
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

DXRACER · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Chapter 2

Host: Uchiha KatsushiSacrifice Shop: The world of Hokage has been opened.Sacrifice points: 0/100.System Space: Unlimited.World Authority: None.Novice gift pack: not claimed."Hahaha...""A burst of suppressed laughter lasted for a while before it stopped.""Uchiha Katsushi calmed down and began to carefully observe the system panel.""The main function of this system is as its name suggests.""All abilities and treasures can be obtained through sacrifice...""However, it's not through obtaining any valuable items to sacrifice.""Instead of offering sacrifices through the sacrifice point.""The sacrifice point needs to be obtained through the soul.""Sacrifice points are mainly obtained through the souls of dead people, or the emotions of creatures with souls.""However, since all abilities can be obtained through the sacrifice point." Therefore, the soul energy required is also extremely large."For example, the energy of an ordinary person's soul is 0.1 after being converted into sacrifice points, while the energy of a Genin's soul is 0.5 after being converted into sacrifice points.""And emotions are even more complicated. The sacrifice points obtained through emotions don't need how strong the person who generates the emotions is.""The sacrifice points obtained through emotions mainly depend on the level of emotional fluctuations of the person who generated the emotion.""For example, someone who appreciates can get 0.1 sacrifice point, while someone who generates anger or even hatred can generate 1 sacrifice point.""It's all very difficult to calculate.""Also, I want to use the sacrifice function to gain abilities." You need 100 sacrifice points to use it once."This is a bit uncomfortable. After all, although you can obtain all the abilities and treasures of the heavens and myriad worlds...but it is random after all, which means that everything is possible.""It seems that if you want to use the sacrifice function, you have to be mentally prepared." And it's best to save more sacrifice points and make ten consecutive sacrifices, the chance of a good treasure may be higher. Uchiha Katsushi thought with fluctuating emotions."Sacrifice mall, this function is easy to understand.""It is to buy the abilities and treasures in the mall through the sacrifice points...""It says on the system panel that the Hokage world has been opened because the mall only opens and sells the abilities and treasures of the Hokage world...""But if you want to buy abilities and treasures from other worlds... you need two conditions.""One is to obtain the abilities and treasures of other worlds through the sacrifice function...the abilities and treasures of related worlds can be opened in the mall...for sale.""The other needs to go to other world malls to open the abilities and treasures of the world you go to... for sale." This is how the Hokage world is opened."The system space is infinite and can store everything, but the life can only enter Uchiha Katsushi.""The authority of the world is when Uchiha Katsushi becomes the strongest in the world where he is. The system will directly control the authority of the world where he is. When Uchiha Katsushi goes to other worlds, the time of the current world can be stopped.""In this way, there will be no worries, and you can come back whenever you want." When you come back, it is always the same as when you left, because time is still."Thinking of this, Uchiha Katsushi is literally trembling with excitement.""This system is really awesome, I love the system.""As for whether there will be conspiracy or the like in this system, Uchiha Katsushi doesn't even think about it.""Because it's impossible, you know, the system can make the Host invincible.""Uchiha Katsushi is just an ordinary person regardless of his past and present lives. What qualifications does he have to allow such a powerful existence of the system to calculate? This kind of thinking is simply fart.""Ahem...""Calm down, be sure to be calm. Make the system proud of choosing me as the host.""Now, let me see what's in the novice gift package.""System, open the novice gift package.""Ding!""The novice gift package is being opened...""Congratulations to Host for obtaining [Simulated Star Creation Map: Root].""Congratulations to Host for getting the perfect Sage Body.""f**k!""Okay, what's the situation?""Although I don't know what kind of power [Simulated Star Map: Root] has." But the series of Simulated Star Map is the strongest ability of "problem children come from Otherworld"."Called as God's blueprint for creating the universe.""Each simulated creation map is a view of the universe independent of everything else.""Each simulated star creation map has various pervert abilities that can be called the strongest.""Not to mention the perfect Sage Body, which is passed down from the blood of the Hokage World God Tree. After refining Chakra, you can even change Chakra's name to Chatonla.""Especially after the development of Wood Style, the use of Wood Style by the perfect Sage Body can push the ninja world horizontally and be invincible. Senju Hashirama even won the title of God of Ninja for this.""What kind of fairy ability is this? Could it be that I, Uchiha Katsushi, am the darling of the system.""Hey hey..." Uchiha Katsushi smiled slightly obscenely."Ahem...""Low key, low key, be calm.""System, how do I accept the ability." Uchiha Katsushi said in his heart."Does the host extract the ability?" the system said."Extract, extract now." Uchiha Katsushi said."Extracting...""Extraction successful.""Wait, why don't I feel anything about the system...""Well... this is.""At this moment, Uchiha Katsushi felt a warm feeling coming from his body, and his whole body seemed to have unloaded an unknown amount of burden, and he felt like he was floating in heaven.""The whole body is undergoing a kind of evolution to a higher level of life.""At the same time, the soul is also feeling light and light, the mind is clearer, and the surroundings are more profound.""It's an evolution brought about by combining [Analog Genesis Map: Roots] and Sage Body.""At the same time, the system will also transmit [Simulated Star Creation Map: Root] and the cognition of Sage Body.""As time goes by, Uchiha Katsushi has gradually integrated, and he has a better understanding of [Simulated Star Map: Root] and Sage Body.""However, this Sage Body is exactly as I understand it.""However, what kind of pervert ability is this [Simulated Star Creation Map: Root], it's too scary."