
Crimson's Revenge

After experience a broken heart and a series of unfortunate events, Reen had remembered everything. While all this were happening, he came into her life. Should she forgive and forget everything and live the life she always wanted or should she stay and fulfill her need to be free from her past’s dark constraints? Need or want which should she choose...?

SootSprite · 青春言情
273 Chs

Family Bonding 08

After reporting this to the head maid he left to go to his post once more. Claire and Uoron were escorted to their rooms as the guard made his report. They each took a bath in their own rooms.

The maids assigned to help them address their wounds then went to their rooms and a comforting yet sad melody played at the background.

As the wounds have already been cleaned after their baths, it made it easier for the maids to put the medicine and wrapped their wounds.

After helping the children address their wounds the maid curtsied and left. After the maids left the two's room Claire and Uoron chose not to leave their rooms as they became absorb in their own thoughts.

It was at this time that Claire as though was thrown a bucket filled with cold water [1] realized that they were merely tools for their parents own selfish desires. This also made her think about the reason behind this so called family outing.

Uoron on the other hand, from then on vowed to himself that he should become stronger and grow up as quickly as possible. He wanted to get back the full control of what is his and to protect the people that he cherishes.

Realizing that they could only rely on each other made these two half siblings closer from then on.

Before meeting Reen and his friends, he believed that the only person left in the world that cared for him was Claire thus resulting to his overly fond and protectiveness for the girl.

Returning back to the present, Uoron clenched his fist in anger and guilt for being so weak to defend the woman he loves during her most vulnerable state.

He already once promised his self that ever since failing to protect Claire in the past, he would change and become stronger.

Uoron and Reen both knew that whatever happened then was not his fault but he still took it upon himself and blame himself for it.

She knew that everything was her fault for including this man in her journey for revenge yet this lovely man before her accompanied her throughout it despite the danger it pose.

Reen seeing and realizing this could feel her heart swell up in warmth and stared gently at this man. She reached out and placed her hand above his.

Snapping out of his self-guilt he stared at their hand then at her gentle and loving gaze. His tense body relaxed and flip his hand to grasp her hand in his staring intently at her.

[1] To temper excitement or enthusiasm for something

(◎´▽`)ゞнёllо(´▽`◎)нёllо [FYI: The emojis are not mine, got them from Google]

This is finally (seriously) the final volume (⊙﹏⊙✿) Thank you so much for hanging out with me till the end o(*≧□≦)o Thank you for those who commented, reviewed, read, voted through the power stones and other things I forgot to mention (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑. Thank you yet again and stick with me till the end of the story.

SootSpritecreators' thoughts