

Yellow Hair and his friends quickly moved Dawn Sutton's belongings according to her instructions.

"How about that, satisfied?" Basil Jaak asked Dawn Sutton proudly.

"Hmpf, it's just a meal. I, Dawn Sutton, can surely afford it." Dawn Sutton retorted defiantly.

"Hehe..." Basil Jaak smirked at Dawn Sutton, "Well, Miss Sutton, I suppose I won't hold back then."

"Hmpf!" Dawn Sutton snorted again, angrily turning her head away, ignoring Basil Jaak.

Basil Jaak took out his phone and without hesitation, booked a private room at the Silver Flower Mansion: "Yes, that's correct, the private room on the second floor."

Although Dawn Sutton looked away, her ears were perked up like a rabbit's, clearly hearing everything Basil Jaak was saying on the phone. She widened her eyes in surprise, glaring at Basil Jaak.

What kind of place was the Silver Flower Mansion?