This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.
My name is Alister Alpha. I just graduated from a law school and I am now in Prague. This place is good. I am on a short vacation.
Yeah, it's me. If you are thinking of someone who might be me, then you are probably right.
I was Alister Crowley. A geass code holder.
The law school was good. although it was really close to politics. it's still has a really thin wall separating the two.
I got some friends and connections in law school. My Alister Alpha identity has a very vague background. All the other people know is that I was from some country side rural town or village.
I can now register a new identity when needed with the favors I have done for some influential sons and daughters in the law school before. As for after this generation died down.
I can just make it seem like a family business or more like make myself my own son or someone that looks like myself. sounds confusing right? I know, I get confused too when I turn off my geass.
What am I doing in Prague? Vacation of course and I am also buying some land property. I don't know if prague was affected when the world war II happened.
It doesn't matter though, I got money. Also, the land in Prague right now is really cheap, like dirt cheap. The population is really low. It still wasn't a vacation spot yet after all.
Anyway, the identity problem is solved now. I still miss Eliz every now and then.
Oh right, Eliz is already dead. I was in the funeral. It broke my heart but I'm fine now. My son became a real state owner, He also does hotels and restaurants. I have three grandson already.
But I am still young. I am only 24 year old after all. I will be 24 years old for eternity. hehe.
Beside that, I got to practice my shooting, both with guns and bows. I thought of joining the military but then I remember that military is connected to politics too.
And most of the dirt of the government are done by the military too, black ops are part of the military after all.
I stopped improving in my trumpet playing skills now. The only thing left is, to make new songs that can become a classic, of which I definitely won't do even if I can.
I will become famous if I did that. The geass order might find me because of that.
It's not that I am afraid of the geass order. In fact, I can even join it directly because I am a code holder myself. It's just that, the canon might change too much if I do so.
Even if I am an immortal, I am someone that likes to go the easy way if possible, only if I don't enjoy the hard way, like in my learning journey.
I don't really have to learn everything. I only have to learn important things from major professions but I still do it because I enjoy learning new things.
I am playing guitar right now by the way. I am also studying music as an academic subject and not just practicals for hobby or job like before.
Music became something that can ease me up and make me stop thinking for a while. Because I discovered that when I play music, I focus on it and only think about it or more like feel it.
Everything else is forgotten or ignored.
I will likely try every Arts subject I can, eventually I guess.
I also noticed that I might be slightly insane now or just unhinged? There were times when I just want to destroy everything or just go on a rampage, which I did but not on people.
I did it on targets in the shooting range. I even bought a grenade just to satisfy my crave for violence.
The grenade was weird though. It is shaped like tube that has a handle inserted inside. It was like those rattles played by babies in the modern age.
I heard or more like read from the letters sent by one of my connections in the british capital that the london bridge is on the go now.
I meant, it was being planned now. The construction itself haven't started.
I am a long way away from britain. But it wasn't for nothing, I was able to learn many languages. I even learn portugese and french when passing by in Paris.
I even saw the leaning tower of pisa when I've gone to Italy, for a few days only though and I didn't even really visited it, just glanced at it.
I'm on my way to greece, I planned to travel around europe and learn every language I can and then go back to Britain, the capital of england, London.
The london bridge should be half way through when I arrived back in London.
The London bridge I am speaking about is the tower bridge by the way, if you haven't guess it yet.
My knowledge and experience is tallied quite high now.
I also expounded on my previous life's knowledge from finishing highschool and other miscellaneous trivias that I read or watched when I got interested before.
Although my expansion of knowledge from what I know is quite limited because I can't experiment on anything that needed sophisticated technology or that I can't get the right aparatus for an experiment.
I can't just imagine and think of theories without proving or testing said theories. It wouldn't be consider as the truth without proper evidence.
I planned to buy land on some other vacation places that is famous in the modern society but after buying land here in Prague.
I realize that world war two had not even happened yet, and it will happen soon just a few more years!
The land will seized by the nazi and the ownership might become null when the european government took back their land.
Besides, where should I go at that time?
Oh right, I plan on becoming a detective in my next identity to make my critical thinking more in-depth.
- chapter ends at 1044 word count -
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