
Contractual Marriage 101: What To Do When You're Engaged With a Genius

Aria Sallow thinks her life sucks. Everyday when she wakes up, she will think to herself, Oh yeah, I'm miserable because I'm engaged to a man I've never met before. On her thirteenth birthday, her family broke the news to her: 'Aria, there's something we would like to talk about with you,' her father said with a hint of nervousness in his tones while he watched his daughter eat her chocolate flavoured birthday cake happily. 'What is it?' 'You know our family is more... well off than others right?' 'Ya. My friends say that to me everyday.' 'Well, when your grandpa was still the head of Sallow Industries, he encountered a crisis and-' 'Um, I don't think i need to know this. Besides, if this is another if your long, boring lectures you might as well save it because it's my birthday today,' Aria interrupted. Her dad sighed. 'Let me finish. As i was saying, he encountered a crisis and he would've gone bankrupt,' he paused for dramatic effect, 'If Roland Mo, the previous head of the Mo Entertainment Company had not lent a helping hand. You follow?' 'Uh-huh.' 'Good. Anyways, your grandpa was very grateful towards the Mo family, so he made a promise to them,' He paused again, but not to entice her daughter. 'Then what? Wait, are you just shaming grandpa for no being a good CEO? He's in the living room, at least say it to his face,' she joked. '...Just don't get mad at me when you hear this. So, your grandfather might have promised the next female Sallow will be engaged to the Mo's current heir. And you are that female,' His voice shrunk with every sentence. It took a moment for her to process this. 'WHATTTT??!' ... And so, Aria decided she will end the engagement that will be invalid when she was 20. However, she started to had second thoughts when the two met. Huh, maybe it isn't that bad to be engaged with this jerk.

Carissa_Lee_5331 · 现代言情
2 Chs

The Day

9am, Sparrow Cafe, Sparrow City

Aria Sallow was very nervous. Sitting in front of her was her fiance to be, Noah Mo, whom she had long awaited to meet.

It was a sunny day, and they were at the Cafe down the street of Aria's apartment. All the booths and tables around them were unoccupied, which was weird as normally the Cafe would be swarmed with customers.

On her thirteenth birthday , Aria had found out that she was betrothed to Noah Mo. It was a promise made by Aria's grandfather and Noah's grandfather, who were best friends with each other. The agreement between the two families stated that Aria and Noah will be allowed to meet each other when Aria turns 16, and yesterday was Aria's sixteenth birthday.

Aria was strongly against the marriage. She had her own reasons: she wanted to fall in love. She wanted true love, and not some marriage with a rumoured iceberg that she had to wait 3 years to know.

But now that the two finally met face to face, Aria was having second thoughts, and it was because she realised her future husband was a total hunk! Being an otaku herself, she was shocked when she saw Noah's perfectly chiseled face.

Noah had geled back black hair and golden-brownish eyes that were cold. He was wearing a Hugo Boss Suit and his tie was ash-mauve in colour. Needless to say, he was what a person would guess to be a model at first glance.

Noah wasn't the only one, though. Behind him was a man with dyed red hair standing. He had sunglasses on and an earpiece was in his ear. But if you look closer, behind the sunglasses, you will see beautiful and determined aquamarine eyes. And once you see through that, you will come to realise he wasn't that bad looking too.

Aria guessed from his appearance that he was probably Noah's bodyguard. He looked really familiar, though.

'Miss Sallow. Do I have your attention?' a deep voice asked.

Brought back into reality, Aria blinked twice and proceeded to nod her head. It was Noah.

'Very well,' Noah leaned back on his chair. Aria casually sipped her cappuccino.

I must not be strayed by my thoughts. Breathe, Aria, breathe. Remember why you came, Aria reminded herself mentally.

'I want your help in cancelling the engagement.' As soon as the words left her lips, she clenched her fists. Aria hated confrontation, but she couldn't back down now.

Noah raised his eyebrows, bringing his gaze towards her. 'I supposed so. What's your reason?'

'I-i want my own life,' Aria stuttered.

'What makes you think you can't?' He replied.

'I don't want to be in a loveless marriage. It's excruciating,' Aria answered. 'I want to advance my career for being skilled. If word gets out I have connections with you, I would be known as Noah Mo's wife, nor Aria Sallow. We are all individuals, I want to get to the top on my own.'

Noah snickered.

'What's so funny?' Aria asked.

'Pardon me. It's just hard to find someone with a belief system like you,' said Noah. 'In my line of work, all the employees under me care only about status, money and especially fame, since the Mos run the entertainment industry.'

Wrinkling her nose, Aria replied:'I don't overthink it, I just carry on. As long as I'm good enough to survive, I'm satisfied with myself.'