
Communication ............

kavya went to home to see her grand pa and was shocked to see his presence.... she was shocked to see her relatives from next door in her home . their house become a market now and was busy with their talkings and grand ma hold her hands and said everyone that my grand daughter is here. all were happy and raised their heads to see her . they daily time to this place and do a business here. so they came now and all were happy by meeting their blood related people . swathi was amused and stay sad because she wanted to talk to mahi so competetion is the only choice to meet him and now it was missed . she looks very dissappointed and gone to her room . after an half an hour kavya came to swathi and they chit chatted happily ...


mahi was curious to search for kavya and when he know about already she was left and he felt little dissappoint and hold his phone through out the time ...

...Evening 4'o clock swathi went out side and playing with kavya's small relatives and i mean children and kavya hold her phone and unconsciously she type hii on the screen and deleted then she wrote again and again .

Then in a instant she type hi and swathi called her so unfortunately it went to mahi.mahi hold the phone so tightly to receive the message and in a second the phone rang , mahi saw that message and felt like a message from my heart is always precious for me . he froze in that second and it took a long time to respond so after 2 mins he wake up from his dream and wrote in a phone

mahi: Hii

after fighting with children and swathi , kavya came back after 10 minutes and saw message from mahi and then replied in a shy manner

kavya : Good after noon .

mahi : Hmm

kavya : Dont you want to chat with me?

mahi : Y, is there any problem with me?

kavya : Not like that, there is a saying that if anyone wants to end their chat they reply in a hmm way . so i asked you in a same manner

mahi : No i dont mean in that way .

kavya : ok then what are you doing ?

mahi : reffering some books in my room. what about you ?

kavya : communicating with you....