
Stay With Me?

7:00 p.m.

The store was busy. People rushed to get dinner after work. She stood there with her head down, tears forming again. The bun on her head was starting to fall out of its place from sleeping on the bus. The little money she had was enough for a small freezer dinner, the only problem was that she didn't have a microwave to heat it up.


Not again.

She looked up at the voice.

He seemed to be rich. He wore a suit and a Rolex and just had that rich vibe about him.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head no. What else can she do? There was nowhere to go.

"What's your name?" He asked her.

She didn't answer. She couldn't. She just looked at him with hard eyes.

"Okay... well my name is Max. Do you need help?"

She nodded.

He smiles kindly at her, "well what do you need help a- with?"

She thought for a second, before pointing to her throat.

"You- don't talk?"

She nodded frantically.

He took a deep breathe and hesitated before handing her his phone and opened the Notes App. Going to a blank note she types out "I'm alone"

"Alone?" She nods

"What's your name?"

She typed out "Zöe."

"And you- don't talk?" He asked again.

She looked down.

"Okay.. well then I have an apartment not too far from here. If- if you want.. to stay with me?" His words dragged out.

She nodded hesitantly.

He picked up his grocery bags and lead her to his car.