
Crazy Royals And Their Crazy Lives

Filthy rich prince Taichi is kidnapped and sent to Japan by his father while he was taking a nap peacefully in his bedroom in England. He than dropped near a hill where he finds 3 of his siblings. He does a race with his brothers and crashes into a random stranger who then becomes his best friend along with 2 others. He comes across a lot of adventures and dangers on his way. what will happen to him now? let's see.

MLNH · 奇幻
7 Chs

Secret revealed

All of them looked at each other in awe.

"Why are you shocked?" Fuyu asked.

"I don't know," Taichi replied.

"What are you," Rei asked nervously.

"I don't know that either," Taichi replied.

"It's obvious that you are a demon. Now don't tell me you don't know what a demon is." Yoshi said bravely.

"oh right, now I remember my dad is part demon."

"you're such a weirdo," Yoshi said.

The other three looked at Yoshi in awe. He did not fear taichi. He was acting like all the brainless people in all horror movies.

"He is a demon fool!" Seiji said.

"Rude," Taichi said.

"But you are a demon," said Fuyu.

"Why do I keep forgetting that," Taichi said.

"Cause you are a fool." Replied Yoshi.

"Are you trying to pick up a fight with me?!" Taichi asked.

"You wouldn't last a second," said Yoshi.

"What did you say," Taichi said.

"Please don't start a fight now you guys!" Rei said.

Both Taichi and Yoshi looked at each other with anger.

Taichi transformed into his normal self.

The next moment we see all four of them drinking tea together.

"I know your secret you know ours so we're even," Yoshi said.

"Deal," Taichi replied

"Would you like something to eat?" Rei asked.

"No thank you I'm good," Taichi replied.

"So you are the crown prince of this place." Asked Seiji.

"No, I'm the crown prince of Kaminotani," Taichi replied.

"This is Kaminotani," Fuyu said.

"Oh, I see," replied Taichi.

All of them were calm. They showed no reaction of fear even if they knew that Taichi was a demon!

Suddenly someone broke the wall and came inside.

"Give my little brother back you fools." It was Juliet.

The moment Seiji laid eyes on her his heart skipped a beat. He fell in love with her.

"Big Sister you came!" Taichi said happily.

"Taichi my little devil, my brother," said Juliet.

Both of them ran and hugged each other in slow motion.

Rei started sobbing after seeing this happy scene.

Fuyu was calm. This was not the first time he saw the wall break.

Yoshi was stunned. He was shocked to know that a fool can have such a beautiful sister.

Suddenly out of nowhere Michal and George appeared. Poor people, nobody saw them. Their gazes were on Juliet and Taichi.

"Hello anyone alive?" George asked.

No one answered.

"Do they think we're dead?" asked Michael.

"What's your name?" asked Seiji to Juliet.

"I'm Juliet Sakura, sorry about your um wall," Juliet replied.

"You're really pretty Juliet San," Seiji said.

Juliet blushed and said, "um thanks."

"What is happening here!?" Yoshi screamed.

"I smell love in the air," said Rei.

"Gross," said George.

"Who are you two?" asked Rei.

Finally, someone noticed them.

"Finally someone saw us," Michael said.

"why are mad people entering our house?" Asked Fuyu to himself.

Juliet and Seiji we're busy sweet-talking with each other. Taichi and Yoshi were busy staring like donkeys at the two love birds and Fuyu was busy, not interfering in anything.

George shook Rei's hand and said, "Hello beautiful lady, my name is George and this is my big brother Michael. We are twins. We came here to get our brother."

Rei blushed and said, "So you're Taichi's brothers."

Michael nodded.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Yoshiko Rei." She bowed her head and said.

Suddenly Juliet's tummy started grumbling.

"You hungry?" Seiko asked smiling.

Juliet blushed. Suddenly even the other six's tummy also started grumbling.

"It is dinner time," Fuyu said.

"I know, why don't you four have dinner with us."

"Four?" Yoshi asked.

Michal said, "Hi I'm Michael and this is George. we're with Juliet."

"Oh no, we possibly could not accept that," Juliet said remembering her manners at the time of the.

"Oh please, we insist," Seiji said.

"No, we don't," Yoshi said.

"That's right Juliet we have a lot of um.....unpacking to do," Taichi said. He was unwilling to stay at that place any longer.

"Ok," Said Juliet without any hesitation.

"We're in." Michal and George said.

"What but...how can we? the maids must have prepared something for us. It would make them sad if we'll... not have that. They would be really sad if 'MICHAEL' did not have food with them." Taichi said.

"Oh don't worry the maids are in three months leave," Michael said.

"I don't care what you people do." Said Fuyu.

Both Taichi and Yoshi were unwilling to have their dinner looking at each other's faces but there was nothing they could do.

Rei served dinner to all of them. It was fish, rice and curry for dinner.

Taichi, Juliet, Michael and George were not interested in eating that. They were blue blood's and they were used to having high-class meals for dinner.

Taichi gulped his saliva and took a bite of the fish.

"This fish," Taichi said.

"Is it good?" Rei asked.

Everyone in the hall had their eyes on Taichi as they wanted to know his opinion on the food. After all, it was a once in a lifetime view. It's not like every day that a prince would eat a commoner's food.

"Oishi ( Tasty in Japanese ) I've never had something so good in my life!" Taichi said.

Yoshi, Seiji and Fuyu were shocked. It was just normal fish and rice.

As soon as the other three heard this ( Taichi's siblings ) they digging into their food.

"This tastes like heaven," Juliet said.

"Délicieux ( Tasty in French )" said Michal.

"Wow the fish is fried perfectly and the curry and rice melt in the mouth. You are a star miss. Rei!"

Rei blushed and smiled. This was the first time someone appreciated her cooking. She was really happy.

"I'm glad you liked it." She said.

"If you liked it so much then you can have all your three meals here," said Seiji.

Yoshi banged his head on the table as he heard this.

"We would love that." Michael and George said.

"Yup," said Taichi ( Total pushover ).

After talking for a while the Sakura siblings returned home.

"Juliet is so beautiful," Seiji said.

"Oh, do you intend to become Juliet's Romeo then?" asked Fuyu.

Rei smiled and said, "careful she is a princess. You might have your head separated from your neck if you do a wrong move." she was teasing Seiji.

"Ya whatever." Said, Yoshi.

He was angry because Seiji invited Sakura's to have dinner with them.

"You're such a party pooper, Yoshi," Rei said.

"Oh well if you like them so much why don't you marry that Taichi and get into that family," Yoshi said angrily.

"Shut up Yoshi you're going too far!" said Fuyu madly.

"It's alright Fuyu San," Rei said in a sad voice.

Suddenly they all heard the melodious voice of someone singing.

"What a sweet voice," Rei said.

All her sadness went when she heard this.

"Who is singing in the middle of the night?" Seiji said.

"Whoever it is, has a sweet voice," said Fuyu.

"The tone of the music is a bit sad," Yoshi said.

He quickly ran towards the woods as the music was coming from there.

Both Fuyu and Rei followed him.

After going a little deep in the woods, they saw a handsome boy with red hair singing it was Taichi.

"The sun rises in the east,

The moon comes after.

birds chirping sweetly,

Every day I see

Cinderella was a maid,

Until she met her prince charming.

Snow White had met the same fate,

As she

But life is a bit up down for me

There's a happy ever after,

For everything,

but for me, it's just not there

There's a happy ending for everyone

Why can't I just be like them?


I once fell in love,

But my heart was broken how?

I tried one more time,

But yet I failed this time.

Why is life so cruel to me,

All I wanted was a friend.

There's a happy ever after

For everything

But for me, it's just not there. There's a happy ending for everyone,

I wish I just had a friend.

For once...". Taichi was singing this song from the edge of a cliff.

Rei's eyes filled with tears as she heard this song. Even Fuyu was a little bit upset after hearing this. Yoshi felt bad for Taichi.

Suddenly taichi slipped and almost fell the cliff.

Someone held him before that happened. It was Yoshi. He saved him.

"Yoshi?" Taichi said in awe.

Yoshi quickly pulled Taichi up.

Fuyu and Rei ran towards the two.

"Are you guys ok?" Rei asked.

"You're not hurt, are you?!" Fuyu said.

Yoshi slapped Taichi and said, "How can you be so careless?!"

"what do you mean?!" shouted Taichi.

"Did you not think about the people who care about you before standing on the edge of this cliff!" Fuyu asked angrily.

"I don't have anyone who would care about me, ok!" Taichi said.

"Then what are we?!" Yoshi asked.

Taichi's eyes filled with tears as he heard this.

"We were so worried about you," Rei said.

Taichi started crying as he heard this. He hugged the three of them tightly.

"T-Thank you. This was the first time anyone had ever care about me." Taichi said weeping.

All of them hugged each other tightly. They all had officially become friends now.

Taichi was not friendless anymore. This was the happiest day of his life.

"Guess there's no use for us here now," Juliet said from afar.

"Right," said Michael and George, who were standing next to Juliet.

Saying this they went back.

Taichi finally found his happiness. Let's see how he spends his life with his new friends. That is for the next chapter. Until then bye.