
Cosmic Traveler: Worlds Domination

Story is under reconstruction and polishing a new one will be created soon

BlackScore · 都市
27 Chs

Monster in the house

12:34 AM, the operation began.

Jay went out of the complex. He found a taxi sixty meters from the complex.

"Good evening, where are you going?"

the driver asked.

"Good evening. To the abandoned Ghost Factory."

"eh? are you sure? its midnight and this is the ghost factory!"

The driver was petrified. Who would go to that damned place at this hour?! only a crazy youth like this one.

"Yes, please."

Jay had no time to chitchat.

"..." - The driver was speechless. But he said nothing. He turned on the engine and went to the destination.

After the taxi took off, a black 'Kia Optima' was tailing them 200 meters behind.

13 minutes later, the taxi reached the Abandoned Ghost Factory.

Jay paid the bill and stepped out of the car. This was a very dark place with a spooky atmosphere. This place used to be a chocolate factory. One night, a fire burned down the whole building and took the people who were working at that time with it.

Nobody knows why a fire suddenly broke out in this place. So the commoners started talking about ghosts, as they are the only 'sensible' solution for this bizarre event.

The Abandoned Ghost Factory was a big building of 3 stories with numerous windows. The windows were cracked, and the glass was all over the place.

Jay did not feel out of place here, the lab he was in with his sister was more ghostly than this. He started walking with very light steps toward one of the windows.

In this building is the gang with the abducted women, but he did not wish to lose the element of Surprise. It's always better to be in the dark while your enemies are in the light.

No sounds except the sounds of wind through the building openings were heard. But Jay knew that this place has cameras. The documents he received from the lady was taken by hacking the system here and using the existing surveillance cameras. So he hid not to face the unexpected. He concentrated all his mind on one job, spread his perception to detect the digital and analog signals in a radius of 1KM. And to his pleasure, he found many easily.

Signal Perceiving ability is a secret caused him to go through a devilish experience.

It enables him to perceive and understand signals in the air. That's why Jay became emotional after he grew up, because, he can perceive more than anybody through the air, like depression, sorrow, pleasure and such.

'Even though I take those damn pills to solve the emotions issue, I am still not used to all these emotions. and this place is giving me all the emotions to kill those damn fuckers.'

Jay's face was grim, as he knew that using this ability in this kind of environment is not a good thing.

But thinking about the women, who are being used, and those criminals slipping without retribution, he tried his best to reign his emotions.

Jay intercepted the signals using his awareness, and he started analyzing and decoding them.

5 minutes later, he started understanding the data, which created pictures in his mind. The pictures showed 7 males, 3 of them were in front of the cage prisoning the women, and 4 were scattered between the path leading to the cage.

'Weird! Why would 7 people, guard this deserted area?!'

Jay was doubtful, but then he started listening to the sound data he decoded.

"Hey Xun, don't you see that its a waste to guard these women but not play with them? I mean, if we used just one, nobody will notice. what do you think?!"

"Shut the fuck up, dude. you have been repeating this for a week. don't hold such thoughts. I've heard that the club construction will proceed, that police captain solved the issue."

"Hehehehe that captain is just a devil, he acts like a saint but he is more corrupted than the club owners themselves!"

"do you think you can stay as a captain for 8 years without power in this area?! and to have this power, you should play dirty! that is the law, nigga!"

"don't call me nigga, Chigga!"

"Chigga!? what the fuck is that?!"

"Chinese nigga!"

"hahaha, that was nice!"

"yeah, from today you are a Chigga! hahaha"

"Quit the blabber. in an hour, the club owners will come to check the goods. Make sure they are obedient, or our hard work will go like this"

"Ok, I will go talk to them for a bit, it's boring here anyway. "

"But don't touch them, not without permission!"

"ok, ok, just relax! am not a monster!"

"..... " - all the people on the scene

this was a conversation between the three in front of the cage.

they were laughing and happy with their achievements.

one of them went closer to the cage, looked at the women, and laughed.

"Hey Women, are you happy with your stay here? don't worry, later you will be happier!"

the guy said laughing, he did not see them as humans. it's like he just sees sex tools in front of him.

"YOU MONSTERS! I hope your whole family will be killed and all of the women of your family raped in front of you!"

One of the women screamed crazily with tears flowing down and clenched jaw.

They knew better than anyone what is their fate after tonight. They had families, some of them had boys and daughters. They were sisters or wives, but after tonight, they will be the plaything of the rich.

"HAHAHA scream louder! I will see how you curse when you get fucked badly and maybe die after a hundred customers or so!"

the guy laughed happily and crazily!

Who would kidnap wives, mothers, and daughters except for a maniac?

He was that maniac.

in the cage, the girls and women were trembling and crying. they were half-naked. they were pale from fear and cold.

"Papa, where are you!"

their age was in the range of 12 and 40.

the young girls were the most petrified!

"NO! NO! I don't want to be defiled!"

"Don't worry, God won't leave us!"

One kind woman in her thirties tried to console the young girl who was wailing hysterically.

"Hasn't god abandoned many before? haha, what is the point of other women like us? "

one of the hopeless women who lost all hope said with a self deprecated smile. but hate took the most of her. in her heart, she was paying for the devels to take her life.

"NO! I won't be! i-ii was going to marry my boyfriend! I prefer to die over being a SEX SLAVE!!"

a girl in her twenties screamed in hopelessness thinking about the good and happy days. Her family was poor, but she was happy. Now, all is gone. She tried to have the last word. She bit her tongue! Blood gushed out, and the girl was in so much pain but only that could make her forget her fate.

"No! BITCH!"

the guy screamed with an angry face! this was his money! now it's flying away!

"NOO! why! there is still a chance!"

the kind woman screamed in agony. her heart was aching from the hopelessness. 'GOD! HELP PLEASE!'

But the girl passed out from the pain and blood loss.

"What happened!"

The other two kidnappers came running in alarm hearing the scream and shouts.

"This bitch tried to kill herself!"

The guy spoke in exasperation gritting his teeth.

"WHAT! go call the medic, HURRY UP! we will be losing a lot of money!"

One of the two kidnappers said in alarm. they can't lose money now.

His future will be ruined if the club owners knew he could not even control a girl. Who would work with him again?! that is a lot of mess nobody wants to happen.

but just when the other wanted to call the medic, he heard


A heavy sound of a gunshot!

"What is that! Gunshot?! what is happening?"

"Go check what is going on!"


"Yes, YOU! Kol will take care of that bitch! I will go check the cameras!"


"Is that help!?"

the kind woman said in delight!

She did not know if that a good thing or bad! but she can only be optimistic. At least these kidnapers get to die.


a young girl was delighted too! any change in the situation against the kidnapers is good news for them.


Jay, of course, was the one who shot the bullet.

previously, he checked if the kidnappers had weapons. but these kidnappers were really poor. They have nothing to defend themselves except knives. So he decided to cut the show in half and kill everyone here. And he also was very inflamed and irritated from what he saw. his emotions will get out of control if this went on.

After he went to the entrance with light steps, he saw a burly man slacking off in the building.

"Sigh! why should I be the one guarding her!? who would even come to this damned place at this time!"

the burly man said in irritation.

"Forget it, I will return to check on these girls. hehe"

He said with a lustful laugh. Turned away and walked deep in the building.

But just then he heard:

"Well, you never know. A guy like me LOVE to come here and kill from time to time"

And that was the last he heard in his life.


"One down, 6 to go. It's a very nice gun, actually! I should ask Craig for one when I return."

Jay was having fun playing with the gun. He liked how domineering it is! He played with the gun for a couple of seconds without even looking at the corpse.

but then he heard careful footsteps coming his way. He knew that everyone should have heard the loud bang, but he is not afraid of people coming either. It actually will spare him the time going to each one of them.

'Why the careful steps? It's funny how he will die beside this burly pile of shit. I think this is true love. To live together, and die together.'

Jay was blinking with an innocent face.

Jay raised the gun and aimed at where the coming 'lover' will appear.

The coming 'lover' stopped and hid behind the wall and tried to peek at the scene. He was silent not to alarm the intruder.

Just when he turned his head slowly to check, he heard a voice behind him.

"Suprise, Motherfucker!"


The new lover plumbed down dead.

'I hope God like what I am doing, I am making couples tonight'.


the leader of the kidnappers was watching what is happening through cameras. and he was incensed at the complete idiocy of his people!

why would you guard one route but not the other?! that is how the second guy died. He saw Jay taking the second route after the entrance inside the building.

But then he saw Jay looking at the camera with a smile.

Jay said to the camera: "You know, I really like the lovely bond between you, people. I have watched movies and series that talk about life and death together as couples. I got to tell you, I have never seen anyone do that as you do. Truly lovely people, but don't worry, I will make sure that all of you unite together and continue your love life in the underworld."

Jay was talking in a sweet voice with a calm loving smile.


The leader punched the screen and screamed angrily with bulging eyes.

He was cursing like a mad dog.

He took the hidden handgun and the table and ran to the cage room.

In front of the cage and shouted

"All of you! come to the main room, NOW!"


everyone heard that, even Jay. And Jay was delighted!

'Good Soul, you are. this is better than me chasing you. I should really give this man a good present. what is better than to accompany your loved ones in death?'

Jay was pondering seriously.


in the main room in the building.

"What happened? I hear-"

"STOP YOUR FUCKING NONSENSE! ah ah ah, listen carefully, two of you hide behind the door. He will come here for sure! when he enters, restrain him! I will flay him alive!!"

The leader said with a crazed expression. he was going crazy from anger.

One of the girls starting laughing crazily


the leader got angrier and snapped at her aiming his gun at her


He wanted to kill her and vent a little of his anger but he restrained himself. He should sell them today, or his life will be hell. The people he was doing business with are not good to trifle with.

but then he heard

"Hey, lovers. You know, anger is not a good thing. I am speaking from a solid experience. You should be cool and collected to get ladies like them."

Jay said with a mocking tone.

The leader tried to calm down, anger won't solve the issue.

He aimed his gun at the door and waited for the moment.

but then he went to stand in front of the girls because he knew the guy is coming for the girls, so he won't shoot at him.

Tap, Tap, Tap

Slow footsteps sound was the only thing heard.

The gang was anxious for they want to kill this monster as soon as possible before he kills them all.

While the women and girls were praying that the coming person is going to help them and not a bigger calamity than the one they were in.