
History Strongest Disciple Part 1: First Pull there

Titan sat across from Zelda. She was beside herself in hearing about everything that happened. She took it all in good enough. But a strong rage was in her eyes. Almost like her counterpart Hilda.

"You never gave up on me. Thank you for that. I do not want to know about the others anymore. Those here are what matter. The Millenium Rod is so much weaker now in this place. And Tzeenetch's staff is sleeping soundly." She sent it away and got up. Walking over to lean against Titan. "New name, new start, and my status as an Operator is gone. Thank you for removing it. I do not want to really do it anymore. But since you are one now with your own User coming, I want to help you in that department."

"Sounds good. But what about everything else?"

"I look to be 25 with a human body." Zelda ran her hands along her legs and arms. "Unlike Hilda, I do like to keep busy in all sorts of things more peaceful. I think I will cover every bit of the Mental Department. Lluvia's avatar is a doctor, so I will go in that field as well. Just that of the mind. Neurosurgery first. Want to understand the scientific part a little more. If I did.."

"Hey, that is enough of that." Titan grabbed her tighter and could feel her Biotic Strands enter him. She was angry at falling for the trap and angry for not killing her way out. If she did, she would have made it out. A lot of Rift police would have been dead but who gives a shit when you know you are innocent. "If it happens again, you know what I will do."

"Heh, raise war on Rifts Earth. Good thing Galtana and the Trickster went to bat for you. But then again, they owed you a lot for a bunch of things. But killing that one squadron definitely was worth hearing about it at my trial." Zelda beamed happily in remembering. "They will pay for what they did. I can feel it. Even from you. You kept your inner council well last time after what happened. But why is a chunk of your memory missing?"

"So it is true then?" Titan felt it as well. Even Lluvia. "No records exist in the Archives she said. Even her father says it is strange. "But apparently has something to do with the Creator. That is all he was able to gather when he reconnected his consciousness back. He did not lie from what I gathered. In time, we will have answers. But it does not seem bad. I think I agreed to it. Must be for a good reason."

"Good enough for me." Zelda's hands went over his chest. They glowed with magic as she found what she was looking for. "The Triforce Of Wisdom and my Triforce of Courage, right where they belong."

*Shing!* In response to her touch, they both activated. Six lights left from between them. Circling around and entered Zelda. Four pieces of Triforce and The Master sword with a Darker Master Sword exact replica as well.

"The Hyrulean and counterfeits of Courage, and that of Power. The Master Sword of Hyrule and the one you made in your World. I say they have a great owner."

"You don't want them?" Titan shook no to this. "It would help a lot." Zelda thought it was odd.

"But you need them to. I already have a lot of stuff in me. And even more, waiting to come back out. Keep it all to grow your strength. That way, if anyone finds trouble for you, you can cut them apart with ease. There is also a few Worlds of Zelda in this sector. Pretty sure you can go and take it over or set it right."

"Hmm sounds good. I need a place to gain my strength while things are set up here." Zelda stared at the swords and took in the tri-force pieces back in. "I will share the power with you later, however. Lluvia told me of a method for me to refine them. Will make it a lot easier to keep them from getting taken by anyone. I am going to do that. And study dual wielding."

After a kiss, Zelda left to his Nether World. The plain sky not having the various planets anymore bother her a bit. But soon more would be in place. Time is something they had a lot of.

'Just Lluvia and myself.. the others retired to the Nether Heart. How silly. But with the way Lluvia is acting that I glimpsed, I will have a lot of his thoughts to me. Definitely most happy with that.' Zelda spent a few points creating a small planet in the sky. She appeared over on it a few seconds later. "Reborn!"

*Sprout!* From the abundant mana Titan allowed her, she created several Djinn from Golden Sun. They were weak since the Sector they now inhabited was not the Game Sector. But Zelda did not mind in the least.

'A part of his mind spoke to me the entire time. I was the only one he could do that with.' A smile on her face as she basked in her freedom. 'I will never forget to keep you moving. No matter what name you change to or goals you acquire.'

The Nether Heart opened just slightly. Dark Samus sent a message over to Zelda. One that she found most interesting. The two conversed before she closed the doors and fell asleep. Zelda was like her. Someone who exceeds Parameters. They both earned a Powerful Bond when Azul entered the War.


Doing A pull-


Titan was enjoying more after cultivating and practicing magic. It was time to start using his Pulls to get stuff.

System: Common Pull commencing... target found.. Full Metal Alchemist (Standard/Anime)... Nia Tucker. Restoring body and mind fully.

Nia Tucker was a character that appears in a flashback in most Fullmetal Alchemist adaptations. She was used in an experiment by her husband Show Tucker to create a human weapon known as a Chimera.

The test worked and all she begged for was death. Later on, Tucker does the same thing to his daughter who is later killed by the Murderer Scar.

*Boop!* The rift closed behind her. The woman was dazed but got it together after.

The two sat in silence as Nia came to terms with what happened to her and what happens to her daughter. Titan just sat patiently waiting. He checked the store and was surprised to see the different souls of the girl inside. He purchased the one that came from the same as the mother and created a healthy body for the child.

Keeping her in his Nether World as he talked with Nia.

"So.. yeah.. not liking this one bit." Titan said looking at the woman. "Ok, so I will get you your daughter here as well. But you will have to explain to her that her daddy was a bad, bad, bad man. And that he will be dead soon. I am not dealing with that nonsense here."

"I understand. What will my job be besides bed warmer?"

"Bed warmer.. yeah no. I mean if you want we can do that. Other than that no.. you will be a live in maid. As well as a nanny. I know eventually, they will want to start a family. I know I do as well." Titan rubbed the side of his face as he thought about it for a moment. 'Nether World doesn't really have anyone else that wants to do much right now. They are enjoying the peace right now fully.'

Taking off his glasses to wipe them, he had to think of some things as well as pull on his memories more. Ones that had been buried for a while. Just the memory of alchemy from that World and the people in there. Some worth saving, some not.

"Thank you for the chance." Nia said demurely. "I know you could just get rid of me if you want."

"Your new last name will be Terra. Nia Terra. You come from England. We are cousins by marriage. The way you came to us, was by leaving an abusive husband." Titan rather uses her lore to help with the transitioning.

"Ok. Thank you for this." She paused trying to decide what to call Titan. "Thank you, cousin."

"No problem." He smiled. The biotic strands that left the woman were sincere. "Oh, it is done. Your daughter is upstairs sleeping. Please take your time explaining everything to her. You have three days to settle in. Find Kasumi if you need any help. Oh, and here is a cellphone to help you along."

Titan gave her a cheap phone from the shop. It was plain-looking and was a flip one. Something that should fit easily since she had to play the role of an older woman a little. She was about 30 according to the status screen. But in actuality, her body was that of a 20-year-old from the infusion of mana and spirit energy.

"I.. thank you." She excused herself and went upstairs. Too happy to say much of anything else.

"If you keeping getting pulls like that.. I wouldn't mind." Kasumi said smiling. Lettie shrugged a little but she was smiling as well. As for Lluvia, she was staring absent-mindedly at the woman as she ran up the stairs.

"I like her. Fewer people we have to look for you to grow your Paragon self. She releases a nice peaceful aura already." Kasumi said leaning on the couch.

System: Armor Pull commencing... target found.. Magical Knight Ray Earth: Rune God Designs.

"That is nice." Titan waited a bit to do a few more Pulls. The information from the Rune God armor was something else. Already thinking of ways to use them better. 'I do love robots. Organic magic ones are just as good.'


-Next Day-


Titan, Lettie, and Kasumi went to school with no problem. They left early to buy some breakfast on the way. Which was more calming than Titan thought it would be.

"Ahhh good days." Titan yawned as they moved. Kasumi just ate her pastry. Lettie giggled at how nice it felt to be together again. "Should we go fishing later today?"

"Yes. The river is not too bad nearby." Lettie said muffled. Her donut was too good to stop eating.

"I am game. Get a suntan and just enjoy the air." Kasumi smiled. A screen popped up for a quest. 'Oh, that seems interesting.'

Updated as of 12/06/2020

Updated as of 09/09/2022

FrozenTidecreators' thoughts