
Chapter 7

Alastair’s P.O.V

The event we were attending was some benefit that aimed at raising money for all the orphanages across Los Angeles. I mean, I don’t have a problem with donating to charity but I just had no idea why they needed to broadcast it across the nation that they were doing it. In fact, the whole idea of it irked me deeply but alas I had been invited and this time I needed to actually attend.

As the biggest real estate mogul in the state, I had to start appearing more in the public eye because according to my PR department it was good for business. I was still fairly unknown physically; people just knew my name. So, to fix that my team suggested I make more public appearances so that when I expand my empire to other parts of the world, I’d gain more clients and more power.

But the big elephant in the room was I am not too social. Period. I hate mingling with people due to me having been out of the spot light for so long. Previously, I’d attended all types of events with my mega famous parents and sister but I had tried to stay hidden at these occasions. You see, I never wanted to be known as Maddox and Anya Hixon’s son. I wanted a name for myself which is exactly what I’d been doing for the past couple of years.

When I jogged over to the driver’s seat, I slid into my precious car and buckled up. Inhaling deeply, my nostrils were welcomed by Miss Winston’s alluring fragrance. I don’t know why I liked it so much; I just did. And that was indeed very bad because this girl awakens things in me that I have tried to keep dormant for a long time now.

I could have gone to the benefit alone but I just didn't want to. I needed someone who was easy going and friendly enough to accompany me…and Miss Winston was the perfect candidate. When she insinuated that I was scared to go alone she had been spot-on but the way she said it should have irritated me, but it didn’t. She was clearly disrespecting my authority and dominance and yet she got away with it swiftly. Dammit, why do I keep on letting her get away with this nonsense?

She looked quite ravishing in that black number. I bet my bottom dollar that she will be a main attraction tonight at this party and that didn’t sit too well with me. I don’t want men to buzz around her like bees. I don’t even want anybody looking at her the wrong way. Hell! What is going on with me?

The car ride to the venue was silent. Miss Winston kept her eyes trained on the passing scenery whilst I occasionally passed glances at her. When we got there, I immediately hissed due to seeing that there were so many paparazzi in the front. It would be most definitely impossible to pass by them without bombarding me with their stupid camera flashes and dumb questions.

I turned to Miss Winston. “Looks like there is paparazzi. Just stay by my side and keep your head down,” I told her and she nodded calmly.

When I jumped out, I gave my keys to the valet and went over to open her door. I held my hand out to her and she grabbed it, allowing me to lead her into the building. As we made our way in, the paparazzi began their relentless questioning and picture taking. I tuned them out completely and quickened my stride, making sure to keep my hand on the small of Miss Winston’s back. She kept her head down and soon enough we were in the entrance hall. There were guards at the double doors, to whom I flashed my invitation and they let me in without hesitation.

The benefit was already in full swing. Everybody there was dressed in a way that reeked of money, fame and power. The way they chatted animatedly as they sipped on glasses of champagne made it very obvious that they thought they very well owned the whole damn world. There was no way in hell I was ever coming back to such an event.

Making our way further into the grand hall, some of my clients instantly recognised me and wasted no time in capturing my attention. The conversations shifted from one person to next. I could see the curiosity in most of the men and women’s eyes; they were wondering who the lady by my side is but I kept them guessing. I’d just give them name introductions and that was it. This dragged on for some time until I felt my cheeks burning from all the smiling and talking. Excusing myself, I took Miss Winston to the dance floor and held my hand to her.

“May I have this dance?” I asked coolly, and she smiled before taking my hand. I placed my hands on her petite waist. I could feel her warm skin against my palms and it made my heart tweak. She placed her arms on my shoulders and we began to sway to the sober tunes.

She held my gaze and not for a second did she look away. “I must say, you’re quite the dancer sir,” she commented as I spun her and brought her back to me, only this time she was closer to me than before.

“Not as good as you. I saw those moves you were busting this morning. You’re quite gifted,” I teased and she chuckled. If it had been any other woman, she would have blushed and batted her eyes seductively at me…but all she did was laugh. This girl is so different.

Next, I dipped her and we came chest to chest. I was now looking over her shoulder and I could smell her enthralling scent and shampoo in her hair. Damn, what am I doing? This is highly unprofessional. I bet people were now watching our intimate interaction and they will definitely get the wrong idea.

She must have sensed this because she abruptly pulled out of my hold. “I…um, I am feeling thirsty. I’ll go look for some refreshments. Do you want anything?” she asked awkwardly, avoiding my eyes. I said ‘no’ and she then disappeared into the crowd. Good thing she had done that, otherwise I was very certain something weird would have taken place.

“My, my, if it isn’t the famous Alastair Hixon.” I froze in my stop upon hearing those words behind me. I knew exactly who it was...and if he was here then so was she. “Been a minute, bro.”

Turning around with my jaw clenched, I came face to face with my arch nemesis and former friend, Seth Kidman and by his side stood the woman I’d once promised to love forever, Tia Hendricks. They looked freaking picture perfect next to each other, much like they did in the lame pictures online. I hadn’t seen them in person for over 4 years now and saying that it pissed me off was an understatement.

“Don’t call me bro. You are not my brother,” I spat venomously, glaring daggers at his stupid smirking face. My right fist was itching to smash that arrogant look off his rat face.

He laughed derisively. “Still living in the past, I see. I thought you would have moved on by now,” he trailed off haughtily and snaked his arm around Tia. My Tia.

She looked great with her blonde locks put up in an intricate bun, her face with suitable make up and her fine body clad in a nude one shoulder bandage dress. She regarded me with cautious aquamarine eyes. I could tell she was feeling guilty for what she did to me years ago, leaving me for this blond haired, back stabbing bastard. It was unforgivable!

“Hi Alastair,” she said timidly but I just nodded at her in acknowledgement.

“And I see you’re even here alone. What a huge pity,” Seth remarked with a nasty snarl and I had to control my sudden urge to beat him to a pulp. Just then, I saw Miss Winston making her way back over to me and an idea formulated in my head.

I smirked at him. “Actually, I’m not here alone. I’m here with my girlfriend and here she comes,” I gestured behind them. When she arrived beside me, I wound my hand around her waist and brought her into my side. She looked at me with wide eyes but I simply smiled charmingly at her.

“What took you so long, babe?”

Oh dear, this is bad!