
Contract Bride

After being forced into an unpleasant engagement by his family and then having his secretary depart abruptly, Colton Williams decides to fix both issues at once. So he surprised everyone by having an affair with and eventually married Elise, his secretary. All you have to do to play by the rules is: Stop yourself from falling in love They should keep their wedding a secret from coworkers. Convert to sharing a bed nightly To both parties, it seemed like a simple and win-win arrangement, but as time goes on, Colton realizes that he would never be able to give Elise what she really desires: his freedom.

Happy_Emmanuel · 现代言情
13 Chs


Elise offers a stiff nod, and there is not the tiniest hint of dissatisfaction in her gaze. She has been working sixteen-hour days for the same amount of years as I have been doing the same thing. In the beginning, the only reason I had her work such crazy hours was to coerce her into quitting, but now it's simply the way things are done around here. In the beginning, the only reason I made her work such crazy hours was to coerce her into quitting.

As she follows me to my car, she maintains a low profile and a very hushed voice. Since the first day that she began working there, I've been attempting to determine how my grandmother is related to this new employee, but I've never been able to do so. I've been trying to find out how they are linked ever since she started working there. Even our brilliant Head of Security, Silas Sinclair, was unable to determine what the nature of their connection was to one another. I have no idea why my grandmother decided to recruit Elise, a young lady who had dropped out of college, as my assistant eight years ago, and I don't understand why Elise is still invited to events that are meant to be attended only by members of the immediate family. It's not only the air of secrecy that envelops Elise that frustrates me so much; there's something more about her that drives me absolutely bonkers. I can't stand her.

My grandmother, in the middle of the mayhem at the dinner table, cries, "Have some more, Vicky," lavishing her with the same love and care that she has always offered to me and my five brothers. Grams gives me a severe look as I unwillingly pour more glazed carrots into her plate as my secretary looks on in misery. I also get a look of disapproval from Grams.

What is it about Elise that Grandma enjoys so much? It's beyond my ability to understand. My immediate family and I sit down to eat together on Sunday evenings, and we never have any visitors over from the outside world. The only two individuals who are not required to adhere to this rule are Lisa, who is best friends with my sister, and Elise.

If Elise had been invited on a sporadic basis after we had worked together for some time, I would have been able to understand that decision; but, this was not the case. Since the first day we began working together, she has been welcomed to attend our first family meal on the first Sunday of each month. She insists that she does not comprehend the reason for my grandmother's compassion toward her, but I am certain that this is not the case.

I've been trying to find out whether or not my grandmother pays her to keep an eye on me, but I can't seem to locate any proof to back up my suspicions. My grandmother is the one who is keeping an eye on me. On the other hand, I would never subject myself to anything like that. A mistake as inane as that is in no way something that my grandma would do.

Elise gives Grandma a kind grin, and I can't help but watch at the two of them in fascination as they interact. It is ludicrous to believe that she would never act inappropriately in my presence, especially in a situation like that. Why I adore my mother so much is because of the genuine laughter that leaves her red lips, the comfortable talks she has with my brothers, and the inside jokes she has with my sister Sierra.

I choose to ignore Elise, Sierra, and Lisa's giggles since I have no clue what they are laughing about and I would much prefer pay attention to what I am eating.

Elise gets along fantastically well with every member of my family except than me, despite the fact that I am the one who is ultimately responsible for paying Elise's high salary. It is beyond my powers to determine which of her countless incarnations is the genuine version of her. When she is among my loved ones, she puts on such a nice and innocent act that it nearly makes me want to believe what she is saying. To have a better idea of how productive she can be, people only need to spend a day in her position at the workplace. They would have no time to bask in the illusory sense of safety that comes from feeling that she had them in her clutches.

As I keep my eyes on my older brother Gabriel, I reach for my drink, take a swig, and then offer it to him. Everyone else at this rowdy table, with the exception of him and I, is yelling into their phones. I was able to figure out who he was looking at because I followed the path of his gaze and realized that he was looking at Lisa. Even though he makes an effort to avoid looking at her, he cannot help but maintain his gaze on her when she laughs at something Elise has said.