"I am the snake who will bite you at your weakest, break you until you beg for mercy. Kiss my feet, so I can stomp your face with my boots, you evil bitch." - Emmelyn Jones. -- Tormented for three years and killed on prom night by her bullies, eighteen-year-old Emmelyn Jones returned back in time when she was a freshman. Fueled by the thirst for revenge, she had nothing but a mission: to ruin the lives of everyone who had bullied her before. And she would do it... Mercilessly. ** Current cover is not mine. Credit to the artist. *** -- Join Discord Server and check Pupa's other books: https://linktr.ee/Author_Pupa Instagram: @ForeverPupa
I quickly slid the curtain, fixed my hat and shade, and zipped my jacket up to cover my boobs.
"Okay, Em, let's trap them," I said to myself.
"Huh? There is only one VIP table left? Wait, the empty one is the one with window view, right?"
"I'm sorry, Miss. That one has been booked. The only one left is the furthest right."
"Near that toilet?!"
"Y—Yes, Miss…"
"Then, arrange me to the one near the window! I want that table!"
"We cannot do that, Miss. It has been booked until 7."
"Ugh, I'm a regular here! How could you treat your regular VIP customer like this?!"
I heard Natasha's loud voice as she protested to the waiter outside. If this is according to my plan, Natasha, Barbara, and Jordan would be staying at the next table.