
Dawn's Story l


-- MONDAY, MAY 24, 2004, SUMMER BREAK --

"Morning, Mom," I greeted as I walked into the kitchen. Mom was already seated at the breakfast nook table, sipping coffee and looking over the newspaper.

"You're up early," she commented. "I would have thought you'd be sleeping in now that school's out."

"Yeah, well somebody gets kind of horny in the mornings," I grumbled, rolling my eyes upstairs to where my boyfriend had fallen asleep again after re-filling me with his cum.

Mom blushed and smiled. "You've grown up so much. I'm a little in shock that my little girl just made a sexual comment in front of me."

"Oops." I put the tip of my index finger to my mouth and bit down on it coyly. "Guess I'm not such a pristine angel after all."

Mom laughed. "You'll always be my angel. Perfect in every way."

"Aww, thanks, Mom."

"And now things are even more perfect. You and Ben ... the way things were always meant to be."

I giggled and felt my body flush with warmth. "Yeah... Finally..."

"I have to admit," Mom sighed as I began pouring myself a cup of coffee. "You had me worried there for a bit. I honestly thought your whole Ryan situation would have resolved long ago."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. The day I'd told Mom that I was moving into an apartment with Ryan had NOT been pretty. That had turned into a fairly knock-down drag-out fight.

"And then when Ben started dating DJ, I found myself re-evaluating the whole situation," she added.

I snorted. "You were thrilled. I think you gave DJ carte blanche to do whatever she wanted, as long as she held onto him. She told me how you let her get away with anything whenever she brought him home. Whatever it took to make sure Ben married an Evans girl."

"Dawn, you can't believe that."

I just shook my head. It was a moot point now anyways. Ben was mine, and I wasn't going to let him go again. "Relax, relax. I love him to pieces, always have. You've got nothing to worry about."

"Well..." Mom drawled. "There are always new worries. Things didn't go according to plan in bringing you together. And I'm sure things won't go according to plan in getting those grandchildren I always wanted."

"'According to plan'?" I laughed. "You've got this all mapped out for us?"

"No, no, of course not," Mom laughed, shaking her head. "You'll forgive an old woman for dreaming."

"Two old women," I retorted. "Don't pretend that you and Ben's mom haven't been discussing this possibility since we were in diapers."

Mom just blushed again and looked down into her coffee.

Just then, Ben walked into the room. "Morning, ladies."

"You're up!" I chirped in surprise.

He gave me a puppy dog face. "Put my hand out on the pillow and realized you weren't there. I couldn't bear to stay asleep without you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I drawled, though there was a big smile on my face. He reached a hand out and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him before bending and kissing me. He kept it PG-13 with Mom around, but there was still a little tongue in my mouth.

"Behave!" I giggled, slapping his chest lightly.

"My apologies. I'm sure I should be more circumspect in front of my mother-in-law."

"Ooh," Mom frowned. "Not sure I like the sound of that. 'Mother-in-law' sounds so ... formal."

"Besides, she's not even your mother-in-law yet," I laughed.

"'Yet'," Ben emphasized. "Should we take care of that now? It's a Monday and I'm sure the courthouse will be open soon. We can drive on down and be married within the hour. Where were you thinking for our honeymoon?"

"Ben!" I laughed, slapping his chest again. "You're crazy!"

"Crazy for you, babe," he drawled, openly ogling me up and down. I was wearing rather baggy pajamas, but he stared at me as if I were already naked. And without warning, he stepped forward and grabbed a big piece of my ass, fondling it firmly.

"Ben!" I laughed again, slapping his wrist. "Save it until Mom goes to work."

"Do we have to?" he moaned. "I've got to be back in Professor Ice's office at 1pm to start the internship."

"Yes!" I giggled. "Let a girl eat!"

"Fine," he moped, grabbing my ass again and using it to steer me into the kitchen. I knew Mom wouldn't actually mind the PDA. After all, she'd let Ben do the same things to DJ whenever he visited here.

Ben kept his hand on my ass all the way until I got in front of the refrigerator. I managed to get my hand onto the door handle, but that was as far as I got before Ben grabbed my shoulders, spun me back around, and dipped me like they do in the movies. His tongue was in my mouth a second later, and this time, the passion of our kiss was so volcanically explosive that all I could do was wrap my arms around his neck and kiss my soulmate back just as hard.

What felt like an hour later, Ben finally stood me back up. Mom now stood just on the other side of the kitchen island, a bemused smile on her face. After setting her empty mug down in the sink, she turned to leave. And as she walked away, she gestured over her shoulder while saying, "So ... I should expect those grandchildren soon, right?"

Ben just stared at my Mom and then out the doorway until he heard her footsteps ascending the stairs. And then to my utter shock, he jerked my pajama pants and panties down to my knees, lifted me onto the kitchen island, and then shoved his own pajama pants down enough to free his waving erection.

"You're not serious," I breathed, although there was a fire in my eyes. I was soaking wet, still damp from the load of cum he'd dumped inside me only fifteen minutes ago.

"Don't worry. Our family won't mind." And then he dropped me down onto his prick.


I heard a key jiggle in the front door, and a tingle of excitement ran up my spine. Quickly, I killed the web browser on the sex story I'd been reading and then set the computer aside. The story had given me an idea, and I quickly moved myself into a doggy position on the couch, draping my torso over the backrest. The only things I wore today were black stockings and matching garter, without panties, finished off with strappy stiletto heels.

My breathing got heavier as I heard Ben's footsteps creak the floorboards along with the muffled thud of his messenger bag dropping in the foyer. I listened for the sound to come around the corner into the living room, and when he did, I crooned, "Welcome home, babe" before turning my face around.

Ben gawked at me the way he always did, but there was a look of panic in his eyes this time. Only then did I realize Kim Fukuzaki was beside him, and I jerked back in shock. Scrambling around to face forward, I grabbed a throw pillow off the couch and pulled it into my lap to cover myself. "BEN!" I shrieked in both shock and outrage.

Ben just grabbed Kim and literally dragged her into the hallway. I heard a bedroom door slam shut. And without another moment's thought, I sprang off the couch and raced upstairs to put some clothes on.

Holy shit that was mortifying! I mentally exclaimed to myself. Bare-assed, with my tits hanging out for the world to see. Thank god he only brought Kim home. It's not that I know the girl very well, but at least she wasn't a total stranger. I didn't even want to think about how more embarrassed I'd be if he'd brought a GUY home.

Man, if he ever wants me to give him that kind of surprise again, he'd better fucking call me when he's bringing someone over, I seethed. Pull yourself together, Dawn. Critical thinking. What's most important right now? Clothes.

A few minutes later, I managed to calm down from the unexpected surprise guest. Now clad in lounge pants and a baggy top, I returned downstairs vowing to be cool about things, but I couldn't help blushing as I rejoined my boyfriend and his fellow intern.

Ben apologized quite seriously, but Kim helped to lighten the mood. "Hi, Dawn," she greeted, appraising me for a moment. "You look good. Been working out?"

I smiled and rolled with things. We were able to gloss over the awkward moment and put it behind us. It's not like I was ashamed of my naked body, quite the opposite, in fact. I knew I was smokin' hot. Still, I cracked on my boyfriend, warning him to never again bring someone home without warning me.

But then we got to the reason Ben brought Kim home. "I was thinking she could rent a room from us. Just for the next two months, until Brooke and DJ move in. She's commuting from Sunnyvale right now, and it's becoming an issue with Professor Isakova."

"Oh!" I chirped in surprise. "Well ... uh..." I fumbled, not sure how to react to that. I had certainly expected to spend the whole summer alone with Ben in the house, and I simply had never even entertained the notion of having a roommate.

Why would he even think of this? This is OUR home, I thought to myself. I'd rather liked playing house with Ben, just him and me. I could almost imagine that this is what our home life would be if we ever got married.

Don't be a selfish bitch, remember? I told myself immediately after. Don't be so quick to be against the idea. After all, being flexible in my living arrangements to accommodate a friend would be the noble thing to do, wouldn't it?

Most people thought of me as this perfect princess, an image I'd worked really hard to cultivate. I always wanted to come off as serene, patient, and understanding. I liked being thought of as wise beyond my years, the mature, sensible one amongst people my own age or even older. But I'd shown cracks in my crown the last few months or so as this whole Ben versus Ryan thing had come to a head. I'd realized a few things about myself, notably that I could be a pretty selfish bitch when push came to shove.

I'd shown my true colors in the end. Even though I wanted to get along with everybody, I'd let jealousy color my relationship with Paige. Most importantly, I'd strung along a very sweet man, Ryan, verbally telling him that I'd be with him even when I knew in my heart that I wouldn't. I'd done it because I didn't want to be alone, and I'd... used ... him ... for my own selfish desires.

When that relationship finally soured, I didn't like the person I saw in the mirror. I realized I'd been covering up all my selfishness beneath a veneer of perfection. I wasn't Miss Perfect, I was just a self-centered 19-year-old girl. And once I saw the ugliness inside, I realized that I wasn't good enough to truly be with my Ben. Not yet. Not for him. He had gone through his trials and tribulations and come out a stronger person in the end. He was better than me, and I had to fix myself as a person before we could truly be together.

Bless his heart, Ben chose to accept me instead. He promised me that we would endure. He promised me he would do whatever it took to ensure that we worked out. And he asked me to believe in US. We were soulmates. It was destiny.

I am his Dawn. Forever.

But just because he accepted me the way I was didn't mean I was the person I needed to be for him. I still had my selfish desires, my unholy impulses. And I had to fix those to be truly worthy of him.

It had only been a couple of weeks, but I'd been trying. I loved him without restraint, showering affection, attention, and yes, as much sex as he could handle. I worked extra hard to be considerate, to anticipate his needs. Ben saw me as an angel, the personification of perfection. And I had every intention of living up to his lofty perceptions.

Now, he was asking me to accept Kim as a roommate. While my first, selfish impulse would be to refuse so that I could have Ben and this house all to myself, I quickly fought that down. Don't think just about yourself. What would Ben want? What would make him happy?

What would Adrienne do?

It wasn't that I wanted to be like Adrienne. She was her own person, and I was mine. But the simple fact was: Adrienne had made Ben very happy, at least until that whole Grace fiasco. I wanted to be the best girlfriend I could for my boyfriend, and while I didn't think for a second that my relationship with Ben would be the same as hers, she did provide me with something of a template to go on. I couldn't think selfishly. I had to think about what Ben wanted.

Obviously, Ben wanted Kim to move in with us. Why else would he be suggesting this? Clearly, he wanted another hot babe in his bed, which wouldn't be such a bad thing. It was a lot of work trying to keep him happy and anticipate all his needs.

Let's face it, girl. Ben's starting to wear you out. Might be nice to have some help in getting his dick to finally go down.

One thing I'd forgotten for a while was that Ben was not a monogamous kind of guy. No matter how good the sex was between us, he still liked his variety. It didn't mean he loved me any less, he just liked some different pussy from time to time. And Kim's got kind of an exciting innocent/punk thing going here...

Besides, it might be nice getting to know the pretty girl. For all of his qualities, Ben wasn't the greatest conversationalist. He was a guy after all. Having another girl around would give me someone to talk to. I knew I'd missed not having girlfriends around after leaving Dayna, Brandi, and Adrienne to move in with Ryan.

Plus, Ben had a way of attracting the hottest bisexuals on campus. If I wanted to concede to my own selfish thoughts for a moment, Kim looked pretty tasty and I liked my variety, too.

So without another moment's thought, I perked up and replied, "I think it would be pretty cool. This is certainly more house than Ben and I need. And to be honest, I think I'd like the company."

We chatted a little more, but the decision was made. Kim would move in over the weekend.

I only wondered how long it would take to get her into our bed.


"Clean me out, slave," I barked, patting the back of Viktoriya's head with the business end of the riding crop.

"Yes, Mistress," my 40-year-old Economics professor whispered subserviently before shoving her nose into my sweaty crotch. That sharp nose rubbed up against my overstimulated clit, sending little starbursts of pleasure rocketing up my pleasure nerves and into my brain. A second later, her snake-like tongue slithered along my stretched-open channel, lapping up some of my boyfriend's spunk and sucking it back into her mouth.

"Fuck, yeah," I breathed, letting my head fall back against the pillows behind me. I stretched out my limbs, easing my muscle tension after spending the last three minutes desperately clutching Ben's body atop mine as he finished fucking me to an explosive orgasm before filling me up with his hot, creamy load.

Ben himself was lying on his back beside me, his head turned toward mine so that we could stare at each other with mirrored goofy expressions of satisfaction. While Viktoriya slurped away at my cunt, Ben held the end of Kim's collared-leash, directing her movements as she licked my orgasmic nectar off his half-hard prick, taking the entire column into her mouth every five seconds or so.

I returned my attention to the gorgeous older brunette eating the creampie out of my cunt. In another life, Professor Isakova had been an idol of mine. 40 years of age sounded kind of old, but she was quite young for having accomplished so much in her profession. Fully-tenured, she'd published several times and earned healthy royalties from the three books currently in print that she'd authored. A woman of her accomplishments in the field of business could have become a C-level executive, but she was doing what she loved: molding young minds.

Well, I supposed it was also easier to bed hot coeds like me and hunks like my boyfriend in a college setting than in a corporation.

Even beside her academic accomplishments, Viktoriya was a strikingly beautiful woman, with both the face and body of a high fashion model. I could only hope to still look as good as she did at her age. She carried herself at all times with poise and confidence. She demanded and received total respect despite her gender in a department and field dominated by males. And she had a sharp intelligence that humbled all who spoke with her.

And THIS woman, so terrifying to behold, was eating Ben's cum out of MY pussy. It was quite a power trip.

"Deeper, slave!" I barked, rapping the crop against her cheek. "I can't feel your tongue against my G-spot."

"Yes, Mistress," Viktoriya mumbled and then pushed her face even deeper. I sighed and reached out with one hand to hold the back of her head. And once again, I glanced over at my boyfriend.

Ben grinned as he watched Viktoriya go to work. Presently, he coaxed Kim into a version of Second Position, a submissive doggy-style with her ass in the air but her cheek against the mattress with her arms helplessly stretched out in front of her. He swabbed his renewed erection through her cleft a few times, even nudging it against her rosebud anus to startled gasps from the nervous girl. But then setting his mushroom head at her vaginal entrance, he slowly pushed his way inside. And I found myself holding my breath until all seven and three-quarter inches of his thick, hefty cock slid home.

"Fuuuuck," I groaned almost simultaneously with Ben, as if it were my cock sinking into the submissive girl. Power-trip indeed.

Glancing down, I realized that Viktoriya must've slurped out all of Ben's spunk. I'd told her to swallow it all, so I wasn't expecting a snowball or anything. Instead, I pondered the possibilities of what else I could do with her. Order her to mount herself atop Kim so that they were stacked like spoons? That way Ben could pop in and out of either cunt, blasting away at them until he sprayed all over their asses and let me lick it all up? Or maybe have her slither underneath Kim in a sixty-nine while I fetched a strap-on so we could tag team the girls from both sides. Either option sounded really good, and I found myself grinning with happiness at my boyfriend's almost mystical ability to find pussy.

He didn't know it, but he was satisfying one of my guilty pleasures. I'd never thought of myself as a dominant person before, but the times we'd subjugated Felicia Clarkson under our control last summer had shown me a different side of myself. I wasn't evil, but I sure enjoyed the power rush. Being able to boss around Viktoriya and Kim like this let me feed my selfish desires without feeling guilty about it. After all, I was doing it all for Ben, right?

Selfish would be bossing around Viktoriya solely for my own pleasure. Selfish would be convincing my boyfriend that we needed to visit Viktoriya and Kim more often than was necessary. I didn't do those things. Yeah, I enjoyed myself while I was here, but everything I did, I did to ultimately make BEN happy, and wasn't that the noblest goal of all?

"Viktoriya," I commanded. "Assume Second Position, with your cheek turned so that you can watch Ben and Kim."

"Yes, mistress," she mumbled and put herself into place, facing the headboard at a 180 of Kim so that the two slaves both looked to their right and could stare at each other.

The position also meant that I could look straight at my boyfriend with both of the slaves between us. He continued fucking Kim from behind while watching me buckle the strap-on dildo around my waist. This particular model included a small vibrator that went into my cunt as well, and as I thumbed the device to life so that it buzzed me in just the right places, I found myself grinning happily.

"Dawn..." Ben drawled with a lazy smirk. "What are you doing?"

I raised up the tube of KY jelly Viktoriya kept in a drawer. "Why, prepping our professor's asshole for your next round of course!"

He grinned and sped up a little on Kim while I drizzled a healthy bit of lube down Viktoriya's asscrack and then coated some on the first few inches of my fake dick. "I love you, babe," he told me.

I looked up and smiled. "I love you, too."


"Oh, yeah. DJ and Brooke have been just fine," I assured Mom over the phone. "They're making friends quickly. You know about Faye already. But the girls have put together their own little circle of friends, and they're adjusting nicely."

"That's good to hear," Mom said brightly on the other end of the line. "I remember it being quite the shock starting college, losing most of your high school friends all at once and then having to start over within a very short period of time. Still, it can be quite rewarding. Some of the friends I made in those first few weeks at Cal have been with me my whole life, including your Aunt Beth."

"I know, Mom," I drawled, rolling my eyes. Mom had only told me the story of how she met Ben's mother a gazillion times.

Mom laughed, aware of the annoyance in my voice. She changed the subject, saying, "So how did DJ do on that first test? She told me she was really worried about it."

"Test? What test?" I asked in confusion.

"Ah, Freshman Math exam or something, I don't remember. You know your sister hasn't been the best student. She told me last week that she had the exam coming up, and that she was really worried about passing it. I told her to ask you for help."

I chuckled and shook my head, though Mom couldn't see me. "Uh, DJ never asked me for anything. I didn't even know she had an exam. But now that you mention it, I remember the first big calculus test. It was quite a doozy."

"Oh, that girl!" Mom sighed in disappointment. "You're her big sister and you took the exact same test two years ago! What did you get on it?"

I shrugged. "Don't remember. But I got an A in the class, of course."

"Of course," Mom said proudly. "You've had straight A's your whole life. Except for that B+ in Seventh-"

"Seventh grade algebra," I finished. "Don't remind me."

"DJ got a C-minus in Pre-Calculus. You know she was never the best at higher-level math, and she barely got admitted into Cal. If she doesn't improve, she won't be able to pass Berkeley's tougher schedule, and I TOLD her to ask you for help!"

I shrugged, glancing into the living room. I was talking on the kitchen phone while looking over tonight's dinner. DJ was sitting on the sofa with Brooke. "Sorry, didn't happen. I'll ask her about it."

"Do that. And let me know what she says."

"Sure Mom."

"Thanks Dawn. You're the best."

"I know, Mom. I'll talk to you later."

"Love you. And tell your sister, too."

"I will. Love you, too. Bye."

After hanging up the phone, I turned the burner down to "Lo" to make sure the pot didn't boil over. And then I sauntered into the living room. "Hey, Deej," I called out.

My little sister picked her head out of her book, turning around to look at me. "What's up?"

"Mom asked me how you did on the first math test. She told me she told you to come to me for help on it. I had to say I didn't know anything."

DJ harrumphed and returned to her book. With her back to me, she shrugged and replied, "I got it handled."

"So you did well?"

"I got it handled," she replied neutrally.

I sighed and went over to the couch. "Deej, why didn't you come to me? I could've at least given you a few pointers on what to expect."

She screwed up her face and wouldn't look at me. "I don't need your help. I can handle things just fine on my own."

"Are you sure? Because we both know you've struggled with Calculus and Mom told you to-"

"Mom ALWAYS tells me to ask you for help!" DJ suddenly interrupted, glaring up at me. "'Go ask Dawn, she's the smart one.'" DJ parroted. "'Your sister had no trouble with this class, why don't you ask her?' 'Dawn-this, Dawn-that.'"


"And the worst?" DJ hissed, with raised eyebrows and fiery irises. "'Why can't you be more like Dawn?'"

I set my jaw. "Mom NEVER said that."

DJ pouted and looked away. "Yeah, well ... I can tell she means it..."


"C'mon, Brooke." DJ suddenly slammed her textbook shut and got to her feet. "Let's go study in my room."

DJ huffed off. Wordlessly, Brooke shot me an apology, but followed her friend.

I sighed and glanced back into the kitchen. The lid on my pot had started to rattle, signaling that dinner was boiling over whether set to "Lo" or not.

Oh, well.


"You'd think boys would mature a little bit in four years. But they're the same sex-crazed dorks they were as freshmen in High School," Tammy Toth, one of DJ's little acolytes was saying. "Wiggle your ass a little and they'll follow you anywhere."

"I think you're doing more to invite them than just wiggling your ass," Beth Abelman commented dryly.

"Well, sometimes a girl's gotta make her intentions known to get attention. Especially when Josh won't do anything but gawk at DJ all day," Tammy sighed.

"Hey, I'm not doing anything," DJ protested. "I've told Josh very clearly I don't want a boyfriend right now."

"'Right now'..." Meli Kanemura drawled, complete with air quotes. "There's nothing more enticing to a boy than telling him no 'for now'."

"Is that the secret?" Faye Nguyen laughed. "I guess that whole 'playing hard to get' thing really works. Certainly is turning the trick for you, Brooke."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ben's little sister replied.

"Really?" Tammy laughed. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed how poor Joel has been following you around like a puppy dog all month."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Brooke repeated, although this time with a guilty look in her eye.

All six of the froshling girls laughed at that, but my attention was drawn to the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Ben always managed to clomp throughout the house like a drunken rhino, completely incapable of walking softly. He didn't mean to do it; I just thought it made him that much more of a man.

"What did Jocelyn want, babe?" I asked as my boyfriend returned to the living room.

Ben winced. "It's nothing really ... Already told her I wasn't interested."

I recognized the look on his face. The issue at hand was private, and knowing Jocelyn and the Tri-Delts, most likely sexual. Glancing back at the younger girls, I directed Ben to move into the kitchen for some privacy.

"Wasn't interested in what?" I queried once we were alone.

"She was inviting us to the Tri-Delt Halloween Party."

I felt a quick surge of hormones and adrenaline at his words. Life had gotten far too tame around here ever since Viktoriya broke things off with Ben. It's not that I needed to have a sex slave per se. But I'd gotten addicted to the power rush of manipulating the strong, older woman like putty in my hands. Doing so fed the selfish desires I kept bottled away, but did so in a controlled environment with someone that I knew could handle it.

Kim, on the other hand, was very fragile. If you asked me, she wasn't a submissive so much as she was an innocent who just didn't know any better. The girl was the same age as me, but she'd had far less life experience when it came to boys and sex. I hadn't come out and asked her point blank, but I got the distinct impression she'd been a virgin before getting to college. Heck, Ben might've been Kim's first man when Adrienne blindfolded him and brought both Grace and her into their bedroom. She was an innocent, and the one time I tried to take charge of her and be the Domme, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was scared I'd actually hurt her.

But a Tri-Delt was another matter. Ben had a way of attracting the horniest sluts the way a candle flame attracted moths. Put him in the middle of a party that revolved around dressing these sluts up in the skimpiest of sexy costumes, and we'd be guaranteed to find a few girls to put to sleep with smiles on their faces and cum dripping out of their holes.

"Ooh, let's go!" I exclaimed enthusiastically.

Ben looked surprised. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

"You said Jocelyn invited 'us', right?"

Still perplexed, Ben nodded. "Uh, yeah."

"So you won't have any hang-ups about leaving me behind."

"We've been over this. You know how the night will turn out if I go over there. I'm not that guy anymore. I love you."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I KNOW you love me. Love is love. Sex is just sex. And I know we're not going to love each other any less if you boink a few pretty brains out. It's been a long time since you've had some variety, anyway."

"Variety? Have you been around me this past month? I've got plenty of variety right in this house."

"That's not what I mean and you know it." Brooke, DJ, and Kim didn't count. They weren't 'variety'. They were the norm. It was fun playing with my sisters and occasionally (though less and less frequently) with Kim. But while they were all sexy and beautiful girls, none of them really satisfied my carnal lusts. After quite literally years of watching Ben plow his way through a veritable field of hot college coeds, living my little Suzy Homemaker life of boring monotony with Ryan, I was itching to run a little wild.

"C'mon, you telling me the idea of a little fresh pussy doesn't stir your interest?" I asked with my hand on top of his crotch. Fuck, the idea of fresh pussy stirred MY interest. And from the way Ben's cock grew beneath my palm, I knew it did for him as well.

I arched an eyebrow and smirked. "See?"

"I don't know..." Ben moaned. His conscience was getting in the way again.

"C'mon, it'll be fun," I encouraged. "Remember 'fun'?"

Ben sighed. "The last time you told me that, we ended up getting stoned at Chevelle's place. And that night didn't turn out so great."

I frowned for a moment, thinking of that night. When Chevelle was moving in on Ben, and Tito was moving in on me, my first instinct was to surrender to the pleasure and just let it happen. That swinging four way could have been spectacular.

But I'd immediately realized I couldn't do it. Giving in, letting sweaty, stoned-out-of-his-mind Tito seduce me into raw, earthy, tantric sex would have been glorious ... but it would have been selfish. I wanted Tito for me, and I'd told myself I wouldn't be that person anymore. I did love my Ben, and I KNEW he couldn't stand the thought of Tito laying a finger on me in an intimate way. Even though I wanted to ... I couldn't.

Just then, I realized what Ben had just said. He'd read my mind, and I reveled in the momentary reminder of our special connection. "I never actually told you that out loud."

"But you thought it."

"Yeah, I did," I said with a smile.

But back to the point at hand. I had to convince Ben to take us to the Tri-Delt party. "First of all, there won't be any Tito's present. Yeah, there will be guys there. But I'm telling you point blank: I won't have a thing to do with them. You're my everything, Ben. I've fucked other guys. I no longer have any curiosities about what it might be like to be with another man, because I've been with you, and I KNOW that there's no other male on this planet that can make me feel the way you do..."

Really, as exciting as it might be to have a strange cock in my cunt, Ben was The Master of Sex. He knew my body more intimately than I did, and I was more certain that only he was capable of giving me the most spectacular of spectacular orgasms than I was certain that the Sun would rise in the morning. It was one of the chief reasons that I had to hang onto him and ensure that our relationship stood the test of time.

Another reason I had to keep him was because Ben thought like me. Even if I didn't have to explain myself in words, he got me. "No other male..." he drawled.

I stood up straight and beamed at my boyfriend, already imagining the fresh pussy we were gonna have. "You DO get me."

"I do." Ben chuckled as if in disbelief. "I just don't quite get it: We both know you would've pitched a fit if Ryan wanted to bang some other girl. And I know you've got an open mind about this and all, but I seem to remember you telling Adrienne that in her shoes, you wouldn't let me out quite so much. Don't we have enough extra ... uh, marital ... activities?"

"We have some fun with the girls, yeah. And Kim and Viktoriya. But as for letting you out ... I dunno. I was a different person back then. YOU were a different person. Freshman Ben couldn't wait to tap every possible girl around you, but Junior Ben has got his libido in check on his own. I'm not worried about you losing your head about this." I laughed. "Look at us now! I'm the one trying to talk you into getting out more."

"This is just so weird."

"Come on. I'm giving you permission. For one night at least, let's get a little wild. I've heard the stories about you and Adrienne just exploding some poor girl's mind, but I've never actually seen you in action with these sorority girls. I'm getting wet just thinking about it right now." And I was. I was already soaked, and my horny mind was spinning so fast that I was tempted to grab one of those poor froshling girls out in the living room and drag them upstairs.

"Okay, you've convinced me. We'll go. I just don't want you to be thinking you have to set me free or run wild or anything. Maybe monogamy isn't in my DNA, but the ability to love you and only you IS."

I giggled, quickly pecking Ben's lips and then tapping his forehead condescendingly. He still didn't get it. No matter, as long as I was getting my way. "Silly boy. I'm not going to the Tri-Delt Halloween party just for you. That house is full of hot chicks that I find quite bangable, and you're my ticket into their panties. I'm doing this for ME!"

We laughed together, happier than we'd been in weeks. At least I was already feeling happier than I'd ever been since Viktoriya told Ben she was cutting us off. I was quite literally hopping in anticipation for the Tri-Delt party, so I slipped my hand into Ben's back pocket and pulled out his shiny new Motorola RAZR. "Good. Now call Jocelyn back right away. I can't wait for this party!"


"Clean me out, bitch," I barked, jerking on Andie Holland's bottle-blonde ponytail.

"Mmm..." the 19-year-old Tri-Delt moaned as she shoved her nose into my sweaty crotch. That sharp nose rubbed up against my overstimulated clit, sending little starbursts of pleasure rocketing up my pleasure nerves and into my brain. A second later, her snake-like tongue slithered along my stretched-open channel, lapping up some of my boyfriend's spunk and sucking it back into her mouth.

"Fuck, yeah," I breathed, letting my head fall back against the pillows behind me. I stretched out my limbs, easing my muscle tension after spending the last three minutes desperately clutching Ben's body atop mine as he finished fucking me to an explosive orgasm before filling me up with his hot, creamy load.

Ben himself was lying on his back beside me, his head turned toward mine so that we could stare at each other with mirrored goofy expressions of satisfaction. While Andie slurped away at my cunt, Jocelyn and Lakhi were giving him a dual blowjob, licking up the sides of his cock at the same time and sharing his head between their mouths.

Two hours ago, the three Sorority sisters had shown up on our doorstep proclaiming that we didn't need any Chi Omegas to help satisfy our carnal urges. Should we so desire, the Tri-Delts were always at our service.

Thirty minutes later, as I felt Lakhi shove a strap-on dildo into my ass while I rode up and down Andie's strap-on, I knew Ben and I would be taking the girls up on their offer more than a few times this year. All that I needed to be complete was my boyfriend, and presently, Andie licked off the remaining girlcum from his dick and pointed him at me.

My boyfriend climbed onto the bed, aiming his cock into my open mouth. Andie came over and bent to lick at my distended nipples. And as I felt myself being surrounded by pleasure from four different sides, I screamed in unholy ecstasy.

It was good to be me.

"Ben! We need to talk."

Brooke's voice shattered the relative quiet of the house. I'd been in the kitchen with Bert, trying to teach him the basics of cooking for himself. He didn't plan on living with his parents forever, but he wasn't so good with the concept of boiling water, either. Well, everyone has to start somewhere.

Bert and I poked our heads out to see that my boyfriend's little sister was leaning against the archway between the living room and the hallway, her backpack still slung over one shoulder as she folded her arms across her chest and glared at her brother, who was sitting on the couch. DJ stood behind her, doing her best to look invisible.

Ben frowned and looked back at me, as if I knew why the hell Brooke was pissed at him. I just gave him a blank look and shrugged.

Ben turned back to his sister. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you," she sighed, clearly vexed.

Ben got up and followed Brooke back into her bedroom. And Bert and I walked out to join Gwen and Robin at the dining table.

"What was that all about?" Robin asked, looking at me.

"You've got me," I shrugged, then raised my eyebrows at DJ.

My little sister was approaching the table and set her bag down. Sighing heavily, she gave me a look and said, "Some guys have been giving her a hard time."

I frowned. "Brooke's a big girl. She's never had a problem taking care of herself."

DJ shook her head. "It's because she's Ben's little sister. More to the point, because she's 'Big Ben's' little sister."


DJ sighed. "Well for starters, there have been a bunch of girls coming up to talk to both of us, but her mostly, about how to get in Ben's good graces. They want us to give him their phone number or tell them where he's at so they can come by and flirt with him."

"I feel you," Gwen chimed in and looked over at Robin. "Same has been happening to us. The girls either think that we're fucking him too, or at least that we're his friends and that being nice to us will help their cause. It's annoying, but not the worst thing in the world."

DJ shook her head. "What are worse are the guys. Some of them are going after Brooke pretty hard, thinking that she's got his sex genes. They make rude comments about how she must be such a nympho or that she can't go to sleep at night without swallowing cum, and they offer to be her next meal."

"Oh my GAWD," Robin gaped.

"Who?" Bert challenged almost angrily.

I glanced at Bert, smiling a little at his protectiveness. DJ shook her head dismissively. "Doesn't matter. Just random guys."

"This 'Big Ben' thing is starting to get out of hand," Robin stated disapprovingly.

"Oh, it'll blow over," I reasoned, waving a hand before looking at me. "The rumor mill spins wildly for now, but by next week it'll be on to the next thing."

"Maybe," DJ reasoned. "But in the meantime, can you talk to him? Maybe you guys should tone things down a bit, alright? It's not like the guy doesn't get laid enough." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively before collecting her bag and then heading back for her room.

When she was gone, Robin sighed and shook her head reproachfully. "I like Ben, I really do. He's sweet and totally loyal, and he's my friend. But he sure can be a horndog, and it's starting to have an effect on the rest of us."

"To be fair," Gwen said quietly, glancing over at me. "This isn't all BEN'S fault."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you looking at me?"

Gwen gave me a disapproving look. "Don't act like you're a total innocent in all this. I've been around here enough to see what goes on. You're encouraging him."

"What do you mean?"

Gwen raised her eyebrows knowingly. "Ben's not the one going after all these girls. You are."

I blushed and nervously glanced at my crew. Brooke and DJ obviously knew the extent of Ben's and my sex life, but it hadn't been something that frequently came up in polite conversation with these friends.

Gwen looked over at Robin and Bert before coming back to me. "We're not judging, but I think all of us know that you're bisexual. Now it doesn't bother me. You've been my friend since grade school, and you're totally respectful that I don't swing that way. Right, Robin?"

Robin blushed even pinker than I did, embarrassed at the direction of this conversation. But she still nodded.

Gwen looked back at me and said, "If you ask me, I'd say that you were the one pushing Ben to arrange all these hookups. You certainly were eager for that Halloween party. Bert told us that you got Ben to hook up with those Chi Omega girls. And now Kim's been telling me about your project teammate Chevelle."

Blushing furiously, I started down at the tabletop. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm not trying to say anything," Gwen explained. "But if Brooke and DJ are really upset about this, you shouldn't let your boyfriend take all the heat."

"We're not doing anything wrong," I said defensively.

"I didn't say you were. What you and Ben do is your business. As far as I can tell, nobody is getting hurt." Gwen blushed and looked down. "Heck, if I weren't 100% straight, I think I'd be angling to get in line with the other girls for another crack at you and your boyfriend."

"Gwen!" Robin smacked her friend in the shoulder.

"What, like you wouldn't, too?" Gwen shot back.

"Can we not talk about my ex like this?" Bert whimpered.

"I guess I'm just saying that you both need to think about how your actions are impacting the rest of us. We're your friends, which means that sometimes the shit coming at you hits us on the way. It's almost enough to make us not want to hang out here anymore."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I never meant for things to get out of hand. Really, Ben and I haven't even had that many hookups."

"Sometimes it's quality, not quantity," Robin said quietly. A second later, she blushed and gawked at us as if she couldn't believe she'd just said that out loud.

"I just wanted to have some fun," I said mournfully.

"I'm not saying you can't," Gwen said appeasingly. "But weren't you and Ben starting to settle down?"

I shook my head vehemently and threw my hands up in annoyance. "Why does everyone think I'm settling down? It's not like we're married or anything."

"Hey, hey," Gwen raised her hands and made calming gestures. "I didn't mean anything by that. It's just, we noticed that you two are spending more and more time alone together and less with us. We're starting to feel left out."

Robin nodded. "You never come out with us anymore, to go shopping or whatever."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said apologetically. "I was in my honeymoon phase with Ben and I didn't realize-"

"It's okay. We're not mad," Gwen explained. "We just miss you."

I took a deep breath. "I'll talk to Ben. I'm not saying we'll stop having our fun, but maybe we can figure out a way to cut down on the collateral damage to you guys. And I WILL make the effort to spend more time with you guys. You're my friends."

"Friends," Robin smiled. "Sounds good."


"Dinner won't be ready for hours," I commented quietly, leaning in between Ben and Adrienne. "Why don't you two use my room to get ... reacquainted?"

Ben's eyebrows rose and he glanced over at me. Really? he asked with his eyes.

Adrienne shot a glance over to my Dad with some concern.

I grinned and shook my head. I got things covered, I told them both with my eyes. Immediately, I vaulted over the backrest and slid down into my spot on the couch. "So Dad," I began conversationally. "Can you explain to me this 'illegal formation' thing again?"

Dad just smirked, knowing full well that I knew full well about illegal formations. With a sparkle in his blue eyes, he glanced over to Ben and Adrienne, greeting, "Hello, Adrienne."

"Hi, Mr. Evans," she replied nervously.

Dad smiled and turned back to the TV. And with a dismissive wave over his shoulder, he added, "Goodbye, Adrienne."

I looked back to see Adrienne beaming as Ben grabbed her hand. "Goodbye, Mr. Evans." And then the young lovers were racing for the stairs.

A few minutes later, we hit a commercial break. I got up, telling Dad I'd bring us some more finger foods, and then went back to the kitchen. DJ and Brooke were giggling about something at the dining table, and Mom was still busy preparing the turkey.

"That was a nice thing you did," Mom commented, popping her eyes upward. We couldn't actually hear anything, but I was sure both of us could envision the pounding my boyfriend was giving Adrienne right about now.

I blushed. I didn't imagine many mothers in this world would ever compliment their daughter on helping her boyfriend go fuck another girl. But then, I've got a pretty special mom. Smiling to myself, I shrugged and said, "I just want to see him happy."

"He'd be happier if you were up there with them."

I shook my head, still a little in disbelief that Mom had just said that. I'd long known my parents were pretty open about sex, and rather permissive with their daughters having sex lives without significant interference from them. But it was one thing to know your parents were aware of your activities, and quite another to be openly encouraging them. I chuckled and marveled, "Did you really just tell me to go upstairs and have a threesome?"

Mom shrugged. "You're a grown woman now. I know you can handle talking about this. Or are you still worried about cooties?"

"Of course not." I snorted. So surrendering to the conversation, I shrugged and pointed upstairs. "I don't need to be up there. It's been a long time since Ben's seen Adrienne, and I know he's missed her terribly. This moment is for them, and them alone."

"That's awfully considerate of you."

"Weren't you just talking about how grown up I've become?"

"Yes." Mom grinned. "But I'm also perfectly aware of the relationship Ben and Adrienne had for years and years. You're not worried about that?"

I shook my head. "They love each other, sure. But if you're asking whether or not I feel threatened by Adrienne, the answer is 'no'. They're not like that. She's really digging this whole 'adoptive sister' thing. And I know Ben wants to be with me in the end."

"I hope so," Mom said with a slight frown.

I frowned as well. "What, are you worried?"

"No, no, of course not. I've seen how happy the two of you are now that you're together. And DJ has even complained about how lovey-dovey the two of you are. DJ won't say it, of course, but I think she feels guilty about taking him away from you every time she wants to sleep with him, so she doesn't approach you guys as often as she would otherwise like."

I frowned. "Really?"

Mom shrugged. "Mother's intuition."

"So then you don't have anything to worry about. We're great," I said with a shrug.

Hearing something in my tone, Mom stopped what she was doing and wiped her hands on a towel. She frowned again, and fixed me with a deep stare.

Feeling like I was under a microscope, I wondered, "What?"

"What's wrong?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Huh? Nothing's wrong."

"Then why don't you seem too happy about the way things are going?"

"I just told you Ben and I are great!"

She shook her head. "The words are there, but the heart isn't. Mother's intuition."

"We're fine," I insisted.

Mom didn't say anything. She just gave me that look, staring me down and waiting me out. And "grown-up" or not, I folded pretty quickly. "Really, we're fine, Mom," I insisted.

"But..." she led me.

"But..." I sighed, turning away for a moment and looking out the doorway into the living room. Something had happened on TV and Dad was raising his arms exultantly. I then glanced up at the ceiling, momentarily wondering what my boyfriend was doing to Adrienne right now.

"Dawn, you can talk to me," Mom said gently.

"Ben just seems so ... settled. It's like he's lived this rich and varied life. He's had his wild and crazy moments. He's survived all the excitement and just wants some peacefulness now."

"Well, from what Beth has told me over the past few years, that's almost exactly what he's gone through. But he has you now. Everything is perfect." Mom smiled and stared off to nowhere.

I raised my eyebrows at the serene expression on Mom's face. "You, too?"


I chuckled and shook my head. "I'll bet you're thrilled with how things have turned out. You've told me from the time I was a kid that Ben and I would be together, and now it's coming true. We'll get married, unite the two families, and give you cute little grandchildren that both you and Ben's mom can share."

Mom giggled cutely while still staring off in the distance. "Well, yes, you could say I'm pretty happy with how things have turned out."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, Mom. I won't screw things up for you."

Mom frowned and gave me that concerned look again. "It's not about screwing things up. Of course I've thought a lot about you and Ben being together in the end. But I'm your mother, and what I want the most is for you to be happy. Are you not happy?"

"I'm happy, I'm happy," I replied, sounding anything but. "I'm just not at the same point in ... settling ... as Ben is. He talks every so often about how living together in that house is like a practice run for when we're married and growing old together. He talks about coming home from work, maybe playing with the kids, and he's got that same damn faraway look in his eyes that you just did."

Mom frowned. "Is that such a bad thing? I would think you'd be reassured after all the wild things Ben has been through that he's settling down, and settling down for you. I know I feel better to hear you tell me all that."

I shrugged and paced away, picking up the tray of hors d'oeuvres Mom had prepared. "It's great, Mom," I said with a sigh. "It's great."

"Don't be sarcastic with me, young lady," Mom admonished, stopping me dead in my tracks. "What's wrong? Tell me."

I shrugged, not even sure how to answer myself. Conceptually, everything should be perfect. "Nothing's wrong ... It's just ... I'm only twenty, you know? I'm happy with Ben. Really, I'm thrilled that after everything we've been through, we're finally together. I just think it's a little soon to have my whole life ahead of me mapped out, alright? Ben's ready to settle down, great. Me? I ... I just want to enjoy two more years of college, okay?"

"Okay." Mom nodded. "I'm sorry if I make you feel pressured. Of course I've always dreamed about you and Ben being together, and now that it's happening I'm a little excited. But it's not my life to live, and I don't mean to rush you. You're still young, you still have your whole life ahead of you. You should enjoy your youth while you can."

I nodded, hefting the tray once again. "Thanks, Mom."

She smiled and gestured upward. "Just know that even though Ben's up there with Adrienne right now, his heart is still with you."

I smiled. "I know. That's why I was okay to send him up there in the first place."


"Maybe it's better this way. Maybe they're right, and they settled down too fast. Neither of them knew what life could be like without the other, and if they'd gone through with it, their marriage would have suffered," I rationalized, watching Ben's hometown go by as we drove off for the New Year's Eve party.

"Possibly. Megan certainly seems to think so." Ben sighed regretfully. Having seen two of his best friends walk away from the wedding altar, I knew he had been especially contemplative for the past two days. He was terrified that Daniel and Elaine were an example of what was happening to us, and to be honest, so was I.

"So things could work out," I said hopefully. "They can see other people, live the single life a little bit. And through that, they'll realize what they were missing and come back together that much stronger. Kind of like us."

Please be true, I thought to myself. I HAVE to believe people can last through something like this.

Ben smiled warmly at me. "Like us?"

"You went and had your relationship ups and downs," I explained. "I was with Ryan. But now we have each other again."

"We do." Ben nodded confidently, and that seemed to be the end of that. My affirmation that we had each other once again washed away all his fears, and I knew his mind was now at peace.

But mine wasn't. I stared out the window, thinking about my life up until this point. I thought about our parents' expectations: for me to marry Ben, unite the families, and give them shared grandchildren. Whether Mom intended to or not, she put a lot of pressure on me to make her dream come true. I put a lot of pressure on myself as well to make this work. But every time I thought about settling down, I got sick to my stomach.

The reality was that I was more like Daniel and Elaine than I cared to realize. They'd only ever truly loved one person in their lives, but when faced with the intimidating prospect of "forever", they'd both buckled. Neither of them was ready, and they hadn't been able to quiet their fears before having everything explode in spectacular fashion at the public spectacle of their own aborted wedding.

Sure, Ben had gone through his relationship ups and downs. He'd never disclosed his "number" to me, and I hadn't asked, but I knew with dead certainty that it was north of thirty. Thirty women he'd bedded. More likely forty. Or hell, even fifty, especially after the first semester we'd had. Fuck, I didn't want to know.

Not even counting his conquests, I knew he'd had eight girlfriends, from Megan Kwan to Cadence Carmichael. Me? I'd had three, and Mark Everson didn't count anymore, so really it was just two. I could also count the number of men I'd voluntarily bedded: five. What were five men compared to eight girlfriends and fifty-odd conquests?

Ben had certainly lived his life. He'd gone wild and experienced all there was to experience. He could now settle down knowing he'd sown his oats and had all the life experiences anyone could want. But what about me? I was still young, and I still felt like I hadn't had enough FUN yet.

Was it too late? Was it my time to settle? Did this mean I never would get to go out and do all the things I might want to do? What was my alternative, break up with Ben and lose him forever? No thank you. I was in the perfect relationship, with the perfect man, just like I'd always dreamed. Everyone was expecting me to live my fairy tale romance, and I had no interest in letting them down.

But I might always regret the things I never tried.

I felt Ben staring at me, a look of worry on his face. I frowned and asked, "What?"

Ben asked softly, "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Have ... have YOU had enough experiences outside of me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, stalling for time even though I knew exactly what he meant. I didn't know the answer myself, and I wasn't sure I wanted to have this conversation right now. How far away was Megan's house? I hoped it was close so that I wouldn't have to deal with this conversation much longer.

"You're not ready to settle down yet, are you?" he asked finally. Like he'd been inside my head, experiencing all my rioting thoughts with me, he went on to talk about how he'd lived a wild and crazy life, but perhaps I hadn't. He referenced Megan, explaining how she'd broken up with her long-time boyfriend because she hadn't experienced enough on her own yet.

"I'm not Megan," I said defensively. Summoning up all my love for Ben, I explained, "I'm not worried about living the rest of my life with 'only' you. I love you. You're my soulmate. And someday, we WILL be married with kids and all that."

"Someday," Ben agreed. "But not now."

"What are you saying?" I asked, too scared to hope he might truly understand.

"I'm saying that I don't want to be an impediment to you getting all the unique and varied experiences that you might want," Ben stated with a quiet confidence that set my heart racing. "I don't want us to ever break up because you feel like I'm trapping you, or restricting you from trying the things you really want to try. You know Daniel told me one of the reasons why he couldn't get married yet was because Elaine wouldn't let him skydive just once?"

I laughed, "I don't want to go skydiving."

"But if you did ... I would want you to."

I shook my head defensively. Even though Ben was saying exactly what I was feeling inside, I felt ... guilty ... about it.

I shouldn't be having these thoughts of wanting more. They're self-serving, completely selfish. Ben is a GREAT boyfriend. He's given up so much to be with you, he's dedicated himself to you. He loves you more than anything. How can you even THINK of wanting more than him?

"It's like you think I have a problem with our current relationship," I chided. "I don't. I'm happy."

I'm happy.

I'm happy.

I'm happy.

"And I want to make sure you stay that way," Ben stated firmly, then took on an expression of profound regret. "I lost Adrienne and Cadence because they felt like I was taking away their freedom. I want you to know that you have every freedom you've given me. And I promise I'll stand by you no matter what."

There. He said it.

Ben had more or less given me carte blanche to do whatever I wanted. He voiced the things I'd been thinking about in regards to his far more varied past and my relative inexperience. He told me flat out he didn't want to stand in my way of trying new things. And he promised he'd stand by me, that even my running wild a little bit wouldn't break us up.

Instantly, my eyes softened and I looked at my boyfriend like he was an angel. After all, wasn't he? Hadn't he just told me he'd let me live my life, gain my experiences, and stand by me no matter what? In a single conversation, he'd said everything I could have DREAMED of.

Suddenly, I wished we weren't so close to Megan's house. With the proclamation Ben had just given me, I was more inclined to make him pull over so I could fuck him raw in the back seat.

But the light turned green, and we continued on our way. Instead, I put my hand on his thigh and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Thank you," I said. "I love you, Ben."

He smiled and reached a hand up to caress my face. "I love you, too."

The night was still young. I'd find another way to properly thank him before we went to sleep.

"No!" I screeched in anguish. Quickly, I grabbed Heidi's hips and flung her aside, digging my heels down to stand up off the couch.

It had been an incredible night, and I'd found a way to thank my boyfriend. After leaving Megan's New Year's Eve party, I'd set him up to fuck the everlasting shit out of two beautiful, busty strippers tonight. He'd plowed redheaded Sydney with her glorious Double-D tits into unconsciousness, and then did the same to the even prettier curly blonde Heidi.

Now it was my turn. My boyfriend had been true to his word, allowing me my freedom to have this experience tonight. If you asked this morning whether or not I believed Ben would be okay with me fucking another man, I would have told you flat out 'no'. Then again, if you'd asked ME if I wanted to fuck another man, I'd have told you 'no'. But even then, I'd have been lying to myself just a little. It wasn't that I thought any one man could measure up to my Ben as a lover. They couldn't. Wasn't possible. But I'd long known that my boyfriend only had one dick, and the reality was that I had three different holes that I loved to feel penetrated.

Now I was getting two. Well, at least I'd been getting two until that bitch Sydney had pulled Kenny out of my cunt and mounted him for herself. Not anymore. I pounced across the room and shoved interloper Sydney aside. And quickly, I took her place by sinking down onto Kenny's pole in a cowgirl position. But I wasn't done yet.

"BEN!" I screamed, my voice filled with need. I humped Kenny like a rabbit on speed until my boyfriend got behind me and grabbed my hips. I stopped thrusting, bending over to present him my distended asshole. And I groaned in exquisitely painful pleasure as Ben's thick cock slammed home nearly eight inches up my ass.

"Motherfucking-FUCK!" Sydney yelled as she scrambled back to her feet. I'd thought she would be upset and try to shove me away again to get to one of the only two dicks in the room. But instead, she spun around and dropped to her knees over Kenny's face. He reached up to hold her hips and speared his tongue into her snatch. And feeling bad for shoving her away, I leaned forward to french kiss the redhead while reaching out and squeezing her big titties.

The room filled with urgent grunting sounds. I didn't know where Heidi was, and frankly I didn't care. My cunt and ass were filled with some fourteen inches of cock, and a hot redhead was shoving her tongue down my throat. I was in bisexual heaven.

Ben pounded away at my asshole, stretching me out so wonderfully. Kenny gamely just tried to hang on as I did my best to fuck his penis down to a stub. And at some point, I felt someone's hands pinching my nipples as well.

Fuck, yeaaaahhhh.

Sydney came first, throwing her head back and howling her pleasure to the moon with the now familiar curse-laden invectives. "FUUUUUCK!" she screamed. "MOTHER-SHITTY-FUCKING-FUCK!"

Her voice died out after thirty seconds or so, and she collapsed straight back, falling to the floor with an audible [thump].

Heidi was next, somewhere to my left. She squealed in a muffled, "Eeep!" and then fell to floor as well, twitching from the mild aftershocks.

And then I felt my own orgasm beginning. Like a spark of flame from a match, I felt it alight deep inside my core. The breath of the gods blew down from the heavens and into my body, fueling the flame and causing it to rapidly expand throughout my midsection. Like little ticklish tendrils of pleasure, the flames leaped onto each strand of the nerves running throughout my body, glowing with their intensity as they raced to the outer edges of my limbs. And as the glow ascended into my brain, I threw my head back and screamed, "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'M CUMMING!"

In an inferno of white light, the fire exploded out from within me. I felt every muscle in my body tighten all at once, clamping down on the two dicks still sawing their way in and out of my body. "CUMMING!!!" I shrieked, my body jerking twice. And as my entire being trembled in orgasmic ecstasy, I also felt two fireballs of hot, wet lava exploding through my tubes.

"Fuck!" Kenny groaned as he spewed wave after wave of cum up into my pussy.

"Nnn-gahh!" Ben grunted behind me as his dick fired gouts of creamy sperm up my ass.

And all the while, I screamed as the most glorious orgasm I'd had in my entire life shook every cell and molecule in my body down to their nuclear foundations. That sounds like hyperbole, but it's not. Even with all of Ben's Sex God skills, I'd never felt as good as I did this night, experiencing a triple climax and feeling two live, hard, throbbing dicks spurting their scalding hot loads into my body at the same time.

As I lay there, sandwiched between the sweaty bodies of these two men, I knew. Someway, somehow, I HAD to have this feeling again.

And Ben would give it to me. Even if it meant letting another man shove his dick into my body, he would let me. He'd promised. Because he loved me.

And I loved him.


Heading up Shattuck, the girls and I passed the ugly brown circular structure that covered the escalators for the Downtown Berkeley BART station and turned left on Center Street. Up ahead was Berkeley City College, where our cooking class awaited.

"I still can't believe Ben let you sign up for this class," Gwen commented.

"Why not? It's not like Ben is some super-control freak about locking me down tight and ensuring that I'm always around him."

Robin shook her head. "Maybe, but you seemed pretty locked-down tight all last semester."

I shrugged. "That wasn't Ben's fault. We were honeymooning, and we got a little caught up in each other."

"Honeymooning for eight months?"

I grinned. "Ben's kind of an overachiever that way."

"I'll say," Gwen said dryly with a twinkle in her eye. My mind was filled with innuendo about how long it took to make his pecker go down.

Robin slapped Gwen's arm.

"Seriously, that was all on me. Don't blame Ben. I just wanted to be the perfect girlfriend for him, constantly being his companion and always at the ready for him."

"Always at the ready? No wonder your pussy got so raw you had to send out for reinforcements," Gwen cracked.

"Gwen!" Robin gasped scandalously.

Gwen just giggled as I reached out and smacked her as well. She shot me another grin and sighed. "Well, you are the perfect girlfriend. Everyone can tell. You and Ben ... the way things were always meant to be."

"I know..." I sighed happily, feeling proud at the same time. It was important that everyone saw me as the perfect girlfriend. It was an image I'd worked hard to cultivate, especially after that ugly breakup with Ryan.

But then Gwen shrugged and asked, "So what changed?"


"Perfect, always-at-the-ready girlfriend is out with us now. So I guess you're no longer at Ben's immediate beck-and-call."

"We talked. We had a nice long discussion about what we both wanted out of the relationship. He told me he didn't need me around as much as I had been, and I told him I felt like I'd been losing touch with you guys. I told him I was trying not to be a selfish bitch, and he told me I wasn't thinking selfishly enough. He's really encouraged me to get out and do my own thing more, and this is just a start."

"Wow ... Kind of an intense discussion it sounds like," Robin marveled. "What brought it on?"

I chuckled. "Professor Ice's class, actually."


"We were covering the Nash Equilibrium. You remember A Beautiful Mind?"

"You're kidding," Gwen cut in, stopping dead in her tracks.


Gwen was shaking her head. "Believe it or not, we're covering the Nash Equilibrium too."

"Huh? You're not taking any Econ classes."

"Nope. It's one of my Psych topical seminars. We're talking about Psychology of Economics, and the Nash Equilibrium is one of them."

"Small world," Robin whistled.

"See, the limit of the equilibrium is that A is making the best decision they can while taking into account B's decision, and B doing the same," Gwen explained.


"But it DOESN'T mean that A OR B will be getting what's best for them. In fact, if they can somehow change the other's decisions, they can sometimes improve their own outcomes."

I frowned. "Huh?"

"The economics philosophy says that if Company A knows that Company B is already doing business with Customer X, then Company A should focus on maximizing its profit, which sometimes means stealing Customer X, but often means going after Customer Y or Z or whoever."


Gwen grinned. "But if Company A can somehow get Company B to NOT do business with Customer X, that's a viable strategy as well. Change the opposition's decision-making."


"Looks like you've already done that with Ben," Gwen added.


"You're here, aren't you? You weren't last semester."

"That's oversimplifying things." I shook my head. "I didn't have to change Ben's decision-making or anything. I get the distinct impression that he always would have been fine with giving me my own time to do things."

"Whatever. I just think it's funny that both our classes were talking about the same thing. It's all just bullshit anyways. The whole thing is a never-ending loop. Given certain circumstances, here's the best I can get. But if I can change the circumstances, I can maybe get better. So I'm trying to get you to change your strategy, and you're trying to get me to change mine. We're constantly trying to manipulate others to improve our own situations."

"Just like a relationship," Robin commented.

Gwen grinned. "Exactly."

"Hey! I'm not trying to manipulate anything! And I'm sure Ben isn't either."

The girls looked at each other skeptically for two seconds. And then in unison, they turned back to me, "Yeah, right."


"I'm not sure I can do this," Ben stated wearily as we went up the stairs and onto the front porch. We'd just returned home from a day of classes, and it was the first Thursday after Ben's rather impromptu trip to Kim's house, posing as her boyfriend.

"Why not? It's just sex," I replied casually.

"It's not just sex. She has feelings for me."

"And don't you have feelings for her?"

"You know I do. That's what makes this harder." Ben sighed and led us into the house.

"I don't get it. You like her, she likes you. What's the problem?"

"What's the problem? I don't want to lead her on any more than I already have. We all know that she wants me as a boyfriend."

I took a deep breath. Here it was: Moment of Truth. The reality was that I'd really enjoyed myself the past couple of months. I got all the benefits of being Ben's girlfriend – great sex, tender affection, and warm cuddling at night – along with all the freedom of a single girl. Seriously, I'd asked Ben over and over and over again if he would be alright with me going out with the girls, and he'd said 'yes' every time.

Cooking class Thursday nights? Of course.

Spend an afternoon gossiping with Gwen and Robin? No problem, he'd call Bert to video game.

Go shopping all of Saturday? He could have some alone time, talk to Adrienne on the phone, or even do chores. Seriously, my man was willing to do chores around the house and let me go out and have fun.

He even let me go to a couple of dance clubs with the girls. I flirted with other guys, enjoyed the little power trip of teasing, and then went home to take out my pent-up arousal on my very studly Sex God Boyfriend. It was a perfect life.

But Ben had shown signs of getting lonely a little bit. The novelty of being able to play video games with Bert was starting to wear off. The Friday Night dinners were a great time for us to bond, but he was starting to miss me on Saturdays. He'd long ago caught up on all the chores and little bits of handyman work around the house, leaving him with nothing left to do. And even though I was sure he didn't mean to, he'd begun to subtly indicate to me that he wanted some of my attention back.

It's not that I was against the idea. Ben was my boyfriend after all, and wasn't I obligated to spend quality time with him? For me to continue wanting to do my own thing would be selfish, wouldn't it?

But then this Kim thing started flaring up. Ever since he went on that "date" with her, I'd seen our pretty roommate really warm up to him. They got to talking a little more, Ben's curiosity about her submissive nature began to peak, and things had culminated in that trip to visit her family.

The whole time, Ben's feeling of loneliness had sort of gone away. He was too occupied to really feel abandoned, which was a good thing for me.

It wasn't that I wanted to keep Ben distracted. I didn't. That would be selfish of me. No, I wanted Ben happy. That was my ultimate goal. He clearly cared about Kim a great deal, enough to pose as her boyfriend in front of her family. I didn't see her as a real threat to me, so ... why not?

I took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, well ... I've been thinking about that for a couple of days. Maybe you should."

"Should what?"

"Make Kim your girlfriend."

"Uh, I already HAVE a girlfriend," Ben stated the obvious. He opened his arms to me for a cuddle.

Grinning, I turned my back to him and spooned myself in the crook of his shoulder. "I meant adding Kim as a second girlfriend."

"What?" Ben gave me a look of outright shock at my suggestion.

"I'm serious. I've thought about it, and I really wouldn't mind. I love you, babe. You're my soulmate. You were the beginning of my love life and you will be the end of it, my alpha and omega. We will always have each other. I just think that for right now, at the relationship stage we're in, there's room for her, too."

Ben disagreed. We argued a bit over the depth of Kim's feelings for him, with me contending that Kim just wanted stability and trust, and Ben claiming that she wanted to marry him and bear his children. I thought that was a little extreme, and I told him so.

Ben also protested that he couldn't have two girlfriends. I knew he'd had three-way relationships before, and told him so. But Ben cited those relationships failures as reasons never to do them again.

"Megan and Cassidy were best friends," he explained. "They were really, really close to each other, and sharing me bonded them even more. That's not the case with you and Kim. Honestly, I'm worried you two would be more like Adrienne and Paige."

Ben seriously looked scared by the possibility. His panicked expression was so cute that I couldn't help giggling a bit. "I'm not going to fall in love with another woman. Or were you thinking I'm the 'Paige' in this scenario?"

Ben shook his head, perhaps knowing better than to associate me with Paige. I didn't really hold a grudge against the petite redhead anymore, but that didn't mean I wanted him to think of me like he did her.

He pondered about everything we had said for a long while, lost in his thoughts. I let him simmer for a bit, knowing that he just needed time to work out some of the kinks in his brain.

But eventually, he asked, "Why would you want me to do this? You're my one and only right now. What benefit could there possibly be for you if I add a second girlfriend?"

I bit my lip and turned away from him. For some reason, Gwen's analysis of Nash's Equilibrium jumped right into the forefront of my brain. She'd said a relationship was a never-ending cycle of manipulation, each party trying to accomplish the best outcome for themselves, sometimes taking into account the other's strategy, and sometimes trying to CHANGE the other's strategy for their own benefit.

But I wasn't doing that. I wasn't being selfish. How could suggesting Ben take on another girlfriend be selfish, right? Yeah, I would benefit by having more "Dawn-time", but that was really just a happy coincidence. This was me being gracious, sacrificing some of the intimacy my boyfriend gave me and allowing him to share it with someone else, someone who really needed him.

I glanced back at Ben and shrugged. "Nothing for me directly, I guess. But overall, I think that we would be happier."

"What do you mean?"

I told Ben about how I'd gotten to talking to Bert a few weeks ago about Utilitarianism. I explained to Ben how he and I were in a collective together, and how I valued his benefits as much as I valued my own. Therefore, if making Kim one of his girlfriends improved his benefits, then I as part of the collective benefitted as well.

Ben argued that making Kim a girlfriend would bring her into OUR collective, which flustered me a bit, since that wasn't what I wanted. I still wanted to think of it as MY collective with Ben and Ben alone, with Kim only a side thing to keep him happy.

I started to feel frustrated that I couldn't get him to see my point of view ... at least ... not in a way that made me look selfish. I didn't want to manipulate him per se. I just wanted him to understand what I wanted.

Changing tactics, I tried to just tell him how happy I was with the direction our relationship had gone. "Look, let me just put it this way: I appreciate you giving me my freedoms. You don't know how reassuring it is to know that I can go out and spend time with my friends and pursue these outside interests without losing you. So many other people in committed relationships feel trapped because they want to do other things, but feel like they can't."

"I don't want to become another Daniel/Elaine," he said with clear worry.

"I know, I know. And we won't," I assured him. "But even knowing you've given me permission, and have shown absolute devotion to wait for me to be ready to settle down ... I still feel a little guilty about it."

"About what?"

"About leaving you alone. I love you, and I don't want you to feel abandoned. So while I've been out there, doing my own thing, I've been telling myself that at least you have Kim waiting for you at home. Sure, she has her own friends too, but ... well ... I mean at least on Thursdays, when I'm gone for three hours with this cooking class, I know that you have your night with Kim and I don't feel so guilty. Does that make sense?"

Ben grimaced. "Uh, this sounds awfully like Adrienne sending Paige to me so that she could be with Grace."

No-no-no-no-no, I immediately thought in worry. That's the LAST thing I want you to be thinking.

"It's not," I said quickly. "I'm not leaving you, and I'm not trying to just 'occupy' you for my own ulterior motives."

But aren't you? My conscience asked. You just said you felt obligated to spend quality time with him, but that having Kim to distract him would free you up for "Dawn-time".

Shut up, I told my brain.

"Really ... I just..." I began, trying to think of something to say. "I like doing my own thing a bit, and I like knowing that someone else is there to take care of you while I'm gone, okay?"

Ben measured my words, then took a deep breath and pulled me around so that we could hug each other face-to-face.

I squeezed him tightly, burying my nose into his shoulder. "I love you, Ben. Forever."

"I know. And you don't need to feel guilty about leaving me to go to a cooking class or whatever. I can do just fine on my own."

See! I crowed victoriously to my conscience. He's FINE.

"Does that mean you're going to continue avoiding Kim?" I asked.

Ben took a deep breath. "No. Actually, I think you've managed to point out one very important thing to me about Kim."

"What's that?"

"The only reason I'm resisting the idea of making Kim a second girlfriend is because she's not worthy of you. I can't wrap my head around the idea of giving her the same title as I give you, because that would mean I cared about her as much as I do you. You're unique. You're special. You are one and only."

I smiled, flattered by his praise. It still felt good to be Number One.

"But I considered it," he continued. "I really did consider it. I do care a lot about Kim, and even if I'm not willing to put that 'girlfriend' title on her, we still have a very special relationship. I can't deny that to her. I can't keep avoiding her. She deserves better than that."

I nodded, seeing that even if he wasn't going to attach the 'girlfriend' label to her, Kim would continue to be a great distraction ... I mean... special person in his life. In any case, he would continue to share a lot of quality time with Kim, and I could still have my "Dawn-time".

Feeling that it was Mission: Accomplished, I smiled and replied, "Okay."

"Mmm-wah! Bye, babe." I kissed my boyfriend before hoisting my purse strap over my shoulder as I descended the porch steps and headed for the driveway, putting the key into the door lock for my old Chevy and wishing for the umpteenth time I could buy a new car, or at least one that had remote entry.

I'd made plans with the girls to spend the day hanging out in the City. Ben would have let me take the Mustang, but he was picking up Kim from her father's house in Sunnyvale to go on a "date" for the day. Five minutes later, I pulled up outside Gwen's and Robin's apartment. Thirty minutes after that, we were pulling into a parking garage outside Fisherman's Wharf.

The girls and I played tourist for a couple of hours. We had sourdough bread bowls at Chowders on Pier 39. We threw crackers at the Sea Lions. And we window shopped for trinkets up and down Jefferson Street.

Well, we mostly window shopped. We bought a few things here and there, from a classic "I Heart SF" t-shirt for Robin to one a little more sexually suggestive for Gwen. I bought a half Oakland A's/half San Francisco Giants baseball cap for Ben, intending to force my Anaheim Angel's-fan boyfriend to wear it. And I was also thinking of buying him a T-shirt when I changed my mind at the last minute.

"Hang on, lemme put this back," I told my girlfriends, head-nodding toward the back of the store.

"Just leave it here," Gwen said, gesturing to a nearby clothes rack with a varied assortment of other shirts.

I raised my eyebrows. "This look like a Nordstrom's to you? There's no array of sales staff that's going to arrange everything properly at the end of the night."

Robin shook her head at Gwen. "Just leave her. You know she'd put it back where she found it even if we WERE at Nordstrom's."

I smiled and snaked my way through the store to put the T-shirt back onto its original rack. It was a minor annoyance to Gwen, but it was just the way I was. I didn't cut corners. I didn't slack off. Whether it meant finishing my homework by showing all lines of work or taking the extra time to put something back where it belonged, it was what I did. Sure, a part of me wanted to be noble, to save some underpaid employee from having to figure out where this stupid T-shirt really belonged. But even more, I had an image to protect. People expected me to be the "perfect" Dawn. I was mature, wise, and for lack of a better word ... complete. No one could ever complain that I didn't pull my own weight or do the right thing, and that was important to me.

And if Gwen had to wait an extra thirty seconds for me to put something away, well ... she was used to it.

"Can we GO now?" she asked when I returned.

"After you," I gestured sweetly, ever polite.

Gwen caught the glint in my eye, the teasing sparkle. Chuckling to herself, she just rolled her eyes and went the way I'd gestured.


"Mmm-wah! Bye, babe." I kissed my boyfriend before hoisting my backpack over my shoulder and turning in the direction of my next class. Ben waved to me as I left, then turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

I got about twenty feet away before I heard footsteps running up behind me. And I glanced back to see Bert pulling up alongside. "Hey, Dawn," he began.

"Hey. Don't you have an Xbox date with my boyfriend?"

Bert grimaced and shook his head. "Uh, no, actually. Told me he was going to be busy with something. You wouldn't happen to know what it is, would you?"

Actually, I did, though I'd momentarily forgotten given Ben's and Bert's regularly scheduled gaming sessions. Ever since Ben had decided to step up and become a "Master" to Kim the way she really wanted, the two had been spending more and more time together working out the details of that relationship. But it wasn't something easily spoken of in polite company. "Uh, well Ben has some private things going on lately."

Bert nodded. "I know. Thing is ... uh ... I wasn't sure how to ask you this," he fumbled. "I mean, I figure that you already know, because Ben wouldn't keep a secret from you. But if you don't already know, then I might be ratting out my best friend and-"

"Bert," I cut him off, stopping in my tracks a holding a hand up to his face. "Spit it out."

Bert pouted, looking like a wounded puppy. "Well, it seems to me that Kim has had some private things going on lately, too. I was just wondering if the two were connected."

"Oh, well..." I began awkwardly. Without thinking about it, I started walking toward class again, and Bert followed after me.

"You DO know, then," he said matter-of-factly. "So they're hooking up now?"

I glanced over. "You know Ben."

"And you don't mind?"

"Mind? No, not at all."

"Even though you're not there? Hookups are one thing, and I don't mean to pry, but don't you usually do them together?"

I arched an eyebrow. Bert was actually quite familiar with Ben's and my sex life. Some things – like Brooke and possibly DJ – he still didn't know. But the guy had been around enough to witness the rather unusual relationship I had with my boyfriend. "Kim is ... a special situation," I explained.

"What do you mean? Exactly." Bert emphasized the word 'exactly' with some serious force, and I got the distinct impression this went beyond mere curiosity. The simple fact was that Bert had been not-so-secretly crushing on Kim for the majority of the year. He'd even hung out with her group of biker-nerds just to be around her. But she'd rebuffed his attempts enough times to get the message across that she wasn't interested, and for a while it seemed like he would be content to just be friends.

Given Kim's submissive demeanor and Viktoriya's "ownership", we'd kept the sexual nature of our relationships with Kim on the down low, with as much discretion as we gave Ben's relationship with Brooke. Our crew of friends never knew that Ben and Kim had been sleeping together since the summer, but in the last few weeks or so, everyone could tell that the two had started becoming very close, especially after Viktoriya abolished the "Thursdays-only" rule.

"You know, I think that sort of thing should be private between them," I said finally. "I'm sorry, Bert."

He didn't look happy, and not at all pleased by response. "Dawn, what the fuck is going on? You know I was talking to some of Kim's friends the other day. They said they heard through the grapevine that Kim brought Ben home to her family a week ago ... as her boyfriend. Did you know that?"

Biting my lip, I took a deep breath and nodded.

"And you don't mind?" he asked incredulously.

"I told you ... it's a special situation."

"But he's your boyfriend!"

"And he still is."

"So Ben's dating the both of you?"

I shook my head. "No, although I actually offered. He says he's only really in love with me."

It was the wrong thing to say. Instantly, Bert got angry and he rather roughly grabbed my wrist, stopping our walking progress. "If he only cares for you, then what the FUCK is he doing with Kim?"

"Hey, hey..." I said placatingly, holding up my right hand and wiggling it so Bert would focus on it, and then reaching down to pry his hand off my wrist. As soon as he realized he was grabbing me, he let go and stepped back with a contrite expression. "You still care about her, don't you?"

Bert shrugged, looking away. "She's my friend. I don't want to see her get hurt."

"She's not going to get hurt. It's a unique situation and Ben is taking care of her right now. He's not in love with her, but ... well..."

"She's in love with him..." Bert sighed forlornly. "I thought so."

"I'm sorry."

Bert shook his head. "Not your fault."

"Are you in love with her?"

Bert didn't answer, just looking away from me with moisture in his eyes. He took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly and shook his head. "No ... I don't think I would have ever said I was in love with her. Little bit of a crush maybe."

"Just a little bit?" I joked lightly.

He cracked a smile and pinched his index finger and thumb together. "Tiny bit."

"Don't worry about it. There are plenty of girls out there for a great guy like you. And who knows? Maybe Ben and I can figure a way to help you out in that department soon."

"Hey Bert, you busy Saturday night?" I asked, dropping onto the couch beside him.

The Korean-American guy glanced over at me, looking adorably cute with a perplexed expression on his face. His eyes initially went over to Ben, who had come up behind me. My boyfriend and I had gone upstairs for our impromptu conversation after Tri-Delt Carli Singer's call, and I'd taken him away from the video game he and Bert were playing.

But Bert checked the eager, smiling expression on my face and decided his video game with Ben could wait. Looking back to me, he shrugged with a smile and replied, "Uh, nothing I can't get out of. What's going on?"

I giggled, thinking of a dozen hot sorority babes kneeling in a row, just waiting to suck my good friend's cock. "Something that's gonna blow your mind."

Ben suddenly coughed, covering his mouth with a fist like he'd started choking. "Uh, babe?" he said to me. "I don't think they want to blow his mind."

Brandi used to say that having sex with Ben felt so wrong, and yet so right. As I felt the hot spray of salty jism splatter against the back of my mouth, I felt my pussy cream at the thought that what I was doing was so wrong ... period.

The cum I was swallowing was not my boyfriend's. The thick, viscous fluid I was drinking down wasn't even my good friend Bert's. It belonged to a man I'd only met once, a man I hardly knew at all. It wasn't something a good girl should do, and yet I was doing it. Here I was, the bottom of a sixty-nine with a gorgeous redhead I'd never met before AT ALL, licking her pussy and having her eat out mine. I'd felt this strange man's thick balls banging against my forehead as he pounded the redhead's cunt. And at the moment of release, he'd yanked himself out, aimed his cock at my face, and invited me to suck him down.

It was so naughty. It was so nasty. It was so ... delicious.

People thought I was an angel. People thought I was pure, pristine, and perfect. I worked hard to keep that image. But deep inside, I had some pretty ... sinful ... urges.

Jaron Hedlund had turned me on from the moment I saw him, way back in October. As fair-haired Achilles, he was a Greek God come to life. I'd always been aroused by manly men, and Ben could certainly do that for me. But while my boyfriend was in good shape and six-feet tall, he just wasn't the Adonis that my ex, Ryan, had been. And Jaron was even more intimidating than Ryan.

Jaron was 6 feet and 4 inches of chiseled hunk. His muscles had muscles. His well-defined six-pack looked like it could crush a beer can in his navel. And he had a magnificent, 9-inch dick. I couldn't even deep-throat the damn thing, and I'd gotten sooo wet at the mere concept of having it inside my pussy. For a brief moment, I fantasized about being bent over on my hands and knees with big Jaron giving me the pounding of my life.

Not that I would actually DO that. Blowjobs were one thing, sex was another. I'd come to this party having laid out my limits with Ben. I loved him, and I wouldn't risk his displeasure by violating the rules. More to the point, I wouldn't risk his image of me. Ben worshipped the ground I walked on. In his eyes, I was perfect, even if he saw the cracks in my perfection from time to time. I wouldn't let him down. I couldn't let him down.

To their credit, both Bert and Jaron respected my boundaries. Neither man even touched me, only letting me touch and suck them. For some reason, that got me even hotter than if I had let them touch me. Knowing I could stroke them, fondle them, and lick them without their laying a finger upon my pristine body gave me a huge power rush. It was like I was a goddess myself, so dazzling to behold and yet so forbidden that they could not bring themselves to spoil me with their pitiful human fingers.

Even at his moment of climax, Jaron didn't touch me. He just aimed his prick, and I'd taken it upon myself to reach up and suck him down. Time after time, his gorgeous dick spat out a fresh wad of creamy goo. Time after time, I gulped it down with the relish of my favorite dessert. I was far from a cumslut. Really, I didn't care for the taste. But I loved the mental concept of swallowing my Ben's jism, and now, I was energized by the naughtiness of swallowing Jaron's.

This angel was sinful indeed...

But that was as far as it went. I'd had two small, almost pathetic orgasms tonight, both of them self-inflicted. They wouldn't be enough for me, far from it. And I HUNGERED for a royal pounding now.

Kate rolled off me, and I kissed Jaron's magnificent penis one more time before pushing it away. Without looking back at him, I got up and sauntered over to my boyfriend, where he'd just rolled off skinny Misa Ng and had Andie Holland licking his cock like an ice cream cone.

"Have fun tonight?" he asked me.

"Sure thing," I answered with heat in my eyes. I reached down and spread my own pink labia with my fingers in invitation. "But now I'm craving cock. Got one more in you?"

My ever adoring boyfriend grinned up at me, full of confidence and love. "For you, always."

"Then take me home, cowboy."

Technically, he didn't take me home. We ended up in Carli Singer's bedroom, where I got to suck on another redhead's pussy. But this time, my boyfriend's dick was pumping in and out of my quivering, saturated quim. And all was right in the world.

But I couldn't help it. While I buried my nose deeper into Carli's cleft and shoved my tongue another half-inch into her channel, pushed there by my boyfriend's pelvic thrusts, I fantasized about a certain muscular, blonde Adonis with a 9-inch dick fucking me from behind. And closing my eyes, I lost myself over to the fantasy.

So wrong ... period