
History Repeating

Season 1, Episode 9

Damon walks down the stairs and into the living room. He pours himself a drink and takes a sip groaning as he lifts his hand. He lifts his shirt revealing the wound Lexi gave him the night before still healing.

"Shouldn't this have healed by now?"

"It takes a while," Ashley says from behind him on the couch startling him. "For you anyway. Just be glad she didn't bite you,"

"What are you still doing here?"

"Well, this town has piqued my interest," She lifts the glass of blood and drinks it, "I mean it's got love drama, witches, vampires, a council that hunts vampires..." She turns to him, "...A Tomb that needs opening,"

Damon speeds to her and chokes her but she doesn't seem phased, "How do you know about the tomb?"

Ashley knees him "gently" on the stomach. He lets out a pained groan and releases her before falling backward to the ground.

She stands up, "I have my ways,"

"What do you want?" He lifts himself up, hand on his stomach.

"Now what would I what with a tomb that holds 28 vampires?"

"I don't know you tell me," Damon says going back to his drink.

Ashley rolls her eyes. She picks up a backpack on the couch and walks away, "Let me know when you figure it out,"

He heads to the kitchen and starts making coffee. He pours two cups and heads upstairs to Stefan's room.

"Rise and shine!" He hands him the coffee, "You'll be late for school,"

"What? What are you doing?" Stefan asks.

"Peace offering. Come on, you need it for blood circulation. Does dead flesh good!" Stefan makes a face, and Damon sighs, "All right. I'm sorry,"

Stefan gets out of bed and starts to get ready, "Step aside, please,"

Damon does, "I got the town off our back now they'll be looking for someone that's left town." Stefan gives him a side eye as he picks a shirt, "It was for the greater good, but I'm sorry. And, to prove it, I'm not gonna feed on a human," He is greeted with silence, "For at least a week. I'll adopt a Stefan diet! Only nothing with feathers," He takes a sip from his coffee.

"'Cause I realize that planning to kill your closest and oldest friend behind your back, almost succeeding in doing so, is beyond evil, and yet somehow, it's worthy of humor," Stefan says mocking him.

"Are you mimicking me?" Damon asks.

"Yes, Stefan. Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of "How can I destroy Stefan's life this week?","

Damon starts playing along, "And I can go back to sulking and Elena-longing and forehead brooding." He laughs, "This is fun! I like this,"

"And I will finally reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic Falls,"

Damon stays silent for a bit before.., "Yeah. I'm done," He starts walking away before turning to face Stefan and walking backward, "That's just like you, Damon. Always have to have the last word,"


"Have you even talked to Bonnie?" Elena asks Caroline as they walk toward the school.

"No, I'm mad at her," Caroline answers, "She needs to make the first move,"

"Be the bigger person," Elena tells her.

"Impossible in her presence," Caroline replies.

"Why are you so pissed at her anyway?" Elena asks her.

"She's a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace, and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle," She explains.

"Sigh! All right. Well, I tried. I'm officially out of it,"

"Good. Your turn. Where's Stefan? Have you talked to him?" Caroline asks.

"He's avoiding me,"


She hesitates as she tries to think of what to say, "... It's complicated," The bell rings, giving Elena an excuse to leave, "I'll see you later,"

"Bye," Caroline says as Elena leaves.

Matt walks by her, "Hey,"

"Hey," Caroline greets back but he keeps on walking. Disappointed she turns and walks away. Not even a few steps later she bumps into someone and falls but the person grabs her before she hits the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Caroline. I wasn't looking where I was going," ???

Caroline looks at the person once she is stable on her feet, "Ashley?"

"Hi," Ashley says smiling, "Again I'm sorry,"

"It's Ok I wasn't looking where I was going either," Caroline tells her. They stare at each other for a second before Caroline clears her throat and looks away flustered, "So, what are you doing here? If you don't mind me asking,"

Ashley starts walking and Caroline gets in step with her, "Oh, I go here now. Just finished my transfer," She holds up her schedule, "I thought I mentioned it to you last night?"

"Huh, must have slipped my mind," Caroline says, "Sigh! I'm sorry,"

"For what?"

"Last night. I was going through something and I dumped it all on you,"

"No need to apologize for that,"

"No, I really should," Caroline tells her. They stop at a locker which Ashley opens. She takes off her bag, opens it, takes the books she needs, and puts the bag in the locker.

"Well, if you insist then how about you go for a drink with me after school?"

"Are you asking me out, Mrs. Hale," Caroline says.

"Was it that obvious?" Ashley says and Caroline giggles, "So what do you say? Yes or no,"

Caroline smiles, "Definitely a yes,"



Elena walks out of the school building. She stops as she sees Stefan sitting at a picnic table and walks over to him.

"Hi," He says. He gets off the table and stands in front of her.

"You weren't in class, I was worried," Elena tells him.

"Yeah, I got your messages, and I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, but what I wanna say shouldn't be said over the phone," Stefan clarifies.

"A simple she didn't kill my brother text would have sufficed,"

"She didn't kill my brother, as much as he deserved it," Stefan tells her.

"So what did you want to tell me?" She questions.

"I won't be coming to school anymore. I'm gonna back off and keep my distance. It's the right thing to do,"

"Back off from school or from me?" An awkward silence follows that question, "Thank you for telling me,"

"It's better this way,"

Elena's voice cracks upset, "Yep. I got it,"

"You're angry. That's good. It'll be easier if you hate me," He leaves.

Elsewhere outside the school, Caroline waits for Ashley.

Matt passes her again, "Hey,"

"Hey," She replies. She goes to talk to him but stops when she sees Ashley approaching. She gives him one last look and heads for Ashley.

"Ready to go?" Ashley asks.

Caroline nods with a smile, "Yes,"

Ashley offers her a hand bowing slightly, "Then M'lady your chariot awaits," Caroline laughs at her antics but she goes along with it and takes her hand before they walk to the parking lot. They get into Ashley's car and drive to the Grill.

"So as someone who knows this place, what do you recommend?" Ashley asks as they sit at a table.

"I recommend you try the cheeseburger they're delicious and ooh their milkshakes are to die for,"

The waiter walks over to them, "You guys ready to order?"

"Yes. I'll take a medium cheeseburger with fries on the side and one Strawberry milkshake," Ashley tells him.

He writes it down before turning to Caroline, "What about you Caroline,"

"I'll have the same thing as her," Caroline says. He nods and walks away.

"So, Ashley where were you from before moving here?" Caroline asks.

"Well, I lived in New York with my family," Ashley answers.

"Why Mystic Falls?"

"New York was a little too crowded for me. It started to make me claustrophobic and I did pass through Mystic Falls once with my brother. The scenery and the open air of this place pulled me in at the time which led me back to it," She explained. "What about you?"

"I was born and raised here," She answers. Just then their order arrives and they continue their conversation while eating. They got to know each other, their likes and dislikes, hobbies, favorite movies, and favorite songs. They made each other laugh making jokes and exchanging stories. All in all, they had a great time until the sunset and night rolled in.

As they were getting ready to leave Caroline got a text from Elena telling her about a sleepover.

"That was my friend Elena she's having a sleepover. You're welcome to join us if you want," Caroline tells her as she puts on her seatbelt.

"Maybe another time. I've got boxes waiting for me at home," She lies. They sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the short drive.

"Well, today was the most fun I had in a while. Thank you for that," Caroline tells her.

"You're welcome,"

Caroline starts messing with her fingers a soft blush on her cheeks, "You know if you want we could umm, I don't know, do this again sometime,"

Ashley beams at how adorable that was, "I'd like that,"

Caroline opens the door, gets out and closes it. She leans down and smiles at Ashley, "Good night, Ashley,"

"Good night, Caroline," She replies. She watches as Caroline walks to Elena's front door for a second before driving away.