

Chapter 891 – I'm Not Your Father!

"Are you feeling warm now?"


The black haired beauty wore a robe over her dress, as she sat on the red-headed teenager's lap.

After sharing several passionate kisses with each other, both of them realized that they weren't dreaming.

William had to use all of his willpower to prevent himself from eating the little sheep that was right in front of him.

He knew that this was not the right place and time for such a thing, so he reluctantly stepped down and simply held Belle, until his strong yearning subsided.

"How?" Belle asked.

It was a simple question with a single word, but this question poked at the heart of the matter, which made the Half-Elf frown.

"Actually, I don't remember how I got here," William replied. "When I opened my eyes, you were already in front of me… and I thought that I might have accidentally stepped into Heaven all of a sudden."

A sweet smile appeared on Belle's face. Williams was unable to see it because the black-haired beauty was resting her head on William's shoulder and looking down.

"You've become a sweet talker, is that what you learned while spending time with your girlfriend, Wendy?" Belle asked. Although this was an innocent question, a trace of jealousy could be felt in her words.

"She's no longer my girlfriend, but my wife," William said.

"… It has only been a year since we saw each other. And yet, several years have already passed in your world. Are you really married now?"

"Um, things happened."

"Start talking, Mister."

William chuckled nervously because Belle's hand was inching its way to his waist.

However, before he could even start talking, he sensed someone approaching their location.

Belle also heard some footsteps headed in their direction, but she didn't mind it. Now that the one she loved was here, she didn't care if she was seen by other men.

"Belle, stick this inside your mouth for a bit and don't move," William said as he gently placed a lollipop inside Belle's mouth. "No matter what happens, don't say a word."

After making sure that the lollipop was firmly in place, he also took one in his mouth. This was the black lollipop that allowed anyone who ate it to merge with the shadows.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a suit appeared in the clearing. He looked rather worried and seemed to be searching for something.

After seeing the man, Belle hurriedly took out the lollipop from her lips and called out.

"Papa, I'm here," Belle said as the shadows that shielded her from the outside world disappeared.

"Belle! I finally found you, I was getting worried!" Belle's father, Raymond, hugged his daughter.

He had assigned two of his bodyguards to follow her when she left the hotel. When they saw that she was headed to the maze, one of them returned to inform Raymond of what was happening, while the other followed her inside the maze.

Due to Belle's effort of making sure that she went the wrong way, the guard following her was unable to find her.

Raymond, on the other hand, immediately left the hotel after hearing what his daughter had done. More than anything else, he was her father. Although he wanted Belle to socialize with the young men of their circle, he would not allow any of them to force her to do something she didn't want to do.

Even if Raymond was an easy going man, if someone were to harm his daughter, he would snap their necks like twigs and make it look like an accident.

William watched this scene from the shadows unsure of what to do. In the end, he remained completely still and just watched the father and daughter pair reconcile.

"Father, there is someone I'd like you to meet," Belle said with a smile. "William, please come out. I want you to meet my father."

Raymond frowned because the name William held a special meaning to him. How could he possibly forget the name of the dying young man with a terminal illness that had donated his heart in order for his precious daughter to live?

However, the thing that concerned him was that his daughter was looking at an empty bench, which made Raymond shudder.

'W-Wait don't tell me that the boy has turned into a ghost and is currently haunting Belle?' Beads of sweat formed on Raymond's forehead at the thought of William's ghost having an attachment to his daughter.

After a brief internal struggle, William took out the lollipop in his mouth and appeared in front of Belle and her father.

Raymond almost jumped back in fright when a red-headed teenager suddenly materialized out of thin air.

Belle smiled as he hurriedly pulled William towards her father.

"Papa, this is William," Belle said with a smile. "He is my fiance."

Raymond reached out his hand for a handshake as he appraised the handsome young man that he was seeing for the first time. "Hello, so you are my daughter's fian– what?!"

The middle-aged man glanced at his daughter in shock before shifting his gaze to the red-headed teenager whom Belle had introduced as her fiance.

"Hello, Father," William said with a smug expression on his face. "My name is William, and I am Belle's fiance."

"I'm not your father!" Raymond snapped at the handsome red-head who was trying to get chummy with him.

"Belle, what is the meaning of this? This is the first time I'm hearing of such a thing!"

"That's because I was keeping this a secret from you and Mama. William was studying abroad, and it was very hard for us to meet. Fortunately, he was able to free up some of his time for a visit. I asked him to come here, so that I can formally introduce him to you and Mama."

William smiled as he gave Belle two thumbs up in his heart.

'As expected of my Belle, she's quick witted!' William felt very smug at the moment and it showed on his face.

Raymond glared at Wiliam. Although he wanted his daughter to form a relationship with someone, when it actually happened, he was having second thoughts. Such was the dilemma of overprotective fathers when it came to the welfare of their daughters.

The Director of the Hospital was feeling conflicted, but after seeing Belle hugging the young man in front of him, he decided to interrogate the boy at a later time, and ask how far they had advanced in their relationship.

"Papa, I want to go home now," Belle said. "The party is almost over, and I'm not feeling well. Can we leave now?"

"Of course," Raymond replied. As a doting father, how could he possibly let his daughter suffer? Since Belle wanted to go home then they would go home pronto!


"I'm very impressed," William said as he walked hand in hand with Belle towards the parking area. "I never thought that you'd be this eloquent when it came to words."

"Not as much as you." Belle rolled her eyes. "When we get back home, you better tell me everything. Don't leave anything out, got it?"


"Yes. I'm taking you back to our house. I'm sure Mama will have no complaints. Knowing her, she will definitely start the preparations for our wedding."

Belle held onto William tightly.

During the festival, she felt helpless and lost after William had left. It was a very heartbreaking feeling. It was then when she realized how much she loved him, and if possible, she didn't want to part with him ever again.

But, she knew that this was just wishful thinking on her part.

William didn't belong in her world, she understood this very well.

However, that wouldn't be enough to stop her from making sure that these precious moments together would not be wasted.

During the festival, she had regretted her decision of running away from him. If she didn't leave him back then, the time when they had shared their feelings to each other would have been longer.

She had wanted to tell him many things.

Belle had wanted to pour out her heart to him, but she wasted that opportunity. She had tried to make William stay, even using herself as a way to bind him to be with her forever, but it didn't work.

The boy she loved had responsibilities in the other world. There he had a family, and a home.

There he had lovers, which made her jealous because she couldn't be with him due to their circumstances being different.

Every night, Belle would stare at the moon, hoping that her star crossed lover would once again appear in front of her.

Now that he was here right before her eyes, she would no longer hesitate.

No matter what happened, she would make sure that before the two of them parted again, the feelings that she had kept for the past year, would finally find their way into her beloved's heart.

Chapter 892 – Where Do You Want To Sleep Tonight?

Skuld smiled as she held William's hand.

"Big Brother, I believe in you," Skuld said. "Till we meet again."

"Till we meet again," William replied as he gave Skuld one last hug.

After taking a step back he gave Urd and Verdandi a bow before taking a step towards the portal that they had opened for him.

As soon as he stepped inside it, he was covered with a bright light. He was off to the place where the Norns had asked him to go, and entrusted a mission to him that only he could complete.

"Don't have any regrets, Big Brother," Skuld shouted as William took a step inside the portal. "… because it will be too late for regrets."


When the light receded from William's vision, the first thing he saw was a beautiful lady with long, silky black hair.

The lady's face was flushed, and her expression wasn't looking that well, so the Half-Elf assumed that she might be in some kind of trouble.

William didn't recognize her right away until his heart started to beat wildly inside his chest. His hazy memories started to churn, as if unearthing something that had long been forgotten.

Suddenly, William heard footsteps headed in their direction. The beautiful lady's face immediately paled when she, too, heard the sound of someone approaching her location.

The first thing she did was to head to one of the exits of the clearing, but before she could do that, William's body had unconsciously moved and pulled the black-haired beauty in his embrace.

For some reason, he didn't want the person that was coming their way to find her. He suddenly felt overprotective all of a sudden, and he couldn't understand why he was feeling this way.

As he backed into the corner of the clearing, away from the light, he made sure to cover her lips, so she wouldn't be able to make a sound.

It was then, when a name appeared in his mind, as her warmth, softness, and scent assaulted his senses.

'Belle,' William thought as a surge of emotions rose up from his heart. 'Her name is Belle… right?'

It was at that moment when a young man who seemed to be the same age as the lady in his arms, appeared in the clearing. He had a look of yearning on his face, as he scanned his surroundings.

William used his power to shield their presence from the man, preventing him from looking in their direction.

When the man finally left, William tried to compose the raging emotions that were burning inside his heart.

"A beautiful lady wearing a dress as revealing as this and walking into a maze alone in the middle of the night is just asking for trouble," William said in a teasing voice. "A delicious sheep like you out in the open will make any wolf go crazy."

He wasn't able to stop himself from saying these words, because he was one of those wolves at the moment.

He loved her so much that it hurt.

It hurt because he knew that he was starting to lose his memories of her and it made him anxious deep inside his heart.

The black-haired beauty slowly turned her head to look at the man who was holding her in place.

William watched as a tear fell down the side of her face, followed by another. His heart melted at the sight. He then removed his hand that covered her soft and seductive lips and stared into her eyes tenderly.

"Am I dreaming?" Belle asked as she cupped Wiliam's face with her delicate hands. "Is this a dream?"

William chuckled. His beloved had said the same thing that was on his mind, and he was very eager to know if he was dreaming or not.

He raised his hand to hold the hand that was cupping his face and smiled.

"Actually, I was about to ask you the same question," William said. "Am I dreaming? If yes then I don't mind staying in this dream for a little while longer."

Those were his heartfelt feelings, for he didn't know if this would be the last time that he would remember the girl whom he had given, not only his love, but his heart as well.

The tears that hovered on the edges of Belle's eyes fell like rain. The emotions that she had been holding back for the past year surged like a thunderous river that blew away all obstacles in its path.

"Me, too," Belle replied as she wrapped her arms around William's head. "If this is a dream, I don't mind dreaming a little while longer."

The black-haired beauty tiptoed and pressed her soft lips on the young man's lips.

That was then when Wiliam tasted happiness, and knew for certain that he wasn't dreaming.


"Oh my! Such a handsome young man!" a beautiful lady said as she appraised William from head to foot. "So, you are my daughter's fiance?"

"Yes, Mother," William replied. "My name is William. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Good! I knew that Belle wasn't a late bloomer." Belle's mother, Adelle, clapped her hands in happiness. "Have you eaten? If not, I can ask our cook to make something for you."

"It's fine, Mother. I have already eaten."

"Awww, don't be like that. I want to pamper the boy that had captured my daughter's heart. Are you sure you don't want to eat anything?"

Before William could answer Adele's question, Raymond cleared his throat before glaring at the red-headed teenager who was getting chummy with his wife.

"Boy, don't you think it's about time to tell us more about yourself?" Raymond asked. "Also, I haven't agreed to your relationship with my daughter. Belle, just where did you meet this boy?"

Belle smiled as she held onto William's arm. "Father, I think we should move to the living room. It's not good to have a discussion while standing at the entrance of our house."

"Oh, dear me, I almost forgot!" Adele hurriedly grabbed William's free hand and pulled him inside their house. "I want to know more about you, William. So, let us talk inside."

"As you wish, Mother," William replied, which made Adele chuckle.

Although this was the first time she was meeting William, she could tell that Belle wasn't using the red-headed teenager as a prop to prevent them from finding a suitable partner for her.

Adele could see the way her daughter looked at William. It was filled with love and affection. She was a businesswoman, and had dealt with many kinds of people in her career to know when someone was just faking something or not.

Belle's feelings were genuine, and the thing that made her very happy was that William also felt the same way towards her daughter.

'I want to know more about him,' Adele mused. 'I want to know more about the young man that made my darling daughter fall in love.'

As soon as everyone arrived in the living room, Belle guided William to a couch and sat beside him.

Adele and Raymond, on the other hand, sat on the couch opposite theirs.

"Carol, please prepare tea for all of us," Adele ordered the Head Maid of their residence.

"Right away, My Lady." Carol bowed and left the living room to prepare some refreshments for everyone.

Fifteen minutes later, tea was served and several snacks were laid out on the small table in the living room.

Raymond, who had an impatient look on his face, didn't even touch his tea. He merely crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at William who was enjoying his daughter's affection.

"Brat, I'll give you ten milliion. Take it and never show your face in front of me again," Raymond said in a threatening tone. "If you think that ten million is not enough, I'll double it. But, you better sign a contract that you will stay away from my daughter. If you do this, I will turn a blind eye on this matter and we can part ways without any hard feelings. What do you say?"

Belle glanced at her father with a pout. Just a day ago, her father was doing his best to make her look very attractive in the hope that several young men would take an interest in her.

Now that she had told her father that she already had a fiance, Raymond had a change of heart and wanted to chase William away.

Seeing her daughter's pouting face, Adele stood up and pulled Raymond in the corner of the living room.

"Adele, that brat doesn't suit our daughter," Raymond said without even bothering to lower his voice. "How can I possibly accept a random stranger claiming to be Belle's fiance? I will not accept it!"

He had every intention of making sure William heard his complaint. This was to make sure that the red-headed teenager would understand that Raymond had no intention of welcoming him into his family.

"Dear, listen," Adele said with a sweet smile on her face. "I came here to tell you that you only have three choices."

"Three choices?" Raymond frowned. "What three choices?"

Adele's smile widened as she playfully rearranged her husband's necktie.

"The first choice is to sleep on the bed.

The second choice is to sleep on the floor.

The third choice is to sleep in the doghouse."

Adele tightened the necktie on Raymond's neck, which made the latter feel a chill run down his spine.

"Tell me, Dear," Adele said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Where do you want to sleep tonight?"

Chapter 893 – Please, Let Me Marry Your Daughter

"When I first saw Belle, it was love at first sight," William said as he intertwined his fingers with Belle's. "But, she was like the moon in the sky that was far away from my reach. For me, she was like a fairy that had come out of a fairy tale. If I was rich back then, I would have sued her for stealing my heart."

"Oh, my!" Adele giggled when he heard William's words. She loved listening to William's voice because it was rich with emotions. Also, the red-headed teenager was very handsome. He was more handsome than the young men that she, and Raymond, had planned to introduce to Belle in the hope that a spark would happen between them.

Adele felt that she no longer had to do something troublesome because it was very clear that her daughter and William were very much in love. Belle's mother swore then and there that if someone were to make the two of the lovebirds break up, she would hack them to pieces using a cursed chainsaw that she had bought in an auction house not long ago.

Belle, on the other hand, blushed as she rested her head on William's shoulder. She felt embarrassed and proud at the same time because the Half-Elf didn't shy away from sharing his heartfelt feelings with her family.

Raymond, on the other hand, was gnashing his teeth in anger. If looks could kill, William would have died a thousand times over already. Right now, he was forced to keep his silence, or else, he would be sleeping in the doghouse tonight.

"Then, how about you, Belle?" Adele asked. "How did you and William become a couple?"

Belle smiled as she fondly recalled that bitter sweet memory that happened a year ago.

"Do you remember when I went to the villa in the countryside to recuperate?" Belle asked. "It was there that I met William."

Adele and Raymond nodded their heads. When Belle had returned from the countryside, she had become livelier and she was smiling a lot, too. Because of this, both of them felt that a thorn had been pulled out of their hearts.

Their baby daughter, who had been depressed for a very long time, finally started to open up again and this made them incredibly happy.

Although Raymond was still staring daggers at William, a bit of his resentment disappeared when he heard his daughter's words. Belle was very precious to them. If William really played a role in her recovery then he could grudgingly give the boy a chance.

"When I saw him, he was eating grass and flowers at the flowerfield," Belle giggled. "After he realized that they weren't delicious, he started to spit them out one by one."

William wanted to roll his eyes at the black-haired beauty who was obviously slandering his good name in front of her parents.

Adele chuckled, and Raymond snorted.

What William didn't know was that his beloved girl was just lowering the tension in her father, in order for him to listen to her tale properly.

Raymond had indeed found Belle's description of the boy funny enough. In his head, he had already labeled William as a country bumpkin.

"Do you see his ears?" Belle inquired as he playfully pulled on them. "You see, he is the only Half-Elf in this world, which makes him one of a kind. Look at his clothes. Have you seen this design before?"

Adele and Raymond had noticed the peculiarity of Wiliam's ears and robes, but neither of them were fazed by it. They had already seen teenagers in T.V wear colorful outfits called cosplayers, so they thought that Wiliam was one of them.

Seeing the reaction of her parents, Belle continued her tale. She told them about how she and William dressed up like pirates during the festival in the countryside, and visited all the stalls in the shrine.

The black-haired beauty's voice mellowed when she came to the part where she and William had visited a stall that sold jewelry.

Belle then raised her hand to show her parents the ring on her finger.

"The name of this ring is the Ring of Vega," Belle said as he glanced at William. The Half-Elf understood what she wanted him to do, so he raised his hand and showed Belle's parents the ring on his ring finger.

"The ring on William's hand is called the Ring of Altair," Belle narrated. "They are the two stars that represent the tale of the star-crossed lovers during the Star Festival. Right now, we are those two star-crossed lovers who can only meet on very rare occasions."

"How romantic…" Adele said while sighing. "Dear, why didn't you come up with something similar when the two of us were dating? You should learn from our daughter and William."

Raymond sighed as he grudgingly admitted that he wasn't as romantic as William when he was at the boy's age. Back then, he was busy pursuing his studies in medicine and had very little time to go out on dates with his wife, Adele.

Belle's father then held his wife's hand and held it firmly. Although it had been many years since the two of them had been married, their feelings for each other didn't die down and continued to remain strong through the test of time.

Belle smiled as she looked at her parents who had entwined their fingers together, just like her beloved Half-Elf.

"It is quite regrettable that during our visit to the temple, we had an argument, which prompted me to run away from him." Belle sighed as she remembered that sad memory. "Back then, I knew that William had very important things to do, but I was selfish and tried to force him to stay with me."

Belle looked at William apologetically, but the Half-Elf only smiled and nodded his head.

"In the end, under that firework-lit sky, we exchanged our vows of love to each other," Belle said softly. "After that, he left me with the promise that we would meet again… and today, he kept his promise."

Belle wasn't able to stop her overflowing feelings as she moved towards William and kissed his cheek in front of her parents.

Adele and Raymond watched this scene with surprise because ever since the red-headed teenager had appeared, their daughter was showing expressions that they hadn't seen before.

Belle's love-filled gaze was enough for them to know that this whole thing wasn't an act, and the two of them weren't pretending to be lovers.

Raymond knew deep inside that if he really got in the way of his daughter's love, she would hate him for life.

"Papa, Mama, the one I love is William," Belle declared. "He is the only one that I plan to marry in this lifetime. Please, give us your blessings."

William held Belle's hand firmly as he gazed at Adele and Raymond, who were looking at him with complicated gazes.

"I can't promise that I will always be there when Belle needs me," William said. "I have circumstances that prevent me from being with her all the time. However, I can promise you that whenever we are together, I will love her with all of my heart and do everything in my power to make her happy."

William stood and bowed his head. "Please, let me marry your daughter."

The Half-Elf didn't know how long he could stay on Earth. The only thing he didn't want was to have regrets.

After seeing Belle being pursued by another man in that dark and gloomy maze, he understood that time didn't wait for anyone.

If he missed this opportunity, there might be no other chance again. So, with every fiber of his being, he wanted to gain the acceptance of Belle's parents as their daughter's husband.

Adele and Raymond exchanged a glance.

"It might be a little too soon for a marriage," Adele said. "We need to think about this properly."

Even she, who supported her daughter's love, felt that marriage was too soon for her daughter. Also, although she had a good impression of William, she didn't know much about him. Her plan was to gradually know more about Belle's fiance, before giving her permission for the two to get married.

Raymond was of the same mind. Although he had already considered the possibility of William marrying her daughter, he simply didn't know anything about the red-headed teenager.

No decent father would allow his daughter to marry a complete stranger without even knowing his family's background.

"I understand," William nodded. "But, please, know that I am serious in my feelings for Belle."

Adele and Raymond nodded. For now, they had accepted that the two were in love with each other, so they would no longer get in the way in their relationship.

What they wanted now was to know more about William. This would undoubtedly take some time.

Time that the Half-Elf didn't have…

Chapter 894 – Let's Create Beautiful Memories Together

William laid on the bed of the guestroom, completely exhausted from the day's events.

He looked up at the ceiling and tried to recall how he appeared back on Earth, but the haze in his head wouldn't go away.

The last thing he remembered was saying goodbye to Hebe and the Nymphs before entering the Hall of Thunder.

After that he was engulfed by a bright light, and the next thing he knew, he was standing in a clearing, looking at Belle.

'Is the Hall of Thunder connected to Earth?' William thought. 'If it is… can I bring it inside my Domain so I can visit Belle anytime?'

William had no recollection of meeting Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld inside the Hall of Thunder. He wasn't even aware of why he had appeared on Earth.

Even so, his instincts were telling him that he had arrived on Earth for a reason. A reason that he couldn't remember.

Just as William was trying to break through the haze in his mind, the door of the guest room opened.

The Half-Elf's ears had picked up the sound of someone entering his room. Even so, he wasn't afraid. There was no one on Earth that could threaten him, so he decided to close his eyes and pretended to sleep.

His senses had extended outside his body and locked in on the person that was turning the doorknob of the bedroom as quietly as possible.

When the door opened, the person quietly came in and slowly closed the door behind her.

After making sure that the man on the bed was not stirring, the person approached the bed stealthily like a thief about to steal something important.

The person then reached out to touch William's face, but before the hand could even come close, William's hand had sprang up and held it firmly in his hand.

"Ouch!" the person cried out, which made the Half-Elf immediately release the hand he was holding.

"Sorry," William replied as he applied healing magic to the bruised wrist that he had grabbed. "I thought that your father had sent someone to assassinate me."

"My father is a doctor," Belle replied with a pout. "He would not send someone to kill his daughter's fiance, especially with Mama around."

William smiled as he pulled Belle close to him.

Belle didn't resist and allowed herself to be hugged by the person whom she had always thought of since the day that they parted from each other.

"You're very bold," William whispered in her ears. "Aren't you worried that your parents will barge in here and drag you away?"

Belle shook her head. "No. Because I know that you won't let them drag me away."

The two stared at each other before Belle raised her chin and closed her eyes. William cupped her face, and kissed her soft lips until both of them panted for breath.

"Will, you promised that you would tell me everything," Belle said as she laid her head on William's chest. The two of them had lain down on the bed together, but aside from kisses, and words of love, the two didn't make a move to cross that final line.

It was as if both of them had agreed on an unwritten rule that they had set upon themselves.

"Okay," William replied as he lightly brushed her head. "Where do you want me to start?"

"From the time since we parted during the festival."

"This will be a very long story. Are you sure?"

Belle nodded. "Tomorrow is Sunday, I don't have to go to the university."

"What about your parents?" William asked. "They might not like it if they find out that their only daughter spent the night with the stranger they brought under their roof."

"Well, I guess you will just have to take responsibility and tell them that we did it."

"You're very bold. What do you think would happen if I did that?"

Belle giggled. "Papa would kill you for sure, but I'm not afraid. Even if you die, I will go to where you are without fail."

William planted a kiss on Belle's forehead. He was very touched by Belle's words. Although he wouldn't allow such a thing to happen, knowing that she had resolved herself to do such a thing made him fall in love with her all over again.

'Please, Gods in the Heavens, have mercy upon me,' William prayed as he held the love of his life in his embrace. 'Don't take my memories of her away from me. I beg you… I beg you.'

William's body shuddered in sadness as he held Belle in his arms. The memories he had of her that had been lost, could never be restored.

"Belle, I love you," William said as he lovingly cupped her face. "Always have, always will."

"I love you too, Will," Belle replied as she took the initiative to get up enough to kiss his lips for a brief moment. "Even if you forget, I will remember. Forever and ever."

As if a string had snapped inside William's heart, his fears and worries rose up to the surface, causing him and then Belle to sit up again.

He didn't tell her about the things that happened when they parted. No, he didn't tell her that.

Instead, he told her about his greatest fear.

The fear of waking up one day, not being able to remember her face, her voice, and her name.

Belle held Wiliam's trembling body, until he fell asleep in her arms.

The black-haired beauty laid her beloved on the bed and lay down beside him. She wiped away the tear stains on William's face with her soft and delicate fingers.

When he told her that he was constantly losing his memories of her, the black-haired beauty felt an ache in her chest.

Because of this, she made a decision.

"Will, no matter what happens, I will make you remember me," Belle said softly as she held William's body that had started to turn cold. "Even if you lose all of your memories, I will find a way. So, don't be afraid."

Belle closed her eyes and listened to William's heartbeat that matched her own.

"Let's create beautiful memories together," Belle whispered in the sleeping Half-Elf's ears. "Memories that even the laws of the world… cannot erase completely."

Chapter 895 – Your Daughter Is In Good Hands

The soft and gentle breeze blew past the open window. Inside the guest room, William opened his eyes and saw Belle's sleeping face.

The black-haired beauty was sound asleep, and her sleeper breaths told him that it would take a while before she woke up.

William gazed at her. If possible, he wanted to touch and caress her face, but if he did that, there was a chance that she would wake up due to his meddling.

The Half-Elf didn't want that to happen. For Belle, only a year had passed since that fateful day in the countryside. The day when the two of them bid each other goodbye, without knowing when the two of them would see each other again.

The memories of what happened a few hours ago resurfaced in William's memory, and it made him slightly embarrassed.

He had never been a cry baby, but for the past year, he couldn't remember how many times he had cried due to the things that he had experienced.

Meeting Celine and stepping on the stairways of adulthood with her…

His journey with Chiffon inside the Tower of Babylon…

His marriage with Princess Sidonie…

His time with Lilith and his future daughter, Raizel, in the Deadlands…

Seeing Amalthea and fighting against Dias…

And now… meeting Belle on Earth.

"Maybe this is a reward for all of my hard work," William muttered as he stared at the girl that he had loved in his past lifetime. "… Yeah, right."

William didn't know why he had appeared on Earth, but in his heart, he knew that there must be a reason for it.

A reason that he couldn't discover through the haze in his memories.

The Half-Elf moved closer towards Belle's face, and planted a kiss on her cheek. He did his best to endure, but his heart was adamant, so there was nothing he could do.

Just as he expected, the moment his kiss had finished, the black-haired beauty's eyes fluttered open.

Belle stared sleepily at William who was only a few inches away from her face.

"Good morning," Belle said before briefly kissing William's lips. "Wake me up after five minutes."

After saying those words, Belle once again closed her eyes and slept.

William blinked as he stared at the black-haired beauty who had once again fallen asleep in the span of a heartbeat. He didn't know what to think or do in this situation because it felt surreal to him.

Just as he was about to think what to do next, the door of the guest room opened and a fuming Raymond barged inside the room.

"Y-You! What do you think you're doing to my daughter?!" Raymond shouted as he pointed his finger at William. "Do you have a death wish?!"

Adele also entered the room and looked at the two teenagers who were sharing the same bed.

One quick glance and she already knew that nothing out of place had happened because the bed was tidy, and both of them were wearing clothes.

A part of her was happy because William wasn't like those other young men who thought with their lower half. However, a part of her was also disappointed. If something really had happened between William and Belle then wouldn't that mean that they would have to have the wedding soon?

That way, she could hold her darling grandkids after a year or two.

"Father, don't worry," William said as he stared fearlessly back at Raymond. "I will take full responsibility."

"The only thing that you will take responsibility for is offering me your head!"

"Father, please calm down, Belle is still sleeping. You will wake her up."

Adele chuckled before pointing at the sleeping beauty on the bed. "I think it's already too late for that."

The black-haired beauty yawned and propped herself on a seating position. She then stared at her father in a grumpy mood as if Raymond had gotten in the way of her happiness.

"Belle, you are a proper lady," Raymond said in a righteous tone. "If other people come to know that you've slept with a man before the two of you got married, your reputation will suffer!"

Belle ignored her father's words and held William's hand.

"Let's have breakfast together," Belle stated. "What would you like to eat for breakfast?"

William pondered for a bit before remembering his pink-haired wife, and Sixth Master who loved to eat pancakes in the mornings.

"Pancakes will do," William replied with a smile.

"Okay. I'll go back to my room to change. I'll come back here after I'm done."


The black-haired beauty pecked William's lips before greeting Raymond and Adele good morning. After she was done, she left the room in a casual manner as if being seen in a man's room early in the morning was not a big deal.

Raymond's face had already turned beet red from anger because Belle didn't seem to care about the words he had said earlier.

Adele could only smile helplessly as she tried to coax her husband to calm down.

"Belle might be entering that so-called rebellious stage," Adele said. "If we try to control her at this time, she would probably run away and elope with William without telling us."

"Not if I kill this bastard first!" Raymond angrily glared at the Half-Elf who was looking at the items in his storage ring for something to wear.

After seeing that he didn't have any clothes that wouldn't stand out on Earth, he decided to access the God Shop and bought himself a set of shorts and shirt that were stylish enough to match the fashion on Earth.

William immediately equipped the items he bought, and in just a matter of seconds his clothes had changed completely.

It was also at that moment when the room suddenly quieted down. William's gaze then landed on Raymond and Adele and almost slapped himself silly for forgetting that he was not alone inside the room.

"Y-You. What was that just now?!" Raymond asked as he looked at William in disbelief.

"William, dear, did you just change your clothes instantly?" Adele inquired. Although her expression wasn't as exaggerated as her husband, the surprise on her face was something that she couldn't hide. "This is the first time I've seen someone do that. How did you do it?"

The gears on William's head churned at a very fast rate as he tried to bullsh*t his way out of the mess that he had just made.

"A-Actually, I am a magician," William replied. "I can do magic."

"A Magician?"


Raymond and Adele looked at William with doubtful expressions on their faces. Seeing their disbelieving faces, William decided to press while the iron was hot and decided to tell them the truth.

"Actually, I am a Half-Elf that came from a magical world called Hestia," William stated. "It is a very wonderful place. I wish the two of you could see it!"

"I knew it!" Raymond smiled evilly. "So you are a nut job! I knew that there was something off about you when I saw you!"

Adele, on the other hand, sighed as she lightly patted her husband's arm.

"Dear, William is one of those cosplayers," Adele explained. "It just be the backstory of the character he is trying to portray, right, William?"

The corner of the Half-Elf's lips twitched. He had already expected this to happen, but after seeing the reaction of Belle's parents, he knew that neither of them would believe anything he said even if it was the truth.

Just as William was thinking of a way to fix the current situation, Belle once again entered William's room with a smile.

"Let's go have breakfast," Belle said as she pulled William off the bed. "I already asked the kitchen to prepare pancakes. They will be serving it soon."

"Okay," William replied as he held her hand firmly. Her simple gesture of pulling him off the bed warmed his heart because it felt so natural.

"Absolutely not!" Raymond interjected. "It's time for you to leave the house you nut job! You're lucky I'm allowing you to leave this place in one piece. How dare you kidnap my daughter into your room? If you don't leave now, I will call the police!"

Adele ignored her husband's ravings and walked towards William and Belle. She knew her husband's temperament, so she decided to take the initiative to make her daughter happy.

"The weather is good today," Adele said with a smile. "After breakfast, why don't the two of you go out on a date? Belle rarely goes out of the house, and I'm worried that she will grow up to be a recluse. What do you think, Will? Can you take her out on a date?"

William patted his chest with confidence as he gave his mother-in-law four thumbs up in his heart. With such a powerful helper working behind the scenes, it was only a matter of time before he and Belle could say I do.

"Of course, Mother," William answered with a dazzling smile that almost caused Raymond to suffer an aneurysm. "Your daughter is in good hands."

William was quite happy that Adele was very supportive of his relationship with her daughter.

The Half-Elf even had a very strong urge to let Adele meet his Grandpa, James, so that they could talk about the details of his wedding with Belle.

He knew that if the two of them were to join hands, William's and Belle's wedding would already be in the bag.

William understood that it would take a while for Raymond to accept him as Belle's fiance, but he wasn't too worried about it. After all, the one he would marry was Belle and not her father.

Chapter 896 – I Will Give You The Happiest Of Endings

William looked at the full body mirror with a serious expression.

Right now he was wearing black jeans, a white shirt, and black blazer jacket.

This set of clothes highlighted his red hair and green eyes and made him look like a model that had come out of a fashion magazine.

"It's a bit embarrassing, but this might be the first time I've gone out on a date with someone," William muttered as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

He almost wanted to slap himself because he hadn't spent some quality time with his wives and lovers by taking them out on a date.

'I failed big time,' William thought as he massaged his face with his hands. 'I'll definitely find some time and take them out on a date after I return to Hestia.'

There were occasions when he had spent some quality time with them on the beach, and inside his domain, but it was more of a recreational activity rather than a date.

The closest thing to a date that he had experienced was when Haleth had toured him, Chiffon, and Lilith, in the Port City of Alabaster.

While the Half-Elf was busy reprimanding himself, the door of his room opened and a black-haired beauty wearing a black, one piece dress, with a skirt that went down to her knees entered the room.

William's breath was caught in his throat as he turned around to look at Belle who was sizing him up and down.

"You look very handsome," Belle complimented. She then walked towards William and held onto his blazer jacket and gazed at his face with a sweet smile.

"And you look breathtaking," William replied as he wrapped his hand around Belle's waist. "Maybe you should change to a more dull looking dress. I don't want other men looking at you like hungry wolves that have been starving for days."

Belle's smile widened. "Then, you should do your best to keep them at bay. The only one I will allow to take a bite off me is you."

"Don't worry. If anyone dares, I will break their bones," William stated. "The only way they can touch a strand of your hair is over my dead body."

Belle frowned. She then pinched William's nose and gave the Half-Elf a serious gaze.

"Don't raise death flags." Belle admonished. "I want a happily ever after. You can do that, can't you?"

"I can and I will."

"Promise me."

William took a step back and kneeled like a knight while holding Belle's right hand.

"I promise you that I will give you the happiest of endings." William vowed. "Regardless of the obstacles that come our way, I will break all the walls that stand before me, just so I can be with you once again."

The Half-Elf then kissed Belle's hand as if sealing his promise.

It was at that moment when the two heard a squeal of happiness come from the direction of the door.

Adele was recording William's pledge using her cellphone. Belle's mother was about to send the romantic video to all of her close friends in Feysbook, Instadrum, and Tweeter in order to brag about her daughter's fiance, when her phone was grabbed by an embarrassed Belle.

The black-haired beauty was about to delete the video, but Adele managed to snatch back the phone before she did.

A minute later, the two had started to negotiate with each other. In the end, the video wasn't deleted, but Adele wasn't allowed to post it or share it with anyone.

William watched this scene with an amused expression on his face. Frankly, he didn't mind if Adele sent the video for the whole world to see. In fact, he would even support her if she did.

That way, everyone would know that Belle was already taken. This would prevent those young master's from influential families from trying to get close to Belle, which would in turn make them suffer from William's face slapping.

Ten minutes later, Adele waved at the couple who had boarded one of their family's cars.

Although Belle came straight home after classes from the University, her girl friends would always tell her about the places their boyfriends took them out on dates.

She marked these places on her cellphone, and asked their family driver to drop them off at one of the most famous cafes in the city called Starbox.

As soon as William and Belle entered the cafe, they immediately caught the attention of everyone. Even the waitress, who had led the two to an empty seat in the shop's balcony, couldn't help but steal glances at the red-headed teenager who was oozing with pheromones.

Just as the two were about to take their orders, two pretty ladies approached their tables with excited faces.

"Belle? Is it really you?" a pretty lady with short-brown hair asked.

"Paula?" Belle's eyes widened in shock because she didn't expect to see her two besties inside the cafe. "You're here too, Hana? What are the two of you doing here?"

The girl with shoulder-length black hair, who went by the name Hana, smirked at Belle who was looking at them with a shocked expression.

"We should be the one asking you that," Hana replied. "We have tried to invite you to come here countless times already but you refused us each and every time. When we saw you enter the cafe, we almost didn't recognize you!"

Hana then shifted her gaze to William and appraised the handsome young man with a critical gaze.

"So, this is your type of man," Hana nodded. "Not bad. As expected of our University's Belle, you have good taste."

William smiled as he gazed at the two pretty girls beside Belle. He recognized the two of them because they had been friends with Belle for a very long time.

In fact, he remembered them more than he remembered Belle, which made William shake his head helplessly. The memories that were being taken from him as of late were the important ones, which had Belle in them.

Although he couldn't remember them, the fact that the black-haired beauty's two sidekicks were more familiar to him than his beloved made his liver itch.

Paula, the girl with short brown hair grabbed a nearby chair and sat casually beside Belle. Hana followed suit, and the two ladies flanked the black-haired beauty on her left and right side.

"Belle, why did you suddenly disappear during the party yesterday?" Paula pouted. "Hana and I went to look for you, but we never found you."

"That's right!" Hana nodded. "I just took my eyes off you for a minute and the next minute you're gone! Of course, I also noticed that several of the good looking guys had disappeared when you left and connected the dots. So, did you manage to escape from them?"

"Yes," Belle answered. "Sorry. Many things happened so I was unable to say my goodbyes to the two of you."

"Hohoho, many things happened eh?" Paula's gaze shifted over to William as a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "Does that something have red hair and green eyes?"

Belle's face became beet red because she couldn't possibly tell her besties that they were right.

Unfortunately for her, the two pretty ladies had known her for a very long time and could read her expression like an open book.

Paula and Hana exchanged a knowing glance before staring at the red-headed teenager that was pretending to take a serious look at the menu of the cafe.

Both girls knew that Belle wasn't someone who would come with just any man to a cafe.

It was quite obvious to them that Belle had a good impression of the handsome man in front of them, and they were dying to know more about him.

Just like Belle's parents, they thought that their best friend was asexual, and had no interest in the opposite sex. Many men had already confessed to her, but all of them were politely rejected by her. This was why William piqued their curiosity.

They were like paparazzis who had found a juicy scoop. Because of this, the two girls decided to observe the handsome young man for now.

Paula and Hana wanted to know why their best friend, who had never had a relationship with any man, would suddenly wear a pretty dress and come to a cafe with the red-headed teenager that they were seeing for the first time in their lives.

Chapter 897 – Comparing The Sun And The Moon

"How did the two of you meet?" Hana asked.

"Also, who confessed first?" Paula added.

William took a sip of his coffee before answering the questions of the two pretty ladies who were looking at him like reporters who discovered the biggest scoop in their lifetime.

The Half-Elf smiled as he placed his coffee cup on the table. He was more than happy to answer their inquiry, and let them spread the news that Belle was his girlfriend.

"I met her when I visited the university to take the entrance exams," William answered. "It was love at first sight. Unfortunately the timing wasn't right. My parents suddenly had a job offer abroad, so they took me with them.

"However, before I left, I went to meet her one last time and confessed my feelings to her. She said that she would think about it, and we kept each other's contact numbers. As the years passed, our relationship became closer.

"After reaching a compromise with my parents, I decided to come back here to see her. I arrived yesterday and immediately invited her out on a date. Just between the three of us, I am also planning to propose to her, wish me luck!"

The two pretty ladies squealed after hearing William's bold words. They never thought that Belle had been talking to a boy behind their backs, and he turned out to be quite the hunk!

"You said you are studying abroad, what kind of field are you pursuing?" Paula asked.

William paused for a while before answering the pretty lady's question.

"I am taking a veterinary course."

"A veterinarian? You must really like animals. What kind of animals do you like the most? Dogs or cats? I'm a cat lover myself."

"Goats and sheep," William answered. "When I went abroad, I took up the hobby of shepherding goats and sheep in the countryside."

Belle knew that William was using this opportunity to tell her things about what he did in the world of Hestia, so she decided to let her friends interrogate him.

The Half-Elf had just taken another sip of his coffee to wet his throat when the mischievous girls decided to ask him a landmine question.

"Well, I heard that there are many pretty ladies abroad," Hana said with a mischievous smile. "I'm not saying that you are cheating on Belle, but did you ever encounter any beauties there that wanted you to become their boyfriend?"

William almost choked on the coffee that he had drunk. Fortunately, he had strong willpower and managed to return his coffee cup to the table with grace.

"Yes," William replied.

"And? Did you agree to become their boyfriend?" Paula pressed for answers. "Please be honest. Depending on your answer, we may or may not allow you to have a relationship with Belle."

William didn't want to lie, but he also knew that the standards of relationships in Hestia were different on Earth. It also took a while for him to get used to the idea of having multiple wives and lovers, so he was sure that he would face stiff opposition from the two pretty girls who were like mother hens protecting their precious egg.

After thinking for a while, William decided to answer honestly, but before he could even voice out his thoughts, Belle took the initiative to come to his rescue.

"Paula, Hana, stop interrogating my fiance," Belle said with a pout. "It took a lot of effort for William to come here, so the two of you better behave and not ruin our date."


"The two of you are engaged?!"

The two pretty girls gasped in shock which made the customers in the cafe all look in their direction.

Seeing that everyone's gazes were on the two of them, Paula and Hana covered their lips with their hands as they stared at William and Belle in shock and disbelief.

"Are the two of you really engaged?" Paula asked after regaining her calm.

"Yes," Belle answered. "The two of us are planning to get married in the future. We just need to let our parents handle the wedding preparations."

"When will the two of you get married?" Hana asked. "Will both of you wait until you graduate from the University?"

William stared at Belle. He knew that marrying her right now would be impossible. Although Adele was supportive, Raymond still hadn't accepted him as Belle's fiance. If possible, William didn't want to have any conflicts with his future in-laws.

This was why he was busy thinking of ways he could patch up his relationship with Belle's father, Raymond.

After a few more questions, the two pretty ladies stopped interrogating William and decided to shift their topic to the school trip that would happen in a week.

"It's quite a shame that outsiders aren't allowed to join our school trip to K-City," Paula said. "I'm sure that all the boys will cry bitter tears once they know that you already have a fiance."

"School trip?" William asked. "When exactly will this school trip happen?"

Hana, who was still disappointed that she didn't get to hear William's answer to the question about the beauties abroad, decided to inform him about the school trip that would be happening in a week's time.

"Monday next week, the four classes that study Business Management in our University will go to K-City for a four-day trip," Hana replied. "We will mostly be visiting the city's attractions like museums, theme parks, aquariums, etc. Belle doesn't want to go, but since she is the Class President, she has no choice but to go."

"We will be staying at the Peninsula Hotel during our stay in K-City," Paula added. "All expenses are paid by the University so we intend to enjoy it to the fullest!"

William lightly tapped his finger on the table as he digested Hana's words. Right now, he had no timers that would tell him when he would leave this world.

For him, this was the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with Belle. The Half-Elf knew that although he had appeared on Earth twice and met Belle, the chances of this happening was extremely rare.

"Peninsula hotel? Got it." William nodded.

"Eh? Don't tell me you are planning to go there as well?" Paula asked.

William smiled. "Why not? Although I can't go on the same School Bus as you girls, I can definitely go to the city and meet you in the attractions that you are going to visit. Belle, make sure to give me the schedule of your field trip when it becomes available."

Belle nodded. "Okay."

Actually, she was also planning to tell William about the Field Trip that they would be having a week from now. Just like the Half-Elf, Belle also wanted to spend as much time as possible with her beloved.

The two then stared at each other with affectionate gazes, which made the two side-kicks almost vomit sugar while looking at them.

'Well, this will certainly be the most interesting trip I will have this year.' Paula chuckled internally. 'Just thinking about the commotion that will be caused when the boys and the girls of our class see William is enough to make me look forward to the trip even more.'

Hana shared the same thoughts as Paula. However, unlike her friend, she was more interested in William rather than the commotion that would happen when Belle's admirer sees him.

She had known Belle for many years, and had long understood that a handsome face was not enough to make her best friend act like a love-struck maiden who was unable to hide her feelings towards the boy who was seated across from them.

Also, something was telling her that William wasn't an ordinary person.

Hana wanted to know if she was just overthinking things, or if the red-headed teenager in front of her was someone that had an extraordinary background.

'William… His name reminds me of that sickly boy that always stole glances at Belle when she was practicing archery,' Hana thought.

The pretty lady had seen the sickly William many times in the past, and even had the opportunity to encourage the boy to confess to Belle.

Hana eyed William, unable to stop herself from comparing the two boys.

One was like the sun, radiant and lively.

The other was like the moon, pale and hidden in the darkness.

'I sure hope that this guy is seriously pursuing Belle,' Hana thought as she drank her iced coffee. 'Because if not, I will make sure that he regrets it for the rest of his life.'

Chapter 898 – Redheads Cannot Be Trusted!

"… Are they still following us?" Belle asked.

William smiled as he lightly squeezed Belle's hand. "Yes. Your friends seem to really care about you."

After leaving the cafe, William and Belle strolled through the city. They had no particular destination in mind, so they just randomly checked different places as they went.

Paula and Hana followed them from a distance while staying out of their sight. However, who was William? If such amateur stalking skills were to get past his detection then his training in Hestia would have all been for naught.

"If you like, we can try to lose them," Belle proposed.

William shook his head as he walked steadily. "There's no need to lose them. If we suddenly disappear from their sights, they will certainly panic. Who knows? They might even do something reckless in their attempt to find you."

"Thank you, Will."

"You're welcome. By the way, are you tired? We can rest if you want."

The Half-Elf was paying close attention to Belle's condition because he didn't know if she had already fully recovered from her ailment.

Belle smiled as she held onto William's arm, as they walked side by side.

"I'm not as fragile as you think I am," Belle stated. "Your heart is very strong and it has kept me safe all these years. I'm fine."

William was doing his best to prevent himself from kissing the lady beside him because she had the knack for saying the things that made him happy.

The two lovebirds had also attracted the attention of the people walking on the streets with them. Some of them even discreetly took a picture of the both of them, thinking that they were celebrities taking a stroll in the city.

Several meters behind them, Paula and Hana, looked at this scene with complicated expressions on their faces.

They were happy that Belle seemed to be having fun on her date with William, but they were also worried that the red-headed teenager might just be playing with Belle's heart.

This was the first romantic relationship that their best friend had, and both girls were worried that William was just after Belle's beauty and the wealth of her family.

They were afraid that once the boy had gotten what he wanted from their best friend, he would just toss her aside like a used rag.

"Hana, what do you think?" Paula asked as she eyed William from their hiding place. "Can he really make Belle happy?"

"You saw her face in the cafe," Hana replied. "She is smitten with William. They usually say that one's first love never works out. This is Belle's first time having a boyfriend, the possibility of them breaking up is high."

"So, you mean that after he has had his way with her, he will call it quits?"

"The possibility exists."

"I knew it! Redheads cannot be trusted!" Paula gnashed her teeth. "Come on. They're getting farther away. We might lose them if we don't hurry."

Hana nodded as she followed one of her besties from a distance to ensure that William wouldn't take her somewhere unusual.

Several hours later, William and Belle sat on a bench in the park located at the center of the city.

They had visited many shops, and even had several snacks along the way as they toured the city without any destination in mind.

Now that their date was coming to an end, the two decided to just relax for the time being while looking at the flowers that bloomed in front of them.

"So, among your wives, who is your favorite?" Belle asked before drinking the canned soda in her hand. "You must have a favorite, no?"

William drank his own canned soda as he pondered Belle's question. He had never considered this matter before, because for him all of his wives and lovers were important.

"Each of them has their own unique set of traits that make them special in my heart," William replied after giving the question some thought. "For example, Wendy, she was the one that first confessed her feelings for me.

"She also showed me that it was possible for me to fall in love all over again, so she's very special in my heart. Her straightforward attitude, along with her genuine feelings made me feel that I am someone capable of loving others.

"Est is my first best friend outside of Lont. Because she has been cursed, I never thought of her as a love interest. In fact, the transition from being best friends to lovers wasn't easy. She had held her feelings for me back for so many years, because she didn't know if the curse on her body was going to be lifted.

"However, in the end, we decided to give it a try. My feelings for Est are complicated to say the least. As a boy, he was firm and steadfast. You could even say that he is the "dependable guy" you can always count on when things go south. But, as a girl, she's… way too innocent. I feel like I'm corrupting someone pure when I'm with her inside my Sea of Consciousness."

Belle frowned. She didn't understand the term Sea of Consciousness, but decided to put it aside for the time being. She waited for William to organize his thoughts to continue his descriptions of his wives and lovers.

The black-haired beauty wanted to know all of her love rival's characteristics, so she would be able to deal with them whenever Wiliam found a way to take her with him, or he brought his wives to Earth for her to meet them.

"Then we have Ashe…," William smirked after remembering his beautiful mermaid bride that was hard on the outside, but very soft on the inside. "As a boy, he always bickered with me. He was like this rabid dog that would bite if you came close to his strike range. I swear that there were many occasions that I was tempted to give him a good beating in order to show him who's boss."

Belle rolled her eyes at the red-headed teenager who was obviously bitten by the rabid dog that he was currently bad mouthing. Of course, if Belle knew that Ashe liked to bite Will's… then the black-haired beauty would definitely tease William for acquiring rabies.

"But, she still became your wife, no?" Belle raised an eyebrow as he gazed at the Half-Elf beside her.

"Yes," William answered as he held Belle's hand. He then pressed her hand over his chest, where the gem was embedded. "If it wasn't for her, you and I would have never met again in this lifetime."

Belle's jealousy of Ashe disappeared after hearing how she had saved William's life. William told her about the Demons' invasion of the academy he was studying at, and the battle he had with the Astral Worm that had made his Spiritual World collapse.

"I will properly thank her when the two of us meet," Belle said softly as she rested her head on William's shoulder.

William nodded his head in understanding before continuing his tale.

"Then we have my Master, Celine." William sighed after mentioning the name of his Master whose whereabouts he was not aware of. "After reincarnating in Hestia, she was my first crush. She was the most beautiful lady that I had seen back then, and I couldn't count the number of times when I wished that she was my girlfriend."

Belle snorted. "She must be really beautiful for you to have a crush on her. It's a shame that I am not able to see this Elf who had turned you into a slave."

"Do you want to see her?" William asked as he looked at his right side.

"Of course. Not only her, but I want to see all of your wives."

"Well, I'm not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try."

Belle blinked in confusion before looking at William's face who was looking back at her with an expectant gaze.

"You can really make that happen?" Belle asked.

William smiled. "I don't know, but we won't lose anything by trying. Let's go back. It's not safe to use that method out in the open."

Belle was still unsure about what William was planning. However, if she could really see the people who also loved the red-headed teenager with all of their hearts, it would allow her to understand these mysterious ladies who were able to always be with him, back in the world he now called home.

Chapter 899 – Worries Of The Heart

Before the two left the park, Belle called Paula's cellphone to tell them that she was going home with William.

The two girls immediately felt embarrassed because their stalking plan had been discovered. After making sure that Belle and William were picked up by Belle's family chauffeur, the two pretty ladies also headed back to their own homes to rest.

When William and Belle returned to the residence, they were greeted by a smiling Adele and a fuming Raymond.

William could only sigh in his heart because his future father-in-law was a tough cookie to crack. He really wished that his Grandpa James was here to talk to Belle's parents and handle the negotiations.

The Half-Elf had full confidence that as long as James was able to step inside the residence, he would be able to fix Raymond's attitude and make Belle's father take the initiative to host the wedding as soon as possible!

After changing her clothes, Belle went to talk to her mother, Adele, and told her that she would be staying in William's room until dinner, and they shouldn't be disturbed.

Naturally, Raymond just happened to walk past the mother and daughter pair at that exact moment and heard Belle's words.

Of course, his first reaction was to drag William out of their house and toss him out onto the streets, but Adele's glare stopped him in his tracks.

Adele took the matter in her own hands and went to William's room alongside her husband and Belle.

"William, we need to talk," Adele said.

Seeing his mother-in-laws serious expression, William felt that she didn't come into his room to give him a pat on the back for taking Belle out on a date.

"What can I do for you, Mother?" William inquired.

Adele walked until he was only a meter away from William and stared straight into his eyes.

"I can tell that you love Belle and that my daughter also loves you, but my husband and I are worried that the two of you might do something inappropriate when the two of you are alone together," Adele said.

"William, can you promise me that you will not cross that line when you are together with Belle? At least, don't cross it until both of you are married. Can you promise me this?"

The Half-Elf was well aware that the standards on Earth were vastly different from Hestia. Adele was a woman who deeply cared for her daughter, so she was willing to give William a chance. However, that trust had a bottom-line.

If the red-headed teenager broke that bottom line, even if Belle would hate her, she would definitely take the initiative to break the relationship of the two apart.

William met Adele's gaze and nodded his head. "If that is your wish, Mother. I promise that I will not do anything inappropriate."

"Thank you, William. I'm glad that you understand."

"But, is kissing allowed?"

"Of course. As long as you don't go below the belt, everything else is fair game."

"Understood." William nodded his head. "I promise that I will not break your trust, Mother."

Adele patted William's shoulder. "Good. I'm glad that my trust wasn't misplaced."

Raymond felt slightly relieved because he knew how his wife operated. Adele was a businesswoman and trust was something that she prioritized above all.

Once that trust was broken, no matter what the other party did to try and fix it, she wouldn't budge and break ties with them without batting an eye.

William and Adele chatted for a little while longer before she dragged Raymond out of the room, leaving the two teenagers behind.

"Well then, let's start," William said as he locked the door of the room.

He did this just to ensure that no one would interrupt them, while he conducted his experiment.

He then held Belle's hand and led her towards the bed.

"Lie down." William smiled as he lay down on the bed. "It will be more comfortable this way."

Belle had full trust in William so she did what she was told.

The Half-Elf then pulled the black-haired beauty in his embrace and asked her to close her eyes.

"You might experience a weird sensation, but bear with it," William stated as he pressed his forehead over Belle's. "Synchronization."


Belle felt light, as if she was floating in the air.

A moment later, she opened her eyes and found herself in a blue world.

Up above, she could see clear skies as far as the eyes could see stretched across the horizon.

That sky was reflected on the crystal blue waters of the sea below her.

If there was something in the scene that seemed out of place, it was the countless weapons that had embedded themselves in the sea, giving it an unusual beauty.

At the center of it all was a clearing. There she saw a red-headed teenager looking up at her with a smile.

"Welcome, Belle," William said. "This is my Sea of Consciousness. I will do my best to make sure that your stay will be an enjoyable experience."

William made a pulling gesture, and Belle's body slowly descended from the sky. He also waved his hand to put a dress on Belle's body because she was practically naked inside his Sea of Consciousness.

Although he would be more than happy to have intimate moments with her, now was not the time for that.

He brought her here, so that she would be able to see his wives, and that was what he was going to do.

After Belle was safely beside him, the Half-Elf once again waved his hand and a realistic image appeared before the two of them.

Belle stared at the blonde-haired beauty that was happily playing tag with a husky-like dog with black fur.

"She's my first wife Wendy," William said with a smile. "The dog she was playing with is named Thor. Right now, she's in the Southern Continent and learning the Secret Arts of her family."

William waved his hand once again, and a handsome boy with short, light-brown hair and green eyes.

"He is Est, my best friend, and lover." William then snapped his finger and Est transformed into a silver-haired beauty with crimson eyes that made Belle take a deep breath because of how charming she looked.

"So, this is the girl that you are trying to corrupt?" Belle asked in a tone filled with sarcasm. "Are you going to train her to become your perfect wife?"

William chuckled before shaking his head. "Est only acts like this when we are alone, but she is a very strong willed person. However, I can't deny that I feel like I'm corrupting something precious whenever we are together. Even so, I have no intention of letting her go."

Belle could tell the firm resolve in William's voice and realized that he really loved the silver-haired beauty that was looking back at him with a tender gaze.

Soon, the image of Est disappeared and was replaced by a good looking young man with brown hair and blue eyes.

"Ian, my worst enemy when I was still young." William smirked. He then snapped his finger and the boy transformed into a beautiful mermaid with blue hair that fell upon her body like a waterfall. "Ashe the person who gave me half of her heart in order for me to live. Even now, I still can't believe that the two of us are already married."

Belle appraised the mermaid in front of her and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

William had given her his heart, so that she could live.

Ashe had done the same, making her William's and Belle's benefactor.

Deep inside, Belle had a feeling of superiority over William's wives and lovers because she was the one who held his heart.

Not only figuratively, but literally as well. The strong heart that was beating in her chest that reminded her everyday that she was alive and well. A heart that remained strong even though she had suffered depression due to William's death, which had also paved the path for their miraculous reunion.

Now that she had seen the person who had done the same for her beloved, the superiority she felt vanished and was replaced by helplessness.

She understood that even if she were together with William right now, it was only a matter of time before he returned to these beautiful ladies, who had carved their place in her lover's heart.

To make matters worse, William was also losing his memories of her. This was something that Belle couldn't accept.

Not only was she not together with him in his world, the memories that bound her to him were also fading away. If all of William's memories of her disappeared then would his feelings for her also cease to exist?

Belle didn't know the answer. She also didn't want to think about such a possibility. It was at that moment when she silently prayed to whatever Gods that could hear her to allow her to stay in William's heart, even if his memories of her were to disappear completely.

"What's wrong?" William asked because she noticed that Belle had gone completely silent.

"Nothing," Belle answered as she hugged William. "Go on, you still have other wives and lovers to show me. Make sure not to miss any of them. I want to see the girls who will become my sisters when the time comes."

William smiled as he once again waved his hand.

He wasn't aware that the black-haired beauty beside him was feeling anxious due to the fear of being forgotten by the one person she wanted to spend her lifetime with.

Chapter 900 – She's Legal, Right?

When Belle saw Princess Sidonie, she momentarily forgot the anxiousness and worry in her heart.

Belle had often heard of beautiful women who could topple nations, but this was the first time that she was seeing someone who perfectly fit that description.

The beautiful Princess with long, reddish-brown hair was so charming that even Belle, who was a girl, felt strongly attracted to her. She couldn't believe that such a beautiful girl existed, and it made her question her own preferences.

"Sidonie is a bit special you see," William whispered in her ear. "There are very few individuals who can resist her alluring charms."

The Half-Elf's words broke Belle out of her daze. Even so, she still wasn't able to tear her gaze from the Princess who was one of William's wives.

Only when William stepped forward to block her view did she completely regain her composure.

"She must be your favorite, right?" Belle asked as she inwardly shuddered.

Belle knew that she didn't fall short in the beauty department. Even in the face of William's other wives, she thought that she was at the same level as them.

She had been pursued by countless young men in her university, and although she didn't want to admit it, she felt very proud of the fact that William had fallen in love with her.

However, after seeing Princess Sidonie, she felt inferior.

How could any man resist such beauty? Even she, a girl, had been charmed by her. Because of this, she had labeled the Princess as her greatest rival when it came to gaining William's affection.

"No." William shook his head. "Sidonie isn't my favorite. My favorite is you."


"It's the truth."

Belle gazed at William's eye to look for any trace of falsehood in them, but the Half-Elf stared back at her with eyes filled with love and affection. After gazing at his eyes that only reflected her image, the black-haired beauty finally calmed down.

"I find it hard to believe that she's not your favorite," Belle replied, still half in doubt. "Maybe you're just saying this to make me feel better."

William chuckled because Belle's current attitude was almost the same as Lilith's when the two of them were strengthening their bond in the Deadlands. He had to admit that any girl would feel inferior when compared to his Succubus wife, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"No." William held Belle's hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm telling the truth."

Belle sighed as she hugged William, and the latter patted her head until she felt better.

"You have to tell me how the two of you met," Belle insisted. "Don't leave out any details."

The Half-Elf smiled mischievously as he thought of Belle's reaction when he told her that Princess Sidonie's goal was to have his babies.

William nodded. "Alright. I will, but after I introduce you to everyone, okay?"

"… I'm so tempted to slap you right now." Belle pulled back as he gazed at William in frustration.

She knew that the Half-Elf had many wives, but after seeing four of them, she had the strong urge to strangle William and call him a womanizer.

Just like Adele, Belle's concept of relationships still matched the standards of Earth. Although she had already prepared herself for this, she still found it hard to stomach that she had to share her beloved with so many women.

After Princess Sidonie's image faded away, an adorable little girl with long pink hair appeared in front of Belle. The pink-haired girl was like a doll, which made the black-haired beauty's heart melt.

She even subconsciously reached out to hug the little girl, but her hands just passed through her, which made her somewhat disappointed.

"Her name is Chiffon. She is half-dwarf, half-demon, and she is my third wife," William said with a smile. "Sidonie is actually my fourth wife.

"Do you know? When she found out that I married Chiffon before her, she threw a tantrum and talked to her grandfather so he would prepare a grand marriage as soon as possible for the two of us. You should have seen her back then."

Belle hummed after listening to William's explanation. Like all girls, she liked cute things, and Chiffon was very cute. In fact, seeing her, Belle felt that she wouldn't mind sharing William with the adorable girl who made her feel fluffy inside.

"How old is she?" Belle asked as he gazed at William. "She's legal, right?"

William nodded. "Chiffon is a few months older than me. Even so, she still has the habit of calling me Big Brother from time to time."

"You must really like that, don't you?"


Seeing that William refused to answer his question, Belle pouted. Even so, she didn't make a move to pinch William's waist, just like Ashe did when she found him doing something behind her back.

When the two of them parted a year ago, she had said that William could have nine wives. It was too late to take her words back, and she couldn't really blame the Half-Elf because of the circumstances behind his wives and lovers.

Chiffon's image disappeared and was replaced by the Amazon Princess Lilith.

Belle scrutinized the Warrior Princess and found that her body was well proportioned. Not only that, she exuded a very exotic feel due to her sun-kissed skin.

The black-haired beauty could feel the strength radiating from Lilith's body even though it was just a projection. Among William's wives, she was the one that had the "warrior feel" to her, which made Belle realize that the Half-Elf had a wide selection of beauties that each had their own charm.

"So, she's your fifth wife?" Belle asked.

"No." William shook her head. "We're not married yet. Actually, we only became lovers just recently."

"Just recently?"

"It's a bit complicated. I will tell you about it later."

Belle nodded in understanding. "Who's next? Go on. Don't hide anyone from me."

William smiled and waved his hand. He had no intention of hiding any of his wives and lovers from Belle. For him, this was a good way for her to see her future best friends, when he found a way to bring her back to Hestia with him.

Suddenly, a breathtaking beauty with long purple hair, and wearing gold rimmed glasses appeared in front of them.

"She is my First Master, Celine," William stated. "She was my first love in Hestia."

The beautiful Elf looked like someone in her early twenties. Although she was wearing a conservative dress that covered her entire body, her curves still stood out, which made Belle understand William's attraction to her.

Celine wasn't trying to make herself look attractive or anything, even her hair was tied up and hidden by a hat, to make her appear less beautiful.

However, Belle knew that if Celine were to let her long hair fall freely down her back, and remove the gold-rimmed glasses on her face, it would make all the boys howl like wolves because of her surreal beauty.

"… Tell me something. Have the two of you done it?" Belle asked without even looking at the boy beside him. She was still observing the purple-haired Elf who seemed to be lost in her thoughts while looking at the clouds in the sky.

"Yes," William replied.

"How was it?"

"Simply amazing."

"You're not holding back, aren't you?" Belle inquired with a voice filled with sarcasm.

Instead of answering, William pulled her in his embrace and hugged her tight.

"How was she with her hair down and her glasses removed?" Belle asked as she rested her chin on William's shoulder.

"Breathtaking," William answered. "I think that was the day when I truly fell head over heels for her."

"So, you love her more than you love me?"

"I love you more. How many times must I say this?"

Belle lightly nibbled William's ears to vent out her frustration. After seeing so many beauties beside her beloved, she was really tempted to tie him up in bed, so he wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

The black-haired beauty was starting to feel very jealous and she knew it. Even so, she couldn't do anything about it except nibble on the Half-Elf's ears to make him feel her helplessness.

After five minutes, Belle finally had her fill and left William's ear alone.

"That's six, is there anyone else?" Belle asked as she stared back at Celine, who was now dozing off while standing up.

William shook his head. "There's no one else."

"Good." Belle sighed in relief.

What she didn't know was that William still had one more possible candidate, which was Cathy. The mysterious pretty lady had told William that she would become his ninth wife, but without any definite proof, the Half-Elf couldn't take her words at face value.

Because of this, he decided to not mention her to Belle.

"Okay, now, tell me everything that happened after we parted," Belle said. "Don't hide anything. I want to know everything that happened to you."

William nodded.

The two stayed inside William's Sea of Consciousness as he shared the memories of everything that happened to him with his beloved.

Belle watched these scenes like a movie, while William narrated from the side. There were times when Belle would gasp in shock, there were times where she cried, and there were times when she waved her fist in anger.

Several hours later, tears were streaming down the black-haired beauty's face after William's tale ended.

She couldn't believe how much William had suffered in Hestia, while she was living her life in peace back on Earth.



"Thank you for continuing to love me. Also, thank you for doing your best to remember me."

William's lips trembled when he heard Belle's words. It really had been hard on him to keep his memories of her. Even now, he still didn't know if he would still be able to remember her in a few years.

It was at that moment when a pair of delicate hands cupped his face. William and Belle stared at each other with gazes that matched what they were feeling.

"Don't think of anything else," Belle said. "Just think of me. That is enough."

"Yes," William replied.

A second later, his lips were covered with Belle's own lips that hungered for his love.

William had tossed his worries aside and returned her overflowing love for him.

Inside that beautiful blue world, both of them held each other until the worries in their hearts subsided. They knew that when morning came, they would have to greet the new day with a smile on their faces.

This was the only way they could keep on making happy memories, while the two of them were together.

Memories that both of them wished would stay in their hearts till the end of time.