
Circuit Breaker: A Cyberpunk x Zombie Apocalypse Novel

Cyberpunk x Zombie Apocalypse In a world torn apart by apocalypse and overrun by terrifying Necro-bots, Axel Maverick and his cyber-savvy feline companion, Nano Byte, tear through the chaos in a Mustang headed for the lawless town of Little Maw. A regular gig spirals into chaos, leaving Axel with two choices: kill himself or break into the research centre where the Necro-bots were born, a place thought to be impenetrable. Now fortified by the ruling Authority, this facility holds the key to saving or dooming the fractured world. With Nano Byte and his Mustang, Axel gears up for a showdown against the forces threatening to engulf him and his world.

Rhaelur · 科幻
18 Chs

Finally, Some Humans!

For the next few hours, Axel had a blast, cruising through the Wild World in Boss, the wind whipping through his hair as he tore through lone Necro-bots.

With each encounter, he felt a surge of adrenaline, embracing the role of a classic villain in this post-apocalyptic landscape.

When the Necro-bots proved too much to handle, Circuit Breaker came to the rescue.

With powerful rotations, the spiked mechanism tore through the enemies like a lawnmower through grass, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Axel couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration as they continued their journey.

The roar of Boss's engine acted like a beacon, attracting the attention of every nearby Necro-bot. Each time they turned to investigate, Axel took advantage, crashing through them with brutal strength.

Luckily, Axel found himself traversing a desolate desert landscape, where Necro-bots were few and far between.

This allowed him to barrel through the occasional stragglers without much resistance, leaving a trail of wreckage behind them.

"I'm loving Circuit Breaker, Byte! I'm absolutely loving it! We need to get more of them, baby!"

Axel's voice filled with exhilaration as another Necro-bot met its demise against the deadly contraption. Its remains splattered against the already blood-stained windshield as Boss cruised through the wreckage.

"Meooow," Byte chimed in.

Axel responded by pressing down harder on the accelerator, the thrill of the chase coursing through his veins

As the first hundred-kilometer mark approached, the fuel tank warning light blinked red on the meter. Without slowing down, Axel reached out and retrieved a small black stick from the hood.

The sleek slab of technology, known as Gasoline Stems, was larger than Data cards but essential for fueling up on the go.

With practiced ease, Axel pressed a button on the hood, causing a small disk tray to slide open.

Inside lay another stem, transparent and empty. 

Boss's engine sputtered, but the car continued to move, powered by friction alone.

Axel swiftly replaced the empty stem with the new one, slotting it into place. Instantly, the meter lit up green, and the engine roared back to life.

With the engine once again purring beneath him, Axel accelerated, leaving the low fuel warning far behind them as they continued their journey through the unforgiving terrain.

A few kilometers ahead, Axel spotted a small settlement called "Lauka" on his mental map.

It offered a promising respite—a chance to rest, wash up, and enjoy a proper meal, free from the monotony of canned and powdered rations.

Axel knew he needed protein; without it, his entire system would shut down. The Cyberware relied on protein for energy, a crucial component to keep them functioning.

Thanks to advancements in technology, they had developed solutions to address this need, creating something both incredibly durable and easy to use.

After driving for a few more kilometers, Axel finally spotted the settlement. It was a stark contrast against the dark desert, brightly lit with neon colors that pierced through the night.

The scene was both peaceful and lively, with the lights adding a vibrant touch to the otherwise quiet surroundings.

Surrounding the settlement were tall walls, fortified with barbed wire and electrical fencing. Atop these walls, Authority soldiers stood guard from watchtowers, their presence ensuring the settlement's safety.

Axel could discern that they were Synthetics or Bots, their mechanical precision unmistakable.

Commanded by augmented humans below, they kept a vigilant eye on the perimeter, ready to defend against any potential threats without the need for risky missions.

At the sole gate, a long line of cars snaked its way toward the entrance, each vehicle patiently waiting its turn.

Standing guard were two imposing bots flanking a human commander.

A small cage-like structure separated from the main gate, providing added protection for the soldiers stationed within.

This precaution ensured that even in the event of an attack, the defenders would remain safe within their fortified enclosure.

Soldiers stood vigilant at the small gate, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

The ground around them was littered with the bodies of Necro-bots, some torn apart, others blown to pieces.

As Axel waited in line with Boss, his gaze swept over the scene of destruction.

Among the scattered Necro-bot remains, he also spotted fragments of black armor—evidence of the Authority soldiers who had fought bravely to defend the settlement.

"Looks like what we faced was nothing compared to this... carnage."

Axel commented to Byte as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead, his eyes taking in the scene of destruction before them.

Indeed, Axel counted himself lucky. What he had faced were nothing more than malnourished, unlucky individuals—homeless folks who had the misfortune of possessing low-quality Cyberware and falling victim to bites.

Indeed, Axel considered himself lucky.

What he had faced were just malnourished, unlucky individuals who happened to possess low-quality Cyberwares and were unfortunate enough to get bitten.

But Axel knew it could have been much worse.

If he had encountered a well-fed augmented human with top-notch Cyberwares, the outcome would have been grim.

He shuddered at the thought, realizing that he might have turned into a Necro-bot himself if luck hadn't been on his side.

Byte let out a meow in response, perhaps sensing Axel's concern.

"Don't worry, Byte, I'll always be here for you. Nothing will happen to you."

But as always, Axel couldn't help but project his own worries onto the feline. Byte responded with a loud meow, seemingly protesting against Axel's assumption that she needed protection.

"You meowed because you love me, right, Byte?"

Axel asked, grinning as he sought affirmation from his feline companion.

But Byte responded with another loud meow, protesting and growling at Axel's assumption.

It was clear that she had her own opinions, and Axel's attempts to interpret her meows only seemed to amuse her.

"I love you too, Byte," Axel chuckled.





Please feel free to leave your reviews and any feedback you may have. We've reached six chapters, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on the story so far.