
History Strongest Disciple Part 2:

"Nope," Titan said as they walked to school. "I am gonna do whatever I want. You do whatever you want."

"Come on, please." Kasumi begged. "I want to start one here soon. You can be the head honcho. I can be the female head honcho and Lettie can be.."

"I will be the girlfriend that gets him in trouble." Lettie smirked. "Besides there is a big Underworld Network we can exploit and take over. I want to take over the killing side of it. She can run the other stuff."

"Hah, fine. Try not to get exposed." Titan said. Them both double-teaming him was enough to relent. It is not like he didn't want to do it really. Just a little more of a waiting period. They reached the school gate as both gave him a kiss and left. "Right at the gate.. seriously." The stares didn't bother him. Just the questions later would piss him off. "Ah well, school time. The perfect time to relax. 'Those two are really enjoying becomeing teenagers again.'


-That didn't happen. At the first notice-


"Come on, rejoin the boxing club." Takeda's former buddies asked Titan excessively. A few others in the classroom were watching to see what happens. Usually, he would remain quiet, now that he was aware, that was not going to be the case. "What will it take?"

"An endless supply of women for me to bang and people to beat up." Titan said offhandley. A request like this should get them to leave him alone. If not an outcast or social pariah. "Violence and more violence. I want to see females beat the crap out of grown men. I want to see little squirrely boys beat the crap out of guys and girls that treat them like crap. Yah know, the chaotic crazy shit."

A girl in the class started messaging as soon as the conversation started.

"Umm, there are a few girls I can get but.." The guy was floored by Titan's brazen request.

"Yeah, said women. Have to be 18 on up." Titan put his head down to refocus. 'I wonder if I can really do it. To reach upper Tiers before something crazy happens again.' The teacher aide passed out the last pieces of work material. Grabbing it, Titan started to get up and leave. "Oh I mean if you have guys that are willing to listen to crazy stuff.. then that will work to."

*Chk!* The door opened before he could get through.

"Stop!" Freya said. Her real name was Kaname Kugatachi and a member of Ragnarok. Looking around, Titan spotted the girl with a phone out. She caught his look and put it behind herself. She looked to the walls slightly embarrassed. A girl in the class alerted her to what was going on. "I said stop!"

*Slam!* She hit the wall in front of Titan. "You can't be serious about what you said."

"Sigh, move or get moved. I don't mind breaking you. It would suck, considering our family connection, and all. But I wouldn't mind teaching a lesson." Titan eyed her down for a bit. "Strong but not strong enough." He was not trying to demean the girl.

But her state as a Pillar of the World limited her. Right now it was pulsing powerfully, but he knew later it would be nothing. Just another background Pillar.

The set up Lluvia had in place for him, had his family and her family mixed. They were about 9th or 10th cousins. She was a child friend up until they turned 13. Different things moved them in different ways. For Freya, her part as a Support Pillar pushed her to focus on things.

"Grr, fight me then." Freya saw him dip under her arm and keep walking unbothered by her statement. "Make a bet with me then. You always were fond of deals." Titan stopped and looked at her over his shoulder. The call of Chaos piqued already for the idea of gaining her. "We fight one on one. You win, I am yours. I win you have to do whatever I say. I mean everything. You come back to the dojo and become my grandfather's student!"

"Heh, deal." A quest appeared that caused Titan to laugh as he moved in the hall. "Hahaha, easy day."

System: Kaname Kugatachi (Freya) refuses to let her friend go down a path of deprivation and cruelty. Defeat her showing the difference in what she views as strength. Reward: Kaname Kugatachi becomes a Follower. Failure: Forced to join her families dojo. A decrease in stats by 30%. Bonus: ????, ????.


-2 hours 30 minutes later at the garden on top of the school-


"Brother!" Lettie came running over. She jumped over the plants and slid under the lamps. She popped up after a roll in front of him. "Tada." Hands up in the air raised high.

"Haha, attention hog." Titan said while putting the water pail down. "Had fun today?" He stood straight up with his arms folded.

"Only for you. Muah," Lettie wrapped around his shoulders and gave a kiss. "So you are going to beat up Freya today huh?" It was a question she already knew the answer to. She just wanted to make sure. "Well, I rather have her with us than them anyway."

"We are still in school." The club president said. Yūka Izumi, a very kind girl that goes unnoticed. She also fell for Kenichi. Or maybe always was in love with him before hand. Titan didn't quite remember for her. They were passing friends that enjoyed talking about gardening and the like. "A little discretion would.." She stopped when Lettie gave her a glare. "Nevermind."

"No, she is right. However, we are not doing any harm. Besides, if it is a problem I rather just leave the club then. She does not come by often." Titan likes the girl enough not to really cause her problems. Nurgle enjoyed being near the pure ones like her. It gave him and Titan a small comfort.

"Right, no stay." Yūka said a little apologetic. "Just don't want you to get in trouble."

"Never worry about us getting in trouble. Remember to do what you can to protect the garden and the club itself. As well as increase your self-defense classes." Titan said smiling at her. "The world is a dangerous place."

"Right." The club president said. As she went back to working on the flowers near her, she started to hum and think to herself. 'At least he didn't get mad. I hate for him to leave especially after Kenichi stopped showing up as much.'

"Titan!" One of Freya's Valkyries said. It was Shizuru Toyonaga.

A teen with long light-brown hair styled in high-class society style. She wields a Naginata spear. Taught to her by Freya herself. This one Titan didn't have a problem with. She often came by to practice flower arrangements. Also one of the few who knew about Titan & Freya's childhood.

"You ready?" Titan just nodded and followed her. They moved to the other side of the roof. Freya and a few others already there waiting. She had her Bo staff and her fighting gear already on. The number 3 on her gloves signifying she was already representing Ragnarok.

"You ready old friend?" Freya asked.

"I will do what is needed." Titan walked forward and stood five feet in front with his arms folded. "Whenever you are ready."

"Don't break her to bad bro!" Lettie said from behind. She had a camera and some popcorn out. Something she picked up a while back he thought. Then a strange feeling came over Titan. For an instant, he felt as if he hadn't seen Lettie in awhile but also recently. It was a very weird situation.

"Begin." Ukita said. He karate chopped the air. Ukita is a tall young man with a fairly lean and muscular build with short brown hair. Depending on what he wore, the guy looked massive sometimes. A friend of Takeda.

"Hiyah!!" Freya let loose a battle cry as she went forward. Bo staff shot out.

*Swoosh!* She caught nothing but air as Titan weaved back.

*Swoosh! Swoosh!* To more swipes that he moved away from.

"Is that the only thing you know how to do now?"

"Tch!" Freya did not like that.

"Do something to make me get serious then." Titan grinned. "Or is this the best you can do?" The power of Chaos assessing the girl as they fought.

"When did you become so.. ugh!" Frustrated, Freya did several thrusts rapidly. Those in the gallery couldn't even see it. "Why did you give up on fighting?"

"I didn't."

"Then why not join the boxing club? Or any club for that matter?!" Freya placed her staff against the ground and vaulted her self forward with a double leg press.

*Thump!* She missed impacting the side wall making a little crack.

*Tap!* Kicking off, she did a flying kick missing. *Tap!* Landing on her left foot she rotated into a spin. Her staff striking towards Titan's head. Her followers were surprised at how dangerous she was fighting.

"Because to many rules. To many restrictions." Titan stepped forward. Right hand grabbed her shoulder keeping her in place. "Rhythm Tap!" His left tapped her heart causing it to spasm.

"Kuk!" Freya winced in pain.

"People get mad when you seriously fight. Even worse if the opponent drops dead. How boring." Titan's right hand let her go and turned to a palm strike towards her gut. His energy laced in his palms caused her stomach to turn. Stomach acid already coming up.

"Kukk ugh!" Freya to her credit swallowed it back down and gripped her staff tightly. "Grr!" She concentrated everything she had in her next strike. Nothing fancy, just a sweep.

*Tap!* Titan stopped it with his foot.

"Angel's Palm." He said with conviction as he took a step forward. His palm went to the center of her stomach and diaphragm as he infused it with Qi.

*Woosh!* Everyone saw a vague image of an angel appear they thought. A few rubbed their eyes to make sure they weren't losing it.

*Thud!* Freya fell forward. Her knees hit the cement as her body hit against Titan's waist.

"Freya!" Her Valkyries yelled running over.

"Stop!" Lettie said with force. "She is still fighting. Besides if any of you step in.." She walked forward a little and moved the camera over to them. Licking her lips she said, "I get to play with you. I won't hold back as brother did. I will put you in the hospital. I will enjoy it immensely!"

"Ugh, .. I .. can.. sti..l still fight." Freya said looking up. Blood leaving her mouth.

"You are right. But you will fight for me." Titan plucked her off the ground after tapping her forehead. She was out like a light. "Ah, was fun. Definitely have come into your own, my little Freya."

*Scrtch!* He looked to his shoulder. A piece of fabric had torn. It was just a scuff but it showed she had a lot of promise. A regular human scratching a cultivator let alone Titan for that matter was something else. Even with the Will of the World giving her more power.

"She landed a hit. Nice." Lettie said coming over. She put her arms out for Titan to hand her over. "Give her here. I am still faster than you currently. I will take her home and look her over."

"Alright." Titan leaned in and pulled her in for a kiss. "Yum, tasty as always. I am going to want more when I get home."

"Right. Get home quickly!" Lettie jumped off the roof and was gone.

"You better not hurt her." The valkyries said together.

"I will do whatever I damn well please with my belongings." His eyes shining teasingly. "I tell you what." Titan turned to face them each. His face in a provoking scowl. The quest updated. He was very much intrigued by the possibilities. "We have another go at it. All of you versus me. Beat me and Freya goes free."

"And if we don't beat you?" One of the Valkyries said Stepping forward. It was Yōko Igarashi. Dark greyish-blue hair teen with in a long ponytail. She had a set of long bangs to the side of her face. Titan's Pather Power already giving him a feel of the girl's emotion. She wanted to fight him badly. Sho also wears a bandana and uses twin tri-bladed sai. "What then?"

"Well, you become mine. Same as her." Titan raised his hands up and released some of his energy onto them. "How far are you willing to go?"

"Shizuru Toyonaga," the spear wielder stepped forward. "You know my decision already!"

"Kuk," Three more stepped forward immediately. Reo Usami, Yuriko Aiba, and Yumeko Tatsumoto. Then two more followed. Hibiki Yūki & Ami Fujimiya. Utusmi signaled the start and they charged at Titan.

Updated as of 12/06/2020

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