


Stefan is asleep in the living room. He wakes up when his book falls from his lap to the floor. He is then aroused by a noise in the house.

"Damon?" No answer. He gets up and looks around. He hears further disturbance before he is attacked by a female vampire. She hisses in his face showing off her fangs her eyes glowing a light blue color.

"Lexi?" Stefen asks recognizing her.

Lexi's face gets back to normal as she smiles at him, "Hi,"

"What are you doing here?" Stefen asks as Lexi helps him up.

"How could you even ask me that?" She hugs him.

"I missed you," Stefen tells her as he hugs her back.

"Happy birthday,"


Stefen and Lexi are kidding around in Stefen's room.

"Stop." Lexi laughs as she sits up from the bed, "I don't know, some freak shot at me with wooden bullets. I bail in under sixty. And why is a news reporter hunting vampires?"

"I don't know who knows about us. That guy did. There could be others. Do me a favor, while you're here, please be careful," Stefen tells her.

"Why stay?"She gets off the bed, "I'm headed to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi in the Garden. "Wanted dead or alive", it's our theme song. It'll be a blast,"

"Do you think he would actually remember us?" Stefen questions, "That was a pretty crazy weekend huh?"

"We can make him remember us." Stefen shakes his head, "Come on! Let's go. I mean, what's keeping you here?"

"I told you, her name is Elena,"

"Let's hope she's better than the last girl you got all sprung over," She holds up a photo of Katherine.

Stefen gets up and takes the photo away, "You didn't even know Katherine,"

" 'Cause if I did I'd kick her ass. The little bitch. Speaking of...where's Damon?"

"Inflicting misery somewhere," He turns to her, "You gonna be okay here alone? 'Cause I got some things I gotta take care of,"

"It's not exactly like I can go anywhere," She reminds him pointing to the sunlight coming through the window, "And you and Damon are the only ones with these nifty little daylight rings. !Gasp! I have a mood ring from '75! Trade ya?"

"Doesn't work that way and you know it,"


"Hey Lex. I'm really glad that you came here," Stefen tells her.

"What are we doing for your birthday? It's not everyday a guy turns a hundred and sixty-two years old,"

He groans, "Really?"

"Oh yeah," She says with a smile, "Oh before I forget I have a friend coming over, so while you're out in the town if you see a girl with black hair, olive skin, and brown eyes driving a black Hellcat challenger point her in the right direction,"

"She like us?" Stefen asks.



Sheriff Forbes is questioning Elena, Stefan, Matt, and Jeremy over Vicki's disappearance.

"Where did Vicki say she was going?" Sheriff Forbes asks Jeremy.

"She didn't,"

"Did she tell her brother where she was going?"

"No, she didn't say anything to me. She told Jeremy to tell me that she was leaving town," Matt tells her.

"Is there anyone I can talk to that may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town?"

"Stefan Salvatore may know. He came by the house to see her but she wouldn't talk to him,"

"What was he doing there?"

"I was trying to help her, I knew that Elena was worried about her brother, he was dating Vicki and she had a drug problem, so I tried to help," Stefen says.

"So you got involved because Elena asked you to?"

"I asked Stefan to help. I thought that, by helping Vicki, he was helping my brother," Elena tells her.

"What was her behavior like those last few days before she left?"

"Up and down, very sketchy, like she was coming down from some major partying," Matt answers.

"Any signs of aggression or violence?"

Jeremy: None that I remember.

Stefan: No.

Elena: No.

"So you believe Vicki really has left town?"

Matt: Yes.

Stefan: Yes.

Elena: Yes.

"I'll miss her but....I think it's for the best," Jeremy says.

Outside Stefan is waiting in front of the sheriff's office for Elena. Matt exits the building and walks past him.

"I was trying to help her Matt. That's all," Stefen tells him but Matt keeps walking. Elena, Jenna, and Jeremy exit the building next.

"I'll meet you guys at the car," Elena tells Jenna as she sees Stefen.

"You okay?" Stefen asks once she reaches him.

"I don't think the Sheriff suspected anything. Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was what Damon made him know,"

"Thank you,"

"I can't do this Stefan. Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, all I think is that Vicki is never gonna come back. And they'll never know why. Around you, people get hurt and people die. I can't I just...it's just too much....,"

"Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it," He tells her.

"No, Stefan you have to stay away from me," She leaves.


In Stefan's room, Lexi is sleeping. She shifts around in the pillow before opening her eyes to find Damon next to her.


She Groans before glaring at him.

"Hello Lexi. What an unexpected surprise,"

"Pfft, Unexpected surprise? I think the wrong brother went back to high school,"

"How long are you here for?"

"Just for Stefan's B-Day,"

"Oh, you mean you didn't come all this way to see me?"

She snorts, "That's it Damon. After a century I finally realize death means nothing without you. Do me," she sits up.

"Why are you so mean to me?" He whines as he falls back on the bed.

"Uh, have you met you? You're not a nice person," She tells him.

"Because I'm a vampire,"

"But you're only the bad parts,"

"Teach me to be good," He leans in but Lexi grabs him firmly by the neck, choking him.

"I'm older that means stronger,"

"Sorry," He wheezes out.

"Don't ruin my time with Stefan, 'cause I'll hurt you. And you know I can do it," She tells him as she squeezes tighter.

"Yeah," He says agreeing with her. She releases him and leaves.


Elena is sitting on the couch. Jenna comes and sits next to her. Jeremy is writing something behind them on the dining table with books spread all over.

"You're wallowing," Jenna tells her.

"So are you," Elena retorts.

"My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped," Jenna says.

"Yeah. Well, Logan's a jerk,"

"You didn't get a brush-off e-mail saying: "I'm leaving town. See ya.""

"Wanna keep it down over there?" Jeremy asks.

"Why?" Jenna looks back over the couch at him, "What are you doing?"


"Since when do you do homework?" Elena asks doing the same as Jenna.

"I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow so..." He tells them going back to his work.

Elena and Jenna share surprised glances.

"What do you think? Alien?" Elena asks.

"Some sort of replicant," Jenna replies.

"He can hear you," Jeremy says shaking his head.


Sheriff Forbes is dealing with paperwork. Her phone rings interrupting her. She answers it.

"Yeah. Send him in," She says.

"Mister Salvatore, come on in," She says as she sees Damon standing in the doorway holding a box, "Could you get the door for me?"

"Sure," Damon says. He walks back and closes the door.

"I understand from Mrs. Lockwood that your uncle is out the town,"

"Yes, he is. But I spoke with Zach. He filled me in and asked if I could bring this to you," He handed her the box.

She opens it, "Vervain,"

"That's all we have at the moment, I hope it's enough," Damon says.

"It's a small circle...Founding families, a few city officials,"

"And your deputies, of course right?" She nods, "Are we any closer?"

"I think our facts are wrong. We've always believed that vampires can only come out in the dark. What if that's changed?" She asks.

"So is that even possible?"

"We've exhausted every other option. We have to consider the vampire may be walking around during the day. Right in front of us,"

Damon stays silent for a bit before asking, "Hm. So what's the next step?"

"We're now looking at anyone new to town since the deaths began. Should turn up a suspect or two,"

"And I, of course, will do anything I can to help"


Bonnie enters Elena's room. Elena is lying down in her bed.

"You up?" Bonnie asks.

"No," Elena says covering her face with the sheets. Bonnie walks over and tries to pull the covers off Elena's head, "No, no!"

"Why haven't you called me back?"Bonnie asks.

"I'm sorry,"

"Are you gonna stay in there forever?"


"Move over," Bonnie says and Elena does. Bonnie lies next to her, "I'm officially worried. What's going on?"

"I'm tired of thinking...of talking I..."

"Can I get a one-line version so I can at least pretend to be helpful?" Bonnie asks.

"Stefen and I broke up,"

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Elena gives her a look, "Right stupid question. I know I've been kind of MIA when you need me the most. I suck,"

"You wanna make it up to me. Get my mind off of it,"

"Just remember you asked for it,"

Bonnie closes the window and grabs one of Elena's pillows. She rips it and empties it of the feathers.


"Be patient," Bonnie tells her.

"Ok," Elena says confused.

"I need to swear you to secrecy," Bonnie tells her.

"It's kind of a bad week for that kind of stuff,"

"Swear, 'cause I'm not supposed to be showing you this," Bonnie says.

"Ok, I swear,"

"There's no windows open, right?" Bonnie asks.


"There's no fan. No air conditioning,"

"None. What are you doing?" Elena questions.

"Grams just showed me this. You're gonna love it. You ready?" Bonnie levitates a feather in front of Elena. Then she levitates several more. Elena watches on with shock and amazement. "It's true Elena. Everything my Grams told me. It's impossible and it's true. I'm a witch,"

"I believe you,"


Caroline meets Damon on the street outside the grill. She tries to move past him but he blocks her way.

"Look dungeon boy I'm done being your little slave girl. You seriously hurt me, and I will be damned if you think.." Damon uses his compulsion on her. "Oh my god where have you been? It's really good to see you,"

"Much better," He says, "You wanna throw a party here at the grill tonight,"

"Oh, why don't you do it?" Caroline asks.

"Because then Stefan and his BFF won't come. I need a lot of people. Big crowd. Invite everyone," Damon tells her.

"And why am I having this party?"

"Because you're gonna help me solve this town's little vampire problem. And I want my crystal back,"

"But Bonnie has it,"

"I know that. Get it from her," He tells her and leaves.

Caroline starts to walk away but stops when a black Challenger pulls up.

She watches as a girl steps out. She's wearing a black leather jacket with blue jeans and a white T-shirt. She also wore combat boots with a chain wrapped around the upper part that twinkled every step she took.

Caroline found herself staring a little too long only snapping out when she heard her talk.

"Mystic Grill, I wonder how long it took them to come up with that," She chuckles.

"Yeah, this town lacks when it comes to originality," Caroline says walking over to this beautiful girl. "But don't judge it before you try it,"

"Ashley Hale," She introduces herself.

"Caroline Forbes," Caroline shakes her hand.

"Caroline," Ashley repeats bringing up her hand and kissing the back of it. "That's a beautiful name," she smirks internally hearing Caroline's heart rate go up.

Caroline blushes, "Thanks. So, um, are you new here?"

"I just arrived," Ashley smiles.


"So this Elena girl. She'll come around. I'm sure of it. Have you had sex yet?" Lexi asks.

"No," Stefen answers.

"Sex always works," She tells him, "I mean you'll rock her world so hard with your vamp sex, she'll be yours forever,"

"Yeah, but see, this isn't about sex or...or compulsion or any of our other tricks. She has to want to be with me on her own terms,"

"Wow. That sounded all mature and grown-up," Lexi says.

"I'm not getting any older," Stefen jokes.

Lexi opens her suitcase, picks up a blood bag stabs it with a straw, and takes a sip. She looks at Stefen to see him eyeing the blood bag.

"Want some?" She offers.

"No. Thank you," He stands up from the couch and backs up.

"Relax I didn't kill anyone for it. There's this phlebotomist I know, he's my supplier," She sees Stefen's expression, "Oh don't judge, ok? Listen I tried the animal diet; lasted three weeks,"

"It doesn't matter. Cause if I started again...I just don't know if..."

"You could stop," Lexi finishes his sentence and Stefen nods.

"Lexi, I'd never judge you," He tells her honestly.

"I'm just jealous of your restraint. I have none. I delight in hedonism. Speaking of which, what are we doing tonight?"

"Funny you should ask," Damon says as he enters the room. He walks over to them.

"Well, I wasn't asking you," Lexi tells him.

"There's a party at the grill. You'll love it. Banquettes, Tacky wait staff, All of Stefan's friends," Damon tells them.

"Yeah, I don't want a birthday party," Stefen says.

"Well, It's not for you. It's a party party. No one's gonna know it's your birthday. Caroline's throwing it,"

"Damon, stay away from Caroline," Stefen tells him.

"We're friends it's cool. It's important for the town to see us out and about like normal folk. We need to blend," He looks at Lexi's stock of blood. "I prefer mine at 98.6," He leaves.

"Let's go," Stefen gives her a skeptical look, "Please?"

Before he can respond they hear a knock on the front door. Stefen walks over and opens it. Lexi peeks around the corner her face lighting up as she sees who it is.

"Great now we have a ride," Lexi says excitedly. Ashley gives her an amused smile.

"Um, Lexi are you gonna introduce us," Stefen asks.

"Right, Ashley. This is Stefen Salvatore,"

"Let me guess the vegetarian best friend," Ashley says.



Lexi chuckles at Stefen's confused face before continuing, "Stefen this is Ashley Hale my other best friend,"

"Hale?" Stefen says recognizing the name.

"You probably recognize the name because of my then-boyfriend-now-husband Derek Hale whom I mentioned to you a lot," Lexi tells him.

"It's nice to meet you," Stefen tells Ashley.


"Now that you're all introduced I'm gonna go take a shower," Lexi says walking away.

Stefen moves away from the door and Ashley walks in.

"I'll go on a limb and say you're going to the grill for a party," Ashley says. She sits on the couch and takes one of Lexi's blood bags.

"How did you know?" Stefen asks standing a bit far.

"A cute blonde named Caroline invited me. She's also the one who gave me directions to this place," Ashley tells him.


Lexi is getting out of a shower in Stefan's room.

"I'm almost ready,"

Ashley walks up and leans in the doorway, "Says the girl in a towel,"

Lexi glares at her playfully.

"I can't believe you actually think that we should go to this thing," Stefen says.

Lexi turns to him, "It's not like I'm asking you to run outside midday without your ring. I mean, seriously, it's a party. Ashley help me out here,"

Ashley shrugs, "He's your best friend," Lexi rolls her eyes.

"This is a party that Damon wants us to go to, you know? So my question is why? I think he's up to something," He tells her.

"Who cares? What can he possibly do in front of all those people in a public place?" Lexi asks.

"He knows how to keep a low profile, believe me," Stefen answers.

"Okay, so he'll behave. Come on. One day a year I get you, one day that you're not brooding and existing in your own head,"

"She's got a point," Ashley says.

"It's my birthday," Stefen retorts.

"It's my day. And that guy that jumped naked in the Trevi fountain and got drunk on the torch of the Statue of Liberty, that guy can take a break from all of his worrying for one night and go to a stupid party. So quit your whining," she slaps his butt, "and go get ready,"

Stefen sighs and turns to Ashley.

"Don't look at me when it comes to parties Lexi doesn't take no for an answer," She tells him.

Stefen finally concedes, "Fine," he heads to the shower.

Outside Elena drives up to the Salvatore Boarding House. She gets out of the car and gives a confused look at a car parked a few feet in front of the house before walking to the front door and knocking on it.

"It's open! Come on in,"

Elena enters the house and sees Lexi in a towel.

Lexi stops in her tracks once she sees Elena's face, "Oh my God! How...uh- wh-...Who?"

Ashley comes down the stairs, "Lexi, what got you so Shoc--" She cuts herself out once she sees Elena, "Oh,"

"I'm Elena. Who are you?"

"Lexi, a friend of Stefan's,"

Elena turns to Ashley, "I'm Ashley, a friend of hers," She points to Lexi.

Elena nods and turns back to Lexi, "Is Stefen here?"

"He's in the shower. Do you want to wait?" Lexi asks.


"I'll tell him you stopped by," Lexi tells her.

"That's okay," Elena says before leaving in shock.

Lexi, with Ashley following her, goes to Stefan's Bedroom, she's furious. They walk in as Stefen exits the bathroom a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?"

"What are you talking about?" Steven says.

"We just met Elena," Ashley says holding up the photo of Katherine.

"You have some serious explaining to do," Lexi tells him.


After they get dressed they all head to the living room. Lexi starts applying makeup as she talks with Stefen while Ashley helps with her hair.

"You have some serious emotional damage,"

"No, it's not what you think. She's not Katherine," Stefen says.

"Then they're related somehow, 'cause they can be twins," Ashley tells him.

"I don't know,"

"You don't know or you didn't find out?" Lexi asks.

"No. Maybe. I don't want to know. I have no desire to tie Elena to Katherine," Lexi gives him a look, "Ok yes, yes the resemblance is what drew me in. But that's it. Katherine and Elena may look the same on the outside but on the inside, they are completely different,"

"So Elena is not a raging Bitch then, huh?" Lexi asks. Ashley snorts at that.

"No. Elena is...Elena's warm and she's...she's kind, and she's caring, and she's selfless, and it's real. And honestly when I'm around her, I...I completely forget what I am," Stefen explains.

"Oh my god! You're in love with her,"

"Yeah. Yeah, I am," Stefen admits.

At the mystic grill party. Caroline finds Damon at the bar.

"Amazing party right?" She asks.

"Glad you thought of it," He says offhandedly not interested in the conversation at all.

"Well, are you having a good time?"

"Do you have my crystal?"


"Then I'm not having a good time," He sees Lexi enter the Grill and leaves Caroline to go over to her.

"Where's my brother?" Damon asks.

"He said he'd meet us here," Lexi answers.

Damon turns to Ashley who's standing next to Lexi, "Who's your friend?"

"Ashley," she introduces herself.

"How about I buy you a drink," Damon says giving her his famous smile.

"Sorry but you're not my type," Ashley tells him before walking away. Lexi laughs at the shocked look on his face before following her.


Caroline walks up to Bonnie as she walks in.

"Bonnie I've been looking for you. I'm totally sorry to do this I know it's so Indian giver and I know we're not even supposed to say that anymore but I need my crystal back,"

"Why? You said you hated it," Bonnie asks.

"Then I saw it on you and I realized how great it is, and I've got three outfits I can coordinate it with so...." She lies.

"I can't give it back to you," Bonnie tells her.

"Well, I didn't want to tell you this but I'm your friend, when you wear it makes you look fat. There I said it, but it's because I'm your friend so..."

"I'm sorry Caroline, I can't,"

"What do you mean you can't? Bonnie, it's mine," Caroline says getting frustrated.

"I thought you said it was Damon's,"

"It is,"

"So he's the one who really wants it back," Bonnie concludes.

"No. Maybe, just..." Caroline tries to snatch the crystal off of Bonnie but it shocks her. "Are you wearing polyester?"

"You were really gonna pull it from my neck," Bonnie says shocked, "What the hell is wrong with you?" She walks away.

Caroline walks off angrily but runs into Damon again.

"Where is it?" He asks.

"Bonnie won't give it to me," Caroline informs him.

"So rip it off her neck,"

"I tried. It shocked me,"

"Damn it! Why does it do that?" He asks himself, "I need that crystal,"

"Why are you being like this?" She asks, "I'm so good to you and I'd do anything. It's just some stupid necklace,"

"No, you are the only stupid thing here. And shallow. And useless," He walks away leaving behind a hurt Caroline.

"You don't seem to be having fun," Ashley says walking up to Caroline.

"Oh hey," Caroline says sadly, "It's pathetic huh, being sad at your own party,"

"You wanna talk about it?" Ashley asks.

"Not really,"

"Then let's go get your mind off of it," She says leading her to the bar.


"Two shots of tequila," Lexi tells the bartender. She looks around and sees Ashley at the other side of the bar taking shots with Caroline, "She always had a thing for blondes,"

Her eyes fall on Elena, "Actually make that three,"

"I need to see some ID," The bartender says.

Lexi looks him in the eyes compelling him, "No you don't,"

"That'll be–"

"Free!" She tells him.

He smiles, "On the house,"

"Thanks," She leaves with the tequila and goes over to Elena.

"Oh! The famous Elena,"

"Towel girl," Elena says.

Lexi shrugs, "I've been called worse," Offers Elena the tequila, "Here,"

Elena takes the shot glass, "I didn't know that you guys could drink,"

"Oh yeah, it helps curb the cravings, but makes for a lot of lushy vamps,"

Elena laughs, "You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk. He always seems so..."

"Uptight?" Lexi asks.

Elena nods, "Yeah,"


"But not with you," Elena says.

"Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over a hundred years. You can just be yourself," Lexi tells her.

"Yeah, he can't be himself with me,"

"Well not yet. The first step was him telling you. The rest comes with time,"

"You seem so sure," Elema says.

"The love of my life was a vampire. I went through, what you're going through: denial, anger, et cetera. But at the end of the day, love really did conquer all,"

"He changed you?" Elena asks.

Lexi nods, "If you wanna be with someone forever, you have to live forever," She points to Elena's untouched shot glass, "Are you going to drink that?"

"Go for it," Lexi takes the drink, "I'm scared," Elena admits.

"But you're here...'cause you're crazy about him, I get it okay? I mean what's not to love," They look over at Stefan, "Listen. Take it from someone who's been around a long time. When it's real, you can't walk away,"

"Hey Lexi, it was really nice meeting you," Elena says. She laughs as Lexi drinks the last tequila. Lexi gets up and returns to the pool table where Stefan is playing.

"Yep, I drank yours, sorry,"

Stefen smiles, "Thank you,"

She gives him a look understanding what he meant, "You weren't supposed to be listening," She sees his face, "I was feeling epic, whatever,"


Outside the Grill Sheriff Forbes and another officer are standing over a body.

"Keep this contained," She tells him.

"That's not all," The Officer says as he shines his light on a frightened girl.

Sheriff Forbes approaches the girl slowly, "Hey, hey. Did you see what did this?" The girl nods, "Tell me everything you saw,"


"From the little, you just told me the guy's a jerk," Ashley says.

"Yeaaah~" Caroline says drunk, "I have... bad taste in meeeen~,"

"Eh, men are overrated anyway," Ashley says downing another shot.

"I'll drinkkkk~ to that," Caroline says picking up a shot but Ashley takes it from her.

"I think you've had enough alcohol for tonight. Is there anyone who can take you home?"

Caroline turns around and points to a boy sitting at a table, "Maaattt~,"

"Okay then let's go," She helps her up and walks over.

"Am I shallow?" Caroline suddenly asks.

"I wouldn't say you're shallow but the word pretty comes to mind,"

Caroline giggles, "You're funny,"

"And you're drunk,"

Matt notices them and quickly walks over, "Is she okay?"

"I'm fiiiinnee~," She says before Ashley.

"Hammered, huh," Matt says.

Ashley nods, "Yeah,"

"It's alright I'll take it from here," Matt says picking Caroline up in a princess carry.

Just to be safe Ashley compels him, "Take her home safely, no detours," Matt repeats what she told him and heads for the exit.

Outside he runs into Sheriff Forbes.

"What happened is she ok?" She asks concerned.

"Like you care," Caroline says.

"She's drunk?"

"As a skunk,"

"Are they serving you in there?" She asks Matt.

"I'll take her home safely. It's on my way, I haven't been drinking," Matt tells her.

"I would appreciate that, Matt, thank you," She turns to Caroline, "You and I will discuss this later,"

"Can't wait," Matt walks over to his truck.

Sheriff Forbes turns to her deputies, "Don't let anybody else leave,"


Lexi walks up to Damon, who's sitting by the bar, with drinks.

"All right, the shots are a bribe. I need you to answer a question. What are you really doing in Mystic Falls?"

"Have you tried The Brittle? It wins awards," He says.

"Cut the crap," Lexi tells him.

"Okay, I have a diabolical master plan," He confesses.

"What is it?" Lexi asks.

"If I told you it wouldn't be very diabolical, now would it?" Damon says.

Sheriff Forbes comes in with the girl. "Look around let me know if you see anything,"

The girl points to the bar where Damon and Lexi are sitting. Sheriff Forbes walks over and injects Lexi with vervain.

"What are you doing?"

"Thank you for the vervain; now if you'll excuse me," She tells Damon as her two deputies take Lexi.

Ashley sees this and walks out to see what's going on.

Outside, the officers and Sheriff are taking Lexi to the police car when she throws the officers off. Her face turns grey with black veins spreading all over, her pupils glow blue and her vision turns black. Even without looking at the Sheriff, she can see her silhouette with her heart highlighted as red.

Sheriff Forbes shoots her with wooden bullets, but Lexi shrugs them off. Lexi senses someone coming from her left and goes to dodge but still being a little weak from the vervain she's stabbed in the left chest piercing her lung.

She looks at Damon who stabbed her, "Why?"

"It's part of the plan," He whispers. Before he can go for another strike Lexi's body bursts into bats that fly away leaving behind a shocked Sheriff and a worried Damon. Watching from the roof Ashley glares at Damon before turning to bat and following Lexi.


Damon is having a drink inside when Stefan arrives.

"Told you I'd take care of it, even though it didn't go as planned," Damon says.

Before Stefen can respond a swarm of bats break through the window and slam into Damon. They pin him to the wall before turning into a pissed-off Lexi, her hand tightly wrapped around his throat.

"Lexi?" He wheezes, "I thought you left,"

"You fucking stabbed me you little cunt, with a wooden stake and you think I'm gonna leave without returning the favor," She yells her fingernails extending into sharp claws. She stabs in the stomach dragging them down and he screams.

She reaches for the leg of the table next to them, breaks it off, and stabs him in the chest missing his heart by an inch.

"You missed," He says shocked.

"Did I?" She asks before breaking his neck.

"The only reason he's still alive is because of you," She tells Stefen, "keep him on a leash," she leaves the same way she came.


Lexi lands next to the Welcome to Mystic Falls sign where Ashley is waiting for her.

"Are you sure you want to stay?" Lexi asks.

"You know why," Ashley says.

"Right, the tomb," Lexi says before hugging her, "I'm gonna miss you,"

"Me too,"

"Alright then, stay safe and keep your eye on Damon," Lexi tells her.

Ashley nods and Lexi leaves. Once she's alone she takes out her phone and dials a number.

"I think we might have an opportunity to bring out Klaus," Ashley says once the phone is picked up.


"I found a human doppelganger in Mystic Falls,"

The person on the other end goes quiet for a bit, "Alright keep me updated," They end the call.

Ashley pockets her phone and simply walks back.


That's The End Of The First Chapter. Tell Me What You Think About It And Leave A Vote If You Like It It'll Help Me Out.