
Cosmic Traveler: Worlds Domination

Story is under reconstruction and polishing a new one will be created soon

BlackScore · 都市
27 Chs

Give me the money

"Tell me about the Red Thorns."

"Yes, sir."

Charles answered in haste.

Angering this devil will result in a bad ending.

"Red Thorns is a big power in the middle ring, only second to the Blue Dragons, but they are strong because of their wealth."

Charles surrendered his fate now; he has no thoughts of rebellion.

Minutes ago, he was trying to kill Jay, but now he is like an obedient dog.

"How wealthy?"

"The leaders are mostly sons and daughters of rich and powerful personnel of the center ring."

"Is the center ring strict towards gangs?"

"No, Master. But the filthy stuff should still in the filthy places. Although the surface seems calm and humane in the middle ring, it's more filthy than anywhere in Glory City due to the rich loving to go there to satisfy their desires."

"what desires?"

"Dominance, Slavery, Sex, and such."

"To be the second in power, that means either your family is not simple, or someone is backing you up. which of them?"

"I am the heir of Kong Group. The biggest merchant group in Glory city."

"Oh? Wow. good for me."

Jay was taken aback for a second. That is better than he thought.

"Who is the leader of the Kong group, btw?"

"It's... my mother."

"Oh? Wow again! she should be tough."

Jay was taken aback again. A woman like that should be as tough as iron.

"... not really."

Charles hesitated, but then his brain told him to proceed.

"mm? Why? was she forced or something?"

"Yes. My father forced my mother. My father was a big merchant before who has shitty loads of money. But then he lost everything to gambling. he tricked my mother and got her money through her becoming the new president of the group; my mother was forced into taking the group with the help of father because she was not ready for a scandal."

"Your father seems to be scum like you."

"... I am not a scum!"

Charles felt wronged.

"Oh? Someone, who kidnaps women and young girls to force them into sex slaves is not a scum? Then what? a hero?"

Jay said in a sarcastic tone.

"No. I did not know about women or kidnapping. The two you killed just now decided that on their own. I just knew about this when I was coming here."

"Oh? then did you come?"

"I came here to free them. I am not a good man. But I am not scum. I want to help my mother. not to make troubles through karma."

"Karma? Do you also believe in that? you surprise me every ten seconds."


Charles was speechless.

He felt the sarcastic tone in Jay's voice.

This master did not have a favorable impression of him.

"Ok, I will ask more questions later about the internals of the gang. For now, take care of those in the van. keep my identity secret."

"Yes, Master. can I ask a question?"


"How did I become like this?"

Charles asked with fear in his eyes. The change he experienced in the last 10 minutes is not a small thing. He became the servant of a young man. He is 26 years old.

He saw a lot of horrifying things in this world.

"haha, how do you feel towards me?"

"... fear and reverence."

"good. you feel that because I want you to feel it."

Jay said, impassively.

"Ca-Can .. you control .. what I feel and think?"

Charles was terrified at this idea. If this young man can control his thoughts and feelings, then who the hell can stand against him?!

He did not have a change of heart due to self-restraint or subjective experience. There should be an external stimulation.

"Your imagination is really something."

Jay was surprised that this man was able to guess what he did. Even so, the guess is not entirely accurate; it's not without basis.

"Go take care of these in the van."

"Yes, master."

Charles could see that the young man did not want to talk more.

But inside, he was thrilled. If the new leader of the Red Thorns could control thoughts and feelings, then maybe he can help his mother take full control of the Kong Group. His mother was in a tough position, and his father is pressing the matter into forced success. And the only cannon fodder will still be his mother.

He headed to the van. The people in the truck were trembling in fear.

Death was looming over their heads.

Charles raised his gun and killed the two in the truck with a silenced handgun.

This secret should be protected at all costs. This is Charles's only chance to solve many problems that have tormented him for years.

Jay was standing in his place, observing the scene. He could tell the type of look in Charles's eyes. Its Expectant one. But Jay did not mind. That is better and making Charles easy to control.

Charles went to Jay's side respectfully and said

"Master, do you want to go to the HQ? you can take a rest there."

"No need. I will be controlling it through you. Give me some secret device or something hidden to contact you."

"Yes, Master! This device is a custom made the device on a secure and private network that only I have access to. you can use it anytime to contact me."

"mm. Good. Go home now. we will meet again in the center ring."

"What? Master is going to the center?"

Charles was in delight. He did not expect things to go much faster than he expected.

"Why do you seem happier than me? is there a problem?"

Jay found Charles's reaction weird.

"No! No! I want to receive you as an honored guest in our family, of course."

Charles said hastily with an eager look in his eyes.

"You will get that chance as I have something to discuss with your family. for now, go home."

"Yes, Master."

"Don't call me master. my name is Jay."

"But I can't c-"

"Call me, Sir. Jay."

"... Yes, Sir. Jay."

"Oh, right! Why did you hit on that lady in the bar? you don't seem to be that type of a guy."

Jay asked with interest.

".. mm .. actually the lady paid us 10,000$ to do that."

"The fuck?! this idiot is wasting her money. She should have just given me the money. do you have the money?"

"... yes?"

"good. give me the money."


"what are you waiting for?"


Charles answered with a wronged look on his face. He took a stack of money papers from his jacket pocket and handed it to Jay with reluctant.

"mmm, now its in the right hands. Don't worry; I am sure the lady meant to give the money to me. She pays you ten thousand dollars only to act. am sure she meant this."

Jay said with a wide happy smile on his face.

then Jay took his leave without leaving a word.

He has a big event tomorrow with the White Stars. He did not want to miss it.