
Trying to be nice

"Mother I have a request for you. Me and my wife were talking and we felt that it would be a shame to marry Yunning as a concubine once she show us how talent she is. So my wife suggested that we made Lady Ye the Second Wife, What you think Mother?"

Ming Shu saw the hesitation on her Grandma's face.

"Isn't that amazing Grandmother? In this way Yunning can come with me to the banquets. All of our tutors said that father was blessed with a pair of talent daughters. Won't the same happen once we go to the banquets? You can even tell to that friend of your... what her name was? Hmm Old Lady Ning? The one that loves to come here to show you her new things, that we are super talented. I'm sure she will be delighted!"

Once she heard the name of her rival Old Lady Ming made up her mind. She just reminded how that old witch was showing off how her grandchildren were talented. Her granddaughter was amazing in many subjects and her grandson was already doing the national exam. At that time Old Lady Ming was ashamed because her granddaughters were nothing special and her only grandson with enough age to go soon to the national exam was prodigal son. But now she had two granddaughters who were acclaimed to be geniuses. Would she lose the opportunity to show off? Of course not. Thinking so, she turned to Li Lifen.

"Shu'er is right. We should show how good are the children for our family. I will discuss later with you how she will distribute the duties between her and Lady Ye."

"Thank you Mother, I will tell Lady Ye later the news. Tomorrow I will come with her so that we can properly divide the duties and responsibilities"

"Well. You are all dismissed now. I hope that we can hear more amazing songs from now on my dear grandchildren, congratulations for your creation"

Holding her Meimei's hand, Ming Shu left the courtyard.

"You stand for me!"

The sharp voice owned by her cousin sound behind them.

'Why should I?'

Ignoring the hysterical cousin behind her Ming Shu continue to walk.

"Sister, shouldn't we stop to talk with cousin? She looks really angry because we ignored her"

"Why should we? Is not our fault that she is not talented enough. She will just say things like 'just you wait' or 'do you think you are all that' and then she will name someone and say they are much better than us"

"But Sister... she is our cousin we should try to have a nice relationship with her no?"

Looking at her younger sister that prevented her of going in the same path she did in the first life, Ming Shu smiled.

"You are right, we should try to build a harmonious relationship with her"

Turning to face her cousin, Ming Shu saw a girl who was disheveled. With her lips twitching she addressed at her cousin politely as she could.

"Sorry Cousin, I didn't know you were talking with us, can we do something for you?"

"Ming Shu you put me on spot on purpose didn't you?! Just you wait, next week for sure I'll show something that's better than both of you. Do you think you are genius just because you are better than me? Please. The only one that can claim herself to be a music genius is the Second Princess"

"You right cousin I did. I'm sorry for the way I acted just now. Because you badmouthed my Meimei, the anger got the best of me and I ended up doing unnecessary things. I hope you can forgive me. I also believe that you will show us a better piece than the one you presented today. And about being a genius, I would never call myself this world. Of course only the imperial family is suited to be called favored by the heavens. So I think you are absolutely right in your critique, I must reprimand the tutors about the use of such a word"

Ming Huan was confused about the drastic attitude change of Ming Shu. 'Weren't we just fighting now, why would she be so friendly? Maybe she is afraid now that we are alone'. She smirked at the thought of her little cousin being afraid of her.

"Is good that you know that you are wrong. Because I'm a magnanimous person I'll forgive you this once. But it's better for you if there's no next time. Hmpf"

With a haughty attitude Ming Huan left for her courtyard.


Ming Yunning couldn't hold anymore.

"Haha. Sister did you see her hair? It looked like she had a bird nest on top of her head. Hahaha. She even left thinking she was above us... won't she be furious once she see herself on the mirror?"

Ming Shu looked at her young sister that was without breath because she laughed too much and knocked her head.

"Stupid Meimei, didn't you want to have a nice relationship with her?"

"Aah... but she is so annoying. Even after Jiejie humbled herself, cousin still maintained a haughty attitude. I don't like her"

"Well, if you don't like her, I won't like her either. Come, you should tell the great news to your mom"


Thinking how proud her mother would be of her, Ming Yunning fastened her pace.