
code geaas: the rebellions mealstrom

Naruto namikaze is with his childhood friend leloucia lamprounge when the Shinjuku incident causes them to awaken their geass now Naruto armed with a geass that allows him to manipulate matter and energy and leloucia who has a geass that allows her to control a person's will plan to defeat britania using their geass.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · 漫画同人
20 Chs

the first battle.

Naruto and the twins were in the Ashford Manor they were helping with a dinner party leloucia had organized a party to invite Mario Maya and a certain person who just so happened to be kallen kozuki.

Leloucia explained to Naruto that kallen was a member of the terrorist group and that would make them a valuable ally.

Naruto was currently carrying a platter of cream horns to the party.

Naruto managed to hop over a small cat that sat in his way.

Nunally had joined the party.

Naruto managed to set the cream horns down safely then said his prayers after that they ate and then they conversed.

" So kallen you want to be a nurse when you grow up huh?" Asked Naruto.

" Yes I want to help people like me." She said acting feeble.

' man she plays her part well.' thought Naruto.

"would you like to dance kallen?" Asked Naruto.

" I'd like that." Said kallen.

Naruto lead the dance the two were so graceful but not because they were in love they were in a constant battle of leading each other.

In the end Naruto won due to kallen acting like she was weak and out of breath.

" I'm sorry kallen-chan did I exhaust you?" Asked Naruto feigning ignorance.

" No don't be sorry it's something I've grown used to thanks for dancing with me." Said kallen.

' she's cute for a ham actor.' thought Naruto.

' he's cute for a blonde Dork.' thought kallen.

( A/n that's not a reflection of his personality By the way)

Naruto then danced with Shirley who was happy to get a chance to dance with him.

" Am I doing it right Naruto-kun?" Asked Shirley.

" Yeah your doing great it feels right." Said Naruto as she stepped in rhythm with him catching up to his movements.

After the party the group returned to their rooms whenever Naruto got a call from suzaku.

" Zero you gotta help me the pure bloods are after me now!" Said suzaku.

" Calm down suzaku you don't have to worry I'm sending you some help right now." Said Naruto using the voice scrambler.

Naruto had made sure to give suzaku the number of an encrypted cellphone meaning that he wouldn't be able to trace him.

" Naruto turned to Mario and Maya meet me at this location." He told them giving their encrypted phones a location on their GPS.

" Hai Naruto San!" Said Mario and Maya.

After they left Naruto suited up leloucia made sure to keep lookout while he changed.

Naruto now dressed in the zero battle armor he customized which involved him making a few changes one was the armor ditched the cape in exchange for a black long coat the second was the armor was now equipped with a pair of electric current releasing gauntlets and the third was it now had a few smoke bombs for a quick get away.

Naruto moved fast heading towards the motorcycle he had tsunade provide for him it was a black motorcycle pod with two large spheres for wheels and a inclined seat for controls.

Naruto moved fast dodging in and out of traffic until he reached a certain location their he found Mario and Maya in their flight suits Naruto addressed them telling them to board the Zaku's and get ready for the battle then Naruto climbed aboard the unicorns cockpit and he went and ordered the move out.

The trio moved towards the enemy forces base.

Sazaku was in the lancelot the pure bloods Sutherland units were hot on his tail.

Sazaku moved fast weaving in and out of the city buildings he managed to take one Sutherland out with a well timed Mongolian chop to the collarbones and steel it's assault rifle using it to shoot down three others but their were still six more.

Three were in his tail he used his slash harken to swing onto an overpass and when the first one came up to meet him he grabbed it and took it out with a well timed roundhouse kick from his knightmare.

Just then the sound of gunfire could be heard suzaku turned to see the Sutherland's engaging the Zaku warriors in combat the Zaku's were unphased by the ammunition rounds hitting them and held their rifles aimed and in a brief moment they both fired of two beams that pierced the Sutherlands.

Then the unicorn frame appeared and whipped out a laser sword and he moved fast as the last three Sutherlands appeared he fired off auto cannon fire from his units chest and he then cut down two units with a combination cut before on Sutherland came at him trying to ram him however the pilot didn't realize he left himself open and at that moment the unicorn drove his sword deep into the belly of the Sutherland shutting down it's Reactor and forcing him to eject.

The unicorn opened a channel to the entire city.

" I am zero the avenger any person who dare try and harm the weak and innocent shall perish by my hand for those who are weak I offer them strength for those who can't defend themselves I offer them my sword people who are sick of Britannias tyranny rejoice for I shall rid the world of the evil that plagues it Zeke Zero!" Said Naruto.

Then the unicorn rode off towards an unspecified location.

The Zakus fallowed him.

" That knightmare frame there's something special about it and it resembles the Lancelot." Thought suzaku.

Meanwhile in a Britannian barracks a certain masked knight watched the battle unfold "that unit is built of the G Frame can it be the heir to the namikaze still lives I must tell kushina sama." Thought the young man he smirked.

"X Z were heading out." Said the young man.

" Hai Y sama." Said the two female knights.

Meanwhile in the castle located in britannia.

" That unit is built using similar technology to the lancelot but how is it possible?!" Asked a certain doctor with glasses.

" I don't know but I intend to find out." Said an dark skinned girl with platinum blonde hair.

Sir we have a call from Cornelia.

" Yes milady?" Asked the man.

" I want you let me handle the enemy units." Said Cornelia.

"...yes ma'am." Said the man.

" Goddamit!" He said.

To be continued