
08 The Lord of Wolves

I was sitting in the Dominican church founded by my father's brother, Mikołaj Jazłowiecki... funny story ... in 1945 it will be turned into a vodka warehouse by the Russians. Many of the local nobility, his political friends, and even a representative of the king came to my father's funeral. Most of the people who came, I knew only from history and I had a negative opinion of most of them ... I sat and pretended to pray and only hoped that this funeral would be over soon, but I knew it would not happen, there was also a farewell feast before me.

I was so focused on my thoughts that I did not notice that there was silence in the church ... but it was not ordinary silence, but something that was absorbing or blocking the sound. I looked from side to side and saw the figures standing still ... what the fuck? I felt a warm breath against my neck and heard some unfamiliar voice that didn't seem natural.

"What a beautiful soul ... we were right in choosing you. Oh, I didn't introduce myself, how rude of me ... I'm Weles. God, but you don't have to get down on your knees, I don't have such requirements." (Weles)

God was speaking to me ... the Slavic God of the Underworld. Normally I would not believe it, but considering I died and was born again in the 17th century... it felt normal to talk to God ... and it wasn't the first God I met.

"Yes, it's quite normal to talk to God ... if that God wants it ... Yes, I can read your mind. You try to think about nothing and you fail." (Weles)

"I see, I believe you are God, I believe you are reading my mind ... You are here for a reason and you want something from me." (MC)

"Bravo. Your soul was saved because we needed it. If you want to know for what purpose ... It's a secret ... Listen and don't start to think, or you will get lost. You know that you have my and Perun's blessing." (Weles)

"Yes, that God in the black hole told me something about it." (MC)

"I will visit you from time to time and give you tasks. When you complete them, you will receive a reward. Hope you understand?" (Weles)

"Yes, I understood, but ..." (MC)

"That's until next time." (Weles)

Before I could finish my sentence, Weles was gone. The church got bustling again, people were normal ... What the fuck was that? God pops in at my father's funeral, stops time, reads my mind and disappears. I don't understand any of this.

"You thought I'd leave you like this? ... This joke will never get old, just like unvaccinated children." (Weles)

"I can see God has a sense of humor ... but I really need some more explanation." (MC)

"It's quite simple. I tell you what to do and you do it, then you get a reward. I can order you to destroy or find something. The rest is up to you, you can do whatever you want."

"Why?" (MC)

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's ... good quote, but it's a pity those are the words of a competitor. Christians had heads for such sentences, only the Romans were better." (Weles)

"I don't understand much of this, and I'm unlikely to get an answer." (MC)

"In some time I will visit you again and I will set the first task, until then have fun and don't get killed." (Weles)

The church came back to life ... I kept thinking about this bizarre encounter, but it was one of those things beyond my reach and worrying in advance would be of no use to me. When the time comes, I'll just have to deal with this unknown.... Two hours later, the funeral was over, there was a feast waiting for me, I was not in the mood, but as the host I had to endure it somehow with a smile on my face.

It's been a few days, the guests have already left, and I was able to do more important things. I was sitting behind my father's big oak desk and I was trying to remember the events of the past ... the end of 1620 was approaching and I knew that in nine months another war would break out, this time Polish-Swedish. However, I had no experience, I had no army ... I had nothing but the knowledge and money left by my father.

I called Secretary Kowalski to me.

"I have a question for you, I need soldiers, preferably Cossacks or Tatars. Where could I recruit them quickly? And please don't tell me that I can recruit Tatars in Crimea and Cossacks in Zaporizhia. I know that too." (MC)

"From what I understand, you want to recruit light cavalry. So maybe instead of Tatars or Cossacks, it is better to look among the local nobility, there is a large group of poor nobles who willingly agree for an appropriate payment. You can also look among veterans and soldiers in Kamieniec Podolski." (Secretary Kowalski)

"A very good idea, although they will probably not be as good as the Tatars when it comes to guerrilla warfare. Please go to Kamieniec Podolski and Bar on my behalf and recruit 400 riders, preferably with their own horses. If there are any willing Tatars or Cossacks they have priority. " (MC)

"I understand, I'm going there tomorrow morning. Is there anything else I can help, Lord? (Secretary Kowalski)

"Actually, yes, there's one more thing. Please get me a tailor." (MC)

Secretary Kowalski left my office ... Christmas was coming and Sveta could use a new dress, she would become my personal servant and she would also have to look appropriate. Of course I was going to change my wardrobe too ... I needed something in good taste and class, I didn't want to look like a meth addicted transvestite.

I had already prepared both designs of the costumes in my head, but I was not sure if I would be able to pass them on to the tailor.