
Conquest Carnival: Two Worlds Collide

With a dark past driving him to work harder than most, Zack Rivera entered college two years early as a High Honors Student. As a result, he found himself with just enough money for an Immersive Virtual Reality Kit, and a pre-order for Conquest Carnival. In the two years between then and now, he had developed a passion for IVR Gaming, going so far as to get a world record for his favorite game! Thus, he had become a famed speedrunner known as HypeBeast27. Unfortunately though, due to his strict academic responsibilities, he faded into obscurity, becoming a mysterious legend amongst the hardcore gamers of the world. And now, he finds himself at a crossroads. Will he continue on the path of higher education, living a simple yet successful life? Or, will he take a gamble and become a pro gamer, opening the gates that could fulfill his wildest fantasies? And what about. . . The truth? Only one way to find out. *Important Disclaimers: R18 stuff will happen, but that will not be the focus of the story. There are cool fight scenes, and cool characters, but this novel is finished as it is, unfortunately. Join my discord if you want to follow my future works!* *** Join the discord using this link: https://discord.gg/fwHphNx

MisterFlare · 游戏
120 Chs

Masked Menace

The meditation ability, as previously established, buffs a person's magic attack power, their mystical and physical senses, and their reaction speed. Additionally, Zack discovered that the meditative state would make him enter a regenerative state, allowing him to heal superficial damage with ease.

The aforementioned buffs would last for an entire day if one meditated perfectly for thirty minutes.

That time limit could be further extended, to a maximum of three days. If you meditated any further, the time limit wouldn't increase, but instead, decrease! Why? Because the potency of the buffs would increase! They started at stage one, and ended at stage five.

Stage five was ridiculously overpowered. Contrasting to stage one's twenty-five percent increase to magic attack power, stage five gave Zack a two hundred percent increase!