
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · 漫画同人
44 Chs

25.This is the second

Already being in the city, I was walking towards the palace, when a whole set of positive emotions hit my feelings, there were: joy, happiness, and warmth. I seem to have been away for only a couple of weeks, but my sister is happy to see me back, as if we haven't seen each other for several years... And so every time, even for two days, this is already a tragedy, I remember, every monday she waited for my appearance from the south pole at the Oasis of Spirits, while strongly reminding me of Hachiko, only a tail that would wag impatiently was missing to complete the image.

 – Brother! – I heard a shout from the end of another street. Turning my head there, I saw Yui and Katara, who were gliding towards me on ice skates with joyful faces. It seems that while I was away, they had already achieved good results themselves in conquering the solid state of water.

 – Not that strong, you will crush me, – I said to the girls who jumped on me. – As I see it, have you achieved a good result in the past time? – I asked with a gentle smile, holding a little princess on each hand, one from the north, the other from the south.

 – Of course, it was very easy, – Yui said boastfully, – I was the first one who managed to recreate the ice technique, – she showed her tongue to her rival at the end.

 – Just for thirty minutes, – Katara protested, who hated being left behind. She will need to show her the capabilities of other students, she is too fixated on the progress of Yui, who has an abnormally strong talent. Although... it's a bit of a moot point, Katara still managed to catch up with Yui in skill, and now she's breathing down her neck. And this means that her nature has not deprived her of her attention.

 – Well, well, you're both super-strong magicians, you'll be teaching me soon, – I said with a laugh, hugging them closer to me. – Why isn't Sokka with you? Did he go to bother our father again? – I asked the girls.

 - Yes, he says that in the future he will become the best leader, and for this he must be able to do everything, - Katara said with enthusiasm. - I will also help him, and then we will rebuild those beautiful houses! Will you help us, Yuki? – covering and hitting, it's definitely some kind of developed natural mechanism that just doesn't give you a choice. Well, how can you refuse such a begging face? All I had to do was make a decisive nod of my head.

 Sokka was eager to restore the Southern Tribe, and already, after a year, he began to engage in his training. Every day he conducts physical training, after which he goes to read books. And the rest of the time goes to bother Arnuk, asking him to share his wisdom.

 At first, the father thought that this was just a child's whim, so he just waved Sokka away, but seeing the persistence of the latter, he decided to give him a chance. Now they can often be seen together, and I'm even glad about it. The father never had time to teach his wayward son, who grew up too early. One could say that there was no one to vent his father's ambitions and aspirations on. On the other hand, Sokka lost his father early, and unknowingly he began to see Arnuk, if not as a father, then as a close uncle.

 Some time after a short trip, I decided to start mastering new abilities in the magic of earth and fire. To do this, I had to fly away from our pole for a day or two in search of more suitable training conditions.

 I wanted to learn how to create lightning as soon as possible, and the best result can be achieved only if you observe nature itself. Simply put, falling under this very lightning. I couldn't think of anything better than to find a place where lightning strikes all the time. Maybe this idea will seem stupid and reckless to a simple magician, but being a good healer, I can afford a lot more.

 It wasn't too difficult to find such a place. Moreover, by releasing fireballs into the sky, I was able to achieve a constant stream of lightning. Being a little toasted is not much fun, but every new lightning bolt that hit me helped me understand its nature much better. A few hours under the "shower" of lightning, under the constant decrease of vital energy, which barely managed to clean up serious injuries – this is the recipe for a complete understanding and mastering the lightning redirection technique.

 – Ha-ha-ha, Feel the Power of the Dark Side! Kha-kha, – I tried to parody the most cunning Star Wars character by redirecting lightning in different directions. Success was so close, but saliva happened, which I choked on…

 Then I felt the channels through which the lightning was trying to move. Soon I was able to repeat the magnificent performance of nature, only in a weaker version of it. If natural lightning fried me like the last bitch... ahem, in general, it hit me hard, then mine is only paralyzing at most. A rabbit running by will not let you lie. Okay, the technique has already been studied, there is only practice, practice and practice again.

 The next "victim" was the magic of lava. I could have studied it earlier, but the conditions were not very suitable at my landfill underground. The air there is, so, stale, and dabbling in fire magic there, it becomes unbearably stuffy.

 I found an uninhabited rocky island near the north Pole, and there I was able to comprehend this technique without looking back at various interfering factors.

 Lava magic for a pure earth magician is very difficult to master, because to create it you need to be able to both spin and squeeze the earth to the temperature of hot lava at the same time. There is an easier way to comprehend the magic of lava – it's just to be born an Avatar. Well, or to be gifted in two elements, both in fire and in earth. Okay, you can also be an earth magician, whose one of the parents is a fire magician, which Bolin from Korra's Avatar proved to us by his example.

 So far, I have succeeded in creating lava only by conquering both the magic of earth and fire. Experienced earth magicians themselves can spin the rock to a state of elevated temperature. In my case, it is worth using ninety percent of the energy of the earth with the addition of about ten percent of the energy of fire. I think that over time, by reducing the percentage of fire energy, I can achieve the creation of lava purely with the help of earth magic.

 I finally managed to develop my sensitivity in the magic of earth and fire. Everything turned out to be much simpler, no tricks or special skills were needed. It's just that my spirit senses have been focused on the magic of water all this time, that is why I missed all the other elements as background noise. As soon as I opened up to the rest of my elements, I fell into unconsciousness from sensory shock. At that moment of such a stupid act, I was able to feel the movements of the ants that were carrying prey to their house... I felt like some kind of rodent digging a hole for itself, every little life on earth and underground did not pass by my consciousness.

 With the help of fire magic, it was possible to feel, most likely, the "flame of life"… I don't know how to explain it exactly, but it seemed as if I could see embers in the place of animals. For some, they burned powerfully and brightly, while for others they looked more like a dying campfire. It looks more like a kind of fusion of the sensory abilities of vital energy with the sensory from fire magic. It has been well said that fire is the beginning of life.

 I came to myself with caution, I was afraid to fall off a second time, but everything seemed to be fine. Now it's worth being careful with my sensors, this amount of information is still too much for me. We need to start little by little.

 Having "connected" my water-based sensor, I specifically limited it to only ten meters. Next, I connected the seismic sensitivity from earth magic to the same range. It became a little uncomfortable, but nothing serious, I'm getting used to it. It turns out that now it is worth using the senses of only two elements at a short distance or one at full power, until I definitely adapt to new opportunities. But it's great, now no one can't get to me from land or water, but if I add to this the feeling of fire, then no living creature can get to me unnoticed. The only thing missing from the complete set is air.

 I will need to check this on spirits, it seems to me that they do not have an expiration date, or rather, the flame of their life. And among people, most likely, there will be unique people who will not be noticed by my sensory system. I must not forget to remind myself that arrogance is not good!


 Kyoshi Island, namely its military unit, did not greet me very hospitably. Of course, I did not expect good hospitality, but a silent attack is already too much, what if I am a Prince of the Fire Nation or some aristocrat with considerable forces behind my back?!

 As soon as I went down to the beach, six girls in traditional Kyoshi warrior clothes ran out from behind the trees. With white faces, on which the severity, unusual for beautiful girls, and in full combat gear settled. Near the trees, I counted three girls who were aiming an arrow at me. Three more were already running towards me, one of them had a natural katana in her hand, and the remaining two had battle fans.

 Before I could say that I had come with peace, the warrior closest to me was already attacking me with her fans. The campaign will not escape the battle. While I was thinking about how to neutralize them mildly, they continued to press me. Well, at least the attacks were not lethal, apparently they want to take me alive, and then they will deal with the situation as winners. In principle, the approach is sound good, but being a participant in such incident, I condemn it...

 "It's going to be cool, Yuki, these are Kyoshi warriors, I always wanted to see them" – I saw, realized, and so far everything is so-so, although what else did I expect. The situation is saved by my complacent mood from the sight of the long-awaited warriors in real life, which, even being completely decorated, were very, very beautiful.

 - Maybe not so tough Shizuka? After all, he hasn't managed to do anything yet, and he doesn't look like some kind of villain, – one of them said thoughtfully, it must be emphasized that one is sane! If I would really want to go into conflict, so everyone would already be immobilized, but this is not the best solution, I still want to solve everything in peace.

 This clever remark belongs, undoubtedly, to the wisest girl, well, or the most tired of them, since I have been playing with them for more than fifteen minutes. I didn't even have to use any complicated techniques in magic, I had enough passive circulation of neutral energy through my body, which significantly increased my already inhuman physical characteristics.

 - You're too soft Kiriko! Do you remember that supposedly aristocrat with a pretty face from the Kingdom of Earth who promised us a stable trading channel? And what is the result?! He turned out to be a fucking pirate who was sniffing out information about our forces. Now, because of our gullibility, we have two seriously injured people! – a well–modulated and deep-throated voice, it seems, Shizuki, began to reproach the other girl.

 - Hey, I've been shouting for the umpteenth time that I'm not some stinking pirate! I'm actually from the water tribe, – I said after the girls took a break.

 - And you keep quiet, we'll talk later! – Shizuka said, nervously fiddling with her fans. Someone is annoyed by the inability to capture the enemy, hoity-toity!

 - He's not even attacking us, let's just listen to him already! – so this is the voice of sanity, and Kiriko again, all hope is on you!

 – Okay, just to be safe, we'll tie your hands and put a blindfold on your eyes, – said Shizuka, most likely their leader.

 - No problem, Shi-zu-ka, – it's childish, but she's so freaking out, I couldn't help myself.

 Next, I let an irritated Shizuka tie my hands and put some cloth over my eyes. I did not tell them that I would be able to scatter them in such conditions, so they would feel more confident.

 Wow, wow, this body didn't grow for you! Where are you pulling your hands! While she was tying some tricky knots, she managed to walk almost all over my body. Maybe she was looking for some hidden weapon from me, but I'm pretty sure it was just pawing, if there is such a word, of course.

 - I already said that I came in peace, well, I tried to tell you before you just attacked me, - I said in a calmer voice as I was led into the settlement.

 – Time is not very calm, I can't risk the inhabitants of my village, – Shizuka said with a sigh, – and if you held your body's reflexes better, it always seemed to me that you wanted to use something from the magic of earth or water, – hey, why are you so powerful?! I shouted in my head, because I really wanted to hit something out of habit. But I was still able to take control of my accumulated reactions to the enemies that had taken root in me after visiting the Spirit Realm. There's only one rule, a good spirit is a dead spirit. Yes, she could also recognize magic, Suki was resting compared to her.

 At the end of the journey, I was put on some kind of flooring in a house not far from the visible settlement. Using my senses of fire magic, I was able to feel the entire settlement of the island. There are not many people living here, somewhere in the region of two hundred people. There are a lot of barely smoldering flames of life, it's a little unusual, because I don't feel this in the north, almost everyone there has a fountain of their source of life, of course, and we have elderly people, but against the general background it somehow gets lost. In the next building, I saw an unstable "flame" at all, which means that the person is in serious condition. It seems that they were recently attacked by pirates, if I heal those wounded, I can get some credit from them.

 – I hope you tell me everything yourself, I don't want to touch your pretty face, – Shizuka said, removing the bandage from my face.

 As soon as I opened my eyes, I could only see the wooden walls, shifting my gaze forward…

 - Have you never seen such beauties, or what? - she snapped her fingers in front of my eyes, - Don't stare at me so intently, I'll be embarrassed, - she said with feigned embarrassment.

 - Suki?! – I managed to squeeze out a hoarse voice. In front of me was an exact replica of Suki from the animated series. No! I know what's going on, this won't happen to me a second time! This is Suki's mother! Now I can't tell them apart without war paint and more homely clothes! Higher powers, the universe, whoever threw me here, I thank you very much for such a hit!