
Ultratrix/Cellitrix (Pred 10)


Ultratrix/Cellitrix (Pred 10)

The Ultratrix is a device similar to the Ultimatrix It can take on the form of an iPhone and is sometimes called the Cellitrix. It was designed by Azmuth as a replacement for the Ultimatrix, However before Azmuth could complete it several jealous mechamorph scientists had stolen it, Azmuth regained it but he no longer wished to use it himself because 2 unstable evolutionary features had been added. Azmuth gave it as a reward to a young wolf when prompted by paradox after the young shapeshifting wolf Pred had saved his life (note:shapeshift as in can turn into a human)


• Like its predecessors The Omnitrix and Ultimatrix The Ultratrix is a wireless link to the Codon Stream on primus.

• Like the Ultimatrix it has the ability to evolve an alien into its Ultimate Form as Well as an Ultra Form

• It contains an Ai that has a somewhat sense of humour.

• It's shiny

• It has a cellular phone form that looks like an iPhone and contains the features of one