seeking further clarification.

"Kakashi-sensei, if there are samurai to protect and uphold the law, why do shinobi missions exist? What's our role in all of this?"

Kakashi, ever the wise mentor, explained: "Samurai primarily focus on traditional values, martial arts, and direct protection for the nobles and of their fieldome . They are crucial for maintaining order and safeguarding important individuals. Now, shinobi missions, on the other hand, have a broader scope and clients. We handle tasks that go beyond traditional combat, such as stealth, espionage, and adapting to various challenges."

He continued, emphasizing the collaborative nature of the two roles.

"While samurai handle matters of governance, law, and direct protection of the nobility, shinobi contribute with unique skills that address covert and specialized challenges. Our missions involve tasks like reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and dealing with situations that require adaptability and discretion."

Kakashi, continuing his explanation, offered insights into the challenges faced by samurai, particularly at lower levels.

"It's essential to note that the path of a samurai can be considerably more challenging, especially at the lower ranks. Many samurai find themselves grappling with more difficulties than those faced by our general genins. The initial stages of their training involve mastering the fundamentals, and progress can be slow."

He elaborated on the demanding nature of the samurai training regimen.

"Samurai undergo rigorous martial training and adhere to a strict code of conduct. Achieving proficiency in their techniques requires discipline and unwavering dedication. While shinobi can often rely on a broader range of skills, samurai must excel in the art of combat and adhere to the honor code associated with their path."

Sakura, absorbing Kakashi's explanation, couldn't help but voice her curiosity.

"Why is the path for samurai so challenging, Kakashi-sensei? Is there a specific reason for their struggles at lower levels?"

Kakashi, revealing a key aspect "Chakra plays a significant role. While samurai do use chakra, they don't have the same versatility as shinobi, especially at lower levels. Unlike us, who integrate chakra into various techniques seamlessly from the very beginning of our path, samurai were forced to learn about chakra,having to incorporate it later in,as a way to resist to shinobi era Formation,and from this, surviving the wave of change" 

He continued to shed light on the limitations faced by samurai 

"This delay in chakra integration made their early journey more challenging. At lower levels, they must rely heavily on physical prowess and weapon mastery. It's only as they advance that they start to harness chakra more effectively. This difference in approach adds to the difficulty of their path, particularly in comparison to the diverse abilities shinobi possess at lower level." 

Kakashi, concluding his explanation with a smile, addressed Sakura's concern.

"It's important not to underestimate samurai. While their early journey may be challenging, many samurai from prestigious houses possess incredible physical prowess and eventually become adept at using chakra. In fact, the daimyo's house harbors formidable samurai with skills that rival even high-level shinobi."

"There is even a nation for samurai as well,the land of iron "

He further expanded on the reputation of the Land of Iron.

"The Land of Iron, in particular, is renowned for its powerful samurai. Some of them are reputed to be as strong as the 5 kage, able to resist and protect their culture even during the chaotic era of shinobi wars."

Surprise flickered across the faces of his students, and the butler, who had attentively followed the entire explanation, applauded Kakashi's comprehensive response.

"Impressive, Kakashi-sensei. Your insight into the intricacies of our traditions is commendable. Lady Kaguya will surely appreciate having such capable protectors."

Kakashi, only nodding in acknowledgment,giving a polite smile. 

Days later, the journey towards the capital had Naruto visibly bored, perched on the head of one of the convoy carts. With a deep sigh, he turned to the walking Kakashi, seeking answers.

"Hey, Kakashi-sensei, is this gonna take much longer? It feels like we've been on the road forever."

Kakashi, his book in hand,glancing at Naruto with his trademark single eye visible, responded calmly.

"Patience, Naruto. Noble convoys are known for their slow pace. They prioritize safety and make frequent stops. It's a different pace compared to our usual missions, but it can't be helped."

Naruto, slumping his shoulders in disappointment, mumbled to himself about the lack of action.

Yeah, yeah, safety first and all that. But it's so boring just sitting here doing nothing."

Kakashi, giving a half-smile, acknowledged Naruto's restlessness.

"The journey may not be exciting, but it's an important task. We need to ensure Lady Matsumoto reaches the capital without any trouble."

"If you are so bored,you can try training your hand seals "

As the convoy came to a sudden halt, the team took a break to assess their options, with the news of a significant landslide blocking the main road reaching them. Kakashi, wearing a reflective expression, turned to Lady Kaguya's butler.

"It seems we have a hurdle on the main road. It might take some time to clear the landslide. How do you feel about taking a break until the road is cleaned?"

"We can't afford to delay. Our priority is to get Lady Kaguya back to the capital swiftly."

Kakashi, considering the urgency, nodded in understanding. The decision was made to bypass the main road and instead take the mountain route along the edge of the cliff, overlooking the riverside.

"Very well. Let's proceed with the mountain road." 

The convoy resumed its journey, winding along the precarious mountain path.

Kakashi, with a cryptic smile, spoke to his team 

"Maybe someone heard your wish, Naruto. "

"Huh ? What do you mean ? "

Sasuke and Sakura, getting Kakashi's signal, immediately snapped to attention, ready for whatever awaited them. The air thickened with anticipation as the convoy continued its slow progress toward the capital, each member of Team 7 on high alert, eager for the unexpected twist that might fulfill Naruto's desire for excitement.

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