
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · 奇幻
16 Chs

Chapter 9

Jax's Pov:

A pain throbs in my chest, but it's not the gunshot wound. Tears stream down my face. I lost him. I let him go. He's gone.

I return to our room. When I rush in Amy is confused then she notices the gunshot. "Jax! You're bleeding!?" She grabs my arm. "You caught up. Didn't you?" She looks at me and already knows what happened. She makes me sit down at the table. "Let me help you with that. Take off your shirt."

I pull off my shirt and she puts a towel on it. "Keep good pressure on it." She walks into her room. Kade. Why did you make me leave you? Where are they taking you? Questions run through my head freely.

"JAX," Amy yells. "Jeez, kid. Spacing out now eh? Remove the towel. This is gonna hurt." All of a sudden there is a pair of tweezers sinking into the bullet wound. "ARGH. Damn be careful," I growl at her. She removes the bullet lodged in my chest. "Don't be a baby." She threads her needle and then sinks it into the skin around the hole in my chest.

"You better not do anything stupid now. Got it?" She looks at me with a stern face. "Ok." She ties off the thread. "You're good to go." I get up and go into my room. My head is spinning. I used up so much energy. I throw on a shirt and pass out on my bed.

I wake up to someone pounding on my door. "Amy, what do you want?" A voice yells back but it isn't Amy's. "Open the door, quickly before she comes back." It's Vivian. I jump up and hurry to the door. It slides open and there's Vivian. "Come in. Come in." She walks into the room and sits on my bed. "Kade is gone, correct?"

I grab my desk chair and sit in front of her. "Yeah. How do you know?" She looks down, "I watched him get taken away by those men. Then I saw you running so I put two and two together." I nod. "Why are you here?" She smiles. "I know someone who knows where Emma and he are." How could she know someone who knew where they were? Is she messing with me? "I know you want to doubt me. Please just trust me."

I look at her and she seems sincere. "What do we do after we find them?" She looks puzzled. "I'm not sure, but I want Emma back now." I shake my head. "No." She stands, "What the hell?! What do you mean no?!" I sigh, "I am not doing anything without a plan. If we mess up Kade could get injured. I will not let that happen."

Vivian begins to pace. Think, think, think. What can we do? "Vivian, we should give it a week. Maybe they will come back at that time. If they don't then we can come up with something." She looks at me. I can tell she's thinking this through. "But Emma has been gone for so long already."

I sigh. "That's true. I'm not sure." Vivian flops onto the bed. "Ahhhh. What do we do?" I hear the front door open. I whisper, "Hide." She looks at me confused, but whispers back, "Why?"

I glare at her and she hides in the closet. It's a big deal not to have guests at all. It's one of the first rules we learned. I get up and walk out of my room. Amy is back and she has some bags of food.

"Hey, Amy. Watcha got there?" She's surprised by my sudden appearance. "Oh, hey. I got some steaks and burgers. Mostly stuff for you." She takes out the packaged meat. "Nothing for Kade?" I'm aware that he might not come back for a while. But she doesn't know I know that. I hear a hitch in her breath after I asked. "We have enough blood for him. Don't worry."

"Am I allowed to go to the commons? I know it's late but I think I left my book down there." She looks at me. "Seriously Jax. I'll have to go with you but give me a minute here." I sit on the couch and wait for her to finish putting the groceries away.

When she's done we leave the room and head down to the commons. I look for a book that isn't there. I look around for about 10 minutes while Amy watches me impatiently. "Maybe it's in my room." She was annoyed, but I gave Vivian enough time to escape from my room. "Be more responsible so I don't have to waste my time. I have to make dinner."

She walks back to our room and I follow her. I walk into my room and check my closet Vivian is gone, but there's a note. 'I'm going to find Emma alone. I can't wait any longer.' Oh no. What is she doing?