


• The Hackersapien were the first species added to the Multitrix, as Walker found him in his garage when he was creating the Multitrix's DNA storage.

• The Multitrix's orange glow is its unique DNA energy signal.

• Henry's transformations happen in an instant.

• Transformation sequences show it in slow motion.

• The Multitrix was originally intended for Future Henry and was programmed to work for his DNA because Henry is Future Henry's young counterpart, the close genetic match is what allowed him to use it.

• The Multitrix's power source was smaller and more powerful than Sub Energy.

• Originally, the aliens' Multitrix symbols' grey and white coloration in the original series was caused by a malfunction. From a design standpoint, it was mostly changed because that's how the recalibration fixed it.

• The Multitrix had technical glitches that would cause random flight and abilities not native to the alien species.

However, it is unknown if this is canon.

• In Unable To Charge, the recalibrated Multitrix spoke in a voice similar to Henry's, but deeper (As the fact that it wasn't charging). In all the following episodes, it spoke in Henry's normal voice.

• The Multitrix's voice-activated self-destruct sequence is the same code from "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" that James T. Kirk used to activate the Enterprise's one-minute self-destruct sequence (000 destruct-0).

• The Multitrix used to have yellow colours. However, the crew changed it as it was "too much like a real star".

• The Multitrix was planned in many styles and colours, such as a triangle or a silhouette that changes depending on the user.