

Queen_Bchaise · 历史
1 Chs

(1) production concept

the production concept is the idea that a firm should focus on inerlation to those production tefficienting and that the creatine of a supply of two cost product would in and it's self create the demand for the products they question that firm would be before producing a product e:eg!

(a) can we produce the product?

(b) can we produce enough of it?

the concept focuses, more on solving concern for the Public satisfaction


this concept as same the customer's will favour those products that other the most quality for price and therefore is important for companies to produce quality products


production of goods does not mean assure sale most times, under selling concept companies will not only produce the product, both they would also try to convince customer's to buy them through advertising and person selling before producing a product's the question is;

(a) can we sell the product?

(b) can we charge enough for it?


the society marketing concept embodies a higher and more elightend plane of marketing though and practice the society marketing concept call's upon market's to build social and other consideration in their marketing practice


modern marketing concept it's a concept that embrace understanding that marketing activities is consumer Oriental. this concept is very popular because the market activities of this concept is assimilation and application of tovalits as follows

(a) more consumer know that they need

(b) marketing research help in determining consumer need exactly.

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SATISFACTIED consumer will appreciate the product with a reputable purchase. the following are the levels of relation building with customer

(a) basic marketing_ the seller's are just selling the product.

(b) basic marketing_ the seller's are selling the product continue customer to come any questions or concerns about the complaints

(c) accountable marketing_ seller's consumers to find weather the product tester expectations and ask consumer about the proposal improvement for the products. (d) producing marketing_ seller's contact consumer from time to time with suggestions about the benefits of the product and as been developed .

(f) partnership marketing_ the company work continue to help improve performance for it consumer's

(g) profit orientation_ this concept gives recognition to the basics objective of business firm when it's to maximize profits and increase shareholders.

return on investment with constratns impose by come priority government and public opinion