
Secret I'd

Taking a deep breath in, I mustered up my courage and checked the schedule to match whose class was running in the time when Enwoo received the message when another sharp pain jabbed my heart.

Tuesday, the day Eunwoo was absent, the day he was found dead, the class that had a lab on the exact time he got those anonymous texts was ours and right at the moment, Jisoo's voice echoed into my head.

"I feel like someone we know was behind this. Someone who knew about Eunwoo's secrete Id, his another phone"

My body began trembling as each one of my classmate's face flashed in front of my eyes. I couldn't imagine any of them being a killer but all the evidence we have gathered was pointing out that it was someone we knew.

Eunwoo was extremely popular, meaning he had many friends and even though he was well behaved and kind, his popularity came with jealousy and rivalry from other guys.

I slowly took a baby step towards the computer I was working on that day. I clearly remembered Jimin to be sitting to my left and Jisoo to my right and the person who was sitting at that specific computer that was right behind me was Taehyung.

My breath got knocked out of me and the world around me appeared to stand still. The feeling was similar to falling down from an airplane without any parachute.

I nearly puked at the absurd conclusion that my mind came up with as I repeatedly shook my head not wanting to believe any of it.

"Tia, I will sit here today" He had sweetly smiled at me taking his position behind me.

Taehyung had always preferred to sit beside me, so it was quite unusual for me to see him changing his regular scheme, but seeing Jimin getting excited to sit alongside me I had brushed it off.