

"You are quite the runner despite your short legs, little mate!" He commented sizing her up with his lazor sharp eyes. His Adam apple kept moving with each word that rolled out of his mouth. "Who are you?" She asked with a frown sizing the man up, he looked dangerous, the kinds that made you really want to stay as far away as possible. "Now mate...that hit a really sour spot!" He said hand in his chest to show how hurt he was. He had been running amok for years looking for her yet she didn't even remember who he is! "I don't know what you are talking about Sir!" Maria said bowing her head to him. She could feel his wolf's presence and it didn't give her a good feeling. It was a life she had left behind and didn't want to return to it. "You sure wanna play this game? " He asked the smirk on his lips fading, playing dumb! "Fine. You started this mate... I'll help you end it." He assured her. "I vow to you, my moon!" An alpha that has everything yet nothing and a princess banished from her kingdom have been tangled in the webs of fate. The cruelty of their past has set out it's claws that'll shred them apart but what of them? Is Marianne willing to face her demons and own up to her reality or will she keep running away. Is he ready to accept what's in store for him after letting her leave for five years?! Another werewolf based story that I hope will keep your minds rolling once in a while. Please read and support my work. Thank you

Litto_ways · 奇幻言情
73 Chs

I've got thick skin

Maria and her children savoured the family buffet that had ordered. The food this place offered was one that made a person come back for more and more. 

Maria was also no different. Unfortunately she couldn't eat too much or else she'd be unable to look after her children when she suffered from a tummy ache!

She looked up from her plate and onto her children with a smile. They sensed her gaze and looked from their food as well, their eyes flashed with a pair of bright beastly irises from within.

Maria's smile froze but she didn't let them notice it. "Excuse me. Wait her for momma and don't run around... Okay?" She said and they nodded. They were obedient children after all!

Maria rushed to the washrooms on the same floor and shut the door behind her once she was inside. Her relaxed expression couldn't keep up anymore and she slamped on the toilet seat in tears.