
Cobra Kai never dies

Grandson of John Kreese. Will he become the splitting image of his grandfather or will he strive to be better then him.

Uchiha_Lover21 · 电视同人
1 Chs


(Restarting because I felt like I rushed the story which is something I'm trying not to do anymore. I also lost interest in the story abit, so I'm gonna try and change it up.)

In an indoor dojo situated in a beautiful mansion located in Malibu right in front of beech, a teen can be seen training with an old man.

The teens usually wavy black hair is drenched with sweat, with some of it stuck to his cheek and forehead as he kicks the kick pads the old man is holding. The teens kicks are really strong, sending thunderous echoes throughout the dojo with each kick.

Their names are Cade and Terry Silver, Terry being Cade's grandfather.

Cade had been kicking these terrifying kick pads for an hour already, he couldn't even feel his shins at this point as they went numb about 30 minutes ago. Cade had thought that after 5 years of kicking kick pads lined with thick oak planks he'd have already become used to the pain but the pain never goes away, he just learned to ignore and endure it.

"Alright that's enough." Terry moves the pads away ending Cade's training for today.

"Good job today Cade." Terry says as he clasps Cade shoulder with a prideful smile on his face. "You did well." Terry adds before letting Cade go.

"Now go climb into the ice bath, then you're free for the rest of the day." Terry orders.

Cade bows. "Thanks you sensei!" He says before walking out of the dojo.

Cade limps past the luxurious pool area and makes his way to a big neatly built wooden shed. He lips inside revealing two ice baths lined up next to each other a few meters away from a sauna. One of the ice baths were already filled with ice, no doubt Maria did so on the orders of Cade's grandfather.

Cade quickly enters the ice bath, not wanting to torture himself by entering slowly. His entire body goes cold and he can't stop himself from shivering slightly. Cade does his best to calm his mind by meditating, he finds it helps deal with the cold. Even though he was already used to the ice baths for the most part, that didn't mean he didn't get cold, it still felt like he was sunbathing at night in Antarctica. Thanks to meditating however, Cade is able to ease his suffering ever so slightly, which was enough.

After a few minutes his entire body from his shoulders down goes numb. The cold he was feeling before all but dissapears and his mind that he was struggling to keep calm, falls into a serene peace.

When the hour is over, Cade climbs out of the bath, he grabs one of the towels before walking into the mansion again.

While making his way into his room, he runs into his grandfather's girlfriend Cheyenne. Cheyenne is a gorgeous women who is 20 years younger then his grandfather. Now you'd think she was with him for his money, and maybe at first that was the case but now she runs her own company as well as has an app, both earn her millions. Besides just talking to her, you'd know she isn't a gold digger, she's a genuinely lovely and kind lady that wouldn't hurt a soul. Cade enjoys her company for the most part, even though she can be abit annoying sometimes since she's one of those health freaks, she forced Cade and his grandfather to become vegans. Of course Cade isn't a vegan but she doesn't know that.

"Hi Cade, finished with training?" She asks craning her neck up to look at Cade. She hash a kind motherly smile on her face, showing that she actually cares for Cade.

"Hey Cheyenne." Cade greets. "Yeah, gramps finally let me go." Cade answers with a playful smirk.

Cheyenne can't help but smile. He looks so much like Terry when he smirks like that. Cheyenne thinks to herself. "Hmmm... maybe I should talk to him, tell him to take it easier on you." Cheyenne feels sorry for Cade, seeing how exhausted he looks.

"No, it's fine Cheyenne. I enjoy training." Cade says with a forced smile on his face. If she does that grandpa will be furious with me and make my training even harder.

"Oh, alright but don't forget to rest aswell, resting is just as important as training." Cheyenne says with a hint of seriousness in her tone.

Cade smiles at her concern for him. "Of course Cheyenne, in fact I'm going to do that now after I take a shower." Cade assures her.

"That's good, make sure to drink plenty of water aswell." Cheyenne smiles at her adorable step-grandson.

"Will do." Cade says before walking off and up the stairs to his room.

Cade's room is massive, filled with the latest game console, a massive flat screen TV and a king sized bed. He also has his own walk in closet and his own bathroom. Cade really loves being rich.

After taking a relaxing bubble bath in his massive tub, it doesn't take long before Cade passes out in his bed watching Webflix.