

********am so so sorry for not updating for sometime now,please pardon me ,and because of that I am going to update two chapters today so enjoy.

Silver's P.O.V

on reaching there,I was so happy,I made sure to arrive at least thirty five minutes to the meeting time. I used the remaining minutes to prepare my speech,in the case I may be asked to give a speech on the reasons why I should be allowed to continue working here cause I don't really know if my boss will be friendly or not.

when it was time for the meeting I rushed out of my office and that time was when I remembered that I don't know where the meeting will be held,so I started panicking, how can this be how can i forget to ask him where the meeting will be held. I reached the secretary that became my friend since the day of my interview, vera please I need a favor from you,please,what can I do for you ana,um I kind of forgot to ask Alex the place the meeting will be held, please do you know of any meeting hall I can go to ,yes there go to the first floor there are actually three halls you can check there I hope you find ,okay thanks let me hurry now ,see you later,okay. when I got to the first floor, I checked in the first hall but I saw no one then I went to the second one,and there I saw men and women dressed in professional attires,and some of them also included those that where employed at the time I was,so I went inside the hall,when I reached the main door to the hall,I felt like some one was looking at me,I turned to see a man which his beauty I have never seen on any body else,I was disappointed when I noticed that he was intensely frowning at me,so I hurried and went inside when I wanted to take my seat,I heard a voice that said your late,and I turned around to give my apologies but that was when I saw Alex sitting with a look of disappointment. so Alex is she part of the people you employed, yes sir she is,then you would have told her how much I hate lateness, especially to meetings like this. As this was going on,I just bent down my head and listened to the one I suspect is the boss shouting on Alex,asking him what he did and didn't do.till I heard some one talk to me,look here young lady I don't like lateness so if you know that you don't want to loose this job then you better start coming early for meetings do you hear me,yes sir.Now before you came in I was talking about what you and the rest that were employed recently are meant to do here,......after the speech the meeting was finished and we went back to our offices