
Chronicles Of The Player Beyond

Ever since he was young.. Jin Baek was able to see a weird holographic window in his dreams. This window allowed him to access a special chatroom which called itself "Nebucord". Although he never saw them; he was able to interact with these so called "Constellations".. He interacted with them every day; so much so that he felt a familial connection with them. All of this stopped when a new link was posted in this chatroom.. "Fables Of Conquest: Alpha Release". As soon as Jin clicked this link; he was no longer able to access the chatroom. The next day, everyone on Earth saw a similar holographic window; "Mortals Shall Be Tested."

Nebulion · 奇幻
3 Chs

Let The Game Begin

Sleep is often co-related with Death, yet they are completely different. What is this difference? Some may argue that sleep is temporary but not death; some even believe that death is temporary and a person reincarnates as per his karma. Yet, this is a theory, not the definite answer.

The answer to this question lies in the concept of Dreams. Sleep awakens your subconscious and allows you to create your own realities based on your subconscious; it is a temporary illusion that either grants you satisfaction or despair but sometimes, it grants you control. These special dreams are called; Lucid Dreams or dreams where you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming.

Jin Baek, a 25 year old doctor had been having the same lucid dream ever since he could remember. A bright room with a holographic large window in front of him, like a smart phone screen. The screen presented him with multiple applications; none of which could be accessed by him, all except one "Nebucord".

[ Constellation Verification..... ]

[ Error Detected... ]

[ Welcome To Nebucord !!! ]

"Oh a new user? That hasn't happened in a millennia. Welcome! I'm Harbinger Of Discipline. I work as a moderator of Nebucord. Please register your username." I heard a voice in my head.

As a child, I couldn't really come up with an edgy or long title which I assumed was the norm of this place judging by the only example I knew of, as yet.

"Jin Baek." I said, shamelessly revealing my own name.

[ Registering Username "Jin Baek" ]

I was now able to see weird profile pictures with edgy usernames chatting in this "Nebucord."

"Oh Hi! You must be a new constellation. I'm the Prankster Of Winged Sandals. Nice to meet you Jin Baek." A profile picture with two winged sandals crossed over each other like swords said.

"Hmm. I wonder what fables allowed you to reach here. TELL ME!!! WERE U A SWORDMASTER?? A MANLY MARTIAL ARTIST PERHAPS??" Another profile picture of a sword slashing a blood drop with the username Bleed With A Thousand Cuts said.

"I'm.. I'm not sure sir. I'm new here" I had replied, seeing my own icon for the first time. It seemed to be a default profile picture.

"Guys, give the newbie some time to adapt. It's pretty confusing as a new constellation, yall know that." A user with the name Star Beyond The Periphery said. His profile picture looked like a weird crown with what seemed like two alien horns held together by a white star in between. This seemed less surprising than the fact that he seemed to have an icon next to his name that said STAFF. Staff of what exactly? I have no clue.

"This is well mainly a chat room and discussion place for us constellations. Hang out here whenever you feel like it. Watch some Deitube videos together with us if you want, read some books on Nurture or smth or make or a Nebula if you can satisfy the requirements. It's pretty fun being one of us uk?" Star Beyond The Periphery said.

"I see. I hope to have a fun time here." I replied with no clue about what was going on.

The next morning, I woke up retaining every single detail of what happened in my dreams.

Being a quiet child, I had never told anyone about it, knowing that they would fear for my mental health. In reality, this dream never negatively affected me, I never wanted it to be recognized as a such. It was a refuge for me, an escape from reality.

I had understood many things about Nebucord and these Constellations. They mostly seemed to be role-players, roleplaying as god-like entities referencing mythologies and such. Not just real ones; apparently some self-made ones too. Despite this, they were mostly fun to hang out with and don't judge each other for being different.

They often shared various links in Nebucord; none of which I could access. I could never completely relate to them, yet they all treated me as a friend. In a desperate attempt to find common topics to talk to them about, I tried clicking each and every link I saw in Nebucord. I always received the message [ Error.. ] in reply.

I never expected any of this to ever change... all until the day I was finally able to click a link. Star Beyond The Periphery, being a staff member was able to use the announcement section of Nebucord.

[ Fellow Constellations. I know you have been hungry for a while and are also devoid of entertainment. Videos in Godtube arent really cutting it out for us, is it? This is why we, the Nebucord Staff members have worked so hard to create an experience, a revolutionary development that is bound to provide you every single bit of enjoyment and nourishment you need.

I announce the arrival of the game we have been working so hard on; Fables Of Conquest: Alpha Ver. Follow the adventures of pathetic mortals, sponsor them to use their fables as snacks and watch them fight hoping to survive with their pathetic little lives.

This is still an alpha version and although finalized might have some performance issues. Please bear with us and enjoy your time with it.

Thanking You For Your Patience & Support,

Star Beyond The Periphery ]

Completely ignoring the announcement, I had straight away clicked the link and as soon as I did;

I had woken up. Not just me but the entire Earth had woken up to a new message:

[ Mortals Will Be Tested.. ]

Hello yall! English isn't my first language, nor am I pursuing writing as a profession. This is merely a hobby that I think I might enjoy. Feel free to leave reviews or comments. I'll improve in any way possible.

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