
Free Motorcycle!

Brooks sat on the couch and watched TV with a blank expression. Johnny walked in and said "What's up with you?" Brooks waved and said "Nothing, man. Don't worry about it." Johnny sighed and said "Alright, man. Let me know. You seeing your girlfriend tonight?" Brooks shook his head and said "She's working." Johnny nodded and sat down, ending the conversation.

A day passed

Brooks was sleeping on the couch when he heard glass shattering. He sat up abruptly and looked out the window. Johnny was sitting at the table and said "Did you hear that?" Brooks frowned and nodded, Johnny got up and looked out the window before saying "What the fuck!" before leaving the apartment.

Brooks got up and followed him out the door to see 3 guys smashing Johnny's car. Brooks frowned and walked over, Johnny said "What the hell, man!" one of the guys said "Daniel Larusso sends his regards." Johnny grit his teeth and started fighting them.

Brooks heard the guy and ran up before punching a guy with a crowbar in the face. The guy swung out with the crowbar and Brooks ducked before tackling the guy to the ground. He slammed his wrist to the ground, making him drop the crowbar, before punching him in the face a few times.

Brooks stood up and grabbed the crowbar before swinging it at the guy fighting Johnny and hitting him in the chest, sending him falling to the ground. Brooks kicked the guy in the face and said "Fucking scumbag." before throwing the crowbar to the side and looking over at Johnny.

Johnny was grabbing a guy's collar and shouted "Where does Larusso live?!" the guy said "It wasn't my cousin, it was me! This has nothing to do with him!" Johnny was silent and they all heard a guy said "Hey asshole." Brooks, Johnny, and the guy who Johnny was threatening turned to see the guy flick a lighter open and throw it into the car saying "Go fuck yourself."

The car burst into flames and Brooks grabbed the guy before punching him in the face over and over again with clenched teeth. Johnny turned to Daniel's cousin and shouted "Where the fuck does he live!?" Daniel's cousin gave Johnny the address and Johnny dropped him to the ground before leaving on one of their motorcycles saying "Take care of it."

Brooks nodded and looked at the guys on the floor before looking at Daniel's cousin, who backed away and held out a hand as he said "Woah, woah, easy. I'm sorry!" Brooks was silent and Daniel's cousin said "We'll leave okay? No problems."

Brooks pointed to the car and said "No problems? You torched my dad's car! Get the fuck out of here, and leave the bikes." Daniel's cousin nodded and said "No problem! We're leaving! Take the bikes!" As he picked up the two other guys and brought them away, throwing Brooks the keys.

Brooks caught the keys and watched them go coldly. Carmen ran out and said "What happened?!" Brooks tossed the keys in his hand and said "Just a couple punks. Destroyed my dad's car." Carmen was shocked and said "What?! We have to call the police!"

Brooks shook his head and said "I took care of it. No police." he turned to her and said with a smile "Do you have a fire extinguisher?" Carmen felt her mouth twitch.

A while later

Brooks took care of the car and watched it get carried away before turning his attention to the bikes. He thought for a bit before moving them to the parking spot and driving one away.

He stopped in front of the pawn shop near the Dojo and walked inside.

Brooks walked to the counter and knocked on it saying "Anyone here?" a man came out and said "Hey. What do you want?" Brooks tossed him the motorcycle keys and said "How much for it?" The man looked at the keys and said "Outside?"

Brooks nodded and walked out of the shop to the bike. The man followed him and said "Nice, looks new, no damages. Why are you selling it?" Brooks said "A couple punks gave it as a gift and I have another one. You gonna take it or not?" the man chuckled and said "I'll give you 3 grand" Brooks sneered and said "I can easily flip it for 15, who do you think you're lowballing here, man."

The man said "I gotta actively advertise and then get the right customer.." Brooks sighed and said "Lowest I can go is 10. Think about it, you can easily sell for 20. Plus the rent doubled, I'm basically giving you a pillow when you were tired. Deal?" as he stretched out his hand.

The man looked at the bike and thought for a moment before finally nodding "Fine." as he shook his hand and added "I'll ring you up in the shop." Brooks smiled and walked with him back to the shop.

A while later

Brooks walked home with a 10 grand stack of bills in his hand. He whistled as he walked into the apartment. He separated 5 grand from the 10 and left the other five on the table with a not for Johnny before organizing and counting his money.

Brooks counted 12 grand and some change. He muttered to himself "Plus the new motorcycle, which is going to need a new paintjob, a license plate, and new papers.." Brooks rubbed his face and remembered as he mumbled to himself "Carlos can get me a deal on the new paintjob and license but I don't know if he can do the papers.."

Brooks folded his money and put it in his pocket before grabbing the motorcycle keys and leaving the apartment again. He drove to a chop shop on a bad side of town, deep in Reseda. Brooks parked at the door and got off the bike, he looked at the Mexican guys glaring at him. He frowned and said "Get Carlos. Tell him 'Reaper' is here."

The guys' pupils shrank and they rushed into the shop quickly shouting in Spanish. Brooks leaned on the bike and lit a cigarette as he waited.

Not too long after

Carlos showed up, he was a tanned Mexican guy with black slicked back hair and a thick gold chain around his neck. He was wearing a white and dirty wife beater with a mechanic jumpsuit and boots. Carlos grinned and said "Gringo! You're back!"

Brooks smirked and said "It's been a while, Luchador." Carlos laughed and hugged Brooks before saying quietly "Here for a 'job'?" Brooks chuckled and patted his shoulder saying "Not this time. I just got this bike. I new new paint, plates, and papers. Can you do it?"

Carlos backed off and looked at the bike and said "Soft tail Harley? Who did you steal this from?" Brooks scoffed and said "It was a gift." Carlos laughed and said "Who has the balls to gift something to the 'Reaper'?" Brooks rolled his eyes and said "That was a while ago, Carlos. Can you do it or not?"

Carlos nodded and said "I can give you the paint and plates, but the papers might take a few days. The paint and plates can be done over night." Brooks nodded and said "I got a design for you.." as he handed over the design he drew with the colors named on the drawing, before adding "How much?"

Carlos looked at the paper before saying "Hermano for you? It's on the house." Brooks smirked and said "I don't do favors Carlos, you know that." Carlos chuckled and said "Nah bro, I'm serious. Leave it to me. Just you coming here is a favor. Nobody bothers you around here. Just let me use your name to scare some guys away, that's all."

Brooks sighed and nodded with a smirk as he said "Fine. I'll come pick it up tomorrow morning?" Carlos grinned and said "No problem bro. See you then, I'll take good care of her." Brooks clasped hands with Carlos and said "Just don't get too weird. I remember that one time.." Carlos cut him off and said "Oi! Amigo, not in front of my crew!" Brooks laughed and patted Carlos' shoulder saying "Alright, Alright. See you later, Carlos."

Carlos waved and Brook walked away.

The next morning

Brooks arrived at the shop with sunglasses on, Carlos saw him and waved him over. Brooks walked over and said "How was it?" Carlos said "Not bad. Easy enough." Brooks smirked and his bike rolled out. It was pitch black with two yellow stripes on either side of the bike and a King Cobra on the sides, with the Cobra Kai logo of the front of the bike in between the handle bars.

Brooks whistled and said "You did a good job!" Carlos patted his chest and said "Come on bro. I take this shit seriously." Brooks laughed and said "I know. Thanks, Carlos. I'll see you later." Carlos waved and walked back in the shop.

Brooks got on the bike and drove away.

Brooks parked at the school and got off the bike. He kicked the stand out and took the keys out before looking up. He saw a group of students looking at him and said "What are you clowns looking at?" the group scurried away, frightened, and Brooks chuckled as he walked towards the school entrance.

A while later

Brooks was leaning on a locker and making out with Tory. They separated and Brooks said "Do you have work tonight?" Tory smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder as she said "Why? Miss me?" Brooks rubbed his nose and said "Maybe..." Tory smiled happily for a moment before saying sadly "I still have work tonight." Brooks pouted and said "My Porker is the breadwinner." Tory giggled and said "And you're just a deadbeat."

Brooks scoffed and said "Hey! I'm too handsome to be a deadbeat, maybe a gigolo." Tory burst out laughing and Brooks smiled, he turned to the side to see Sam glaring at him. He frowned and said "What is it, Princess." Sam crossed her arms and said "What did you say to Miguel? He's acting weird today."

Tory stopped laughing and sneered as she said "Maybe he just can't stand you anymore." Sam made a mocking face and said "Why don't you shit up, you-" Brooks narrowed his eyes and said coldly "Choose your next words very carefully, Princess." Tory smiled and leaned on Brooks' shoulder, ignoring Sam and looking at Brooks.

Sam snorted and said "Whatever. Just tell me what you said." Brooks sighed and said "I didn't say anything. Maybe it was you?" Sam was silent for a moment before frowning "But I didn't say anything..."

Brooks shrugged and said "Why are you waiting here for anyway?" Sam replied "I'm waiting for Miguel." Brooks nodded and Tory looked at her phone before saying "Oh I'm late." Brooks looked at her and said "Where you going?" Tory smiled sweetly and said "I have to do my practice test, then call the hospital before going to work."

Brooks frowned and said "Call the hospital? What happened?" Tory blushed and whispered "I'm trying to get birth control. You need to get it prescribed by the doctors." Brooks said "Ohhh!" before smiling slyly and whispering in her ear "When you finally get them are you going to swing by and celebrate?" as he gently bit her ear.

Tory's face blushed even deeper as she said quickly "Yes. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll see you later." she kissed him and ran away with a red face. Brooks watched her go and chuckled happily. Sam stood there, jealous. Her relationship was full of problems and her worst enemy was flaunting in front of her.

Brooks watched until she disappeared and sighed happily. He heard a snort and looked to the side and saw Sam glaring at him, he rolled his eyes and said "I don't have enough energy to deal with you, Princess." he paused and grinned mysteriously as he said "I'll see you later." before walking away and laughing.

Sam frowned and mumbled "See me later?" before hearing "Sam?" she jumped and turned around vigilantly to only see Miguel. She let out a breath of relief and started talking to him.

Brooks walked to his bike and saw Hawk and Dimitri looking at it. Brooks smiled and said "Like it?" Hawk sighed and said "Dude, this thing is sick! You even have the Logo on it and everything." Brooks chuckled and said "It was free too. Anyway what are you guys doing here? We don't have training today."

Hawk nodded and said "I know, why though?" Dimitri added "We're waiting for Miguel." Brooks nodded and said "I just saw him and some fucking guy torched my dad's car." Hawk was stunned and said "What?!" Brooks nodded with a frown as he sat on the bike and said "3 biker guys. They torched my dad's car and paid 3 bikes for it, plus a little bones on the side."

Brooks sighed and said "I haven't seen him since last night though. You guys can just train in the park, no?" Hawk nodded and said "Yeah, but it's not the same." Brooks tapped on the handlebar as he said "I have something to do, but after maybe I'll open the Dojo. Let me know what you guys are doing later." Hawk nodded and Miguel shouted from far "Hey guys!"

Brooks looked over and said "What's up, man. Trouble in paradise?" Miguel sighed and said "I went to Sam's house last night and there was another guy eating dinner with them." Brooks raised a brow and said "What?" Miguel nodded and added "I just asked her to meet her parents and she deflected to a ice cream date."

Brooks frowned and Dimitri said "Maybe it was her brother?" Miguel shook his head and said "Brother's don't look at their sisters like that." Dimitri retorted "Depends what state your in..." Hawk waved and said "Man, fuck that bitch, who cares. If you really care that much, just go beat the guy's ass."

Miguel was silent and Brooks suddenly said "I'm going to Larusso's right now." The three looked at him and Miguel was confused and said "For what?" Brooks said "Business. I'll find the guy if he's there. By the way, Hawk did you tell Miguel about the plan?" Hawk remembered and said "I will." Brooks nodded and said "Good. Migs, don't worry about it. She'll come around."

Miguel said "If she doesn't?" Brooks shrugged and said "You're better off without her. I gotta go. Call me if something happens." The three nodded and waved as Brooks drove away.

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