
Cores of Destiny

................................................................................................................. Arufa and his team ,are taken through the different outer realms, were they evolve , and achieve a higher power level. They battle through titans ,demons and mystical creatures ,in order to defeat their nemesis ,the dark-lord in the celestial realms . Join this story as it takes you through adventure ,comedy ,tragedy,romance and life changing events like never before , in a battle of love and darkness, that shakes the Heavens .hi

Humble_Angel · 奇幻
30 Chs


Astar , led the young heroes , to the place where ,they would be staying.

Marvelled by the sight, that was before their eyes , they stood in wonder , as their eyes gazed at the glorious image of, the IMPERIAL city . The city was truly beatiful , in it's architecture . It ressembled , an ancient hindu and chinese civilization , only it was far more advance in all aspect, than even a futuristic city .

Beautiful, the young heroes (the GUARDIANS OF FAITH ) exclamed , upon seeing the breath taking sight ,that laid before them .

"this is the city of Prophets ,Monks , Priests and the Masters of the IMPERIAL ARTS . " Arufa said .

then speaking to the young heroes with pride , he said "welcome to the imperial city , here you will be taught the imperial arts , which far surpasses the highest form of martial arts . "

Astar and his students ( the GUARDIANS OF FAITH ) , arrived at a grand temple in the centre of the city . The temple was collosal in size ,with huge pillars and statues that were made of Jade , with Gold designed engraved on each one . As Astar took his students , to a tour of the temple , they soon found out that, the temple had multiple floors and section , there were libaries , with books containing lost ancient wisdoms and remedies . There were training rooms , luxury guest rooms , dinners , theatres , sports room , many more and most importantly the hall of heroes , which contained artifacts and monuments of Great events , times and people , by which they are remembered and honoured . They went to the outer court of the temple which was at the back side . They were amazed by what they saw .

Much to their suprise , they saw people who seemed to be bending the elements , others seemed to be in a trance state of suspending meditation.

Astar spoke to his students , telling them that he wanted to introduce them to somebody . "students ,Meet Iperial Master LEE WEI" Astar introduced .

Master Lee bowed in greetings, to the young heroes and Astar .

Astar spoke "master Lee would be in charge of teachind you , the IMPERIAL ARTS."

The students were filled with exitment ,as they waited to hear ,what master Lee had to say .

Master Lee speaks , "Energy flows through the Universe , in every planet ,every star , creature or object . From the smallest atom , to the largest Quasar , energy flows . In every rock ,tree and water body , energy flows . This energy is all around us , it is in us and our enviroment , this is the energy that creates us ,it creates everything . The energy that i speak of , is no ordinary energy , no it is life and it is alive . It exists in every realm , in a different form of matter and intensity . In it's purest state , it is known as YodHeWavHe , A Life force far surpassing all and everything infinitely , a force so strong and powerful that it gorvens the entire realms , universe and multiverse . It is pure quintessence of energy , that interacts with creation in the form of the Creator . This Energy and Life force , is more alive and real than creation itself .

in the IMPERIAL ARTS , we will use the arts of Karate ,Kungfu, Ninjitsu and many more martial arts , to help you to harness and control this Energy , therefore creating mastery , of an art , far superior to any martial art ever known , this superior Arts is what we call the IMPERIAL ARTS. watch as i demonstrate the arts of the IMPERIAL ARTS."

Master Lee spoke " karate , a martial arts , mainly based on power punches ,power kicks and blocks . scientists have detected that there are photons and other energies, that flow through the body of every human being each day, whithout them even realising. This is the energy you are going to feel and control.

Now , about karate , it's potential is limited , on mineral earth . but here in the Astral Earth and other realms , it's only limit , is the amount of energy , controlled by the master of it's arts . Observe as i demonstrate , The Arts of IMPERIAL KARATE ."

Master Lee Wei walked towards a mountain ,and formed a fist to punch it . after taking in some deep breaths , he launched his fist toward the mountain, and much to the suprise of the young heroes , without his fist even touching the mountain , the mere force of energy that shot from his fist , caused an exploxion , that disintergrated the entire mountain .

Master Lee said with a commanding tone " this energy, not only does it destroy , but using the IMPERIAL ARTS OF Kungfu , it can also heal and restore observe" . As he took a stance of meditation , energy and light revolved around him . Then with a display , which was similar to water bending , he withdrew the energy he released , which caused a reverse action of the Imperial power punch , making the destroyed mountain , to rearrange a good as new .

The young heroes were in a complete state of marvel , after withnessing what had just happened .

Astar spoke " Master Lee , my students are now your students also ."

master Lee looked at his new student (THE GUARDIANS OF FAITH ) , and adressed them saying " you have seen what you can do with the mastery of the IMPERIAL ARTS, now tell me , are you ready to begin "

"YES Master!!!" the students replied with much pride and joy , their journey had just begun.

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