
History Stongest Disciple 5 Lettie Interlude

"Ah, that was fun." Titan exhaled as he was back in front of the mountain he punched last time. The results were a lot better this time. Turning he saw Lettie staring at him. "You ok?"

"Yes. Your body has gained the strength you lost already." She came over and pulled him into a kiss. "Mmh, you taste even more like you. Even happier from what biotic strands you are sending my way."

"Hehe, thanks. You taste great as always." Titan responded and picked her up by her ass. Just how she likes to be lifted. They started walking out of the training area.

"Put her down Titan jeez." Kasumi said smiling. "Come to the living room."

"Ok." Lettie had already jumped free and sprinted off. Arriving he sat down and looked around. "So how long was I gone?"

"Three days here." Kasumi answered from the couch. "We told the others you were sick at school so no worries."

"The User Shane, he was the one who had you reported." Lluvia said giving him a warm smile. "The others convinced me not to go after him to the Administration. You have been cleared of the charges. And your power is back. So we have additional points and stats to go around for compensation." Lluvia extended her hand holding onto some energy. "Do you want it all or would you rather I do something else with it?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I want it all. Unless.. do we need to use it elsewhere?" Titan already reached over taking back the stats he lost from the report. A floating ball of energy that felt just like his soul.

"Not really right now. Everyone is doing ok with the daily tasks." Lluvia shrugged. "But it is a lot of start up points we have now. We can invest in our current forces." She looked around at the others quickly and noticed they already had more than enough from what was passed out before.

"Can you use the points to get more people?"

"Yes, but it is not cost-effective. However.. we can use them to take away penalties from when we do Pulls with filters added." Lluvia added as she then started to think about what they needed. "We need a scientist."

"I say we invest it in medical actually." Nia said. "From what you told me, Titan has a lot of information on genetics right? We can use it to help out medical equipment and the like for him to purchase a private hospital. Well, another one anyway."

"Another one?" Titan asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I own one already. The big building across the street is our private hospital. With the forces we are going to have, we will need it. Especially if our people get hurt in public. As a private Hospital, we can admit who we want and exclude who we want." Lluvia smiled. "I am an archaeologist and a doctor in this world. Having another hospital will work. That way when you finish school, we can say you went to study abroad for college while you work on other things."

"Hmm, I rather just go to college here. Just set it up for online courses. I am sure we can come up with several real reasons why anyway people dont see me often. Or I can not do full transitions. Nothing wrong with leaving a me here."

"Can I start my own dojo?" Toph asked. "I want to start to spread my fighting style. Minus the bending arts of course."

"Go for it." Titan waved her off. "Not a problem to me."

"Really?" Toph was surprised. "Thought you would be against me starting a school like Ryozanpaku."

"What you do on your own time is yours. As long as it does not interfere with you teaching the people I need you to or myself, it is fine by me." Titan thought about it for a minute. "Do make sure your students never cross with my own. I will have them kill, you can be assured of that."

"Hehe, I am aware." Toph gave a wry smile.

"So no moving right!?" Makoto asked.

"Right." Titan said simply. His Cosmos turning on its own. 'A lot of my anger has let me. Which is not bad per se.'

"Yes!" She cheered a little to happily. "This world is so much easier than my own. No super terrorists and robots destroying everything. Don't have to worry about getting hacked by someone plugging into me or anything else as well."

"Motoko, just make sure you do not drop your guard to much." Kasumi said. "The tech may be a lower level but you can still die if you dont stay trained up enough. You and Toph fall under me. So I will make sure you dont become to relax."

"Right. Can do. As long as I can still work for the police force I am happy." Makoto smiled. "Having the weight off my shoulders of the ghost and cybernetic dilemma solved a lot of bs is a blessing." She clenched her fist. "I am human by all accounts. I can not get over it all."

"Not a problem." Titan said. He then looked to Sesshoumaru. "How about you? What are you going to do while here?"

"I will relax. I think I will join you and Lluvia in the medical field. So college for me. I think Botany and Disease will be my field of study." He said simply.

"Understood." Titan said to Sesshoumaru. "Need to burn through the rest of those Pulls."

System: Low Level Pull commencing... target found.. Anime Blue Gender... Companion found... Miny... Pull is arriving.

"Oh for Pete's sake why!?" Titan leaned back exhausted from the very notion of the arrival. "I think the System just has joked I swear."

Dark Gundam: Think of the levels and the revival of the Earth. I myself am ready to go to that place. From your checks over things, no one really tries to save or change the place. I will give my all to it. Especially since Savage and Cortana are taking care of things in Gundam Seed.

'Yeah yeah. Doing the stuff now.' Titan thought about the insects in the place and actually was looking forward to killing in massive droves in the place. 'Some things just need to be killed. As well as that piece of shit that screws humanity over.'

"What is the problem?" Kasumi questioned.

"She is.. how to say it nicely? Ugh, you will see." The rift opened and the woman dropped out with a broken neck barely holding on for her life. Titan had already had a Heal Spell ready. As well Revive just in case the System restored to slow. "Revive and Regen + Full Heal."

"Ughh, thank you Master." Miny responded. Her eyes still dull with that dead fish look.

"Hah, she called you Master." Toph started laughing. "Is that problem you mention?"

"No. This is, watch." Titan walked over and grabbed her breast and started squeezing them. Miny's eyes instantly went deaded like a fish. Body complete stiff. "This is the problem. She had some things done to her so much, her mind kind of goes offline while this stuff happens."

"Why not stop touching her then?!" Toph said a little upset.

"Because I am going through her head and trying to fix it. As well as showing that sex and other forms of affection is an option." Gathering her energy, he used Mental Cleansing next. Wiping out the negative feelings attached. His Pather power already connecting pleasure memories to her. "Wake up. I don't want a dead fish on my team."

"How rude." Toph added. "You could be nicer."

"Uh huh, doesn't work for everyone. Especially the place she came from. Matter of fact, I think I will send you there without your bending. That way you may learn a little something."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"That people are expendable." Miny answered coming to. She looked at Titan and felt an overwhelming sense of devotion. As long as she obeys and takes care of herself, she won't be killed or exploited. "I still want to call you Master. But that will be for the future."

"Ok." Titan smiled. A brief image of the Asari Emerald appearing before fading away. A sense of longing that was extremely pleasant festered for a bit. But she was long gone now. "We will have you train and learn a little more. But something else.. actually counseling first. I rather not just "rewrite" you."

"I understand." Miny nodded. She started talking with Nina about a few things. Another Pull was finishing up.

System: High Pull.. targe found.. Yu-Yu Hakusho... Companion agrees.

A withered Yusuke came out. Covered in wounds that took a while for even the System to restore. Titan cast Curaga at the highest level he could spare, Kasumi adding her own in as well.

"Yoh!" Yusuke said with a smile. As he reverted back in age, his disposition turned softer. A lot of his power was gone. "So, things turned to shit during the blasted User War. Wanna help me live a better life?"

"Yeah. Glad there was a reset at least. Should be fun." Titan nodded. He felt Lettie's worry slightly from the side. She thought he would spend to much time their and never come back. "But go and rest for now."

They all conversed a little longer before calling it night time. Titan was relaxing outside on the porch looking at the sky.




Between the Bond Titan shared with Lettie, he was trying to get a feel for what was wrong. But she shut him out. Which took a lot of effort. So he did the old fashioned way and went to her while she was training.

"Tell me what's wrong. It is not like you to freeze me out." Titan looked at her.

"I.. Don't want to say.. I don't want you mad at me." Her hands gripped tightly as she stopped shadowboxing. Several rends in the ground from the force of her blows. "I rather things change some."

"Just say it." Titan stroked her cheek as he pulled her into a bear hug.

"I want you to become more evil." Lettie said biting his arm. The blood dripped for a little as she licked it away. "So tasty. So rich."

"That's it?"


"Here," Titan mover around to her and gave a kiss. Transferring the memories of a World he destroyed. It was during the War of the Users when they were seperated. When she couldn't be at his side. "The World was one I liked at that."

"Ahhh, so many deaths. Where are the souls?" Lettie asked in glee.

"I have about three million or so. The rest are in the System." Titan smiled as he caressed her hair. "Cannot believe you felt so strongly about it. Why didn't you want to tell me? I have to do both good and bad as this new User. As well as an Operator, be more flexible for the User I have...."

"I didn't think you would do it so.. On such a scale before. It bodes wells for the future." Lettie said lowly. Her devil blood churning at the thought of it. "Hmm, killing would be nice right now. But no.. nothing wrong with a normal life for now. I will wait and become stronger than before."

"Umm that's one of the smaller ones." Titan's face was a little awkward. "A lot happened."

"What!?" Lettie felt her inner devil shoot up higher.

"Yeah, other Operators have it easy compared to the stuff I am doing really. Just get use to it. Remember, you are expected to grow as well. Can not just be about the kill kill." Titan made sure the door was locked behind him. It would not be good if anyone walked in if they started sparring crazily.

"Right.. But the fucky time is right now." Lettie removed her clothes and hopped on to Titan. "Do me standing! We can spill each others blood later!"


-After a few more rounds-


"Ahhh this is the life. The strongest around has its benefits." Lettie mumbled. "Need more strength to swat people like a little fly again though. Need to be able to kill members of the Administration in seconds."

"You will need to be in the 80's for that." Titan said simply. "Well no, maybe 70's with the strength of our current souls. Breaking the holds of level limitation is nice. But the difference of gear would cause an issue."

"Or have some god slaying weapons again." Lettie smirked. She grabbed Titan's hand and held it up. She stared at it intently and felt her body start to grow again. "I can cultivate just by being with you like this. I want to rise to the very top with you."

"And the others?" Titan knew it needed to be asked. 'I need an answer unlike before.'

"If they come, they come. Sometimes it feels like I slept for a very long time." Lettie turned to look at him. "Kasumi said the same thing. Even Lluvia did. You think something happened we dont know about? Besides when the time before you found us in the Aftermath?"

"I hope not. But we will know in time." Titan felt the memory of what happened with Galtea surface. Her keeping Lluvia away. Lluvia not saying anything about it at all. Lettie felt the change in him. "Hmm?"

"I have that feeling again." Lettie flipped over on top of him. "The one I felt when Galtea screwed us over. Lluvia is giving it off as well. I think my Survivor ability is like a warning. Letting me know what I value most is in danger."

"Oh, I doubt she is going for you." Titan received a pinch for that. "That actually hurts."

"What I value most is you. I can say goodbye to everything else in existence if I have you." Lettie said serious. "I will kill any who gets in the way of that. You understand, yes brother-husband?"

"I do. Sorry that you were not at the very top I cared about." Titan said. His biotic strands flowing into her conveying his feelings better than any words he could. "Went based on those I kind of met first. But you and Kasumi are at the top."

"Lluvia.. she has kept something like this from you. How foolish." Lettie felt things were gonna go bad before good. "After all that happened. All that searching and fighting to get her back, she will distance herself."

"I can only try to change it. I rather we be happy. But I learned a lot traveling through the different Sectors." Titan cupped her cheek. "I learned to let go. WE will but heads eventually. And there will be a parting."