
Cosmic Traveler: Worlds Domination

Story is under reconstruction and polishing a new one will be created soon

BlackScore · 都市
27 Chs

Solve things once and for all

In a dark place, where only a small yellow lamp lit a tiny space, Jay was sitting on a wooden chair with a leg over the other.

He was looking at four people who also were sitting in front of him, but not willingly.

Two males and two females. The mayor, his wife, daughter, and son.

They were tied to the chairs, asleep.

Jay was looking at them motionless, as he did not have any good impression of any of them.

Jay decided to solve everything once and for all. But he also knows that killing now might not solve anything; it might make problems bigger and attract more attention than needed.

"wake them up."

Jay ordered his men.

After a couple of shakes, the not so happy family woke up. They were flustered as what they remembered that they were kidnapped or tricked in some way or another, and they ended being sitting here, tired.

"Who are you? How dare you do that to me? Do you know who I am?! I am the layer!! How dare you?!"

The layer was furious at Jay as he noticed that he was the boss.

Jay did even have a change of expression; He knows that the seemingly influential people have been brainwashed to think highly of themselves.

Most of them think of themselves as gods who can decide the life of hundreds and thousands. And when they encounter a more significant power, they cower in fear. It's the typical "bully the weak and fear the strong."

But it's more manifested in them, as people who have more and more to lose, fear more.

"hey, mayor. Nice of you to grace our temporary place here. Thanks for coming. And I think your family will be more happy as it's very hard for a family to happily assemble like this. You know, mobile and social media is breaking famelial harmony these days. Haha"

Jay said slowly with a little smile on his face.

"You criminals, untie us now, or I will make your lives miserable!!!"

The mayor screaming trembling.

"who the fuck are you?! How do you dare provoke our family? Do you believe I can send you to hell?!"

The all-time silent son of the mayor snapped out at Jay and threatened him.

The wife and daughter where sitting trembling, as they can see that this environment is very bleak and an excellent place to kill someone.

The wife seemed to notice that things are not going in the right direction as Jay has no fear and looked completely relaxed.

"Shut up, you two!"

She screamed at her husband and son. Both are idiots; all they know is how to threaten and commit crimes; they have no diplomacy at all.

Then she looks at Jay cautiously,

"Can you tell us what do you want from us?"

She tried to speak as little words as she could as more words mean more trouble in most cases like this case.

Jay was not very surprised at the cunning wife; it's very obvious that someone should be smart in the family for the mayor to be in his possession, if the mayor is this stupid, then the wife most likely in the brain.

"So Mrs wife is the brain in this stupid family. Ok, let me be very straightforward as I don't have the luxury of time. Your family has a silly father as a mayor who used his position to commit crimes for personal interests. And if he is this dumb, then it's natural that you know about all of his evil doings. So you are even worse than him. Your son also committed many crimes using his father Influence; he defiled many young women and forced the families of many girls who refused him to the edge of annihilation, as per the report I received, 3 families where completely killed to the last person, 6 families where sent to work in dangerous labor work and many other families where ruined in many ways. Your son is something I can't tolerate so I can only do this."

Jay said slowly without any change of expression as he read reports his men uncovered in his hands.

Then he took out the revolver.


The son was dead. He did even have the time to be frightened. Not even his family saw this coming. It's too sudden, and Jay did not also give them a choice to compromise.


Seeing her son's death, she screamed loudly and start crying.

She tried to reach her son, but she could not as she is tied to the chair.

The Mayor had a blank face for a long time, as he did not even dream of his son dying in this way.

He thought that his position would grant him a better and grander future. He is going to be more and more successful in the future. No one will even speak in front of him without his permission.

"My son! Son! Why? Why? I WILL KILL YOU!!"

The mayor is furious again.

The sister of course was trembling and crying but there was no sadness. Just fear. Surprisingly she did not mind her brother death, she just did not want this evil family to exist anymore. But after all, death is scary. She did not want to die.

She knows what person is that brother of her, she also knows her father. Not the compassionate family, just a family of interests.


The mayor leg where split open.

"speak one more time, and you die. I can do things with your wife so you are not needed"

Jay's voice was plain. No emotions at all.

As though he killed a file not a person.

In the mid of screams of the father and the wailing of the mother, the young woman of the family woke up.

"sir, please have mercy. I know my brother committed many crimes, but mother and I did want this to happen. We just could not do anything. My father wanted to be stronger by scaring others, but me and my mother could not do anything against that. So.."

"so you think it's ok to defile and kill and kidnapping women to sell them for the wealthy people for sexual activities?"

Jay interrupted her.

"No! I know nothing of these!"

The little sister was horrified by hearing all these crimes.

"Do you think you are a hero?!"

The wife woke up of her wailing and glared at Jay.

"You kidnapping a mayor family, and then you think you can go unscathed?! Do you think my husband works alone?! Why do you think you have the gals to kill my son and go unscathed?! Huh?!"

The woman just lost it.

"Oh? Then who is working with your husband? Police chief? Many other influential merchants and business men from Mid glory? Or maybe Red Thorns? Which one do you mean? Or maybe all of them?"

When Jay was speaking these names, the wife and her husband where shocked. He knows everything!!

And he is not scared!!!!

For the first time, they were genuinely alarmed and scared. They thought they still have a backing, and the only event out of calculation was their son's death, but now it seems the shit hit the fan!

"Who are you?!"

"I told you, my name is not essential, though. Anyway, the only reason you and your husband still alive because I want you. I could have controlled both of you from the start and saved time. But I want you both to feel helplessness; the crimes you commit will bite you at the end. Keep this lesson in your bead. As for your daughter, I was surprised to know that she is truly clean and have no issues. And even tried to commit suicide many times or scape her house. She is excellent and smart so that I will help her, as for you and your husband, you will be my pawns from now on. What I say is the law. Do you understand?"

Surprisingly, both the mayor and his wife blanked and replied at the same time.

"Yes, master!"

Seeing this, the little girl was more scared. Her father and mother seemed to become robots.

She looked at the young man who is younger than her was scared, because the whole time he seemed relaxed and composed.

Like everything is right and under his control. But she knows what type of people her father works with; they even tried to buy her from her father once. Is he not afraid of them? Can't they harm him?

After solving other minor issues with this family, he sent them off to take care of the mayor's injuries. The killed son was burned. Jay gave some money to Byanka, the little sister, so she can separate from the family if she wanted to seek her own life.

And he sat alone in the dark ghostly factory.

The reason he sent them all out because he started to sense a new energy in the air. But it's a familiar emerge for him, as it's the same energy he sensed when he met the Goddess for the first time.

He was happy because he wanted to know more from the Goddess, and because this is a sign that the goddess needed something from him.

She can't harm him anyway if she is from another world, and if she is from this world then things are more comfortable as he is not afraid of anything.

He is the only one who knows how much power he holds. It's not something easy even to describe.

In this world, he is a God, but what about other worlds or planets that contains life?

He is not stupid enough to say that no other worlds exist in this vast universe. And even out of the known universe, unknown means unknown; it does not mean it does not exist.

Jay waited for about half an hour.

And then he saw the beautiful Goddess appear, again.