
Cosmic Captives - Together trapped in an escape pod

After a long gruelling battle with the Epsilon Consortium, Anon managed to narrowly flee their rapidly disintegrating spaceship, only to find himself trapped in an escape pod alongside a young woman. Their bodies tightly pressed together. Anon’s struggle to not get aroused is quickly lost. How will she react? --- This tale deviates from my traditional style, as we take a more gradual approach before the steamier moments. Have no fear though, there are plenty of arousing sequences still to come, so don't be tempted to put this book down just yet! This is a story of reluctance and non-consent; although, I can easily envision a more romanticised version of the same tale. Perhaps I'll have the opportunity to write that variant in the future should anyone be interested. But for now, this version centers around non-consent with female protagonists who are not particularly enthused by what's transpiring. But there is no spanking and no intentional hurting or infliction of pain. Perhaps you could refer to it as gentle non-consent erotica?

RemyMoreau · 科幻
11 Chs

Gaining Consciousness

Anon kept breathing air into her in a steady rhythm. He was becoming more accustomed to the situation and couldn't help but feel the warmth of her soft lips against his each time he put his own on hers and delivered a breath. A faint bloddied taste would linger, although he couldn't distinguish whether it was coming from him or from her. It was an awkward sensation, having to place his lips so gently onto hers, yet it felt oddly comforting too.

He started to become aware of her body pressed firmly against his. The escape was so narrow and cone shaped, not even giving her enough space to extend her legs. Instead she had been forced to fold them around him, her buttocks rubbing against his hips and their midsection aligned. It seemed almost as if they were one whole being in that moment; embraced in the close quarters of the escape pod transported by a sense of fate that brought them together in such an intimate way.

He must have forced air into her lungs for several excruciating minutes until finally, the girl slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes began moving beneath her tightly shut eyelids and Anon watched with anticipation, hoping for a sign of life from her. As a few moments more went by, the girl's body seemed to be coming back to life.

Just when he pressed his lips onto hers to blow life back into her lungs, she suddenly opened her eyes; her gaze radiating shock. He can only imagine the confusion and fear that must be coursing through her veins after such a narrow escape from an exploding spaceship, only for her to be awoken by a stranger pressing his mouth onto hers. This must have been more than just a bit disorienting for the young woman.

The incredulity on her face was so clear that it almost felt tangible, and she immediately jerked her head backwards to get away from him. However, she could only hit the wall of the capsule behind her, with no way to move further away from him. She was completely trapped.

Anon could also only move away slightly, leaving just enough space for a sliver of air between them as they both tilted their heads and gazed at each other for the first time.

An uncomfortable closeness, but there was something so revealing in looking at another person from up close like this; it could make you feel so exposed and vulnerable.

The girl's expression shifted from confusion to anger as she searched for the words to express her thoughts. But before she could form any phrase, she suddenly realised that she couldn't breathe. A new wave of panic washed over her face as desperation flooded through her and she started grasping for air desperately.

Anon attempted to explain, as clear and short as possible, that the only way she could stay alive was if he breathed oxygen into her himself. He didn't know if she comprehended what he was saying, as his words only seemed to further her anxiety and escalating panic. In order to get through to her, he grabbed hold of her head between his hands and brought his lips down on hers once again. She tried to push him away but he held firm; with concentrated force he blew a mouthful of air into her lungs

And after a few moments, she finally began to comprehend the gravity of her present state; he wasn't hurting her, but rather attempting to save her life. She could feel her body slowly relaxing at his touch as he breathed life back into her. Her lips and throat opened up to allow the much-needed air, restoring some of the energy that had been drained from her prior.

Anon felt an immense sense of power having such a fragile human being clinging to his lips, her survival wholly dependent on his decision. He was literally in possession of her life in that very moment, and the weight of that realization was not lost on him.