
A young wolf learning a dragons methods

The cries of the town reached Sigewulf's ears as he closed in on his destination. As he looked at the ancient-looking town he saw flying men leaving and entering the town.

The group looked at the men with awe and reverence as they got closer to the town.

"If only I could be a nascent soul cultivator and fly freely in the air." one of the men said as he sighed.

"I feel the same but we have a lot of time those men took hundreds of years to reach that level we just have to take one step at a time." Zhou Fu said as he kept his eyes on the town wall.

'So that's a nascent soul cultivator in the flesh.'

'More like mid-stage golden core cultivator this world might end up having a level 8 cultivation system so it'll be inflated but still always be wary.' Odin said as he took a quick look at the cultivator's energy signature.

'So what's my cultivation level here?' Sigewulf asked as he took off his helmet.

'Going off level 8 your a peak golden core but don't end up becoming arrogant remember even the true immortal realm is considered weak to mid-stage cultivators.'

The group had soon reached the gate and talked to the guard before entering.

"Welcome to The City of Culture one of the earliest cities made during the age of immortals!" Zhou Fu said proudly as he turned to look at Sigewulf.

"Age of immortals?" Sigewulf said as he looked around.

"Yes back when immortals roamed the planes between worlds and we the descents of the azians from orth were born." Zhou Fu explained as he led Sigewulf to a restaurant.

"Orth?" Sigewulf said.

"Yes the birth of many humans from what the ancestors told back then immortals were like grains of sands they were born on orth with many different races like the eagle race the holy sun people and warrior race we are the children of the azians."

'Well stuff has been bastardized but can't blame them after so many millenniums it'll happen I'm guessing eagle is either America or Mexico warrior is Europe and holy sun is either Japan or niger but it's not Japan because they call themselves asian and Japan is included so maybe Africa America and Europe.' Odin said as he analyzed the information.

'And orth is earth I guess?'


Zhou Fu raised his hand and shouted at the waiter.

"Give me your best food and alcohol!"

The waiter who heard Zhou Fu yelling looked annoyed and was about to yell at him but after she saw the token on Zhou Fu's waist she quickly smiled and bowed before hurrying to the kitchen.

It only took ten minutes before five waiters arrived with many plates of food and wine.

'Can I even drink I'm not old enough?'

'It's just juice and with your space marine biology you won't get drunk or damage your body so just enjoy it.' Odin said as he slithered around Sigewulf's soul.

Zhou Fu poured a glass for Sigewulf and handed him the cup. Sigewulf took a small sip before drinking it all.

'Taste like nothing even water has more taste than this?'

'Yeah this wine is straight shit it's only 5% how is this even rice wine at all go kill the staff for this atrocity!'


After an hour Sigewulf left the restaurant holding a token zhou fu had given to him. As he looked around he agreed with the title the town had each building had there own unique culture he even saw a statue of Jackie chan that was titled the God of Martial arts.

'So how am I going to find the drive?'

'That's quite easy actually use your suit's frequency scanner and look for something that is giving a sign that's above 42hz.'

Sigewulf used a small dial to move the scanner into the right frequency and heard a small tone play it was barely hearable if not for his enhanced hearing. The tone took a long time to play so Sigewulf had to slowly move to find the right direction.

'So how big is the search area?'

'The city.'

'I'm not surprised.'

'Yes also look around for any useful items this might be a quasi cultivation world but it still might have the stuff to help you raise your cultivation level.'

Sigewulf slowly followed the signal and arrived in a business district as he got closer he heard the beep get louder and faster. He arrived in front of a shop with two people talking Inside. He entered the shop and heard the man talking to the girl.

"Its been half a year and you still have not paid your rent I have been very patient but I can't keep this up I have kids to feed and I can't keep letting you stay here after this month ends and you can't pay leave I won't give you any more chances." the man said as he turned around and left quickly he bumped into Sigewulf and fell on his ass.

The man looked irritated but apologized and left quickly. The woman looked lost as she looked at the wooden counter she sighed before looking at the door and sporting Sigewulf. The woman's eyes opened wide as she looked at his armor before speaking.

"Have you come for your companion?"

"Companion?" Sigewulf asked as he walked to the counter his steps echoed in the quiet shop.

"Yes he wears green armor and has coal-like skin and red eyes he looks like a demon but he's very nice." the woman said as she sighed and waved towards Sigewulf to follow her to the back.

"A salamander there's an Astartes here?" Sigewulf said as he sped up and followed the girl.

"There was he sadly died a few days ago from his wounds the man was strong for a mortal man even a golden core cultivator would probably struggle to fight him." the girl said as she lead Sigewulf to a stand that held the power armor of a salamander.

As Sigewulf looked around the room he found many things he recognized but more futuristic. there were also things he didn't know about but most of the things were easily recognizable.

"I guess you didn't know about your friend but I'm guessing now you'll be taking his armor?"

"Yes." Sigewulf said he wanted to study the armor as he couldn't just destroy his armor to study how it was made.

"Can you please let me keep it for a while I wish to study it ill pay you handsomely if I can make a breakthrough I can show this world the wonders of science!" the girl said as she ran up to Sigewulf and tried to convince him.

"I'm wondering if you've seen a black stick my scanner says it's here and I'm looking for it if you give it to me ill let you keep the armor for a while."

"Black stick?" the girl said as she started to think.

"Yes like this," Sigewulf said as he flipped his hand and a holograph appeared showing a black drive. Naturally, he didn't know how the black drive looked but Odin could easily give him the memory of it and his suit could then turn it into a holograph.

The suit had many recording functions and this was one of them it could read the user's memories and then show them as a holograph.

The girl was amazed at the technology but restrained herself as she looked for the drive around the room. After five minutes she brought the drive and handed it to Sigewulf.

"I've kept my bargain now it's your turn right?" the girl said as she smiled excitedly.

"Yea but you will have to go with me I must keep the armor I hope you can understand I'll provide the equipment for you so don't worry." Sigewulf said as he made an excuse to kidnap the girl under odins instructions.