
Chapter 4

June 11.1998

1:00 pm


I finally get back to the castle and the first place I go to is the kitchen because this girl right here is starving and being in this tight dress is not making things better, I walk in and see that the kitchen staff is taking a break but they see me They immediately get and rush towards me asking what do I want and when should they give it to me. I tell them to chill out and go back to taking their break and after I said they rectally did.

I go to the fridge to see what they got(which is basically everything) I figure out what I want which is a nice BLT since I very much deserve it after the good job I did today, I quickly make my sandwich and make me a cup of water and head out and eat it in the small dining room while looking glamorous too. While I was enjoying my sandwich Lucy walks in from a meeting I guess.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day" he asked me while sitting across from me at the table

"It was fine,boring but, fine"I told him while taking a bite of my good ass sandwich.

"I see that that Leo didn't come back with you, was he with his friends?" He asked while I finishing up my sandwich.

"Yeah I have a really bad feeling about them and also today he asked me about why witches are so protective of our kind and I told him the condensed version of what happened but not all of it." I said to him with sad eyes.I got up and walked back to the kitchen to put away my plate and cup, Lucy got up to and sighed,"You do have the right to feel worrisome about his friends they have been nothing but trouble around here since you left." He said to me while handing the kitchen door for me.

"Today was the first day in a while since he has done his tasks fully and not half-assed" He said to me while I was cleaning my dishes.

I looked back at him shocked and surprised,"Are you serious, how bad of a influence are they"I said to him while jumping on top of table.

"It has been very bad my dear, he started to hang out with them after about a month when you went back home and things just got worse and worse such as them being caught doing drugs, vandalism and doing the most unthinkable things and the only reason why he hasn't really been with them is because he heard you were coming back for school" He said to looking like a sad and worried father.

"I didn't know it was that bad Lucy but don't worry I'm back now and things will go back to normal I promise" I said to him while jumping and looking up at him with determination.

"Thank you Lucia that dose make me hopeful,"he said to me while holding my shoulder,"Also the head Mistress is coming here in about two hours to discuss matters with both me and you about school this year so you might what to change into something comfortable and and summon the tea room." he finished off while walking away until whatever the devil does.

I walk back to my room and take this shit off my body and go to the bathroom to take a shower and use the loo after I get done with that I go back into my room and put on an outfit that is comfortable but just respectable for the presence of the headmistress I finally look find the outfit to wear.

After I get done changing I open my door and head to Lucy's study and fetch him since its almost time for headmistress to appear, I make it to his his study and knock three times,"Come in" he says from the other side of the door. I open the door and say,"Its almost time for her to appear we need to get ready" I said to him.

"Oh its almost well you get the room ready and I will meet you at the entrance when you get finished."He said to while getting up from his desk.I nod my head and walk to the spot where I usually set the room and put my hands on the wall and say an Incantation: Where there is a wall, a room shall appear, a room where talk is very high and key, a room shall appear and very nice, room o' room appear to me now. After I say that incantation a large and luxurious door shows up and open in to double check everything is set in stone, chairs set, tea set and natural light set everything looks well and perfect. I walk out and close the door and set it where only Lucy, Headmistress and me are they only ones allowed in here.

I walk down to meet Lucy and wait for the arrival of the headmistress and before we can even see her arrival we see Leo and his band of trouble makers are walking up the stairs looking very intoxicated Leo walks up to me and my suspicion of him being drunk is very much relived just by the smell of him and his breathe.

"Leo what in the hell is this and in front of Lucia really." Lucy said very booming while pointing to me while I tried to make myself small.

"Dad don't worry about me I'll be fine and I'm sorry Lucia very sorry" Leo said to drunk to even comprehend.Him and his friends walk right past me and Lucy all while I saw first hand how bad things really were for Leo.

"Lucia I'am so sorry that you had to witness that display of foolishness"Lucy said to me while rubbing his temple together in annoyance,"Its okay I deal with stuff like that with my sister at home but to be honest its never as bad as what I just seen."I told him very genuinely while handing hands toward him.

We waited a little more for the headmistress to arrive and when she did she walked as glamorous as she was with her dress nicely fitted to her body to, the awry of jewelry she had on her neck and hands and her hair which was showing a hint of aging color but at the same time in a very pretty up do.

"Hello headmistress Stout it is lovely to see you again"Lucy said while kissing her hand and escorting her to the room quickly before she could see the train wreck that came in.

"Oh it is lovely to be here again and remember its Miss.Helena between me and you."She said in her thick English accent,"Hello Lucia how was your summer and also how are Bess and Palo doing these days" she said to me while we were getting closer to the room,"It was very well needed and my mother and father are doing well also they told me they would like to spend a day with you again," I told her as we reached the door

"Well that is something that is must to do"She said while smiling at me and walking into the summoned up room and setting her purse down while sitting down and conjuring up a spot of tea with honey and two cubes of sugar.

"Now why did you call us today Helena are you giving Lucia another award for her academic success or letting us know if will be head of class again" Lucy said while booming about my different success.

"Actually I came here to tell you of a plan me and the school have come up with"she said while sipping a little of her tea,"Last school year was good but we feel that the rivalry between the witches and the demon sub-species are getting further dived but we have come up with a plan that involves Lucia" she finished while sipping some more on her tea and refueling herself up.

"Well whatever plan you have I'll be sure to follow through with it madam"I told to her with a smile.

"You have more and more of her smile every time I see you,"she said out of nowhere looking at me and realizing that their is one more party in the room,"Sorry force of habit, Well Lucia the school and I have that you are much then ready to graduate early and with Your soon to be husband but we also want you split your class time."She said to me while looking at both me and Lucy.

"What do you mean by that Helena"Lucy said while rubbing his hands together

"Well, she would take our normal witch classes but after her lunch time she will be taking the classes along with the demons"she said while looking down at floor.Lucy and I look at each other in shock as these as never been done before ever in the schools history.

"Why Lucia she is still so young and those people in those classes aren't the nicest towards witches are you sure this a good idea."Lucy said in his serious voice that I rarely hear ever

"We and the administration know but looking at how well Lucia can handle on her own with her special type of magic, The staff do you know of her situation so she will be fine if anything happens." She finished while reaching out and holding my hands.

"Do her parents know about of this"Lucy said while stretching out and getting up to bask in this decision.

"Yes I spoke with them just yesterday and they think it is a wonderful idea to bring unity between the two of us"she said in a matter of factually way while sipping her third cup and last cup of tea."Lucifer she will be fine and I'll make sure of it every step of the way" she finished while walking up to collect her things.

"Now I have to go now I have to prepare more for the school but I will send you two the stuff that she needs for her new classes and her uniform for that class." She finished while opening the door to her secretary waiting for her and after one final goodbye she disappeared while I looked down to the ground in shock.

I looked at Lucy and he looked at me both knowing that this is to be done so, we both get up and walk out of the enchanted room still in shock.He tells me that he is going to go back to the study and I nod my head not able to talk after that sudden announcement I put my hands back on the wall and say the closing incantation: Where there is room, It shall be wall, show no sight that there was ever a room, a door or even the crevices it makes, wall o' wall come back to me now. I opened my eyes and see that the door is gone and its back to a regular old looking wall.

I look at watch and see that its about 5:00 so I walk to the living room so I can walk some letters to ma and pop's and try to talk to my sisters but before I can even get close to the hall of the living room I can already hear the drunken laughter so I go back to my room and write my letters there.After I get done with that I go back to the living room doors ready to face to hot mess I am going to walk into.

I walk in a suddenly I get the stares once again but this time I can senses that I for sure am not welcomed here."Lu, there you want to join us in drinking the devils juice"Leo asked while him and the rest of them start laughing like hyenas.

"Sorry I'am just here to ship some letters to my parents and talk to my sister's using the mirror."I said to him while turning away and sealing the letters in a spell.

"Well how are you going to send the letters with no bird or transportation," Leo's friend Gedeon said while looking at me like I am stupid,"Well I just do this" and after I said that I threw it into the fire and they all just looked at me like I was crazy.

What you all have you way of doing things but us witches have to be creative at times when you don't have a lot of resources,"I told them while they still looked at me crazy and I walked to the mirror so I could talk to my sisters.I sit down in the booth and close the curtains and put simple a spell around me so they don't hear certain things.

I hit on the mirror two times and wait until I see my two loving sisters. Immediately feeling the home sick feeling.

"Hey gurl so how have things been with Mr.little red guy and Mr.little red guy jr."Ariadne said while Belinda just shook her head and smiled

"Well things have been pretty cray and shit but other then that its been aiight" I tell them sitting back and relaxing.

"That's good to hear but I heard form a little you know what that your boi has been acting up in hell"Ariadne said while Belinda held her familiar,which was a black cat,I looked at them with a smirk and nod my head.

"Yeah I'am seeing it first hand as we speak as I part the veil and show them the fuck up mess I am part of.

"Damn sis I didn't it was that bad even Ariadne isn't that crank up",Belinda said while Ariadne hit her in the arm.

"Yeah I said the same thing but I can handle it you know me and Ariadne I got the things you sent they are pretty dope" I tell to get off of that target after that we talk until I get the knock from a servant that dinner is ready so I say my goodbyes to my two sisters and I walk out to eat while I can't even hold down my own food in my stomach.