Fueled by an unquenchable fire of hatred, Hunter seeks revenge on Draven Grimlock for the brutal murder of his mother.
The next day, Sarah and Hunter went to a small house in Moore's town to finalize their plan. Inside the modest dwelling, they discussed their strategy for stealing weapons, ammunition, and other resources.
"We need resources and more weapons, especially ammunition. We'll hit the base somewhere in the snowy mountains," Sarah said, outlining their plan.
Hunter looked skeptical. "There are so many snowy mountains on this island. Which region?"
"Region 19. We'll start the act maybe after lunch," Sarah replied with confidence.
Their plan settled, they prepared to set out. Both knew the risks involved in infiltrating the well-guarded base. The task ahead was dangerous, but they were determined.
Back at Moore's house, Moore himself inquired about their readiness. "Okay, what's the plan? Are you ready to go?" he asked.
Sarah replied confidently, "Yes, just me and Hunter."
Moore nodded, "Good. Our soldiers can be a bit cowardly sometimes."
After the brief conversation with Moore, Sarah and Hunter returned to her house to gather their necessary equipment. Sarah double-checked their gear, making sure everything was in order.
"Are you ready for this?" she asked.
Hunter nodded, "Yeah, I'm ready—"
Sarah cut him off, "Don't get beat down by those fuckers there because if you do, I'll leave you."
Hunter just nodded again, understanding the gravity of her words.
They loaded into the car, with Sarah behind the wheel and Hunter keeping a lookout. The checkpoint at every boundary of the regions was a significant obstacle. They needed to be cautious. The path to Region 19 took them through Regions 8, 6, 9, and 10. Though the numbering seemed disorganized, they were taking a shortcut to reach their destination faster.
As they approached the first checkpoint in Region 8, Hunter squinted through the binoculars, scanning for any signs of the enemy. "Checkpoint ahead," he warned.
Sarah nodded, slowing the car. They had a forged pass, hoping it would be enough to get them through unnoticed. The guards barely glanced at their papers before waving them through.
"That was easy," Hunter muttered, but Sarah remained tense, her eyes fixed on the road.
As they crossed into Region 6, the terrain became rougher. Snow began to appear, dusting the trees and ground. They had to navigate carefully to avoid drawing attention. They encountered another checkpoint, this one more heavily guarded.
"Stay calm," Sarah whispered as they handed over their documents.
The guards took longer this time, scrutinizing their papers and the car. Hunter's hand hovered near his weapon, ready for action. But after what felt like an eternity, they were waved through.
By the time they reached Region 10, the snow was falling heavily, obscuring their vision. They had to slow down, the car's tires crunching through the fresh powder. The final checkpoint before Region 19 loomed ahead, more fortified than the previous ones.
"This is it," Sarah said, her grip on the steering wheel tightening.
Hunter nodded, preparing himself. The guards here were more alert, their eyes scanning every inch of the vehicle. One guard approached the driver's side, his rifle at the ready.
"What's your business here?" he demanded.
Sarah smiled calmly. "We're delivering supplies to the outpost."
The guard frowned, clearly suspicious. He peered inside the car, his eyes narrowing at Hunter. "What's in the back?"
"Just food and medical supplies," Hunter said, his voice steady.
The guard motioned for them to open the back. Sarah and Hunter exchanged a quick glance. This was it. Sarah got out and opened the trunk, revealing the boxes they had carefully packed to look like supplies. The guard poked around, then nodded.
"Alright, move along," he said, waving them through.
As they drove away, Hunter exhaled in relief. "That was close."
But their relief was short-lived. As they entered Region 19, they spotted a patrol coming from the opposite direction. Hunter's eyes widened. "We've been spotted."
Sarah cursed under her breath, flooring the accelerator. The patrol vehicle turned around, giving chase. Gunfire erupted, bullets pinging off the car's metal frame. Hunter leaned out the window, returning fire with precise shots.
"Keep driving!" he shouted.
The snowy terrain made it difficult to maneuver. The car skidded, narrowly missing trees and rocks. Hunter's heart pounded in his chest as he fired at their pursuers. He managed to take out the driver of the lead vehicle, causing it to swerve and crash into a tree.
But more patrols were closing in. Sarah took a sharp turn, heading deeper into the forest. The trees provided some cover, but the enemy was relentless. They couldn't keep this up forever.
"We need to find a place to hide!" Sarah yelled over the gunfire.
Hunter scanned the surroundings. "There! An old cabin!"
They veered off the main path, crashing through the underbrush toward the dilapidated cabin. Sarah parked the car behind it, and they hurried inside, barricading the door. The sound of approaching vehicles grew louder.
"Get ready," Hunter said, gripping his rifle.
Sarah nodded, positioning herself at a window. "Let's show them what happens when they mess with us."
The patrols arrived, surrounding the cabin. Hunter and Sarah exchanged a determined glance. They were ready for a fight.
– – –
Hunter observed the soldiers surrounding the cabin. Fully armored, they would be tough to take down with his rifle alone. "Do you have any heavy guns? Those guys are fully armored," he said to Sarah.
"You know their weak spot, Hunter. Head. Hit them in the head. That's just a damn helmet," Sarah replied.
Hunter peeked out again, confirming that the soldiers wore standard helmets. "Stay here and distract them," he instructed. "I'll head to the high ground where there are plenty of bushes to hide in. I'll start picking them off one by one. You, keep them busy with your assault rifle."
"Sure. Make sure you don't get spotted because if you do—"
"Shut the fuck up, dammit!" Hunter cut her off and slipped out of the cabin, making his way up to the higher ground. He found a good vantage point among the bushes, where only the barrel of his rifle was visible.
The soldiers approached the old cabin cautiously. Sarah murmured under her breath, "Hunter, where are you? Fuck!"
Suddenly, a loud gunshot echoed through the air, and Sarah saw one soldier's head explode, his helmet flying off as the bullet tore through his skull. The gunfire had come from the bushes on the high ground, causing confusion among the soldiers.
As the soldiers retreated in disarray, Hunter picked them off one by one. Each shot was precise, aimed at their heads. The soldiers were frantic, unable to pinpoint his location. Sarah seized the opportunity, firing at them with her assault rifle. She aimed at those trying to flee and incapacitated the drivers to prevent any escape.
One by one, the soldiers fell. Hunter moved silently through the bushes, repositioning after each shot to avoid detection. He was like a ghost, unseen and lethal. Sarah continued her barrage, keeping the soldiers pinned down and distracted.
The few soldiers who managed to escape were quickly hunted down by Hunter. With the last of the enemies neutralized, Hunter made his way back to the cabin.
"We can't let this mission fail. We need those resources for our army. Let's go!" Sarah urged, her eyes fierce with determination.
Hunter nodded, his expression grim but resolved. They moved quickly, making their way through the snow-covered landscape. The air was cold, but the adrenaline kept them warm as they advanced towards their objective.
As they approached the large house where the ammunition was stored, Hunter and Sarah stayed low, using the natural cover to their advantage. The building was heavily guarded, but the chaos they had created earlier had thinned out the number of soldiers.
Hunter signaled for Sarah to wait while he scoped out the area. He spotted a few guards patrolling the perimeter and took aim. With swift precision, he eliminated them one by one, clearing a path for Sarah.
"Let's move," Hunter whispered.
They moved quickly and silently, reaching the back entrance of the house. Sarah picked the lock, and they slipped inside. The interior was dimly lit, but they could see the stacks of ammunition and crates of weapons lining the walls.
"We did it," Sarah whispered, a smile breaking across her face.
"Not yet," Hunter replied, his eyes scanning the room. "We need to secure this place."
They worked quickly, setting up a defensive perimeter around the building. Hunter positioned himself near a window, keeping watch for any approaching enemies. Sarah began to inventory the weapons and ammunition, ensuring they had everything they needed.
Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps made them both freeze. Hunter raised his rifle, ready to fire. But instead of enemy soldiers, a group of Moore's men appeared, sent to reinforce them.
"Nice timing," Hunter said, lowering his rifle.
"Moore sent us to help secure the place," one of the men said. "We heard about the battle. Good job."
With the reinforcements in place, Hunter and Sarah could finally relax a little. They had succeeded in their mission, securing the resources they needed. As they settled in for the night, Hunter couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. They had struck a significant blow against Grimlock's forces and taken an essential step towards reclaiming their island.
The big house was now a fortress of their own, filled with the ammunition and weapons they needed to continue their fight. It was a victory, but the war was far from over. Hunter knew they would face more challenges ahead, but for now, they had won a crucial battle.
"We're just getting started," Hunter said quietly, looking out into the night. Sarah nodded in agreement, her eyes steely with determination. The call of the small army had been answered, and their fight was far from over.