
Cold Blood - The Path To Vengeance

At 8 years old, Jake was the witness of his family’s massacre. Since then, he swore he would take revenge and make those who were responsible pay for it. A thousand folds. Blessed with a very mysterious gift that makes him a born assassin, Jake will grow up as a cold, blood seeking demon who lives only for his revenge. But many trials await him. That he would never have expected.

eylair · 奇幻
3 Chs

A Boy No One Sees

The market was bustling with various activities. Customers walked between the stands, shop keepers tried to attract attention by shouting prices everywhere.

"Swords, knives, spears, you can find anything here ! Produced by Quarrel the Great Blacksmith from the Quin Empire !"

"Healing Potions ! Cure any wound ! Only 10 silver coins !"

"Spell books ! Fire attribute ! Boost your combat power !"

"Hey ! That's no Kilin scales ! Who do you think you're scamming ? They come from a lower snake beast."

"Good sir, I assure you this is the real thing. They are one of the best ingredients for blood potions."

Two men were arguing at one of the stands. While the shop keeper tried to convince the customer, he didn't notice a small hand grabbing a bottle on his counter.

When he finally got rid of the troublesome customer, he realized something was missing and yelled.

"Who's the son of a b**** who stole from me ? Thief ! Guards ! Someone stole my qi gathering potion !"

A few minutes later, at another stand.

"My dagger ! Who did it ? If I catch you, I'll rip your skin off !"

The next hour, a dozen men had been stolen from. The city guards arrested five suspects who were found innocent.

The mysterious thief became the subject of many conversations. Days later, the same thing happened twice again without any culprit.

The city lord reinforced the market's security without any result. Shopkeepers became paranoid, rumors spread about a ghost who wandered in the market.

It kept occurring for a few years. No one bothered about it anymore until it stopped suddenly. The mysterious ghost disappeared and everyone forget about it.

One year after the ghost disappeared, a teenage boy around 14 years old started to sell wild beasts body parts every week on the market.

He didn't attract any particular attention because it was a common occurrence.

No one knew him and he never spoke more than a few words. He came every time at the same spot for an afternoon, sold what he could, then left who knows where.

Because of his young age, some tried to rob him when he left the protection of the market and the city guard but he always left his pursuers behind in the narrow streets.

It was like he always knew when someone was coming for him.

Then, after a few months, the boy stopped selling anything. He never appeared in the market again.

Of course, no one bothered.